East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 28, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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wo; dozen
ust in
They are beauties; The entire lot
will go on sale tomorrow, morning at
worth up: to $2.25. Every : Waist ;
new and tip-to;date, just unpacked
them tins? morning.
. i; THe Ladles' and Children1 Store -
l i
Bicycles! 727 Johnson street.
Burroughs. Main I. Fuel.
Mew White. Sewing; machines now
oq display at W. It. Grahams.
Fresh crawfish every day at the
fit, George Cafe.
For Rent Front office la Judd
Building. Apply F. E. Judd. V
Wanted Girl for general . houee
. work. Apply "H" care thla.offlce.' .
Bee those New Home Sewing ma
chines at Graham's Furniture store.
das range for sale. Inquire 508
Franklin street or at postofflce after
P' m-
For Sale 29 head ' fresh Jersey
milk cows. Inquire of R. H. Stevens,
Dutch Henry Feed Yard.
For sale Fine single driving mare,
city, broke. Suitable for lady. Apply
129, B Court strea -
For Sale Holt Jr.. 16 foot cut com
bine harvester. Inquire Margarjt
Molstrom. Bex E48. Pendleton, Ore.
For sale 160 acres good timber
land ! near Gardane. Oregon. Price
10. Peter Krlser, Pendleton, Ore.
Ear yourself fuel trouble by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry weed. Delivered promptly,
Ben U Burroughs, phone Main I.
For rent Suite of unfurnished
housekeeping rooms In East Oregon
1aa Building. - Steam heated, also gaa
Tawge In rooms. Apply at this office.
Fer Rent to a lady, a large, well
furnished room, with sewing machine,
vrr close in. Cheap. Inquire 719
Lilleth. j
Tot Bale The best pirating.
;) Prices on
all this month
F. J. Donaldson
1 1 Reliable Druggist.
We giro People Warehouse
Trading Stamp.
fm c
i .. . .
yet we
..' ; ;r.
who 'Call
I u, different sty ies r
r- , ,r
pawnbroking and second hand busi
ness In eastern Oregon. For partic
ulars write Sharon &' Eddlngs, Pen
dleton, Ore.
Lost, from watch fob, on streets of
Pendleton, mounted elk tooth with' en
graved Initials "P. C. S." Finder re
turn to this office for reward.
Household furniture for sale. Ap
ply at Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
Go to W. W. Hoch's for Schllts
draught beer.
State Hotel Furnlrted rooms at
pedal rates by week or month.
Schlltx Malwaukee beer on draught
at the Sideboard.
Large shipment of new sidewalk
lumber Just received at the Pendleton
Planing Mill and Lumber Yard.
For rent Furnished modern five-
room cottage. Close in. Inquire. 602
Water street, ' ' . - -
Dry slab wood, Juit the wood for
summer use. Oregon Lumber zara.
Phone Main 8.
Reunion Umatilla Co. Pioneer asso
ciation, Weston, Ore-, June 7 and 8.
You are invited- Good time for all. '
Wanted Second hand light single
buggy and light single harness. Aloo
second hand saddle. Address "C,"
care this office. ,'
For rent Barn large enough for 18
horses with corral in connection. Will
rent part of barn. Apply 41S Lllletlt
street. Phone Black S8L
Carload of fine cedar post now for
sale at the Pendleton Planing Mill and
Lumber Yard. Both Plain and tar
red. Screen 1 doors and' window screens.
all sizes and 'prices, at the Pendtetoa
Planing; Mill and Lumber Yard. W
also make them te order, j ' r ,N
. i ., ; ;
; Let the Auto Yuc: naul It.
Our specialty is quick work. Phone
Main 8S9 for furniture and piano mov
ing short trips In the city or transfer
ring to the country. We haul any
thing. Penland Bros. .
. 475 acres, north slope, runs down
on to the river,' and 65 acres of fine
bottom land, with good house, barn
orchard, alfalfa. The price is only
120 per acre and $2000 will handle It.
Lng time on balance. Will take
some horses In exchange. E. T. Wade.
Something New In Pendleton.
O. K. billiard, card and tonsorlal
parlors, everything in cigars, tobaccos
and smokers' suppliea Checks in
cad room good toward baths, ; shave
or shine. Give us a call and get ac
quaiated. Tee, Cordelia, a romantic man. may
be all to the good as a ,loVemaker.
but h Isn't in It with ih; matter-of-fact
man as a family supporter,
I,.- V. i. it
iKirf nrroar hnlpo in
to Go.
iL in jurj
. - 4 v.., - ... , - - - ... r
wt7 , . r
Ralph Saling is In from Ws hme.
at Weston today. ' V -
George Turner was Jn from-' his
Pilot Rock-home yesterday.
R. H. Davis of Eugene was regis
tered at the Bowman yesterday. ( ",
Harvey Roseperry of Adams, was
a visitor in Pendleton yesterday. '
F. W. Staats of Echo, was a guest
of the St. George yesterday evening.
G. E. Came, well known merchant
of Pilot Rock, came in yesterday from
his home.
