EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OIlEGOXIAy, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1912. , PAGE FIVE Spring and Summer SHOES ' For Ladies Children an 1 1 Our entire spring ship mentnow ready for you. All the new shapes in tan. patent, gun metal and white canvas and Nu Buck. Oxfords, Pumps and Boots ft Km Fib Hie Arch. F. E. IMNGOOD & CO. The Ladies' and Children's Store JUNE Ladies Home Journal Patterns and Fashion Sheets Now Ready. PERSONAL MENTION LOCALS Bicycles! 727 Johnson street. Burroughs. Main 5. Fuel. If you want dry slab wood, phone Main f. Housekeeping room for rent. 502 Water street New White Sewing machines now on display at W. It. Grahams. State Hotel Furnished rooms at special rates by week or month. Alfalfa hay for sale, first cutting. Address Wm. Milne, Pendleton, Ore. Gas range for sale. Inquire 608 Franklin street or at postoffice after 2 p. m. Dry slub wood, Just the wood for summer use. Oregon Lumber Yard. I'hone Main 8. Leap year dance at German hall, Saturday evening, May 11. Ladies to bring lunch. Large shipment of new sidewalk lumber Just received at the Pendleton Plaaing Mill and Lumber Yard. For Sale 29 head fresh Jersey milk cows. Inquire of R. H. Stevens, Dutch Henry Feed Yard. For Sale Holt Jr. 18 foot cut com biae harvester,. Inquire Margaret Meletrom. Box 548. Pendleton, Ore. Carload of fine cedar posts now for sale at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Both Plain and tar re. For transfer work, hauling ' bag gage, moving household goods and pianos, and all kinds of Job work, phone Main 4(1. B. A. Morton. Save yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main S. Fer rent Suite of unfurnished housekeeping rooms In East Oregon Ian Building. Steam heated, also gas range in rooms. Apply at this office. For Rent to a lady, a large, well furnished room, with sewing machine, very close in. Cheap. Inquire 719 Lille Jh. Screen doors and window screens, all aires and prices, at the Pendloton IManlng Mill and Lumber Yard. We also make them to order. We want to move two. hundred cerds of dry slabs within the next thirty days to make room for new stock. Oregon Lumber Yard. For Sale The best ' plumblns. pawnbroklng and second hand busi ess In eastern Oregon. For partic ulars write Sharon & Eddlngs, Pen- Meten, Ore.. Strictly first class chop suey and noodle parlors. Open day and night. Ifray orders a specialty. Everything new. Under State Hotel. Phone Main 667. Un Co, Props. Spa those New Home Sewing ma- thiaes at Graham's Furniture store. For snle One of the finest 210U aore tracts in North Wallowa county. - Ferir Improvements, rural phone, dis trict school, valuable body saw tim ber, best hog and cattle ranch In the west. Corn, alfalfa and all grains rrow to perfection. Write tho owner, Box K, Troy, Wallowa County, Ore. Let tho Auto Truck Hani It. Our specialty is quick work. Phone Main 339 for furniture and piano mov ing short trips In the city or transfer ring to the country. We haul any thing. Penland Bros. For sale Household furniture. I'hone Red 7806. Mrs. A. Ruppe, 120 Monroe street. Moth proof cedar chests, great va riety of sizes and, prices. ' Every home should have one. -Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Anyone having rooms to rent for the I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge session May 21 and 22, please call up J. E. Bean, Main 5. For sale" or to rent, furnished 6 room house with basement, beside high' school, phone R. 2471. For rent Barn large enough for 18 horses with corral In connection. Will rent part of barn. Apply 415 LUletb street. Phone Black 3081. Lost Saturday, MaS, some where between Byers mill and Havana sta tion, a telescope containing a suit of clothes, two pair clippers and other articles. Reward for return to Roy L Price, Adams, Ore. R. F. D. No. 2 F. T. Baker of Wallowa, Is a visitor in the city. C. H. Finn is over from his home at La Grande. F. M. Cooper of Walla Walla, Is at the Pendleton. Col. H. O. Newport came up from his home at Hermlston yesterday. R. M. Cantrell was among the Pi lot Rockers in the city yesterday. Zoe Houser came up from Echo yes terday and remained over night. Dr. M. V. Turley of .Hermlston spent yesterday in the city. H. B. Willis of Walla Walla was among the guests of the Bowman yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Baragar of Stan field were visitors in Pendleton yes terday. Chief Justice Robert Eakln of the supreme court, is registered at the St. George. A. Buckley, O.-W. R. & X. assist ant superintendent, 'is in Pendleton today. S. D. Petrscn, Milton attorney. Is attending the session of the supreme court here. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Palmer were over from their home In the Garden City yesterday. George Tonkin and Albert White, county school supervisors, were In Pendleton yesterday. Frank Casteel came In from Pilot Rock yesterday afternoon and spent the night here. