EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OIIEGOXIAX. PEXDLETOX. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY GO, 1012. PAGE THREE An Express Shipment of 10 DOZEN JUST IN They are beauties. The entire lot will go on sale tomorrow morning at worth up to $2.25. Every Waist new and up-to-date, just unpacked them this morning. 1 0 different styles F. L IMNGOOD & GO. The Ladies' and Children' Store LOCALS Bicycles! 727 Johnson street. Burroufhi. Mam i. FuaL New White Sewing machines now a display at W. R. Grahams. Fresh crawfish every day at the St. George Cafe. For Rent Front office ta Judd Building. Apply F. E. Judd. If you want dry slab wood, phone Main I. See those New Home Sewing ma chines at Graham's Furniture store. Gas range for sale. Inquire 60S Franklin street or at postofflce after 2 P- m. For Sale 29 head fresh Jersey milk cows. Inquire of R. II Stevens, Dutch Henry Feed Yard. For sale Fine single driving mare, city broke. Suitable for lady. Apply 129 E Court stree Woman wants position as chamber maid. Apply at 817 Garden or phone lied 5211. , . . . i i' For sale ICO acres good timber land near Gurdane, Oregon. Price I190I. Peter Kriser. Pendleton, Ore. Save yourself fuel trouble by us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main S. For rent Suite of unfurnished housekeeping rooms in East Oregon laa Building. Steam heated, also gas rasge in rooms. Apply at this office. For Rent to a lady, a large, well furnished room, with sewing machine, very close in. Cheap. Inquire 719 Ulleth. For -Sale The best plumblrx. SPECIAL Prices on PURSES all this month F. J. Donaldson Reliable Druggist. We give rcoptee Warehouse Trading Stamp. pawnbroklng and second hand busi ness in eastern Oregon. For partic ulars write Sharon A Eddings, Pen dleton, Ore. Lost, from watch fob, on streets of Pendleton, mounted elk tooth with en graved Initials "P. C. S." Finder re turn to this office for reward. Household furniture for sale. Ap ply at Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Go to W. W. Hoch's for Schlltx draught beer. State Hotel Furnlrted rooms at special rates by week or month. SchllU Malwaukee beer on draught at the Sideboard. Large shipment of new sidewalk lumber just received at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Tard. Dry slab wood, Jut the wood for summer use. Oregon Lumber Tard. Phoae Main S. Reunion Umatilla Co. Pioneer asso ciation, Weston, Ore., June 7 and 8. Tou are Invited Good time for all. Wanted Second hand light single buggy and light single harness. Also second hand saddle. Address C, care this office. For rent Barn large enough for II horses with corral in connection. Will rent part of barn. Apply 4 IS Lilletfc street Phone Black 1081. Carload of fine cedar posts now for sale at the Pendieton Planing Mill and Lumber Tard. Both Plain and tar red. Screen doors and window screens, all sixes and prices, at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Tard. We also make them to order. 475. acres, north slope, runs down on to the river, and (5 acres of fine bottom land, with good house, barn orchard, alfalfa. The price is only 820 per acre and $2000 will handle it. Long time on balance. Will take some horses in exchange. E. T. Wade. Something New In Pendleton. O. K. billiard, card and tonsorlal parlors, everything In cigars, tobaccos and smokers' supplies Checks in cad room good toward baths, shave or shine. Give us a call and get acquainted. Director Hound-Up Band. Chauncey Haines is now prepared for pupils. All brass, wood wind, and string Instruments. Terms reason able. Res. 813 Mark street Phone Main 576. Passengers for Portland can save money and at same time enjoy a clean and refreshing river ride by taking the Str. Bailey Gatiert. leav ing The Dalles dally except Sunday and Monday at 3:30 p. m. Fare to Portland SI. UMATILLA III MM wm ORATfU In the old world today, the Swim are the source from which springs the vitality of Europe, a free and hardy race, a courageous, liberty loving peo ple. They were the mountaineers of the Alpe. In the new world the great conquering race was the Shahaplian stock of Indiana. The vast territory around the Snake river and the mid dle Columbia, from the Bitter Root mountains to the Cascade Range was formerly theirs Among the tribes composing this dominating race were the Nex Perce, the Klikitat, the Pal un. Walla Walla, Takima