East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 07, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    iniMj-JmggKnn.nj JBJjmiiMJ-mxiijJ-iJj.jMiAij.. Lu-jJt fcjiijKjMJLjioBMMijiMLMiJMLmLjMi'iinMt-irti'Mi"r -t-it rwt-T-ni t , t, .
aeb lot has
9V &
Ask For
Milton, Ore., May 7 Great prep
arations are being made for the han
dling of the fruit crop in this section
of the valley. Fruitgrowers are satis
fled that there is little danger of front
thin late In the season. .Even though
there has been a great deal of rain
and the crop generally held back, all
indications are that the cool, moist
Insures You for Month .Veal nst a Sick
HeadAclic, Biliousness, Const latloii
or a Had Stomach.
Tut aside Just once the salts
cathartic pills, castor oils or purga
tive waters which merely force a pas
sageway through the bowels, but do
not thoroughly cleanse, freshen and
purify these drainage or alimentary
organs, and have no effect whatever
upon the liver and stomach.
Keep your sinside organs pure and
fresh with Cascarets, which thor
oughly cleanse the stomach, remove
the undigested, sour and fermenting
food and foul gases, take the excess
bile from the liver and carry out of
the system all the decomposed waste
matter and poisons In the intestines
and bowels.
A Cascaret .tonight will make you
feel great by morning. They work
while you sleep never gripe, sicken
mid cost only 10 cents a box from your
druggist. Millions of men and wo
men tako a Cuscnret now and then
nnd never have headache, biliousness,
coated tongue, indigestion, sour stom
ach or constipated bowels. Cascarets
belong in every household. Children
Just love to take them.
this ,
Ander's Dept Store
Come where your order is given the same
we use in selecting our stock.
Lumber, Lath. Shingles, Sash, Doors,
Ceader Posts .
Crab Creek Lumber Co.
Phone Main 92
r 0 WE
dash and go.
H,tC Green Trading Stamps
weather has been of benefit, In that
It has prevented the opening of the
buds while there was danger of frost.
Prominent fruit men of this section
state that the prospects are good for
the heaviest crop this valley has ever
had, especially peaches, prunes and
apples. Some days ago it was stated
that the aphis were about to injure
the peaches, but it is thought that
this Is a mistake, as the buds are too
far along to be Injured by them. Of
course, it may be that harm has been
done by this Insert In a few of the or
chards, but it has not yet come under
the observation of the fruit men of
this city.
It has been estimated that the
growers of this section will have to
pu'.l off. In thinning, 80 per cent or
more of the peaches that will be on
the trees. This will be a greater and
more expensive Job than gathering
the fruit for shipment, as it usually
requires two or three thinnings.
Two years ago, the earliest season
in tiie history of the valley for straw
berries, was about a month earlier
than the present one will be. That
year the" local Fruit Growers' Union
Bhipped'the first car of berries on the
second day of May, and before that
time for two weeks had been sending
out sev al crates a day to local towns.
There are large berries on the vines
now, and with a few days' sunshine
will mature very rapidly.
Portland, Ore Arthur Hamilton,
colored, shot and killed his wife, Fan
ny Hamilton, at 163 Twelfth street,
whlic Mrs. Hamilton was standing nt
tho gate of a rooming house, where
she has been living since she has had
trouble with her husband. The shoot
ing occurred just as the woman was
returning from the theater with J. T.
Stephens of 622 Washington street.
After firing the three 8b,ots, all of
which entered the woman's body,
Hamilton fled down the street and
was arrested by Patrolmen Evans nnd
Gouldstone at Seventh and Flanders
streets and Inter, after having been
taken to police headquarters and then
to the morgue, where he viewed the
remains of the dead woman, he made
Moulding, Etc., here at
and the spring with great
values and
Stylish Clothes
Our values were never
better, Stein-Bloch have
been our tailors for many
seasons, but they have ex
celled themselves this
Come to our mirror and try on our
STEIX-1JLOCII Suits. They pive you a
tailored air and set your looks off witli
a full confession of the affair, which
was transcribed and signed by him.
Attorney Lew Dawley was retained
to defend the man, and when the case
came up before Judge Tazwell pre
liminary hearing was waived and the
man was bound over to the grand
Is there anything tn all this world
that is of more Importance to you
than good digestion? Food must be
eaten to sustain life and must be dl
gested and converted into blood. When
the digestion fails the whole body suf
fer. Chamberlain 8 Tablets are a ra
tlonal and reliable eure for indiges
tion. They increase the flow of bile,
purify the blood, strengthen the stom
ach, and tone up the whole digestive
apparatus to a natural and healthy
action. For sale by all dealers.