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams drove In this morning in their car from their Tuxicab and Touring Cars. 25 cents to any part of city. Phone Main 12. Day and night For Sale Cheap. Good rock house and 3 1-2 lots on Lilleth street, also good brick house and 9 lot? on Mission street. Both places at a bargain. Must sell prop erty on Lilleth street before May 28. Apply Anilee Delongvert, 121 Mission Street. Pasture for Rent. I have pasture for fifty head of horses for the season, $1.50 a head per month, plenty of water and grass. J. B. Hagey, Starkey, Ore. Special Prices on Cordwood. Good dry red fir, slab wood, cotton- wood, yellow and black pine. Special prices in five cord lots. Clean Rock Spring lump and nut coal. Save mon ey by seeing us before buying. Ko- plttke & Gillanders, phone Main 178. Now Is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Cham berlain's Liniment wonderfully effec tive. One application will convince you of Its merit Try It For sale by all dealers. l.V BANKRUPTCY. SPRING OPENING Al Donaldson's Soda Fountain by K. Kelly Bansher, who haa leased my fountain for the sea son. He Is an experienced soda dispenser who will serve you with the host soda, pure fruit Juices and Ice cream obtainable. Your patronage solicited. F. J. Oanaldson Reliable Druggist. We give People Warehouse Trading Stamps. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of W. S. Phillips, a Bankrupt To the Creditors of W. S. Phillips, of the County of Umatilla, and Dis trict Aforesaid, Bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given that on the 3rd day of May, A. D. 1912, the said W. S. Phillips "was duly' adjudicated a bankrupt, and that the first meet ing of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned referee in bankruptcy, at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, on May 17th, A. D. 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. on said da, at which time and place the creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before the said meeting. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 6th day of May, 1912. THUS. FITZ GERALD, Referee In Bankruptcy, ranch near Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Will M. Peterson ant children returned this morning from a visit in Walla Walla. Dr. W. S. Cole, formerly of this city and now located In Portland, Is visiting friends here. -Miss Hazel Beltel of Pilot Rock ha joined her mother In this city and will make her home here. Turner Oliver and T. H. Crawford are among the La Grande attorneys here for the supreme court session. Editor John P. McManus returned this morning to Pilot Rock after spending last evening In the city. Mrs. A. E. Patterson of Heppner, arrivel yesterday from her' home and Is staying at one of the local hotels. Mrs. E. G. Sage of Hermlston was among the visitors In the city from the west end of the county yesterday. M. D. Clifford, prominent attorney of Baker, is among the members of the bar here for the supreme court session. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Brownell of Her mlston were among the west end res idents in the city yesterday and this morning. Sam Warner, husband of Mrs. Ma bel Young Warner, returned this-J morning to Pilot Rock near which town he is working. Charles E. and George T. Cochran, lawyer brothers or La Grande, are In attendance at the May session of the supreme court in this city, Ex-Supreme Judge Will R. King of Portland, is among the lawyers In the city at the present time attending the eastern" Oregon session of the supreme court. Edgar Martin, formerly a Eugene High school student, now traveling for a Chicago feather duster house, la making Pendleton a professional visit. W. R. Reinhart, popular traveling salesman for the Marshall Wells com. pany of Portland, was here yesterday and left for points west on the local this morning, E. L. Mills, representing the Termi nal Realty company, Is here today in the interests of that company, which Is selling waterfront property at the mouth of the Columbia. Jay Bowerman, former president of the senate, acting governor and candidate for the gubernatorial chair, Is here from his home in Portland to take up matters before the supremt court. George M. Schaefer, traveling freight agent for the Wabash rail road and a prominent athlete of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club is making Pendleton a business visit today. J Until? AKCllllALI) IS UNDER CONGKKS.SIONAL INVESTIGATION Washington, May 7. With barred doors and even the committee clerk excluded the house Judiciary commit tee today began its Investigation or the Impeachment charges against Judge Archbald of the commerce court. A decision Is expected In ten days, when It Is predicted his Impeachment will be recommended. A dozen witnesses will be examined, At tho opening session, the commit teo examined documents In the case, submitted by President Taft. British Warship CrtpvMl. Chatham, England, May 7. Th British battleship Bulwark, leaking and disabled, Is