EIQIIT PAGES DAILY EAST UHEGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1012. PAGE SEVEN THIS TESTIMONY CONVINCES JAS. 0. DAIILMANX, serving his third term as mnyor, Omaha, Nebr., again was successful In receiving the overwhelming support of the voters In the primary election. He also successfully rid himself of a bad case of kidney trouble by the aid of Foley Kidney Pills and writes: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and they have given me a great deal of relief, so I cheerfully recommend them." What Foley Kidney Pills did for Mayor Dahlmann they wll do for any other person bothered with backache, rheumatism, or any other form of kidney or bladder trouble. Just try them for quick and permanent results. , M. I. Roanlnian, 573 w. Main SU Helena. Mont. LcRojr Tliaclier Watcrtown S. Dak. J. A. Aldoman West Plains, Mo. . E. Calhoun 804 W. 3rd St., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. FOR SALE BY "ALL DEALERS." THANKS JUDGE WHEN SENTENCED TO rillSON Chicago, 111. Sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison, George Palmer, 45 years old. convicted of murder, smiled happily and thanked Judge Kcrsten. As the jurist con cluded the prisoner looked up and with his face wreathed "in Bmlles, said: - "I thank you very much." Palmer shot and killed Mrs. Nellie Collier in their flat at 4250 St. Law rence avenue, where they were living together. He waived the right to be tried by a Jury and the evidence was heard by Judge Kersten. The evi dence was damaging and Palmer's counsel regarded himself as lucky in saving the prisoner from the gallows. A woman is proud of the virtues she practices because she has -to.- MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real estate for sale and houses to rent Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City ana County Realty. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. PENDLETON, ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE Phone Main 299 711 Main Street Free Circus Street Parade 10:30 a.m. 9 bands, 250 horses, people of all climes in native costumes will be shown in parade. Two shows daily afternoon at 2, night at 8, doors open at 1 and 7 p.m. " Waterproof tents. Admission 25 cents to sec it all. PENDLETON THURSDAY JUNE 6 AFTERNOON AND KVEXING IMPORTED STALLIONS and MARES We have, our barns full of Per chcron Shire and Belffuim Stallions, the choicest lot on hand in our 35 in flirt TTnran Tmnortinf? busi- . . A . m 1 A PAA A. ncss. They run in apes irom x to o years, ana iroin iovv to 2200 lbs. IJlacks, bays and greys and chestnuts. Our Horses are all imported and inspected by the U. S. government at Washington, D. O. Come to the barns and get your choice from a bunch and save the stallion peddler's expense and profit. Prices from $1000 up. Time given if desired at 6 per cent, one year insurance and a reliable guarantee with every horse we sell. Write us. Visit us. . We will pay the expenses of any buyer who visits our barns and is disappointed at our horses and prices. 1 BROWN 8b MOOD MOSCOW. IDAHO CATTLE MARKET SHOWING lunninTii bin ulntll KTEF.KS SKMi AS HIGH AS $7.25 l'KK 100 POUNDS Killer Kvix'rirwe Difficulty In Km liiU PrltVH from Dropping Hor Price Aro Stationary Sheep Quiet WlM'Ut AilVttlKH. 9 1 (From Wednesday's Journal.) . Considerable strength Is Indicated In the cattle market at North Port land and tops continue , at extreme values. Sales of steers were made in the yardB this morning as high as $7 25, and more could have beon sold at this figure. However, the market Is not as strong as It looks and killers are hav lnir the time of their lives In keep In the urlces from dropping. This la not due to any desire to help ship nerrf but to save themHelves. All of the leading buyers are well filled with cattle supplies, in fact they have more on hand at this time than dur Ing any recent season at this time. Practically all of this cattle was pur chased at high prices, therefore there Is no desire to beat down values for In a way that would 'affect the price of dressed meats. Were receipts verv heavy there Is no doubt that cattle prices would drop sharply because too much stuff would be available for the small killers to take upland big Interests already have ample stocks for some time to come It Is reported that one kll'er