t EIGHT W.QES DAILY EAST OltEOONIAX. PENDLETON, OREGON, THUIiSnAY, MAY 2.1, 1912. PAGE FIVE New Merchandise For This Weeks Selling PERSONAL MENTION New curtain scrim and madras, 3'ard Hand Crochet Hand Bags 1. New Coat Sets, Large Collar and Cuffs .Fancy Aprons, a largo assortment New Dress Trimmings of all kinds. Another lot of pure Silk Hosiery Pure Linen Dress Goods, all colors Wilson's Dress Hooks 15 to oo 75 to $4.90 81.50 to $4.00 . 75 to 35 50 25 and 40 10 A New Lino of House Dresses, ?1.25 to $2.00 Don't Miss the ! 1 .45 Dress Sale The Ladies' and Children's Store CO. LOCALS Bicycles! 727 Johnson street. Burroughs. Main S. FueL If you want dry slab wood, phone Main I. New White Sewing machines now a display at W. R. Grahams. Go to XV. W. Hoch's for Schllt draught beer. State Hotel Furnished rooms at special rates by week or month. Schllts Malwaukee beer on draught at the Sideboard. , Fresh crawfish every day at the St. George Cafe. For Rent Front office In Judd Building. Apply F. E. Judd. Wanted Girl for general house work. Apply "H" care this office. See those New Home Sewing ma chines at Graham's Furniture store. Alfalfa hay for sale, first cutting. Address Wm. Milne, Pendleton, Ore. Gas range for sale. Inquire 60S Franklin street or at postofflce after 2 p. m. Wanted Girl for general house work. Inquire at Alexander Dept. Store. Far Sale 29 head fresh Jersey milk cows. Inquire of R, H. Stevens, Dutch, Henry Feed Yard. ' Far Sale Holt Jr. IS foot cut com bine harvester. Inquire Margaret Mattress. Box 641. Pendleton. Ore. Bry slab wood, Jutt the wood for sustaier use. Oregon Lumber Yard. Pkfaae Mala I. Large shipment of new sidewalk lasWr just received at the Pendleton PMsnng Mill and Lumber Tard. For sale 1(0 acres good timber laa'd near Gurdane. Oregon. Price 91110. Peter Krlser, Pendleton, Ore. For trsasfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos, and all klnda of Job work, phone Mala 4(1. B. A- Morton. SPECIAL Prices on PURSES all this month F. J. Donaldson Reliable Druggist. We give Peoples Warehouse Trading Stamps. " Save, yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and food dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main S. For' rent Suite of unfurnished housekeeping rooms In East Oregon Ian Building. Steam heated, also gas range In rooms. Apply at this office. For Rent to a lady, a large, well furnished room, with sewing machine, very close In. Cheap. Inquire 71 Ulleth. For Sale The best plumbing, pawnbroking and second hand busi ness In eastern Oregon. For partic ulars write Sharon & Eddings, Pen dleton, Ore. Anyone having rooms to rent for the I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge session May 21 and 22, please call up J. E. Bean, Main 10S. For rent Barn large enough for It horses with corral In connection. Will rent part of barn. Apply 415 Lllletfe street. PhoneBlack 3081. Carload of fine cedar posts now for sale at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Tard. Both Plain and tar red. Screen doors and window screena all sizes and prices, at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Tard. We also make them to order. Household furniture for sale. Ap ply at Gray Bros. Grocery Co. For rent Furnished modern five room cottage. Close In. Inquire 602 Water street. For Sale Shetland pony, cart and harness. Address Box 101, Pendleton, Ore. Watches, clocks and Jewelry repair ed. All work guaranteed. E. I. Walker. 129 E. Court. Reunion Umatilla Co. Pioneer asso ciation, Weston, Ore., June 7 and S. Tou are Invited. Good time for all. v For sale 1 year lease on 110 acres bunch grass; spring water. Address "C" this office. Moth proof cedar chests,' great va riety of sites and prices. Every home should have one. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Tard. We want to move two hundred cards of dry slabs within the next thirty days to make room for new stack. Oregon Lumber Tard. Found on street Upper set false teeth. Owner can have same by call ing at this office and paying for this notice. t 475 acres, north slope, runs down on to the river, and 65 acres of fine bottom land, with good house, barn orchard, alfalfa. The price, is only $20 per acre and $2000 will handle it. Long time on balance. This ranch is worth $50 per acre. E. T. Wade. Eatrayed From pasture, one black mare, weight about 1050 pounds, hat brand on left hip, 1 white hind foot $5 reward for return of said animal to Carl Christiansen, 113 Lee street, Pendleton, Ore. 8. Brownell was In from his home at Umatilla yesterday. Allen Rlchal of Went on was a vis itor in the city yesterday. L W. Keeler, well known Echo teacher, is a visitor In the city. Mrs. Van Pearson returned this morning from a visit in Pasco. Miss Ellen Green is among the Eu gene delegates to the Rebekah As sembly. T. P. GUIIland, ex-county Judge, returned this morning to his homo at Pilot Rock. x Don C. Brownell of Hermlston was among the project dwellers in Pendle ton yesterday. " ' ' Will Hyatt has accepted a position as traveling salesman for' a book binding company. W. J. Tallman, of Walla Walla, is visiting his brother, Joseph Tallman In this city today. G. E. Curtis of Eugene, Is a dele gate to the I. O. O. F. convention and Is Btaying at the Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jarvis, of Gold Hill, Ore., are here attending the I O. O. F. and Rebekah conventions. Contractor Olson of the Missoula firm which Is constructvng the branch hospital, Is here Inspecting the work. B. F. CrawKhaw, editor of the Pa cific Odd Fellow, of Portland, Is am. ong the visitors in the city during the grand lodge session. G. E. Carnes, well known Pilot Rock mercantile man. returned to his home this morning after spending the night In the city. Prof. I. E. Toung, republican can didate for county school superintend ent. was down from Milton yesterday to attend the grand lodge. James King, well known Wheeler county stockman and stock buyer. Is here from Fossil attending the I. O O. F. grand lodge session. Bert Mossesohn, prominent member of the Portland Ad Club and former president of that organization, is am ong the grand lodge visitors. II. A. Darnell of Lents, the pub lisher of the Pacific Grange Bulletin and the Beaver State Herald, is here in attendance at the I. O. O. F. grand lodge session. President W. N. Sweet of the West ern Tri-state league, came in this morning from Wala Walla where he had been watching the Boise-Walla Walla games. . Arthur Geary, graduate manager of the student activities at the University of Oregon, arrived in. the city this afternoon from Baker and is visiting old college friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goff, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ralph B. McEwen. at the McEwen farm near Athena, returned to their home at Newberg today on No. 17. Mrs. Horace W. King, formerly Miss Mabel Jones of this city, has been visiting old friends here today and left this afternoon for Echo where her husband, who is a civil engineer, is testifying before the water board. Taxlcab and Touring Cars. 25 cents to any part of city. Phone Main 12. Day and night A Business Proposition. For a good legitimate Investment ment that will pay you big profits, call on T. J, Brill, agent of the Do mestic Utilities Mfg. Co., wholesaler and retailer, 200 E. Court street. Let the Anto Truck Haul It Our specialty Is quick work. Phone Main SSS for furniture and piano mov ing short trips In the city or transfer ring to the country. We haul any thing. Penland Bros. See the agents of the Domestic Utilities Mfg Co. We have the best and latest Improved Vacuum Clothes Washer on the market. No rubbing on the board, no wear or tear on your clothes, compressed air and suction wil wash an ordinary tub of clothes In four minutes. Come In and let us prove it to you. Demonstration every day at 2:30 p. m. 200 E. Court st. Lost Between Riverside and city, lady's blue serge Jacket. Reward. Mrs. Brown, Alexander