Zj)-lin Wants Duel.
Berlin. The Germanla prints a
story that Count Zeppelin, the air
ship builder, some time ago challeng
ed Theodore Lerner, who was secre
tary of the Zeppelin Arctic expedition,
to a duel, but that the matter has not
been decided, depending upon the out
come of several lawsuits between the
In the whole rleld of medicine there
Is not a healing remedy that will re
pair damage to the flesh mote quickly
In cuts, wounds, sprains, burns, scalds
nnd rheumatism, its healing and pen
etrating power Is extraordinary.
Price 25c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle.
Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
PAYS ?!)5.0()0 IX) R CANVAS.
Rem bin ndt's "Woman Plucking Fowl"
Sold at Auction in Paris.
Paris. Rembrandt's "Woman
Plucking a Fowl," the most important
painting of the famous collection of
Mine. Levaigneur, was sold at auction
in the Hotel Drouot for $93,000. The
purchaser was M. Kleinberger.
J. M. Howell", a popular druggist of
Greensburg, Ky , says, "We use Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy in our own
household and know it is excellent."
For sale by all dialers-
careful attention that
Building Paper
Two Tliouxand Men to Be Sent Into
Malheur Canyon District Grading
Canipn to KuhIi Construction Work
on New Road.
Vale. Ore, May 7. Between 2000
and 3000 railroad laborers are to be
rushed to Vale and Into the Malheur
canyon railroad camps on the Oregon
Eastern, according to reports being
given out here from railroad men who
ae keeping posted on construction
work on the new trans-Oregon line.
Information Is that the army of rail
road laborers will be sent to Vale
even before the general budget of
railroad appropriations is made
known to the general public.
At present the railroad building
west of this city Is moving slowly, but
surely, delay being .1ue to a' lack of
money, the first appropriation for this
work having given out. However,
practically all of the first 1-5 miles
of grading from this city is completed
and the big cut, 68 feet deep and 1605
feet in length, at mile post 15, will
be completed within another week.
At the big 2600 foot tunnel, between
mile post 39 and 40, the operations
are well under way and the air drills
have already penetrated 60 feet- Into
the rocky mountains. The work here
has been tedious, especially the con
struction of the approach, as the rocky
bluff has had to be torn- down to a
height of 200 feet In order to properly
build the eastern entrance to the tun
nel. Considerable work has also
been done on the western approach
and portal on the other side of the
The high water stage of the Mal
heur river In the narrow rocky gorgt
has been one of the causes for the
slow operations and has made haul
ing of supplies to the Malheur camps
difficu t. The river must be forded
nearly 20 times and several of these
fording places are dangerous, as the
water is deep, swift and over the
horses' backs Six or seven fine ani
mals have been lost since the first
of the year, while fording the Mal
heur river. At present the river, is
two feet higher than it was a few
weeks ago, on account of the recent
downpour of rain. And the large
amount of snow still in the mountain
is causing more anxiety to the rail
roaders and freighters.
In order to eliminate some of these
risks and losses, between half a mile
and a mile of wagon road Is being
built along the edge of the rocky
precipice, near the Wasatch camp at
mile post 37. The work is tedious and
costly, as the road must be cut into
solir rock, but it will do away with
two of the worst fording places, where
so many horses and mules of freight
ing outfits have been lost.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the Common
Council of the City of Pendleton at
the City Recorder's office In Pendle
ton, Oregon, up to May 8th, 1912, at
6 o'clock p. m. for. the city printing
for the ensuing two years, bids to spe
cify the price per inch for all city no
tices set in six (6) point type so. Id,
and price per hundred for blanks or
per thousand as he case may be. In
formation as to blanks required will
be furnished upon application to the
Qity Recorder. The city reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 25th day of April, 1912.
City Recorder.
Heavy Firing lliiird Near Clinton and
Believed Kij-lit has Started.
Vancouver, 13. C. Despatches from
Ashcroft, B. C, state that three pos
ses, all heavily armed, are In pursuit
f Moses Paul and Pnul Quintlam,
the murderers of Constable Kindness
and two others, who escaped from
the old log jail at Clinton, and that a
pitched battle is expected before the
desperadoes are captured. Heavy fir
ing has 'been heard south of Clinton
and fears are felt that the murderers
have invaded one of the lonely ran
ches tn the district In their search
for food.