Attorney A. W. Gray of Stanfiejd la
transacting legal business in the city
C. E.' McClellan, well known Juni
per resident, .was lu from hia home
yesterday. .
H. O. Worthington, postmaster at
Athepa, was among . the visitors in
the city today.
,A.' W, Gray, an attorney of Stanfield
came up on the motor car this morn
ing. ; . . . . t ' r 1
: M. I, i Morrison, llulix merchant.
j arrived -in: the city n the X. P. this
illuming. . ; . . ,
J. M.;Scarborough prominent Her
miston merchant, is here today upon
a business trip. ' -v ,v
P. A.iMcPhee,. mine host of Wena-
ha Springs, .came down from that re- j
sort yesterday. '
C. G. Davis of Corvallls was am
ong the Visitors In the city yesterday
from over the state.
Dr. M. V. Turley and J. M. Scarbor
ough drove In from Hermlston this
morning in the former's auto. '
Marvin' Roy of Pilot Rock, was am
ong the residents of that own spend
ing yesterday in Pendleton.
A. W. Claxon of Walla Walla, ar
rived in the city yesterday on one of
his regular business trips.
Mrs. H. Dickson yesterday depart-
i ed for her home in Union after a vis
it with Mrs. O. E. Harper.
W. R. Walpole, Jr, well known Ir
rlgon resident, made Pendleton one
of his frequent visits yesterday.
Mrs. George C-ay, accompanied her
mother in from Helix this morning, J
the latter being en route to Idaho.
Miss Grace Haig left last week for
Portland, where she will be the guest
of Mrs. J. W. Baker for the summer.
Miss Elsie Xolte.of Weston,' Is vis
iting her sister. Miss Iva Nolle, on the
Rice 'ranch and .will remain with her
during the summer. . i
C. Simpson, ' supervisor of bridges
and buildings of the X. P., came in
this morning 'with tnree carpenters
to do repair work on Webb street -
Mrs. Arthur C. Harlow, formerly
Miss Adna Raley, Is now here from
her home at Wood burn and is visit
ing with her parents, CoL and Mrs.
J. H. Raley.
J. W. Loughlin. X. Molltor. H. U
Underwood and - Ray W. Logan. a:i
physicians of La Grande, are here to
give testimony in the Moats case be
fore the federal court.
Fred W. Hendley, former county
recorder and now in the government
service at Hermlston, has been visit
ing here today, having come up on
the motor car this morning. '
? Card of Thanks.
-"The , Odd Fellows of . Pendleton
through its general committee, desire
to express our sincere thanks suad ap
preciation to the people of Pendleton
who helped to make the reception of
the grand lodge, I..O. O. F. of Ore
Cresi ouch grand success azul we es
pecially wish to thank those who
were: so klad. In listing their rooms
for the accommodation of the dele
gates Attending. the graad lodge, but
we regret that we were sinable to fill
all the rooms listed, thereby causing
disappointment to some who had
sone to Mme trouble In preparing fo.
the accommodation ef visitor and
we also wish to" express our thanks to
those wh so kindly famished . their
automobiles for the 'entertainment of
the visiters.
By J: .E.-Beam, Secretary.
Bat a-snaa never keeps on being
craxy over a woman very long after
she begins to act crazy ver him.
One half. the world doesn't know
how the ether half lives and what
mora, it doesn't care.-.
Law IF
equalled bargains at
ever. Come in Wednesday and investigate.
Despain & Bonney are Retiring from
In Our .'Shoo Don't.
Every pair;
is season.
Id button patent colt tlioe, new
toe, regular $kOO valne for..
14 button tan shoe, jut
rf-irular $4.00 values forLU
. r . 1 1 1
. ' ! 1
. i i ;
"4 lutton -white Xc-w-buck ox-
; 'fonl regular $3.50 val., for-
The charm of real novelty that van- j
deville managers are always seeking
is prominent in the feature act pre
sented by Albert and RoseSla Co. of
Midgido, who advertise their act as
the only one of its kind In this coun
try. They offer a turn that introduces
a pleasing melange of Irish and Scotch
songs and dances of two decades ago,
as well as some that are right up to
date. The act is ons that held atten
tion and evoked app'.ause from cur
tain to curtain. Those who failed to
attend last night missed a treat, but
everybody will have a chance to see
these little performers, the smallest
on the circuit, tonight and tomorrow,
Don't fail to see them. .The Wat
son sisters conclude the vaudeville
bill, beine held over from last change
where they made such a tremendous
hit. They are playing an enure
change of song and dance and imita
tions. ' An extra good assortment of photo
plays has been received to make this
change a very attractive one.
hlt-aeo To trio over a fire hose
and fall violently 10 me
usually means a spell in a hospital.
For Miss Mary E. Harrington u
meant the beginning of a romance
that ended In an elopement to Crown
Point, Ind.
About a rear ago Miss Haxington
now Mrs. Robert H. Magroder. Jr..
bride of a Boston broker-was view
ing a fire at State and Illinois streets.
