J PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST QREGQNIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1912. EIGHT PAGES lit E STOPPED UP r, ill SPORTS TRI-STATE BASEBALL OPENS TODAY lViMllcton Itiielanuvs lining Walla Walla Hnrs in Wnslilnirtmi City; I .a tirnmlo at liob Walla Walla Wash., May 7. For the f!r.t time in the history of the city, Walla Wal'.a will have an oppor tunity of witnessing real league base ball, played uiulor tne protection ot the National Association of Profes sional Baseball leagues, this afternoon when the Walia Walla and Tendleton clubs of the Western Tri-State leagut. will open the season at the new ball Jark at Seventh and Hose. The grandstand on Walla Walla's new ball yard was completed yester day. Starting from First and Main at 1 o'clock this afternoon the Walla Walla and Pendleton clubs, headed by the "Walla Walla band paraded on Main and Alder streets, going from there o the park. Mayor Will Twirl. At 3:30 Mayor A. J. Gillls will at tempt to toss the firs ball some,whe in the direction of home plate, behind which Rev. H. J. Van de Yen will be station in hope of catching it. After this ceremony has been performed. Umpire Longanecker will toss the horsehide to the pitcher occupying the slab and the command to "play ball"' and the league season in Walla Walla will be on. The local park will furnish room for about 2000 people and it is ex pected that all the accommodations Will be used. Besides the large crowd of local fans which will be on hand, a large delegation of rooters from Pendleton will witness the con test. Strand, the youthful twirler, form erly with Spokane, will in all prob ability be on the firing line for the home team, while Manager Garrett, one time a Coast league twirler, will likely do slab duty for the visitors. The comp'.ete line-up of the locals and the order in which they will bat is something like this: Blackman. 3rd; Peck 3rd: Johnson, rf, Harmon cf; Brown, 1st; White, c; Swanson, js; Martina, If; Strand, b. Pendleton's lineup will probably be: Pembrooke, c; Garrett, p; Lodell, 1st; Nadeau, 2nd; Reder, 3rd; Robinson, s; Mensor, If; Augustus, cf; Hewitt. rt. i (Jraiule at Boise. Botfe, May 7. "Heck" Mclnnis win climb on the hilltop for La Grande this afternoon when the La Grander open the Western Tri-State league here against 'Boise. Stone will twirl for Boise and the race will be on with the season before the fans. La Grande worked two games against Ontario, winning 4-3 and 7-1. First Baseman Elwell who worked for La Grande last year, has joined 'the squad here and will occupy the -firt base this afternoon. The lineup - in the opening game for La Grande -will be: Mclnnis, p; Melher, c; El we'.I, Is; Bradley, 2b; Owens, ss; Fitz gerald, 3b; Tex, If; Proe, cf; Stamps, rf. Interest in Boise is at fever heat and a splendid crowd is looked for as weather conditions are of the best. X. V. LEAGUE GAMES. W. L. Pet. Spokine 10 7 .5Sn Victoria 10 7 .556 Portland 11 9 -55 Vancuovt-r :10 10 .50t . Seattle 8 U -4 21 Tacoma 8 11 .389 Portland 6, Victoria 0. Portland, Ore., May 7. Portland won the initial game of the North west league reason on the local field yesterday by clean hitting at oppor tune times. Easterly and Concannon were hit with eyual frequency, but Eafctiey kept his hits well scattered. The sc ore: - K. H. E. Victoria 0 8 3 I'ortlinj 6 8 0 Batteries Concannon and Meek; Ea-stley and Harris. Sxkam- 5, Vancouver 3. Vancouver, B. C, May 7. Spokane won from Vancouver, 5 to 3 yesterday, coming from behind when Engle weakened and scoring three runs on four hits. Vancouver 3 Spokane 5 Battcrii'K Engle and Lewis; md Devogt. S-au! 10, Tacoma 4. Seatt'.e, May 7. Although he re ceived poor support in the field and was in the h"ie most of the time. 7 1 11 4 Kraft ZE10 FOR 1 No matter how miserable you are with catarrh nose stopped up, throat sore, dull pain in the head, dry cough, fever, foul breath Ely's Cream Balm will give you instant re lief. It gets right at the root of the trou ble, cleanses, heals and strengthens the raw, sore membrances, and stops the nasty discharge so that you are not constantly blowing- your nose and spitting. In a few minutes after ap plied, you can just feel it doing its work of clearing; the head, the pain and soreness are relieved, the breath ing becomes naturat, and the stuffed up feeling is gone This cleansing, healing, antiseptic balm contains no mercury, cocaine or other harmful drug. It is easy to apply, pleasant to use. and never falls to give quick re lief, even in the worst cases. Don't suffer the miseries of ca tarrh nor disgust your friends with your hawking, spitting and foul breath. Get a fifty cent bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your drug gist, and start treatment at once. You will find it will prove to be the best investment you ever made. James pitched a magnificent game and Seattle won from Tacoma, 10 to 4. yesterday. All of the visitors' runs resulted from errors. The score: R. H. E. Seattle , 10 13 5 Tacoma 4 g 2 Batteries James and Whaling; Butler, Criger and Crittenden. LOCAL H. S. TEAM GOES TO EUGENE To win Pendleton high school's share of points, four