has 1200 PHttla nn its feed lots along the slough. North Portland cattle prices: Heavv fancy $7.1507.25 Fancy Kteers 6.90 7.00 Choice steers 75 Common steers 5.50 05.75 Feeder steers 5.50 5.75 Speyed heifers 6-60 Fancy cows 6.00 6.15 Ordinary cows 5.90i6.00 Fancy light calves 8.00 Medium light calves 8.00 Heavy calves 4 00 4.25 Best bulls 6.00 Ordinary bulls 4.004.50 Ilojr Trill Stationary. Prices were stationary In the hog trade at North Portland today. There was a very good run, 4 09 head appear ing compared with 35 a week ago and 218 head on this day last year One small lot was sold at $8, the for mer top, but most sales were at low er figures. There was a steady tone shown at most point east of the Rockies for hogs today. Chicago had a good tone with a run of 35,000 compared with a similar number a year ago. Tops continue to sell at $7.85, both "mixed and good heavy loads selling at this figure. General hog range: Best light $7 .90 08.00 Medium light 7.75 2 7.80 Good heavy 7.75 7.80 Heavy 7.007.25 Rough heavy 5.00 & 6.00 The naming of a low, special rate by the Harriman system on sheep destined from Oregon and Idaho to Chicago and other eastern points is probably of more Interest to the trade at this time than anything else. The extreme weakness that the Portland market has shown recently and the utter lack of demand at times has forced leading sheep raisers to look elsewhere for a place to market the bulk of their supplies. . The regular freight charge was considered exces sive for big shipments therefore the naming of a special low figure will stlmu'ate the traffic to points east of the Rockies. With heavier withdrawals to out side sections, the local murket will probably i,q forced to show a better tone. This morning "the market started extremely quiet and holders were un able to unload. Some of the stock that arrived yesterday. was carried over owing to the lack of demand from local killers. Weather conditions are the Important factor against the sheep market here at the present time. Today's Hhoep prices: Fancy spring lambs $6.50 6.75 Ordinary spring lambs ... 6.25 Best sheared yearlings 5.005.25 Ordinary sheared yearlings 4.25 & 4.50 Old wethers, sheared .... 4.00 Fancy ewes, sheared .... 3 75 Ordinary ewes, sheared ... 3.003.25 Wool stock about 75c higher. Grain. Wheat Nominal Producers' pri ces, nominal, track delivery, club, 84 S 97c; bluestem, track delivery, club 0 97c; bluestem, $1; red Russian, 93c; Willamette valley, 95c. Barley Producers' prices 1911 Feed, $35; rolled, $36; brewing, $39 0 40. Millstuffs Selling price Bran, $25; middlings, $32; shorts, $27.50. Oats Producers price Nominal Track No. 1, spot delivery, white, $38; gray, $37. Wheat. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.: May Open, 113 7-8; high, 115 1-2; low. 113 7-8 close, 115 1-2. July Open, 108 3-8; high, 110 5-8; low, 10S 3-8; close, 110 5-8. Sep. Open. 103 1-2; high, 105 --2; low. 103 1-2; close, 105 1-2. Dec. Open, 104; high, 105 1-2; low, 104; close, 105 1-2. IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SENSITIVE About the size of your shoes, many people can wear shoes one size small er by shaking Into them Allen's Foot Ease, the antiseptic powder for the feet. It makes tight-fitting or New Shoes feel easy, and gives rest and comfort to hot, tired, swollen, aching feet. Try It today. Sold everywhere, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. In the whole field of medicine there is not a healing remedy that will re pair damage to the flesh more quickly than BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. In cuts, wounds, sDralns, burns, scalds and rheumatism, Its healing and pen etrating power Is extraordinary Price 26c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Hit OLD-TIME REMEDY DARKENS ME Gives Color, Lustre to Faded "and Gray Hair Dandruff Quickly Removed. , For generations Sago and Sulphur have been used lor nair una scaip troubles. Almost everyone knows the value of such a combination for keeping the hair a pood even color, for curing dandruff, itching Bcalp and falling hair, ana ior promounjr wio pruwui iu um hair. Years ago the only way to get a Hair Tonic of this kind was to make it in tho homo, which was troublesome and not always satisfactory. Nowa days, almost any up-to-date druggist can