In the dockyard here today as a result of buckling twelve armor plutes by bumping into sand while carrying out a full power trial Don't P lit Off Buying Your Oxfords until Sizes are Broken When you buy early you get a better assortment to choose from, our sizes are better, so you can secure a perfect fit. White Colonial Nu-Buck Pumps for $4.00 White Nu-Buck button Oxfords, Tan button, Tan two straps Pumps, patent two strap pumps, button ox- O f fords and many other styles, choice of any P 1 5 Button, Patent High Top Shoes, Special at . $3.50 Buy Your Shoes Here and be Satisfied Wohlenberg Dep't, Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY TAKES AIU ROUTE TO CATCn HIS STEAMER Suppositious Traveler Carried to the Aucona by Coffjn in His Hydro plune. New York. Frank R. Coffyn, the aviator, entertained a crowd on the Battery, a party of invited friends on the yacht Paula, and a lot of others on the bay by an attempt to land a passenger on a departing steamer. The scheme worked very well 11 but landing on the ship, for there was no spot there large enough for his hydroplane and had there been he would have been unable to rise again. , Arrangements had been made with the steamer Ancona, of the Italian Navigation company, to take on a sup posititious traveler named Wallace with letters, supposed to have arrived from Chicago too late to catch the Ancona with the tub John J. Timmlns and Bill Qulgley, Battery boatman and Wall street flyer, with his new Whitehall, the old having been recent ly stolen by a pirate. Coffyn ascended from the break water at Pier A with his passenger, flew high, circled, spiralled and came down about 200 feet to the port of the Ancona off the Statue of Liberty. Both men in the hydroplane got pret ty wet. Bill Qulgley took off the pas senger and placed him on board the Ancona. The passenger delivered his letters, but was put off the ship, ac cording to the press agent, because he didn't have enough money to pay his fare. Qulgley put him aboard the Timmlns. Coffyn couldn't rise from the bay and he and another man in the hy droplane were towed by the Paula to the Battery. Coffyn yelled that the Paula was towing him too fast, and a pretty girl on the yacht retorted: "We have nothing on you." The Paula cast him off the break water and Coffyn's two helpers got the hydroplane upon Its float and worked It back inside the breakwater, where they made it fast. known as Neverslnk Court, No. 9. Her position is that of worthy ruler. She Is considered the most energet ic worker among the young social set In secret society circles, and such of her time as is not devoted to Never slnk Court she gives to the Women's Relief Corps, No. 10, where she is the youngest member and to Camp 17, P. O. of A., where she Is at present passing through the chairs. PROUD PAIR SPURNS ALMS. GIRL, 18. LIVELY "JOINER" Confederate Veteran and Sister, TiJerefore, Face Ejectment from Hotel. Washington. Too proud to go to the poorhouse or accept aid from friends, Edward S. Rowe, an aged Confederate veteran, and his sister are living under a tiny bit of canvas stretching between trees in Tacoma Park, after being ejected from their shack. For seventeen years Rowe and hU sister lived in a tumble-down hovel, thinking they owned it, but a flaw la their title was discovered, ejectment proceedings were begun, and the- Youthful Miss In Reading, Pa,, Stands HUrli In Several Fraternal Societies. Reading, Pa, This city's youngest lodge president Is Miss Martha C. li. thla distinction at I the age of eighteen and presides over sheriff turned them out at night in a the Order of Golden Sceptre Lodge, pouring rain. They spurn alms. SOSO. "What is your name, little girl?" "Soso." "What did you say?" "Soso." "Soso? But that Isn't your real name, Is It?" "Yes, sir?" "Are you sure it Isn't a nickname or a pet name?" "Oh, yes, sir. It Isn't a pet name. You see I wng the sixth little girl thnt tho stork brought to our house and when they asked popa if he was glad he said: 'Oh, soso.' " ICEBERGS IN NORTH SEAS. Off Dangerous Floes Are Reported Southwestern Alaska. Seattle. Captain J. C. Hunter of the steamship Northwestern am' Captain Charles McGregor of the Dol' phln, which arrived from Alnska, re ported dangerous Ice floes and Ice bergs in the path of navigation off southeastern Alaska. Captain Hunter said Icy Strait and Cross Cound were filled with ice and that an Iceberg as big as a city sky scrapper had grounded near the path of navigation. Captain McGregor en countered a largo nmount of floating loe in Frederick Sound and Shcphcn's Passnge. He said the large bergs were from fifty to sixty feet long and from ten to twenty feet high. The more a woma loves her hus band the more she doesn't want him hanging around when a bunch of wo men meet at the house. ' EXTRA FINE MOUNTAIN POTATOES Fine Grade Good Blanchard I Floer nioBg Butter Sack Sack Roll TO SAVE MONEY, SEE US Everything ir meats, groceries, fruits, vegetables Oregon Market B PHONE MAIN 444 ffi