DAILY EAST OREQONIA. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1012. EIGIIT PAGES 'c. t : 7 ; i . I AN INliRi'EN'ltENT NEWSrAFER. . roklUbed Dally and Srml Werkly at ; i i dieted, Oregon, by tbe ran- tUHi orboom&n ruiLisiuxa ca vi rr . i . x m Entered t tbe pcMtofrirtt t IVndletoa, (ruti, at wrou!-clasa mail matter, PAGE FOUR. I ., I -.1 It .' , r ; 1 ffO I ' urnsi KIITION RATES. Iwl'jr, one year, by nilr r-ly, alx months, by malt tally, tbree mnntba. by mall I "ally, ens month, by mall ......... I"aliy, on year, by carrier tialiy, all monthi. ty carrier 1117, bree montbn, by carrier PaJli, one month, fey carrier ....... nf-Weekly, one year, by mall leml-Weekly, tlx aioulhn, by mall .... ami-Weekly, our moatbs, by mall... I.IOO 2.IM 1.25 .CO 7.60 175 1.03 .85 1.50 .75 .50 Tbe Dally Eaat reonlan u Kept on sal t tbe Oregon Newa Co., &'J Morrison atreet. Portland. Oregon. Mortbweat Newt Co., l'ortlRnd, Oreeon. Cblcaro Bureau, IK'U Security Itulhllng. Washington, o C, Bureau, 601 four laentb atreet. N. W. , liembek- United I'reaa Association. sttlepbobe Halo 1 Official City and Conntf I'apex. i i JIKKOK-S T1IK.V AXI) SOW - he heroes of the olden days j ! Who broke their spears o'er ! Death s red Jaws Were doubtless thrilled by wo J j ' man's praise j And eager to deserve ap jjj plause; - - I i But In the days of old ' ; The heroes never .sold !TJie stor!e: of their, splendid deeds ami darltag, j j ' Xor marketed the facts I ! Relating to their acts, For they had not learned the art 1 ! ' of profit-sharing, i i ; The heroes of the long ago i ! Whose lives were risked on ' land and sea Were doubtless, when the high and low Applauded, filled with honest glee; But then they did not spltl For pay in vo-de-veel, Or, risking public sneers and Je$U And strictures, Permit themselves, for gain To undergo the strain Of performing . It . again . for , I j moving pictures. I ,- , S. E. Kiser. IT MAY BE TIIKEJ2 CORNERED. Th Portland Oregonian now says that If Roosevelt Is not nominated by the republicans some one else will be w ho is more of a progressive .than Taft In other words the OregonUn Is done with William H., even though its own reports profess to show the president has a rather safe lead In the'mtmber of delegates and to still very muck in the race. V.; " - Passing up the Portland papera base desertion .oOie' unpopu lair-Taft ship 'thto paperirsolng to "question the Oregonian'e ability s ft prognos ticates From.; indications ;" at; t the' present time botnTa'ft and'Soo'sevelt will rn Unless the jiwUoua'jl repub lican .committee j develops- aj yellow streak the Taft' delegates will be seat ed and the regular republican conven. tlon will go for Taft ; If it does it will be a certainty, that Roosevelt men will held another convention Then call the same old num- - -- r rr . bertlAiri 10 (aha order tterri. We'll send you j tl70 1)0X08 Of nice swoot berries for 20c. They, are as nice as you, can, get T any place else ? in town; n for j, 20c a box. Ve madtf a good buy and are going to give our customers the advantage of it Pendloton JSash arkotv cor; court "and -Johnson "streets " PElOfJE UAIfJ 101 EuoryfEiing to M which will place the colonel In the running. The people will then have an opportunity to take their choice between! Jloosevett. Taft and the demi ocratic nominee. To many such a con test would look like a 'walkaway "for the democrat. Yet it would not be such by any means. The odds in stead would be in favor of , Roosevelt whose personal popularity and spec tacular methods make him. a wonder ful vote getter. The hope of demo cratic success would lie in the nomi nation of a strong progressive such as Woodrow Wilson or ... " Bryan. Whether or not the democrats will have Judgment enough to name such a man in still an