Dept Store. IIAXGMAX MAKES nUXGIJXG JOB, ROPE FIRST BREAKING Lancaster, Pa., May 23 Shrieking protestations of his innocence, An tonio Romezzo, convicted of the murder of his companion, Tony Se raflno, was hanged here- today. The execution was badly bungled. The rope broke when the trap was first sprung. Romezzo, unconscious, was carried back and hanged again. The rope held this time but the body hanging, slowly strangled, many min utes passing before life was extinct. Just received another large shipment of white goods, embroideries, waists and muslin un derwear. . Make your selection early while the assortment is at its best as IT will soon be picked up by the wise shoppers, as they ab solutely know we give the greatest values in these lines. We are safe in saying you save 33 1-3 by buying here. WHITE WAISTS. Everybody wonders where wo et tlieso val ues. But nevertheless wo have them, and bijrger values never were offered in Pendle ton. Compare with others sale prices. Ladies' white lawn high and low neck, 75c" values :.; 49 Ladies' white French lawn, low neck, 3-4 sleeve, trimmed with French knots, in very latest designs;. same kind you pay $1.75 elsewhere; our price Lig values in waists in any stylo and pat terns....... $1.49, $1.69, $1.98 Pure linen .shirt waist $1.25 Natural color linen shirt waist $1.25 LAWXS AXD WHITE GOODS HO-in. Flaxon, 20c values, regular 15 3fi-in. Flaxon, 25c values, regular 9 27-in. Figured Lawns, 8 1-3c values 5 27-in. Figured Lawns, 10c values.- 6 l-4 27-in. Figured Lawns, 12 l-2c values 8 l-3 27-in. Figured Lawns, 15c values 10 JIUSLIX UNDERWEAR This will show you a saving of 33 1-3 of buying direct from manufacturer, for 33 busv stores. f Children's Pants 5 and 10 Misses' Pants 19 and 25 Ladies' Pants' 19, 25 and 49 Childs Gowns 25 and 494 Ladies' Gowns 49, 69, 98, $1.49 . Ladies' Skirts 49 69, 98 Corset Covers 10, 19, 25, 49 Combination Suits 49, 69, 98 up to $2.98. EMBROIDERIES. Greatest values ever brought to Pendleton. These are not bought for sales but for qual ity and wear. Xarrow emb. edging 1, 5 Xainsook and Swiss emb. up to 12-in. wide, 6 l-4, 7 1 2, 8 1 3, 10, 12 l-2 18-in. Flouncing, nainsook and Swisses, daintv designs, 35c values, regular, 15 and 19. 18-in. Flouncing, big assortment of patterns, 40c values; regular 25 lS-in. Flouncing, nainsook and swiss, one that makes competitors' 75c values look sick. Our price 49 27-in. Baby Flouncing in hemstitching and scalloped edges in daintiest of designs, worth 75c and $1.00. Our price 49 and 69. 45-in. Full skirt flouncing, 75c values. Regular . 49 45-in. Full skirt flouncing, $1.00 values, Regular 69 45-in. Full skirt flouncing, deep emb. bot toms, of the sheerest fabric, large assort ment of patterns ; $1.50 elsewhere, our price . 98 45-in. Flouncing, just the thing for gradu ation dresses; $2.00 values, our price $1.25. lS-in. Corset cover emb., big line to select from, 15, 19, 25, 39 and 49 The Golden Rule Store Pendlelcn AVE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW Athena PICTURE SHOWS. dealing with the white man's lust for gold. See Hobart Bosworth do his daring fall from a horse. Everything that happens in this drama seems truthful, adequate and full of justice. "The Chauffeur, the Girl and the Cop." Essanay. A brightly conceiv ed comedy fresh and very entertain ing indeed. We recommend it on every count. It ends In a wedding we see the chauffeur and the girl in a carriage trimmed .with white rib bons, and the cop takes off his hat to them. A wholesome and pleasant picture. "Winter Logging in Maine." Edi son. An exceptional group of scenes shows the evolution of logging. First oxen, then horses, next steam (haul ing five loads )and then gasoline. What will come next. This film will please the most critical. "The Fickle Spaniard." Biograph. This story of Mexican life is a lively one. To Marcel, the little Spanish Senorita. he swears eternal love, only To fall, later, a victim to the charms of Margot. Marcel