local athletes will leave Thursday for Eugene where on Saturday will occur the annual state Interscholastic track and field meet held under the direction of the University of Oregon. Fee, Hampton, Gordon and Jordan will compose the team and they will be accompanied on their trip by Coach A. A. Asbahr. Under the ruling of the university, only first and second place winners in the annual eastern Oregon meet are eligible to membership of theeastern Oregon teams entering in the Eugene meet, i. e., the expenses of only these winners will be paid, although thej school Itself may send other men. I However, It is improbable that morel than these four will make the trip. following the Eugene meet, Coach Asbahr will return home but his ath letes will remain in the university city for a week and on the following Sat urday will participate in the inter scholastic meet held at the Oregon agricultural college. MARRIES HIS DIVORCER- Wire FOR SECOND TIME La Grande, Ore. After being di vorced for 30 years, David McCurry and his first wife were again married here. Justice of the Peace Williams, of this city, tying the knot. McCurry and his wife separated 30 years ago, a divorce followed, and the man left here for the state of Washington. There he married again, and recent ly his second wife died. He came back to Union county for a visit to his son, who lives near Cove, and met his first wife. A short courtship followed, their differences were ad justed and the marriage resulted. Mr. and Mrs. McCurry will live near Cove. UXIOX COUNTY FAIR IS ROOSTED 1Y OFFICERS La Grande, Ore. The directors or the Union County Fair Association have employed a paid assistant secre tary, who will devote his entire time to the preliminaries, construction of the race track, buildings and nata torium. Following are the officers ar.d directors in charge: President, Dr. A. L. Richardson; vice president, X. K. West; secretary, S. D. Crowe; treasurer, J. J. Carr; executive com mittee. Dr. Richardson, N. K. West, P S. Robinson, Press Lewis, H. Gold rick, S. L. Brooks, Floyd McKennon, who .with the following form the hoard of directors, P. A. Foley, E. E. Kirtley, G. A. Lincoln, N. W. Kittle. ALL ORE HIGH GRADE XOW. )x-zcma. Pimple. Rali and AH Skin Afflictions Quickly Healed. No matter what the trouble, ecze ma, chafing, pimples. alt rheum, y'mo Instantly t-tojw irritation. The euro comes quick. Kinks right in. leaving no trace. Zemo Is a vanishing liquid Tour skin fairly revels with delight the moment ZEMO is applied. Grestest thing on earth for dandruff. Zemo U prepared by the E. W. Rose Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and Is old by all druggists at II a bottle. Cut to prove to you Its wonderful val ue It Is now put up in liberal size trial bottles at only 25 cents and U guar anteed to do the work or your money back So'd at Pendleton Drug Store. Kdisrm Claims Xcw Process Does Away With Old Scale, of Values. New York. Thomas A. Edison, i'. was learned, has accomplished the crowning triumph of his career. He has perfected a method of sep arating the paying elements of ores that will mean an increase of $10,- 000,000 a year In the productive wealth of the country. The Inventor has been working over his plan for years and it is said has spent a fortune In his experimen tal work. He is not at this time prepared to f,rive out the details of his new meth od, but it Is learned a plant that re quired $250,000 a year to operate can be carried on by the new Edison method for $50,000. The general ef feet of Edison's method Is to do away with the term "low grade" ore. GOVERNOR TO PRESENT BLANKET EXPENSE BILL Salem. Governor West has an nounced that he is preparing complete iii-ts of all boards, commissions and departments of the state government, with the cost of maintaining each, which he intends to have published and invite discussion and cirtlclsm so people may have a chance to say which boards or commissions or de partments are unnecessary. He said he Intends to put the matter before the people and leave It to each board and commission to justify itself. ienjamin" Means Style, Quality, l7orkmanshipf Fit- The Best in Clothing at a Moderate Price. 10 the well dressed men and youngf men of Amer- ica--"BENJAMIN" stands for all that's best and most desirable in clothing-suits, overcoats, dress suits, motor clothes, waistcoats, homespun and flan nel hot weather specialties. THE WELL DRESSED MEN OF AMERICA "Wear A Benjamin" Look at any "Benjamin suit. Com pare it with any other make. You will see its superiority at once. It is self-evident. Don't delay. Visit us today and make your selection. BOND BROTHER PENDLETON'S LEADING CLOTHIERS ATHENA DEFEATED BY WALLA WALLA (Special Correspondence). Athena. Ore.. Mav 7. The LaSalle Business College baseball team of Walla Walla defeated the Athena nine on the local diamond Sunday by a score of 4 to 0. The game was snappy throughout and several good plays were, made. The batteries for Athena were Lobough and King. Miss Gladys Banister of Weston was an Athena visitor Sunday. F. G. Lucas of Weston was in Athe na Sunday. Frank Reed of Adams was In Athe na Monday. Miss Blanche Staggs of