open question. It, la ..possible though the national republican - committee v.. Will. i: develop a streak of yellow. , rBi:SE FROM T1IE BLEACHERS. Though the heated presidential campaign Is keeping most, eastern pa pers intensely, ocupied the.Xew York World takes time ito express its sen timents on abusive Tooting at ball gam eg. 1 Here; is. the way' the World looks at the matter: ( i, '. ., ThoPondlofon and other manufact uring concerns of this common wealth are the pride of loyal Oregonians, not De cause they are man ufacturing concerns, but because they are Oregon Wanufacf uring Concerns The On!y 'xcliYloy- Oregon" Life Insurance ; Company is Receives Preference from Discriminating Buyers 'i.i. i . j:i - iiw u ;i -i i - - ii '.'.hi n:i hil. IK. ;!!. .)-..'! .A-.. i mi - me oaseDan -"strike" . is over, pending the formal hearing of the charges against the player on whose account it was instituted, and a unique situation in the! history Of. the nation al game Is' thuV brought to 'an end. But the conditions responsible for the extraordinary Incident which provoked it remain to be reformed If arTabuse Knot Jo be condoned."which, has .he come a serious blemish on professional baseball. The license of the bleaxhers, under which it has been permissible for spectators to make any kind of remark about the players, attained n climax of . of fenslveness In the vitu peration so vigorously resented by "fy" Cobb, and it should be sharply curbed rtor".".the' good "reputation 6t the game. " - "If a man in a theatre audience insulted an actor on the stage with obscene language, he. would be im mediately ejected. Yet a freedom of speech not tolerated in any other as semblage has grown up unchecked at ball games until it has passed the bounds of decency. , If the boisterous comment of the bleachers' were re stricted to "booing" or to legitimate criticism ofthe players, it might be extenuated as an expression of the humor of the crowd, though foreign critics have expressed, their amaze ment at the practice. But the re marks which the Detroit player re sented were not criticism. They were personal abuse of an aggravated kini which any man in any place would resent with equal force. It was not an unprovoked attack of a ball-player on a spectator but an attack made under extreme provocation, and what ever may be said of the breach of re straint on the player's part, that he was "disciplined", without a full hear ing, was in the circumstances calcu lated to excite the " sympathy of his fellow-players. ; . "For the conditions of bad behavior In the bleachers which resulted in the unbecoming exhibition ,the managers have themselves ,toi blame,. They(have sanctioned a laxity of conduct which b against the best interests ,of the gume, and quite apart from any ques tion of the-propriety of the player's action, the event should Impress on them the' necessity ' of safeguarding baseball against a development that can only prejudice its. standing as a Clean sport." i Jn view of lyhat 'he "has.' brought about Ty Cobb can well afford his week's suspension and .his fine of $50. Despite' the fact 'this Is. presidential year and almost (everybody - has - a hammer out for schedule K, the east ern Oregon : wbolgrowers' are getting splencUlf prices for their clips. It may be the tariff is not so important to the growers as some think.1" ' TfOROREGOMS Office I'ortlano Branch Office Pendleton. A. L. MILLS, ' - ' ' ' " T. SAMUEL,' r resident ' , ' '.General Manager. i.mii rd vMlyTWiri Ji .i M . J J. in:,!t.'!i. i J. H. ESTE3 ' ' ' ' District Manager. ' 6an FrancIflCp'S ; grafting ex-mayor Is back in the political arena and ex- Convlct Canker Mdrse Is ready to take revenge" on 'his ' financial ' enemies, -J.fi . . If he is not more careful the weatn er forecaster maV he sued for breach oJ. promise. ,:: ,; ,,, :. ''Kew Jersey Is at it today. :' :,(!. . av!'