The fugitives are dead shots and it
is expected that loss of other lives
will occur before they are taken or
Dizziness, vertigo (blind 3taggers)
sallow complexion, fatulence are
symptoms of a torpid liver No one
can feel well while the liver is inac
tive. HERBIXE is a powerful liver
stimulant. A dose or two will cause
nil bilious symptoms to disappear. Try
it Price 50c. soia by a. u. ivoep
pen & Bros.
Cle Elum, Wash. As passenger
train No. 17 of the Milwaukee road
was coming into the Cle Elum yards
it ran into an open switch colliding
head-on with a locomotive in the
yard. The engine and two express
cars of the train were overturned and
Fireman Jordan was pinned under
the wreck and killed. Engineer
Johnson was severely Injured.
Salem, Ore. A. M. Dalrymple nnd
James Godfrey announce they will
begin on June 1 a weekly paper to
be devoted to the Interests of the
democracy. The paper has secured
the indorsement of the democratic
central committee, which, held a
meeting here Saturday evening, and
organized by selecting Dan J. Fry as
permanent chairman and A. M
Dalrymple as secretary. J. C. Petti-
John was made a member of the state
Volunteer Circulation in Each of
TlUrty-four Oregon Counties Meet
ing Wltli Encouragement in . Fur
thering Good Roads.
Portland, Ore., May 7. All Ore
gon is working for the road bills
Hundreds of signatures for the six
harmony highway petitions are being
secured by volunteer circulators in
each of the 34 counties. This activ
ity is in advance of " Good Roads
Day," on May 11, set aside by pro
clamation of Governor West. On
"Good Roads Day" the commercial
and other organizations of each com
munity have been asked to assemble,
study the bills 'and sign the petitions.
Enthusiastic reports were received
In good roads headquarters from
Washington, Harney, Clatsop, Joseph
ine and Clackamas counties. These
bore out previously received reports
of work going forward in other
The fact that the harmony high
way petitions will distribute the cost
of roads equally among cities and
county districts, where before the
country road districts have paid all
the cost, has been received with
great popular approval. The plan
for state bonds limited in the aggre
gate to 2 per cent of assessed valu
ation, so that roads may be paid for
out of increased busines caused, by
the building, is also proving a popu
las plan. That the building, locat
ing, and dire'eting of road construe
tion is left entirely in the control of
each county whether state aid Is ac
cepted or not, has won appreciation
from the apparent majority who
would rather see the highway com
missioner placed in an advisory po
sition than dictatorial. This is the
position proposed in the harmony
highway bills. A plea for highway
construction that leaves the issue to
each county as a unit, yet provides so
attractive and practical a system that
roads by it will be built uniformly
throughout the state, has multiplied
the supporters of the fills.
mere are a great number who
greatly dislike to have to plunge from
the well built highways of the pro
gressive county into the mudholes of
an unprogressive county. The state
wide good roads association has ad
opted from the national organization
arguments which further establish
the need of the building system pro
osed by the harmony measures.
"Improved roads will bring
"Better schools and greater attend
"Better health and quicker medical
"Better farms and more cultivated
"Better crops and cheaper trans
portatlon. - jfi ' '
Better economic conditions , and
more producers.
"Better social conditions and less
"Better church attendance and bet
ter citizens."
The above statement is believed to
summarize the broad reasons for
supporting the good roads move
, Lawreneeburg, Ind. Charles J.
Junker, aged 41, a city councilman,
was overcome by an attack of acute
appendicitis while attempting to lift'
a desk at his business house. He was
removed to his home and an opera
tion was performed on him thirty
two minutes later. After his appendix
was recoved a large date seed that
had commenced to sprout was discov
ered In it.
New York. Professor Hnrry Thurs
ton Peck, formerly head of the Latin
department of Columbia university,
met with a serious setback in his de
fense of the suit brought against him
by Miss Esther Quinn for $50,000 for
alleged breach of promise.
Holding that certain matters set
forth in Peck's answer are "positive
ly scandalous," Supreme Court Justice
Erlanger granted a motion to vacate
and set aside the entire document.
"In action for a breach of prom
ise," Supreme Court Justice Erlanger
said, "the proposition that improper
relationship of the plaintiff prior to
the promise and unknown to the de
fendant or subsequent to the prom
ise with another than tho defendant,
as a defense is fundamental. So far
as the answer attempts to allege such
a defense it is beyond criticism.