Weston wag an Athena visitor Sunday. Frank Rogers of Pendleton was in Athena Monday. HiitrVi T.leuallen went to Starbuck Sundny where he played third base for the Starbuck baseball team. Miss Leola Duncan of Weston was an Athena visitor Sunday. Revella IJeuallen of Adams was an Athena visitor Sunday. , W. W. Jacobs who was taken to the hospital in Pendleton two weeks ago has returned home and is again able to be around. J. A. Kirk has returned from Hot l.nUo wherp he has been taking treat ment for rheumatism and he is great ly benefitted. A farewell party' was given at the Ross home Saturday night and a large number of friends were pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Ross leave in a ftw days for Alberta. Henry and Charles Vollmer or WaltKburg, are visiting their brother Wm. Vollmer. Fred Adams of Adams was in Atne- na Monday. Albert Kirby of Adanw was In Athena Monday. DIAMOND DUST. . With Garrett and Strand opposing each' other on the mound this after noon, Walla Walla should see a game fit to open any league season. That boy, Curly Wilson, has pro clivities of a Ty Cobb nature. He sure can make sweet music with a hickory limb. Can anyone think of an improve ment that could be made in the Pen iiMnn loft win? Reder and Augus tus are a couple of youngsters who are going to win more than one smile from the fair damsels of four cities this season. "Soldier" Frink, who pitched Athena to the championship of the Blue Mountain league last year and vhn mihneoiicntlv worked hl! way in to the Walla Walla penitentiary, has been liberated from that Institution and the convict ball team Is mourning his departure. The suspense In the "Let er Buck" town until the returns from the Gar den City diamond are received will be awful. Joe Berger, pride of Pendleton last year, has been let out by Victoria and Is no seeking a berth elsewhere. He started twice for Lou Nordyke's bunch and both times was bumped hard. After getting his retense, he tried to get in with Joe Cohn's Spokane club but was turned down. Berger Is a hot weather pitcher and local fans would like nothing better than to see him annexed to the local twirling staff. Who said pitchers can't bat? Skep ticism, itself will cense to doubt after glancing at the clouting averages of the Buckaroo heavers. Which of the three Is to go, Robin son, Mensor or Davo'.t? Manager Gar rett must release one of them within the next fifteen da'9 and all three have been showing up well in the field and with the stick. All three are fast fielders as well as sure out gardeners and the race Is close between them. MAN 7 KKKT 10 IX CI IKS TALL. New York. Believed to be the tall est man Spain has ever produced. Fermin Arrudl, 7 feet 10 Inches tal and weighing 425 pounds, arrived in New York recently. Arrudl Is a musician and, while he denies the report that he has Invaded the United States for exhibition pur poses, he modestly admitted to a re porter that he knows a little about boxing and that he may yet challenge Jack Johnson and prove himself a white man's hope. When It comes to feet, Arrudl prob ably can lay claim to having the PoiSaoAe&AK REMEDY THESTANDARO NEVER TAILING PILES, CHILBLAINS, r CLOUS, BURNS, ITC. A VALUABLE HOUSCHOLO SALVC. ll onuGGisrs mvc it o wiiLoeniN on ncaucsr ACCCPT NO SUBSTITUTES. frco S3 Cenfs. tuoi.EVtMirH.asco sananciscq largest pedal extremities on record. From heel to toe his foot measures 17 inches. He wears a tight-fitting gold ring through which a 60 cent piece can pass with ease. His wrist measures 9 IncN-s and his hands from the wrist line to the tip of the middle finger, measure 11 inches. (r Trm'la Murk. Dcn't accept 1; substitute. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDER? FOR CHILDREN, A OnrtitiiJUtii'florKrirrrtuhnrxii, nnatipnl Ion, II en ilnclir, Momm-li TrouliU'H, Trelliini II I or ile r m, nd Umlrii Worm. Th-if Hrrnli zip t l,n In J4 hours. Al All IrJFi'ipts, il.cu Pumpl. tmiwvl VRHK. A1dro, A. S. OLMSTED. L Roy. P. V. Every Woman U Intnested tnd should know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spny The new Vaginal Syringe. Best most convenient, ft Cleanses Instantly. mm Ask yout druggist for 1 If he cannot suddIt 1 MARVEL, accept no other? but send sumn for Illustrated booksealed. It elves full particu lars and directions Invaluable to ladles. MMVU. CO.. 44 East W llrsst New Tars" A SUMMER TERM in Piano, Voice and Violin at The Royal College of Porpora AT REDUCED PRICES. All persons desiring to take fulvantago of the sum mer term at the Royal Col lopo of Porpora should mnke arrangements at once for les son periods. Special atten tion given to children. Tcrsons desiring to teacli in the oolloge should make in quiry in regard to terms and the spoeieal opportunity to earn all cxiense9 while studying Smoke Sensibly The All-Havana cigar is in tended for your after-dinner hours. For your business hours, the only safe smoke is a mild, delightful blend of Havana and domestic leaf. Gen! Arthur mm Cigar 10c and 3 for 25c M. A. Ounst CSV Co, Inc. Known For Its Strength First National Sank PENDLETON, OREGON: ESTABLISHED 1882 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES $2,500,000.00