. i - i-i .:)" .,:t 1- 1 I-:';!!'.' mi f.-'-l.'t i. n if- hi-', r; .-- i . )' i--ii iv- O.-Wl R. & N. Special $9,10 Portland arid Return Account? .of,,' . Sixth Annual i j r Rose Festival Selling dates Juno 9, 10 and 11th. Final return limit, June 17 th. Daylight and Nipht Service, with through sleepers. For further information call on or address, f J, T. O'Brien, Jgt. Dist. Frt & Pass. Agent, Walla Walla, Wash. m l m m m B.a.-. ; ji m m "tr. si TO 1-Circus:StrMt Paradetot. people of all climes in native costumeswillbe shon in paraded V"dailyafte1moon at 2, nighFat 8, dorsVpenat 1 and 7 p.m. Watejpjoof.tents Admission 25 cents tovsee it alji PENDLETON THURSDAY JUNE 6 AFTERNOON AND EVENING ""V ,We are ready for you with our : CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM served with fresh . , Strawberries - j The drug dare thai tervet ' ' ' . . r . v you best. - n.uu umi. mono you Come again. Koeppen's Vi-r.iaiftiti Thoy'roin! if ay 24, 29, and Almost Every Other Day Throughout Summer Months. Soo-Spoknne Kotito " Special Round Trip Rales to tho East ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS WINNIPEG Chicago -$72.50 SL Louis 70.00 $60.00 DULUTII POrvT ARTHUR Buffalo . New York - 91.50 -108.50 And Equally Low Rates to Many Other Eastern Points via tha SOO-SPOKANE - V VtI, JJfVjM SOO-SPOKANE Liberal Stop-overs. Tour Choice of Numerous Optional Routings, Including- the Delightful Kootenay and Arrow LaLcu, tho Magnlfl - cent Canadian Rockies, the Great takes (meals and berth Included), tlo Hudson r.tvor, and Various Others, Without Additional Cost. Final Return Limit October 31st. Descriptive Literature Gladly . Furnished on Application. "For further particulars call on local agent O.'-W. R. & Jf. Ry., or write ' r M. E. MALOtCE, Trav. Pass. Agt ,.. TH03. P. WALL, Oen'l Agent. '. 60S Sprague Ave., Spokane. : ' v 1 - V"' ; . ."TRAVEL IS EDUCATION." ' j " I, iondlot on SlQ 6MiC jiiiiiuil jii . ; 1'. ON M0I1DAY, JULY 1ST ; J .(am ATTRuVCTIVE homes are DOUBLY SO WHEN ELECTRICITY DOES THE. LIGHTING. How many times (hiring evening calls have you thought "What an attractive ", home Mrs.", " , ;hai." . :''!"",'";''. Yoii can hear people say tho same, thing ; : of your home. How? Light it with elec tricity 1 ; Then note the difference. It ' gives a new atmosphere a cheery, com fortable, home atmosphere. Its the most . economical means of lighting now that our lighting rates will bo reduced. ' Those: who . have 'electric homes" can use 20 per cent more light for the same I'amouotjoi, :moneyj f : ' i iTJios(?..ivho;haVQ:n'i?r really had attrac-. . tively 'lighted homes aro now having their houses wired and taking advantage of tho ..rcuuciionjia rates. " ir'.i'nli.'V lilan- '..'It -:t : - ) . " On JullStvPri-i mary electric light ing rate ?m Pen-X dleton Vvill be! fe-;-5 duced from ?1 2c I 10 iuca .Kilowatt hour. H I. For 20 Per Conl Wore Light ame Mmoum ot yoney i. . irfi.f v ,::; ;--J :ki v.i r-.'f I i. 1 .;.'. : : . i! fi'IjV Ir.-T:', ;.!: A Ci ?! .?.. .;... in". ;.::.'! fllG Watch our daily ads, they tell what this reduction means .'ii I If.' !,! V.:-! ;..V 7. ,l:..:''i-J. S'.Tfi I! :,r.;v 1 v',':-..:vi-i .;, 'm mm ar . a . . TWM. , -JW-'-' " ' H.iT.lJ .'I'll i " nf-t ,,ytt i:;Hj. ' ' Hiittxo't ioti-.ii;d .w.M.ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE" 3'WYfnUi U.-l F: W. VINCENT, "'' "'''' '' rr jif -v (( it "' - Tio LOCAL MANAGER. AJ ! V,,J.;,.7 ..rf ;!!. Ji..vi-,ici .:' .-" ri -j ' ..fi-vt'l ;.,.-!)-.; Tf .. .j.-m i-j i f-.-.-f- ri j II if VitWl fi7 ,ilitf. ,iu((.I r':i ' '" ;' ' t ?I .-iW a-.-""J ' j u.,n n;") i'.I' .i-.rt ..wik-ii r.:ru" r-nrt-) ' f. it It-n-iun bitu l6yi .IckI'mio .m! :it ii:c-. .-til ;