TAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST QREGOXIAX' PEXDIETOS. OHTGOX. TUESDAY. 31 AY 23, 1312. EIGIIT PAGES. Reduce the High Cost of Living : r "ion pay too much" for coffee if you paj'43c per pound. Schillings Best Coffee at 40c per WouM v will suit yon better or you pet your money back and keep the eoffee. Try $1.00 worth under this guarantee. 1 Standard Grocery Company, Inc. Where AU Are Pleased Frank O'Gara, President. Bernard O'Gara, Sec-Treea. Newsy Notes of Pendleton H. G-:v.r rarJ;er f the Ter- ' tlmnsrs Hi Rcideucr.' , J. M. Hays, well known twer-ance j man. has change! his residence Trom ' 101 Carried street, to 591 Pine. Ytivorvo IV-in- Heard. - - " , tng Qiivrre sun 01 luiit-y . i .i ley U being presented 1 J.a4t.5e Phelps this afternoon.. s.s"-. iti I-s i caMn along thr trks a i;k at rx.i -NL" tr the j-ardrcea. ts ba a star1 -jC-r. rrera: L&ys Nig be-t -st- te rj:hr of to kittens. The! jar Jin a Fj rootcy bx far her. I t .'ri ii w is straw riAl the Uttle J TiiH.ly cafortab! . Ta!ir G:ltnre was a rr.ail to j II J a y rat "ijrieg all the com. ' f-ns a:h SifTs" k'ttees. Worl went :h?v--.a the ards Ct the hat had Jwitd 15 orphan rat and nun; ! tiae ta wander. Last tight It rtt scared a" meal j w.-.h lire k-Ste. Be: today a tragedy i I'll hj purred Is t! cat household, j There m-3j he to far-crat. Xot enough j A l- lat Uirt:e-1 Toaster chUd aa! Mr. Knrrlo Improving. 113. VB. VUIl-e VI V . KlfTL. . hwe right arm Was fractured twl aeeks aga ahile she ma. aa,a$ LIFTER. stovet is recovering rap:d'y frvia trut . . injury. Ad a t1ila;o WUe- Saw tlir ('rouses v-t Ihionv Sail Hovlted. t"fcks.- Kts!S feprsr.te 1 hr P-;-er cil math of th h (!-f f-!'.; i: Edwin A. Commencement Suggestions GUARANTEED TWENTY TEAK LADIES' AND GENTS' WATCHES $10.00 AND UP. - FOR LADIES' Meashbags, Lockets, Chains. Crosses. Umbrellas and Toilet Articles.' ron YOUNG MEN. "Watches, Chains, Fobs, "Scarf Pins, Cuff Buttons Tie Clasps and . Fountain Pens. .-,,.' CALL AND SEE US. - A. L. SCHAEFER Jeweler and Silversmith. Phone Red 2011. ! Ileal Estate Transaction. i riw. is r-tr.j ir separate j When iTr. PeiM wtz.1 on the wlt cf Jind he t jid how afce had hap- ,ojrtJ to t a letter written to her a arrt f-.r a puRg woman in Votmt (sideratk.n of $:i(9. Warries Inc -. I Vs. Eldred and Clara Waffle this city, who recently re'.um-J America from a year's toar of Europe are due to arrive 1 Pendleton neit Thursday, accord ic to message re ceived by relative here. mean nothiner to svouLvitHout the goods are desirable and possess qualityj We st'll flothin auJ fiirni.sliin-rs for WeiJ'thatnll please them and that they neo.1 not feel akamujlt) .WearM?fot our priees wn THIS QUALITY of merchandi?"eVro the lowest in town. tt AD SEE Til fe tLATEST AKKiyALS 'XX'! . lien's Oxfords Summer Underwear ;aae.a-r Hen's Summer Shirts , - Xew Suit Cases i Hen's II'?iery Hen's Hat?, Mungmons Clothing Co Tt Irriairc Lion. Marriase licee were ioel thi afternoon to Claude ilanon Hoddle Bton of Wasco county, and Sliaa Vin nie Ghormley of HtjIU. and t Her man J. Schuenins and Freda Dara Schnoor of this cl:y. Extra Choice Young Veal and Columbia River Salmon Phone your order for a meat treat REUELlBERi As an exlra inducement we ' - give S. & II.-Green Trading Stamps. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET ' Alta Street at HaiiL .1 .1- . . PHONE AtAIX S3 CaUiolic Sucnal poslpontrd. Owing to the icdeacent weather. the social scheduled to be hell X- night on the lawn of the Calh church, has been indefinite'-y Fort roned. accordirg to an announcement made this menunj by- Rev. Father Durgan. Omens. Vkh who de&Ir4 t end Mr. Pease kisses." . It naid in the letter thAt she bad r.t the kssse.- sil lira. PeaMt. Then. to, the letter was marked a I! over with croes to Indicate the kb seKL I aaked Mr. Pesse who this . man was. bet he said he didn't know arythirg abott her. Later he aj mi:ted that he knew herr but said he wwjilla't haTe arsythias to'de with her.- .' " .- . -, nciiT noMAvs executiox. Stmre Ctmiract for TraVim-. Olson Sc Johnson, the Mjssou"-a frm which has the contract fT the coa stmction of the branch h;i:al i.ld inirs. has Just been the contract for constructing the tracking tfcrc-trt the building which H be tsscd far the transportation of food, laundry, etc.. during the uiTftrett wards anJ rooms. ' - ' - Kopittke BoiUs Bansalow. Vva-kroes are busy today smarting -ork on the construction of a modern six room bungalow for Henry Kcj-inke VJwrderr- Ilopr , for Mercy While Male mnner in Ctitm MH IMew TJ-t jh. Harry ifascsoti. who with Mrs Lena Ccsroano- Is sentenced to d: rx tve fetftrtc ha-r for the mar. 5r of Mrs. C3aianaae's hosbwn4. wis iroaght t th state : prison a'. Charlec from Ptyicouth. - Mrs. Cuccias. rcnuned in ,' the P.ymooth ji. . If eh gos to the electrio chair she kil be .the firal woman ia Massachari3 to be electro cuted. Mary orratititlons of women hare en:erej rrotests against enforcing the dea:h rcna::y in her case. L-D DIES TO SA"E FATHER. Mmoula, Mont Because he did not wish to be a witness against his fath er, who U under indictment on a charge of burglary. Arthur Shellhorn, 11 years old. shot and killed himself. Just before the arrival of a deputy aherlfr with a subpoena, the boy lock ed himself in a bedroom with his five-year-old brother, and shot him self through the head with a 2!-caIi-ber revolTer. The little brother de clared that Arthur snapped the re volver twice before the cartridge ex ploded 'o--f-? MAr.XA LOA IS CLOUDS. Hn-Huru Wireless5 messages' from the island of Hawaii report that the summit 'of Mauna Loa Is hidden in cloud, so that from the inhabited val leys and beach it is impossible to tell whether the volcano is in active erup tion or not. When last visible It was smoking. The earthquake that shook Hawaii was not felt here, and the fragmentary dispatches thus far re ceived contain no particulars of dam age done. Except for mall steamers and trading schooners there is no other avenue of communication. JUDGING FROM RESULTS. . "Have you ever placed yourself In the hands of a beauty doctor. Mrs. Muggworthr "Why do you ask me that?" "My husband tvants me to go to one." "Tes.1 I have been taking regular treatments for one for the past year." Tnen I think I'll not go. It seems to he useless " Chicago Record-Herald. - LUMBER NEEDED NOW Cedar Posts ' Sidewalk ! Uumber ii .. , I' ; ; -. . .' Carload 7 Just recelvad. We f,JLr - j tiave them tarred or not. Just Selling at prices that are right. as rou'ehoose. : ' . Screen Doors and Window Screens All sizes and prlce3. We also make them to order. ; . . ..... Cedar Chests, Absolutely Moth-Proof We have them In a great variety of sizes and prices, ' ryr . Pcnd let on Planing U and Lum- IW Vdrr! J. A. BORIE LUIiBER CO.. Proprietcrs UUI IGlU PHONE MAIN 7- - Pim-M for Aiiators. Eerlin. The Reichstag passed the