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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1912)
PAGE EIOnT. BLUE MOUNTAIN, OR DLANCHAPvD CREAMERY BBflSTYEIHl 25c lb.; 50c two lb. roll Country butter 40c roll C I'AU.VN'TEED STIUCTLT FRESH, WHOLESOME AND FILL WEIGHT. THADE IIE1IE AND PRACTICE TKVE ECONOMY. Standard Grocery Company, Inc. Where All Are Pleased Frank O'Gara, President. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treat. Extra Choice Young Veal and Columbia RiverSalmon Phone your order for a meat treat REUEUBER: As an exlra inducement we give S. & II. Green Trading Stamps. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET Alta Street at Main. PHONE MAIN 33 Canalfioods 1 cUMmM$sMm i.yiM J.- --' M'-'MTllf .ilmiiT 1 ,,.--:rfc..fJ'.At,A.-.,.'--'M.g G 19 I THERE is a difference be tween fresh canned goods and old stock. Only the newest is best having that delicate natural flavor of the fruit or vegetables. Knowing this, we buy only from factories which can their goods immediately after they are picked or grown factories which are known to work under conditions of perfect cleanliness. You may rely absolutely on our goods. We keep a largo variety rather than an ex tensive stock constant renewal being our policy. Next time you use our canned goods note the fresh, natural taste the. character of them all. The best Stock on the market PEACHES PEARS APIIICOTS PINEAPPLE ItASPBERMES STRAWBERRIES Gray Bros. Grocery Go. Quality Grocers Newsy Notes of Pendleton Hoy Hum Arm Broken. The little son of George Ivans, well nown druyman, Is carrying his -arm in a sling as the result of aall from his bicycle which fractured one of the ones. " SwuKSiirt Immoral Held. The funeral of little Horace Lester waggart, jr., who died Monday, as held yesterday afternoon at the aker undertaking parlors with Itev. athan Evans of the Methodist hurch, officiating. Interment was made in Olney cemetery. To right for 1 Cent postage. Secretary Keefe of the Commercial association Is in receipt of ' letters from Senator Chamberlain and Con- gressan Lafferty In which they de- !are they wiy use all of their Influ nce to secure the adoption of the one-cent postage. The letters were in response to the recent resolution fa- oring the one cent postage adopted by the Commercial association. Col. Hentley Kecovered. Col. J. M. Bentley, prominent and popular pioneer citizen and Odd Fel low, Is now able to be around town gain after having been confined to the hospital for several weeks. Though reduced In flesh from his sickness, the colonel is greatly im proved la health and was telling stor es with old friends In his office yes terday. SOQ a general fooling of "What's the use of anything?" Well, you Justf breeze into this theater, see "The Doctor," "For Sale a Life." Thanhousor. "She'll" give you some Joy-pills that will put you right. "The Hand of Fate." Sellg." An exciting ta'.e of international romance, intrigue and daring in which a blonde and a brunette struggle for suprem acy. Phyiiss Gordon, Princess Mona Darkfeather and Robert Bosworth play the leading roles. "That Houn Dawg." American Pathe. A very brlghl and amusing film taken from the famous song and we venture to predict that it will win ! a star in popular approval. "The Charcoal Industry in Cuba." It is fresh, Interesting and Instructive. icli to Assist Portland Judge. Circuit Judge G. W. Phelps this morning received a commission from upreme Justice Robert Aiken by which he will act as a judge of the fourth judicial district during the month of June In order to assist in relieving the congested docket. It is understood seven other judges will also be sent to Portland at the same time to help Judge Kavanaugh. Judge Phelps will leave for Portland during the latter part of the week. f Many Offenders During Montli. When the six ofenders arrested yesterday evening were booked this morning, the total number of cases for the month was 112 and with nine days yet remaining before June, Ma? will probably set a new record for the year. The greatest number of cases for any previous month was 113. All of the cases booked this morning were on drunk charges, severat of the of fenders being Indians. John . Wal- latzi and Peter Corbett, two of the most persistent of the red drinkers, paid their fines. Ed Brown, .Ben O'Xeil, Frank Parr and Alex Petru la, went to jail for three days, whi'la Stella Williams, the most notorious squaw on the reservation, has not yet received her sentence, Judge Fitz Gerald being in a quandary as to what would be the most adequate punish ment for her. Cosy. Wednesday nnd Thursday, a sensa. tionnl western subject in two reels, made by the famous "101 Ranch Show." "War on the Flnlnn," (two reels). Bison "101 Runel." The most co lossal western picture ever produced, In which an entire tribe of Indians are used, hundreds of cowboys, herds of cattle, droves of horses, thrilling battles, spectacular