and Uma tilla. As might be expected from their environment and habits, they were tall, muscular and well formed, ana even now there may be seen in the reservation some of the finest men, physically, to be met with anywhere. They were horsemen and soldiers, and as dangerous a race as the whites ever encountered in their march across the continent For three hun dred years before the coming of Lewis and Clark, the Umatillas had possessed large bands of horse, and when Hunt surmounted the "Smoky" or Blue mountains in 1812 he found the plains covered with Immense herds of cayuse ponies. A people which rides horses Is not easy to sub due, but finally the ever increasing tide of immigration began replacing the Indian. Their roving liberty was checked and in battles they were gradually defeated. Chiefs of some of the tribes predicted that unless some treaty was made with the whites their homes would be taken away and they would be driven out for ever. This seemed unbelievable but the people slowly realixed that It was true. In 1855. Peopeomoxmox and Wey atenatemany, and Wenap-snoot chiefs of the three confederated tribes of Walla Wallas, Cayuses and Uma tillas. met at Camp Stevens In Wal a Walla vally to make a reaty with representatives of the government. They agreed to cle to the U. S all the territory which they claimed, providing that a certain amount should be set apart as a residence for the Indians. This was to Include the land Inclosed within the boundaries commencing in the middle of the L'mallla river, opposite the mouth of Wild Horse creek, up the channel to its source, thence southerly to Lee's Encampment now called Meacham, thence in a line to the headwaters ot Howtome creek, or now McKay; west to the divide between Howtome and Birch creeks, thence northerly to a point west of Wil'.iam McKay's land claim, or the Fanning place, and thence to ttie place of beginning. The treaty provided for th build ing of homes for the chiefs, the pay ment of money annually for twenty years, and of certain smaller grants which pleased the Indians, as well as a promise of educational Institutions. The value of the reservation lands is best shown by the fact that the Uma tillas. who well knew the favored parts of the vast Inland Empire, chose for their homes this spot on the Uma tilla river. Perhaps this roving tribe did go to the Grand Ronde or Wallowa val leys In summer to graze their poniet or camp for a time on the banks of the Columbia, but when the snow storms came, the lordly river lost its charms, and they hurried back to nes tle comfortably in their tepees along the banks of the Umatilla. The In dians were wise in their day' and proved it when they chose a land. SO. 000 acres of which rroduces at the present time twenty-five to fifty bushels of wheat to the acre and is valued at over 140. aggregating 83. 600.000. The 100.000 acres which is not tillable consists of timber and grazing lands and is valued at about 8150.000. But not until recent years have the merits of the land been s fully tested, for the Indians could not sup press their liberty loving nature. In the summer of 1878, when the Ban nocks and Tiutes invaded this coun try the citizens feared the reserva tion Indians intended uniting with the hostiles. The Umatillas deter mined to show their loyalty. They captured the chief of the enemies, drove them away and returned, flush ed with victory. l the white forces concentrated at the mission A pro cession of all the Indians on the res ervation was formed and passed in review before the U. S. troops which had arrived. A little later, the so-called "Indian scare" having pawed, the confederat ed tribes expressed a desire to set tle upon the lands in severalty and have the residue not needed for the allotments sold for their benefit. A commission was appointed and the allotments were made with suffi cient pasture and timber lands for their common use and 640 acres for an industrial farm and school. ?ince this time the Umatilla In dians have tilled the'r land, the chil dren between the ages of 7 and 15 are compelled to attend school, and the Indian has becceie. in most re spects, civilized. Tet in 1903 the UmatiV.as number ed only ISO and these were scattered here and there on the reservation, for Indians are not builders of cities. Their customs, their code of ethics and social laws have been different from ours since the