first and seconl reading of a pension adjoining Mr. Kopittke's jrfceer.t home - r irs-urv aviArs which J-inii at the corner of Cb and Webb J xcurring to them while street. The bungalow is being erect- Jis-.r a tie sr lve! at casaalt ed by Contract r T. F. Ee.ts and j fccarred y ti ne ef war. j M (j j j j when completed is to be occupied by . ' ' ' ' " : ' " " ' w the Kopittke family. The rstj Kopitlke home wi I be rented. j Two Marr Inaurs in Cw?ady. Two more of the roane boys have: been implicated in the stealing of wool and Fheep from John Wynne, McKay creek rancher. Traf;oa as " weH as PVi and Bascum D-ane as' found -guilty f the wool stealing charge and tenUrncfed t- jay a fine of 7 each. Henry, a jtcer brother. and iJa9cum are aoctael -of Flealing two sheep and of solEng them to Co-, lumbla Joe. an old Indian.' cxd they are ..being held to the grand Jury nn-, 6er Ij'jO bonds. , iHiveleiiCs Adverti- Elks" tlrcu-i. ' ,Th ETks Circua which is t be pre aerited here on Jn-e la wCl receive ;ifie advertir.?es . resuH of the 'Lrrirtfng of a cchy ai on the back of C'.i' iped r.velojes which kal bnslno&s m-rn w in nse in the cexi , ; nror.lh. Arrangement was ma le be- ; tween the Elks lodge and the Eist Orfgonian whereby the printing w dine without any ost to the xr.er-thar.ts. Ten Extra" Green Trading Stamps Givem Witn Eiach Hsw Prescription Tow want - pwre - neilictaew.; Correct work M right prices. TRY THE Pendlelon Drug Co. -LX BUSUVESS FOR .YOUR GOOD HEALTH." . 1 i In Time oi Peace Pre- pare for War MM J ; .Tu?t recelrttl That line of DUSTERS the people have been -waiting for aiwl greater values were never offered - before in Pendleton.' ' r -, i'hiMren's all linen, age C to U . ;' 91.08 Ladies anl men's linen dusters ". l.'lO Indies' and men' linen dusters ' ' ;' ; 81.79 Ladies' and men's puaranteed all linen . ' S1.98 Indies' and men's guaranteed fine linen, wind shield ruff, just the thinir. for auto use 82.98, 83.98 Idies? and men's heavv crash all linen Uisteri-.-i.l $3.98 a uneu misters,..-.-..--? Golden RiileoSiore WE LEAD, OTHERS JQU$?.ifi ;nsv.cH -irMi:Standard inr. . Railway of - the Northwest i ' r x- "SERVICE TILVT SETS THE PACLVJ i ' North Coast Limited, Alantic Express Daily through to Chicago from Pacific Coast, via. Minneapolis and St. Paul. The North Coast Limited runs via. Milwaukee. MissisdpjkiValley Licuted Daily through to Kansas City and St Louis via. BiUings and " C. B. & Q. Ry. Compartment, Drawing Room and Tourtet Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars with service that is famous. j EXCURSION, TICKETS TO THE EAST : ; , ; i Now on sale for numerous dates to September 31. -, Stopover privileges and liberal time limits. Annual Rose Festival. Portland. June 10-1S. ' - Montamara Festo, Tacoma, June JO, July 4. , Grand Lodge., Order ,of Elks, , Portland. July -U. j ; ) Golden Potlatch Carnival, Seattle, July 15-J0: ' J iw 1 ' " Mt. Baker Marathon, Bellingham, July 2J-25. Tellowstone National Park. Seaaon Jun 15-Sept. 18. . ' , . '; ' ' ' j EXCURSION FARES. -'- For tickets, berth reservations, etc, call on .-:.' rl , . W. ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, ore, ' A. D. CHARLTON, A. C. P. A, Portland, Ore, northern - Pacific nailnay - Direct and, Only Line to Gardiner Gateway. Official TeJlawstone Park Entrance. Urin1iT For . Elk Parade-. Wfclkrr, wni kn:wn farmer , 'L!gMcKay. t li brought dwwn a fine iti:nen of a two year oil buck which he will K-an to tie Elks for the grand i-arade in Portland , during the national convention. Mr. : Walkt-r cij'tured the aninial when it weighed but six poun ds anl raisd it on his ranch. It is perfectly gentle. . halter broken and has been bitched up several lim:S. It will be kept cs ! Ul the parade by Fraak O'Gara anl ' may ultimately find a home in the ! Portland titv paik. i . - ... .... ii - FtinJta Firs-d He Al-.' Harry J. Pcllitx, who represented hiuiKlf its traveUag in lc Urrfts ot a PTt.aTi l ia aortal fco-js.- and who was arretted here on a charge of forgery 1-M l kave I -era JiJ:t ted at Ogdrn.' Utah, did a l-.t Of his bogus work here also. He cashedja check. lt Veil dollars at ace f the local hottls and' the iheci ws re turned this morning as X. G There fore the hotel is out both the ten dl lars and the board bill against Pol lilx. .The accused man. it la said, t&kes his arrest coolly and will go back to Ogden without demanding extradition iapers. Wants Srrood Divorar froaa Mam. Marr(d to Harry J. Collins in Eng land in 18. divorced from him here Pendleton ia October. 1M. and carried 11 him again the fHwing December. Belinda E. Collins is aw trying to secure another divorce from hiro. Her c-oroptalti was filed today by Attorney Will M. Peterson and In It she aUges thax fee three weeks foi'.awing their ecot4 aaarriage the defendant was sober, kirl and in dustrious batfband. bat thereaXter re aamed his o-l al4tL drirJong bard. cursing Iter and accaaLag her ef deeds of which she was InnoooX " Bsids decre of dirore ahe asks for ITS for the proaecutto- the sait. SIS a month alimonr. the custody of their two suinor childrea a4 aWoiate title to their home in west Pendleton. "CVT REARED A. RAT TO EAT. MothrrnneM mt SU Loai FVt Was " piTprted rartesasig roW. Ltonis- How a soother cat fat tened a rr rat for her jwrsonal consumption is ronched for by Chaxls Your Watch - jfM& h; ----- 659 T'es rot want tO" . . , MEEELT. -VX. J3RXAMEXT ' Let os fix you oat with a watch that can be depended apa. The ktnd that will Keep tine anl look . weO. Wrh. Hahscdm THE Jeweler. Ma Yczr CIcifcss LAST LOXCER ' ' LOOK BETTER Oar modern methods and expert help, enable ca to guarantee yoa satis factory work, promptness and charg es that are mast reasonable. Phone tor the wagon and let as demonstrate that we mean what ws say. Pcsdlslon Djo Works Phaa Main Iff. INtf B. AJta. One instance, where extremes pleaser: HIGHEST iaUALITYr9 v LOWEST PRICES - . -Cet your groceries here and ypu will get the best, yet save many cent ia a few days time. )C 'ior I'Dfri) o0 If its Fruits or Vegetables a you are looklcs for. .you will find them .here Just as soon as they, appear on the market. Ask us what we have new tomorrow morn ing. , . r., r- c r, t': - " CLAIISCS GROCERY Phone Main 1 74 " 612 Main Street t,f,,, r-i .:t' i i i-.n; i-1 m. My atchmaker Says: 1. i j ;' .. . "Hardly a week goes by that soma middle aged man doesn't hand me hU watch for .-. ,. ( " repairs, saying: . . . " 'My parents gave, me, that watch do a , . - K00 jh on it I wouldn't part with it : : for anything.' " : J " '' ' ' v' ' TF your boy or girl is leaving school . this month it is the right time to give the : watch that will fondly recall you in years to come. A dur- , able, lasting time piece is an Elgin $15.00 watch. ; . " '- " ' , "-. . i l.;-:' -..r -.U ! I have higher priced El gins also. Royal M;Sawtelle7? The jeweler