swears to be avenged and her time comes, but how? Cosy. Wednesday and Thursday, a sensa. tibnal western subject In two reels, made by the famous "101 Ranch Show." "War on the Plains," (two reels). Bison "101 Ranch." The most co lossal western picture ever produced, in which an entire tribe of Indians are used, hundreds of cowboys, herds of cattle, droves of horses, thrilling battles, spectacular fire scenes as the Indian village burns, nnd a desperate, daring ride for help to the settlement, through the hordes of savages. The settlers responding to the call of the beseiged emigrants, swoop down on the Indian village and set fire to it. The savages seeing the flames, give up the attack on emigrants, hurry back to their village and fall Into an ambush. The battle that follows is sensational. In a wild scne of car nage, the Indians and whites are mowed down by the hail of bullets, horses and riders falling in tangled masses. A veritable revelation in sensationalism; a dramatic master piece of early pioneer days which overwhelms with its grandeur; 60 marvelous scenes; 2,000 feet, and every foot a thrill. "Eyes That See Not," Rex. A fea ture picture In which the contrast be tween capital and labor Is set worth in the able Rex way. It Is broad, clean- cut and alive. "A Boarding House Heiress," Solax. A Billy Quirk comedy. In which a sloppy old maid makes emphatic love to a young man, who in order to be rid of her pretenrs she is an heiress. Very funny. Big Propram at the firond. Vaudeville tonight: The Watson children, or the live dancing dolls. Character singers and dancers. One of the cleverest acts of its kind. Prof. Albardo, the emminent Rus sian hypnotist.. The king .of funmak ers. . Watch the drive. Photoplays. Three reels of good quality and subjects. Passengers for Portland can save money and at same time enjoy a dean and refreshing river ride by taking the Str. Bailey Gatzert. leav ing The Dalles dally except Sunday and Monday at 3:30 p. m. Fare to Portland 1, NOBILITY AIDS A CHARITY.. Duchess of Marlborough Lends Sun derland House ftr Concerts. London. The Duchess of Marlbor ough lent Sunderland House for con certs this week in aid of the St. Vin- cent's Home for Crippled Children, at Eastcote. The Queen of Romania subscribed generously to the fund and the list of patronesses included Princess Blucher of Wahlstatt, the Duchess of Nor. folk, Marlborough and Sutherland.. Adeline, Duchess of Bedford, the Marchioness of Salisbury, the Coun--tess of Dalhousie and Sefton and.' many others. Many distinguished artists donated their services . and the concert was exceedingly satisfactory, both artistl cally and financially. 'Something New In Pendleton. O. K. billiard, card and tonsorial parlors, everything in cigars, tobaccos and smokers' supplies Checks in cad room good toward baths, shave or shine. Give us a call and get acquainted. Scciul Trices on Cordwood. Good dry red fir, slab wood, cotton wood, yellow and black pine. Special prices In five cord lots. Clean Rock Spring lump and nut coal. Save mon ey by seeing us before buying. Ko pittke & Gillanders. phone Main 17S. Director Round-Tp nand. Chauncey Haines is now prepared for pupils. All brass, wood wind, and string instruments. Terms reason able. Res. 613 Mark street. Phone Main 576. Wanted Second hand light single buggy and light single harness. Also second hand saddle. Address "C," care this office. You'll Have to Hurry! Crowds and crowds of shrewd buyers have rij yV, jSpI filled our store and the street in front eager to buy the slightly damaged merchandise being sold at sensational low prices. EVER.Y ARTICLE IN THE STORE HAS GOT TO GO, AND GO QUICK First choice is always best and the goods are being carried out in bundles just as fast as our large corps of wrappers can tie them up. It is absolutely impossible to explain the great saving apportunities that await you here you must see to believe. But you better hurry. DESPAIN & BONNEY HE WONDER PENDLETON OREGON STORE