She stumbled ,over a hose and felL
The first person to go to her aid was
Robert H. Magruder. a visitor In the
citv. '
. The other, day Miss Harrington dis
appeared. Mr. Thomas Harrington,
her mother. InsUtuted search quietly
among Chicago friends. Xo trace of
her could be found. Finally the
mother received a telephone calL It
fmm lr datiehter St Crown
Point. This was the message.
Tm marled new. Mr. Magruder
and I eloped to Crown Point. We
dldnt want all the fuss and feathers
of a formal wedding."
Passengers for Portland can save
monev and at same time enjoy
clean and refreshing river ride by
taking the Str. Bailey Gatsert. leav
ing The Dalles dally except Sunday
anA !nn.llv at 1:10 ii. m. Fare to
Portland $1.
Director Round-Cp Band.
Channcey Haines Is now prepared
for pupils. All brass, wood wind, and
st lint iastraments. Terms reason
able, r Res, i3 Mark street.
Main '57t.
'sweat iFire
what merchandise remains, affording those ;
this season's.
the best shoe
2 strap tan Ku. -
regular .3.30
m, CO OC
Patent colt colonial pump,
' hand turn sole, re. $3.50 val.
' Dort fail to put a pair of "Boy Scout'
Shoes on your boy they're money savers
De'p t.
(Contiued from page 1)
for we know the strong appeal that
it makes to the Indian's mind as no
white man can know.
When it was spoken of In the local
Brotherhood to make this race, track
and ask for land to make it perma
nent, only a few of the members were
present and by no means was there
a quorum present.
One was present who spoke of se
curing land and making this perma
nent to perpetuate the old life and
wild customs of the Indians, just as
the missions are doing with their re
ligion, as has been said, and there be
ing no one there to strongly oppose
It the thing went through.
As head of all the- Brotherhoods,
we wish you to put this matter be
fore the honorable commissioner of
Indian affairs who understands this
camD. for he was present at a pro
trarted one some Tears ago. and
knows something of the baneful In
fluence of It, and ask him to see what
can be done to limit this camp to at
least one week Just as the other peo-
pie have in honor of the natal day
I with patriotic speaking and services.
Then the children and people from
the Christian camps will not be entic
ed awar from services, and pressing
summer work resulting in the loss of
time, money and morals.
The very least of the immoralities
are the drinking and gambling. The
bootlegging is' done there, no matter
how loud their protestations that It
is not, and the gambling with cards.
sticks and on the races is such until
the people many times lose the very
blankets from their backs. . Then
there follows the men leaving their
wives and taking up with others or
securing two wives, and many of the
girls have been ruined at these camps
and married to strangers visiting at
the time who leave them after Ju.y.
' These are some of the reasons that
we make this protest and petition
that this camp he limited to at least
a week.
: ) Signed by dictation.
. ; Boston. Mass. The supreme court
of Massachusetts has decided that
women are not bound to lift their
skirts in alighting from street cars.
Moreover, they have a right to wear
skirts as long as they choose.
: Miss Miranda Martin was getting
off a car some time ago, when her
skirt caught on a sand plunger, which
projected from the front plattorm
She was flung to the street and sued
I the company.
li me
values offered
;ia calf pump,
value for
The company a'lcged the woman
had been negligent in failing to lift
the long skirt high enough to clear
the plunger.
In affirming a Judgment for J1000
the supreme court holds the com
pany's objection is untenable.
Lijrue de Protection du Chcval Starts
Novel Scheme to Encourage Good
Paris. In order to encourage)
cabmen to treat their horses well,
the Ligue de Protection do Cheval has
created a new cigar, known as "ca
ballos." with which to reward hu
mane drivers.
The cigars have a "red '. and gold
band bearing a horse's head In white,
and the Inscription: "Be kind to an
imals." The cigars are Inclosed in,
transparent cases, on which are print
ed the words: "Take off the blink
ers!" A notice given with the cigars,
notifies cabmen that when they have
co'lected ten cigar bands they will be.
given a pipe cut In the shape of a.
horse's head.
The cigars, says the Petite Repub- .
lique can be obtained at the offices of -the
Ligue de Protection du Cheval.
Millionaire Loren Coburn, Now 88,
Makes Contract for Fifteen Years
Pesvadero. Calif Loren Coburn,
the multimillionaire octogenarian of -Pescadero,
expects to be a centenar- .
Ian. Although Si years of age, h
entered Into a contract . w ith a Xar-
mer here to cut wood on one of his j
ranches for the next 15 years. If at i
the end of the fifteen years I find you
are making ; money, L will raise the j
price of the wood." said the old man . j
in making the deal, '" j
Strictly first class chop suey and'
noodle parlors. Open day and night.
TTay orders a specialty. .Everything,
new. Under State Hotel. Phoney
Main 567. Ua Co. Props.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Regard
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be ear
ed by Hall s Catarrh Cure. F. J CBENKX
k Co Toledo JO.
We, the unoerstgned, Dave know IT. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
blot perfectly honorable In all business '
transaction! and financially able to carry
oat any obligations made by his lira.
Wholesale DrnggUts. Toledo, a
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken l(fnkSy
acting directly upon to blood and oracooa
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
tree. Price 75c, per botttw Sold by all
TUs Halls Family FlUs for constlpa -
r -