"The other matter in the answer
following the words 'and has kept
disreputable company with men' has
no place In the pleading. Its charac
ter is so clearly Improper as to re
quire no argument to condemn It. Mr. i
Justice Bischoff, in the case of Zim
merman, on a motion to strike out
scurrilous allegations, not only grant
ed the motion but struck out the en
tire pleading and vacated the source
"I am entirely la accord with the
views expressed by him, and 1C the
conclusion is deemed harsh, the one
preparing such a pleading is in no po
sition to complain. Scurrilous and
Hood's Sarsaparilla
For All Spring Ailments.
Mrs. Marion Bruce, Cumberland,
Me., writes: "I have taken Hood's
Sarsaparilla for a great many years,
and I think It the best blood medicine
in the world. I take It both spring and
fall. This last winter and spring I
was In very poor health. I was weak
and had lJst all r-y p' tlte and I was
all run down. A.; r -i as I began to
take Hood's Snr .i; .;. i.I.i my strength
came back and my appetite returned.
I am now well, do my housework, and
no longer have that tired feeling."
Get it today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs.
For Fourteen Yean. Restored
To Health by Lydia E. Pink,
ham's Vegetable
Elgin, III. "After fourteen yean of
suffering everything from female com
plaints, I am at last
restored to health.
"I employed the
best doctors and
even went to the
hospital for treat
ment and was told
there was no help for
me. But while tak
ing Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound I began
to improve and I
continued its use until I was made well."
Mrs. Henry Leiseberg,743 Adams St.
Kearneysville, W. Va. "I feel it my
duty to write and say what Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
done for me. I suffered from female
weakness and at times felt so miserable
I could hardly endure being on my feet
"After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and following your
special directions, my trouble is gone.
Words fail to express my thankfulness.
I recommend your medicine to all my
friends." Mrs. G. B. Whittington.
The above are only two of the thou
sands of grateful letters which are con
stantly being received by the Pinkham
Medicine Company of Lynn.Mass., which
show clearly what great things Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound does
for those who suffer from woman's ills.
If yon want special adrice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held in strict confidence.
scandalous attacks In the records of
a court can not be too severely re
proved. The motion to expunge from
the answer all the matter succeeding
the words above quoted Is granted,
the entire pleading strife k out and its
service - vacated and set aside, with
$10 costs."
Professor Peck's lawyers sprang a
surprise on Miss Quinn a few weeks
ago when they persuaded Justice Plat
zek to dimlss Miss Quinn's complaint
on a technicality. But the court al
lowed Miss Quinn five days in which
to prepare and serve an amended
complaint, and it is Professor Peck's
answer to this complaint that is now
knocked out. (
New York Lieutenant Ray Strith
McDonald of the navy died In a
Brooklyn hospital as the result of a
fractured skull sustained in a fall
from a trolly car.
The lieutenant who was 'stopping
with his bride at a Brooklyn hotel,
attempted to board a car at the
Biooklyn end of the bridge, when his
foot slipped and he was hurled
against an elevated railroad pillar.
Lieutenant McDonald was married
about a month ago in Washington to
Katherine Hellner, daughter of the
late Captain He,ilner of the navy.
Helping a Woman
Generally means helping an entire family.
Her back aches so she can hardly drag
around. Her nerves are on edge and she "
is nearly wild. Headache and Sleepless
ness unfit her for the care of her family.
Rheumatic Pains and Lumbago rack her
body. But, let her take
Kidney Pills
and all these ailments
will disappear. She will
soon recover her strength
and healthy activity for
Foley Kidney Pills are
healing, curative, strengthening and tonic,
a medicine for all Kidney, Bladder and
Urinary Diseases that always cures.
For Eczema
Use a mild soothing wash that instantly
stops the itch.
We have sold many other remedies for
skin trouble but none that we could per
sonally itunrant?e ns we do the P. D. D.
Prescription. If I had Eczema I'd use
D. D. D. Prescription
We have just received a fresh
shipment of Whitman's Choco
lates direct from the factory at
Philadelphia. Among the lat
est packages we are showing Is
"Whitman's Sampler" contain
ing an assortment from each of
tho famous packages. To those
who are looking for a high
grade eastern candy, we can
personally guarantee the fresh
ness and quality of every pack
age of Whitmans.
Tallman 2& Co.