rAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, PESDLETOX, OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY 24, 1912. EIGHT PAGES Reduce the High Cost of Living You pay ttM r.uuh for coffee if you pay 45c cr ounJ. Schillings Best Coffee at 40c per Pouim! will r-i'it you Utter or yu pit yo;:r money bark and keep tlio coffee. Try $1.00 worth im.li-r iLIs- crnarar.tc-e. Standard Grocery Company, Inc. Where All Are Pleased Trait O'Gara, President Bernard O'Gara, Sec-Treaa GosiiiiionGororsi lay Prosonts The most acceptable present you could give to the boy or girl on commencement clav, would be A WATCH " A TOILET SET A RING A BRACELET OR FOR We have many beautiful 'suinrestions' displayed here that would be sure to please. A. L. SCHAEFER Jeweler and Silversmith. Main Street Notice to Public To all those wishing to have their dear relatives resting places improved before Decoration Day by reinforced cement walls around the graves, I will be at the cemetery every day from now to May 29, do ing this class of work. All information will be frei. Yours truly, FRANK DUPRAT 3a i w G 3 THERE is a difference be tween fresh canned goods and old stock. Only the newest is best having that delicate natural flavor of the fruit or vegetables. Knowing this, we buy only from factories which can their goods immediately after they are picked or grown factories which are known to work under conditions ol perfect cleanliness. You may rely absolutely on our poods. -We keep a large variety rather than an ex tensive stock constant renewal being our policy. Xert time you use our canned ' goods note the fresh, natural taste the character of them alL The best Stock on the market PEACHES PEARS APRICOTS PINEAPPLE RASPBERRIES STRAWBERRIES Gray Bros. Grocery Go. Qualify Grccers Newsy Notes of Pendleton Ijuirrio r Today's Caw. The batteries for today's game bo. !let-n Pendleton an La Grande arc: i Rusttmeyer and Wilson for Prnilli ton. Mountain and White for La , Granle. Mountain Is the pitcher re cently rt It-aeJ by Jess Garrett. i , Rupt Go to Port land. I Mrs. A. Ruppe. who has been e ! rioc j- i'l f.r the ast seven t(li ni ntr tlauzhter. Miss nrni. came , n to curt while the quiet ex-' c:trr:irnt s bt its height. trr.pl.kinj.r.i Iletker was rretty eak in the wrists when be took the s ".an.! and related how he. had been Insult.! and thwacked with the urn-, brei:.-. Quacker.bos did net translate the iru'.ts, but informed the court i (hit in thuir.b an 1 digit discourse, the. j Unruae was pretty fierce. ! Then ULs .u'.liu took the stand i ar.d talked so fast that Quackenbo j couldn't get her. He told the magis trate she was having fit of manual hysterics. He made swimming mo-' tions at the witness, wig-wagging .or her to become calm. There was a great stillness in the court and at; j the same time a great tumn'.t. I All the deaf mute were talking at 1 f,-rn- , , v! f 7rnke! i-r.ee and becoming purple in the face lo.s?,Whi,B .0d1 F:" - 't. M1S, Su!!,Vn ta-kel herself J 'r PUB here swo..B and was carried into an rrsa&.v remain f.r . jvars Mrs. Iiun-e. np-n the a-ivi-e ft her physU Uns. w ii: at or.ee tr.:,r ; JU Vincent hospital for ireatmer.t. i Mr. Ru;p will remain here for a ! week or ten days, having been cai:-l , to do Jury duty before the federal court h:ch convenes here Mondav. Ishtrr Ron lxwn by Auto. Henry Bryant has his clothes on yesterday and wanted mix with everybody on the street un-i i &r.t room. Prousht out again, she talked here'f int- another swoon : nd came out of Xo. I quite limp. Thrn it as drawn from her that : Hecker had made unpleasant left , handed remarks to her and "that she ; was entirely Justified in swinging at ! him w ith her umbrella. j I "I guess this Is all we can stand: for one day." adjudged the court. . fighting , mnnnir.k his hrosr. T"aw dismlsivd.' t" I tha Ita cljnt f.irtiins filtfk.1 nnt of the courtroom there was a wire- ... v .sul un i. met ivear- riot in the corridors until the Ml V ktfmn A . b-W W s mm m 7 -T . y u n ne ewJ mammoth Sergeant Quackenbos In discretion is the better part of va!r I and showed his heels. Convinced the man was more of a sprinter than he the chief procured an auto and gave pursuit down Alta street, finally over taking fugitive and placing him un der arrest- H was Jailed