fire scenes as the inaian vmuge Durns, una u uesperuiegj daring ride for help to the settlement, through the hordes of savages. The settlers responding to the call of the beseiged emigrants, pwoop down on the Indian village and set fire to -It. The savages seeing the flames, give up the attack on emigrants, hurry back to their villngb and fall into an ambush. The battle that follows Is sensational. In a wild scene of car nage, the Indians and whites are mowed down by the hail of bullets, horses and riders falling in tangled masses. A veritable revelation in Nice Dressy Shirts and Cool Underwear Many new styles just in by late ship- nio-nts! Just the thing you want is now here, for less. Everything to wear, for Men and Young Men IVoriiingmons Clothing Go Corner Main and Webb Streets. sensationalism; a dramatic master piece of early pioneer days which overwhelms with Its grandeur; 60 marvelous scenes; 2,000 feet, and every foot a thrill. "Eves That See Not," Rex. A fea ture picture In which the contrast be tween capital and labor is set worth In the able Rex way. It is broad,. clean cut and alive. "A Boarding House Heiress," Solax. A Billy Quirk comedy, in which a sloppy old maid makes emphatic love to a young man, who In order to bo rid of her pretenrs she Is an heiress. Very funny. The Grand. Entire change of program tonight. Vaudeville; Nichols & Sherwood," presenting a comedy sketch, "Trimming a Rube." Tom Stockman, character change artist i Photo plays of the usual high grade. 3v Card of Thanks. I wish to extend rny heartfelt thanks to the loving friends and neighbors for their many kind acts of assistance rendered during the late illness and loss of my beloved son, Horace Lester, Jr., and especially to the minister and friends who assist ed in the services. MRS. H. L. SWAGGART. Wanted Sinele hand lieht single buggy and light single harness. Also second hand saddle. Address "C," care this office. P. Tt. Reeves, editor of the HermiS' ton Herald, is a Pendleton visitor today. Charles Kirk of Athena, is a visitor n the city today. PICTURE SHOWS. pires on the battle field In the arms of his friend Philip. Philip again proposes, but is refused. At a masked ball her grandchildren wear the cos tumes she and Paul had once worn revising sweet memories. She has a vision of Paul leading her through a graceful dance, and In that vision comes death. 1 3 a " V...,; - ' ' im. O. 1). POAXE. Grand Treasurer, The Dalles. OiilfUQnGGillQnf lay Presents The most acceptable) present you could give to the boy or girl on commencement day, would bo A WATCH A TOILET SET - A RING A BRACELET OR FOB We have many lcautiful "suggestions" displayed here that w ould be sure to please. A. L. SCHAEFER Jeweler and Silversmith. Main Street Your Watch Does not want to be MERELY AN ORNAMENT Let us fix you out with a watch that can be depended" upon. The kind that will Keep time and look well. Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. One instance where extremes please- HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES Get your groceries here and you will get the best, yet save many cents In a few days time. i .., If its Fruits or Vegetables you are looking for, you will find them here Just as soon as they appear on the market. Ask us what we have new tomorrow morn ing. CLAIiK'S GROCERY Phone Main 1 74 612 Main Street The Pastime. The home of good pictures. Vita- graph feature for Tuesday's change: "Counsel for the Defense." vita- graph. One great drama. Mr. Mau rice Costello, the Vltagraph favorite, at his best In this thrilling life por trayal. Every character Is master fully sustained, convincingly telling a story strange and marvelous. This Is a powerful feature offering of one of the tragedies of life that teaches us something that sets us thinking. The merits and strength of this film must be seen to be appreciated. "Thn Doctor." Essanay. . Have you felt that lnslduous grip of spring annul vet? Are you fast In Its clutch es with a dull head, heavy eyes and Make Your Clothes LAST LONGER LOOK BETTER. Our modern methods and expert help, enable us to guarantee you satis factory work, promptness and charg es that are most reasonable. Phone for the wagon and let us demonstrate that we mean what we eay. Pendleton Dye Works Phone Main 169. 20U BJ. Alt. "DAD AND MOTHER" Listen it's nearing the end of school days for your boy or your girl. There is a fine sentiment in marking the event with a gift. Search every store in this town and you will find nothing that combines as much sentiment, service and sense as a $15.00 Elgin watch. Four different sizes plain, engraved and Engine turned cases. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE The Jeweler ;.J.PI 7 ii.. -,-fw - 3S WESTERN TRI-STATE LEAGUE 3L3 0 LI VI nr ; i lMJ 0 IPfflDD'dD r etq crfl 0 OD on ioriio Oollod ot 3:30, loundSJp Mi Children under 12 Free Wednesday. Ladies Day Friday, all Ladies Free. it