supply his patrons with a roady-to-use product, skillfully prepared in per fectly equipped laboratories. An weal rrcpirauoa ot tnis sort is Wyeth's Saga and Sulphur Hair Remedy, in which Sar;o and Sulphur aro combined with other valuable reme dies for Bcaln troubles and thin, weak hair that is losing its color or coming out. After Uiiing this remedy for a few days, you will notice tho color gradually coming back, your scalp will feel bettor, tho daiclruif will soon be gone and m less than a month s time there will bo a wonderful difference in your hair. Don't neglect your hair if !t 13 full of dandruff, losing its color or com ing out. Get a fifty cent bottle of Wyeth s Sago and bnlphur irom your druggist, and see what a few days' treatment will do lor you. All drug gists sell . it, under guarantee that the money will bo refunded jf the remedy is not exactly as represented. Special Agent, Pendleton Drug Oo. L TEAM BEATS ADAMS (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., May 22. The Adams high school baseball team played the Ferndale school nine Friday. The score was 15 to 9 in favor of Fern- dale. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Baker and Mr and Mrs. E. McCollem were Pendleton visitors Monday. Frank Henry went to the river Sat urday for a few days fishing. Mr. and Mrs. McEride spent Sun day at the river. Mr. and Mrs. H. McBane and Mr. and Mrs. G. Woodward were guests of Mr. and Mrs J. T. Lieuallen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Winn and children spent Sunda at the river. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kirby at Adams, on Saturday night, a nlne ponnd baby girl. Dr. Newsom of Athena was attending physician. Mother and babe are doing well. The father is manager of the Inland Mer cantile company. Earl Slmonton and Mattie Murphy spent Sunday at the river. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brewster Sun day entertained Mr. and Mrs. Claud Steen and children of Athena; Mr. and Mrs. Amos Myrick and baby of Helix;- Thomas Brewster of Pendleton and H. Brewster of Adams. Mrs. John King of Milton Is the guest of Mrs. T. Henry this week. MECHELM Red Inner Tubes Their superiority is recognized all over the World IN STOCK BY PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY 812 JOHNSON STREET. PILOT ROCK FOLK! MOVE TO PORTLAND (Special Correspondence.) Pilot Rock, Ore., May 23. Mr. and Mrs. George Schlegel left Saturday for. Portland' where they will make their future home. Mrs. J. W. Etter was a visitor at Pendleton Friday afternoon. Marvin Roy spent Saturday even ing In Pendleton. James Whittaker of Nye was a business visitor at Pilot Rock Satur day. Vera and Dewey Jaques spent Sun day with their sister, Mrs. -James Whittaker of Nye. Thomas Jaques went to Pendleton Friday to attend to business. Miss E. Tonkin left Monday eve nlng for her home in New Jersey. M. D. Orange was a visitor at Pen dleton Monday evening. Mrs. Lillle Carnes was a guest over Sunday with friends in Pendleton. -Grace A. Gilliam returned to her home here Monday morning from Pendleton. Mrs. Thomas Gibson returned Tues day morning from Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith left Tuesday evening for Pendleton to at tend the grand lodge. Among those who attended the ses sion of the grand lodge at Pendleton Wednesday were Messrs Thomas Ja ques, Neut Roork and Henry Owings. Miss Ollie Smith spent Tuesday In Pendleton. Mrs. Marlon Smith was a passenger cn the Tuesday evening local for Pendleton. Mr. Harry Whittaker of Nye passed through Pilot Rock Wednesday on his way to Pendleton. Mrs. West Smith was a visitor at Pendleton Tuesday. Joe Baylor Is 'on the sick list this week. There never was a time when peo ple appreciated the real merits ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more than now. This Is shown by the In crease In sales and voluntary testimo nials from persons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold give It a trial and become acquainted with Its good qualities. For sale by an dealers. BIG EAGLE ATTACKS MAX. Bennett Valley Farmer Captures Bird After Hard light In Tasture. Santa Rosa. George Sutherland, a Bennett va'.ley farmer, while walk ing through a pasture, was attacked' by a big eable. He did not notice the bfrd until within a few feet