and this morning was sentenced to five days in the bastile. terver.ed and waved them apart. SIIK CAXT GET OFFICE. BCT IS TO HAVE SALARY Treasurer Eight Times. Mis Edna Jacobs 1 Marion. O. The widow of the late j Dr. Calvin Pancoast Galley, four i I lime democratic mayor and blind! j party leader for a decade, will receive ! the salary of township treasurer, al-! ! though the law denied to her the right ! no was re-1 e'e ted as treasurer of the Rebekah to succeed by appointment to that assembly at the Session just held ffl. which had been held for many here, but whose name through a ty-;rs " her husband, pographical error, was omitted frm J The township trustees wanted to the list of officers-elect, has tn 1 appoint Mrs. Galley, but Prosecuting jhonored trough being elected eight ' Attorney Charles U. Justice said the j times ia succession. Miss Jacobs is 'aw ii rt i-rovide for a woman j a resident of Corvallis and was a i holding the office. j member of one of the largest ard t EJLon L. Push, a banker, was ap- mst popular delegations at the meet- pointed to fill out Ir. Galley's term, leg. which will esj ire January 1. 1J1J. i He asreed to perform the duties of T0 Attend Important Meeting. I the offic- and turn over the salary to j Ir. C. J. Smith left this afternoon Mrs. Galley, f 'r Portland to attend a meeting of i j the commission recently appointed by ! 'Governor West to investigate the! lly Vl i.winr me siaie . Mercer. M i Like ancient Rome, university and the agricultural eol-! ,aved the quacking of geese. Mrs. lege. The commission will look into i Jn!u Barber of near Mercer, owes her the various problem confronting the Ufe to the meiri.? of & nt Mrs. two schools and strive to make rec- Farcers house was on Tire when she omroendations that will be of service mai awkn. th r tv. to the state. W. K. Newell of Gaston cat an-1 M m h;r nghtclothes. Mrs. I s chairman of the committee. Parber lives alone and the building j ' I was entirely consumed before she j Afraid and IKrw-4; Wants Divorce. ! could summon assistance from neigh j Because he is afraid that his wife. I boring farmers, j Marie, will poison him and then .committ suicide and because, as he j yoM x AXD CAM ER f-l IN n(aj j1 s i'S We have thnn in every iumpiuiiMe iaje ami btyle for men ami yniinr nu n priees to suit any pur Saturday Special Silk Sox for Gentlemen (Vine in black, tan ami .-late. Positively pure silk. As an extra speeial for Satunlay, they are to cx at 25c a Pair Everything in Men's Wear for less al the Uorkingmcns Clothing Co See lanre window display. lain and WeLb Streets friends of both parties, talked, loud and menacingly. The man's wife aboard ship, seeing the rumpus and the roiice, fainted. During tne excitement Harry Ras covar. who had a five pound box of candy under his arm. was jostied and the sweets were scattered on the pier. It was fifteen minutes before the po lice and pier officials had brought about calm. Then the woman who began it all refused to give her name or prefer charges and everybody went awav. CATS CALL SAVES 1.1111. alleges in his complaint, they were illegally we-i. becaus she permits hi hens to lay eggs on his bed. because she if untidy and slovenly in her a? pearance and filthy in her cooking, because she has an insatiable appe tite for lager be-er. because she talks scanda'ously about him to the neigh bors, because she frequently tells him that she does not love him and calls him stingy, because she permits her daughter by a previous marri age to associate with bad women and in general, because she persists in annoying and harassing him and mak- j ing life unbearable. Simon Dear j dorff of Athena is suing for a divorce. ne a.ieges icai ce ana nis w::e were marriel here in Pendleton a year ago last April at which time the de fendant had not been divorce I long I CAUSE RIOT OX DOCK Xew T"rk. A riot as the result of frantic efforts by a woman to take a photograph, occurred on the Kron prinzessin Cecille's pier, Roboken. Just as the liner was leaving. Hun dreds lined the pier waving good by to friends on the ship. Suddenly from the back of the crowd a woman with a camera forced her way forward. A man waving to his wife aboard the ship was in front of her. She de manded his place so she could take a picture. The man