dawn of their race. Within the limits of their an cient code they are scrupulous and conscientious, measnred by ours they fail entirely. Tet the fact that so many have tried to adopt the a ays of the mhite. have attempted to cul tivate their lands and toll through the hot August harvest, proves their earnestness. Put yourself in their place if you can, adopt their ancient life and traditions, the freedom to move when the fancy came to fresh pastures and new streams, suddenly deprived of your liberty, penned in a reservation a few miles in extent a tiny fraction of your former empire, full of distrust for the great white race swarming around you and you will understand something of the sit uation of the Umatilla Indian today. There never was a time when peo ple appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy morel than now. This Is shown by the in crease in sales and vo'unlary testimo nials from persons who have been cured by it If you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold give it a trial and become acquainted with its good qualities For sale by an dealers. VATICAN" MARKS NEW RULE. Relisiou Moving IV.nwe May fie slioua in atlHMio Cliurdies. ! Rme. Moving picture shows on . religious subjects may now be given ; in Roman Catholic churches in Am-i erica. The Vatican has just given its ' consent to this distinct innovation at ' the request of several bishops. The : conditions under w hich the pictures may be sho n are that the sacred host must be removed from the church j during the performance and that thej women be separated from the men. t It is also ordered that the church be sufficiently lighted. j High Class Entertainers Coming. The De Moss family of bards, vo calists, readers and musical entertain ers are coming to the Christian church on Friday. May 31st The greatest musical family in the world a 40 years career of pleasing the public Juvenile instrumental and ; vocal artists. It would surprise you to know of the great good that is being done by! Chamberlain's Tablets. Darius Down-j ey of Newberg Junction. N. B.. writes. ; -My wife has been using Chamber-i Iain's Tablets and finds them very ef- fectual and doing Iter lots of good." j If you have any trouble with your stomach or bowels give them a trial.; For sale by all dealers. ! To the Pnbtic Notice is. hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts con tracted by my son. Lloyd Hall, after; this date. Signed: JAMES L. HALL. May 1912. Poor appetite is a eure s:gn of im paired digestion. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will strengthen your digestion and improve your appetite. Thou sands have been benefited by taking these Tablets. Sold by all dealers. Let the Auto Truck Hani It j Qur specialty Is quick work. Phone Main 339 for furniture and piano mov ing 6hort trips in the city or transfer-1 ring to the country. We haul any thing. Penland Bros. Special Prices on Cord wood. Good dry red fir. slab wood, cotton wood, yellow and black pine. Special prices in five cord lots. Clean Rock i Spring lump and nut coal. Save mon-; ey by seeing us before buying Ko-. plttke & Giilanders. phone Main 174.1 ME A Summer Man is Never so Contented as in a 8 Xow, blue 5frp suits kx-k --inif.le, lut to Le sfy!ih tier have to Le tailored t-x-fxTtly. Ste:n-lJk-h employ tailors who do nodiiryr lut tailor blue srpe suits. Blue serpe clothes have no pattern to hide clumsy work, and that is why Stein-nioi-h so careful. TRY OX A BLUE SERGE FEATH ERWEIGHT COAT-AXD-TROUSER SUIT. For belt wear, a trifle lined, and laurlis the sun in the face. WE GIVE S. i IL" GREEX TRADIXG STAMPS MICHELIN TIRE' PRICES Reduced Effective Today ! May ZOth. SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION OX ALL SLZES Size 34x4 36x4 J r XEW PRICES Old Price 43.75 54.00 47.25 5S.75 THE SUPERIORITY OF MICHELIX TIRES IS RECOGXIZED ALL OVER THE WORLD IN STOCK BY Pendleton Auto Company 12 JOHXSOX ST. Extra Choice Young Veal and Columbia River Salmon Phone your order for a meat treat RELIELIBER: As an extra inducement we give S. & il. Green Trading Stamps. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET Alta Street at Main. rnoxE MAIX 33 rvn Lit) Tlhe Wound eir Store's Great -IFire Sale (P (m Wl Hundreds of big bargains still: await you at tbis most sensational sale tbat Pendleton has ever known. n ralra u Every Article to Go. Despain & Bonney Come Tomorrow.