of it. It swooped down in Sutherland's path, and he picked up a big rock with which to defend himself. He hurled it at the bird and stunned it. Think ing he had killed it he went closer when the eagle flew up and attacked' him. The bird struck at him fiercely. Sutherland again stunned the eagle -and secured it. It measured 7 feet 2 inches from tip to tip. Doctors Use This for Eczema Dr. Evans. Ex-Commlssloner of Health, ays: "There Is almost no relation be tween skin diseases and the blood." The skin must be cured through the skin. The sarins must be washed out, and so alve'i have long ago been found worth less. The most advanced physicians of this country are now agreed on this, and are prescribing a wash of wintergreen, thymol and other ingredients for eczema and all other skin diseases. This com pound is known as D.D.D. Prescription tor eczema Dr. Holmes, the well known skin spe cialist writes: "I am convinced that the D.D.D. Prescription is as much a specific for eczema as quinine for malaria. 1 have been prescribing the D.D.D. remedy for years." It will take away the itch the instant you apply it In fact, we are so sure of what D.D.D. will do for you that we will be glad to let you have a $1 bottle on our guar antee that it will cost you nothing un less you find that it does the work. TALLMAX & COMPANY. IrlJl&riaMIJtci WaNT Real Estate, Investments, For Sale, For Rent, Etc. REAL ESTATE-INVESTMENTS BRITISH COLUMBIA. on pro- of Imported etc., 1910. ot manufac ot minerals Facts and Figures. $4,250,000.00 was expended roads and public works In 1911. $14,399,000.00 value of farm ducts in 1910. $14,962,000.00 value livestock, meat, fruits, $35,000,000.00 value tures, 1910. $2C,183,000.0 vnltit. produced in 1910. $17,160,000.00 value of timber cut in 1910. $8,000,000.00 value of fish caught 1910. $536,656,892.00, clearing house re turns for 1910. 1,040,000.000 feet of lumber cut In 1910. The average value of occupied farm land In British Columbia In 1910 was $74.00. Less than one-tenth of the available agricultural land In B. C. 1 occupied. Mild climate suitable to successful farming and desirable climate In which to live the year 'round. Olose to market, being the same distance from Portland, Oregon, as San Fran cisco. . There Is plenty of room for you. North Coast Land Co., Ltd., Van couver, B. C, paid up capital $1,600,-000. WANTED. WAX TED Continued. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, II HAIRwTrITSEND YOUR COMB you want to subscribe to maganlaei lngg to Madam Kennedy, Athena, or newspapers In the United State Ore., Box 92, for your switches, r Europe, remit by postal note puffs, wigs, toupes and all all kinds check, or send to the EAST ORE- of hair work. GONIAN the, net publisher's price . of the publication you desire, and WANTED Lace curtains to laundry, we will have It sent you. It will Work done with especial care. save you both trouble and Tisk. Ii Phono Red 2521. you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN, In remitting you car A GOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE A deduct ten per cent from the pub- trst class restaurant which I am Usher's price. Address, EAST compelled to sell on account of poor OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton health. Address P. O. Box 106, Oregon. Echo, Ore. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS IF THERE LADIES THE EAST OREGONIAN is any newspaper, magazine or periodical that you wish to sub- mak a specialty of engraved call scribe for, come to the East Ore- ing cards and wedding announce gonlan office fr we can get it fo ments. We give the best quality of you for less than you will be com- work for the iowf(t rriCes to b pelled to pay If you deal with the oMalMd In pena,eton or even th, publishers direct. We do thw merely as an accommodation to oui northwest. Call at office and see readers. samples. FARMERS - FOR FIRST-CLASS 7 work and prompt delivery of sale , w bills and stallion announcements The East Oregonlan will pay cash go to the East Oregonlan. Live- for large, clean rags. Bring them to stock cuts of every description us tnls office, ed on your printing, without extra charge to you. Home may bo the world of love """Marriage makes floorwalkers of "hut in and a world of strife shut out some men. or the reverse.