gallantly refus ed. Words were exchanged and the woman became hysterical and faint ed. A man friend of the woman said something about an officer and sounded a police whistle. A baggage enough from a former husband to'-nran ran nP- also blew thistle and make their marriare lestsL Peterson lne H P-i;ce began to arrive, and Win and G. IL Bishop are his . The unconscious wowsn was carried " attortevs. t IS YOUR HOME FIREPROOF? Does it eontain valuable papers, locked in desks, draw era or trunks ! Do you realize the lo?s that a fire would inflict upon you? ... For a small sura you can rent a Safety Deposit Box in tbe fire and burjrlar proof vaults of this bank and insure vourself against loss by fire that may occur at any time. Call and inspect our safety deposit boxes. Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon1. American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon to a truck and revived. thereupon ! mm YcM to be Impartial. l I'- Anseles. May Zt. Attorney- j Gen Wet-biassed through Los An- ge'e? t.2ay enroate o - San Dieo' j where he will investigate the activities ; of the L W. W.. un ier direction of iGoverner Johnson. Webli sail he! jwwulj investigate tH-th sides of the; ! contr.jkery and his work will fc ab-1 j s-lute!y iini-artiaL I GIVES HIS BEimi TO ELDERLY WOMAX: LAWYER GETS w Haven. Corn. Ernest MT. Marlow. a young Xew Tork lawyer. Pullman t an elderly woman on a' train ttween New York and Rich-' mond. several years ago. will receive! nearly a hundred thousani dollars' for his kindness. The elderlv woman. I i' Mrs. Helen Marsh of this city. made, him her residuary legatee, and the ' I appraisal of thetate. just fild here.' speci:ies tse amount which he w ill get as eS.10. i IIOT FIXGER TALK BLTWEEX ' MCTES STIRS COCRTOOm' New Tork. There was a silent commotion of an extraordinary char acter before Magistrate Krotel in Cen ter street court -when Henry J. Heck er, a deaf mute pressman, appeared aa complainant against Miss Nora Sul livan, a young woman of 19. also a deaf mute. Hecker charged Miss Sullivan grossly Insulted him. on the street, flinging a broadside of slan derous epithets at him from the tips of her fingers and then banging him on the head with an umbrella. The young woman, who ia short and plump and high strung, appear ed In court In answer to a summons obtained by Hecker. She waa accom panied by a doaen frieads. ail deaf mutea Hecker had about the same number of friends with him and the two factions made tbe air Jump with the hot remarks they tossed at each other In the sign There was no deaf mute interpre ter la court when the case was call ed and Magistrate Krotel was at a lose to understand the multitude of high sign that were snapped at him. Hecker vainly talked himself into a state of manual palsy and court at tendants were sent currying every where for an Interpreter. Finally Po lice Sergeant Quackcnboa. who Is six feet tail and build ke a hack, was reached at police headquarters and Your Watch 4 vrA. i ' J .z U--' I VAX" i - E53 Does not want to be MERELY AX ORXAMEXT Let us fix you out with a watch that can be depended upon. The kind that will Ketrp time and look weH. Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. One instance where extremes please- HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES Get your groceries here and you will get the best, yet save many cents in a few days time. If its Fruits or Vegetables you are looking for. you will find them here just aa soon as they appear on the market. Ask us what we' have new tomorrow morn ing. CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 612 Main Street Mo Yc:r Glolhss LAST LOXGER LOOK BETTER Our modern methods and expert help, enable us to guarantee you satis factory work, promptness and charg es that are most reasonable. Phone for the wagon and let ss demonstrate that we mean what we say. Pcndhlon Djq Works Phone Main lit. IMlt "DAD AND MOTHER" listen it's nearing the end of school days for your boy or yonr girl. There is a fine sentiment in marking the event with a gift Search every store in this town and you will find nothing that combines as much sentiment, service and sense as a $15.00 Elgin watch. Four different sizes plain, engraved and engine turned cases. . ROYAL M. SAWTELLE The Jeweler