TAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGON IAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1912. EIGIIT PAGES Crisp New Wash Goods We are showing the greatest line of choice new Wash Goods ever brought to Pendleton. Dimities, Lawns, Pop' lins, Batistes, Voiles, etc. Everything that is new and desirable, and you'll find by comparison that ours are priced just a little lower and that the quality is a good deal better. Mil LINK CLOTH A lifrht airy clutli for graduation or artv drives in white onlv, 42-inches rrble. Tin yard Ll. 9So EMDKOJDEKEI) BATISTE In several pattern?, also colored em Iroidery. Neat designs, a soft, silky like fabric f-r party dresses. Yard. 75 ENGLISH POPLIN has excellent drapinir quali ties, ami wa.dies fine; fast colors, Inch silk finish: all shades. The yard 50 FLAXON CLOTH Every Wly knows what Flaxon cloth is; looks, wears and washes like linen ; desir able patterns and colors; worth 20 yard. Priced joinorrow at 15 OMBRE GAUSE An ideal summer wash fabric, thin sheer with neat dots and figures, soft as silk. The yard 35 FRENCH VOILE 40 inches wide, the much wanted material for this sea son, lijrht, fresh and airy; silk finish, permanent Conies in all colors. Pink, light blue, lavender, navy, tan, white, etc. Yard.. 39 EVERYTHING GOOD TO EAT SOLD IN Pendleton's Cleanest, Best Grocery in Oar Model Sanitary Basement, j Phone Main 17. All Other Departments Main 22. Fancy Ripe Olives, pint 25 Minced Ripe Olives, for sandwiches, jars 20 and 35 Fancy Green Olives, pint 30 Maraschino Cherries, bottles 35, 60 and 90 Mrs. Porters Home Made Salad Dressing;, bottles 25 and 45 Try our Ehrnann's Olive Oil, bottles 35, 60 and $1.00 Fancy Imported Swiss Cheese. Fancy Tillamook Full Cream Cheese, pound . 25 Royal Roquefort Cheese, pound 75 Xeufchatel and Gennan Breakfast Cheese, each 10 Fancy Wisconsin Cream Brick Cheese, pound 35 Fancy Dill Pickles, quart . 20 Pendleton's Best Crockery Store in Connection With Our Model Grocery. Come in and gee. ALLOYER EMBROID ERIES. Want something for a new waist or for voices for your wash or lingerie dress or even for the dress itself? "Vliy not allover embroidery i You will find them here in an excellent varietv of 1p- signs and prices, from the lS-in. at 50, to the 45-in. at $2.50. Or if von want something- more elaborate the Baby Irish or Batiste up to WASH GLOVES When the hot weather ar rives you will want a pair of wash gloves. They are here for you. Two button chamois lisle for 35 10-button Chamois lisle 75 and $1.00. Two button silk 50, 75. and $1.00. 10-bntton silk $1.00 and $1.50. WASIL FRINGES FOR TINISHING dainty wash dresses ; we have the plain wash fringe at lOtf and 20; ball fringe 35 to $2.00, and striking lace fringes at 65 to $1.50 the yard. KATHLEEN DIMITY A soft wash material with small f igures and stripes ; 30 inches wide. Yard 18 p.1.... .-J COUPOW The Peoples Uarehouse Where It Pays to Trade-Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps COUPOW I . ,J AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orpiienm. An extra good program for Tues day's change. Four full reels of the best pictures. 1. "The female of the Species." Bingraph. A miner, his wife and her ! sister and another young woman are he sole survivors of a mining camp on the desert. Death is inevitable should they stay longer so the four start their race with death to the desert's rim. i. "In After Tears." Lubin. A man and his little daughter are re united after being strangely separat ed. S. The Fisher Maid's Love Story." Pathe. A story of love and Jealously which involves the little fishing vil lage, of G'.ouster. 4. "Bessie's Dream. Selig. A dream comedy that made many hear ty laughs. 5 "A Trip to Tamitti in the South Pacific." Selig. Picturing In an in teresting manner glimpses of the life, customs and industries of this tropical Island. ItESlMES BALDWIN FHiHT. Ml TunilMill Mill Continue to Sue for Share of Estate. Boston. Despite the decision of California supreme court denying her a new trial. Miss Beatrice Anita Turnbull of Brookllne will continue her contest for a daughter's share of the estate of the late K. J. (Lucky) Baldwin, who she claims, was her father. The estate amounts to ap proximately $20,000,000. Walter B. Grant of this city, one of Miss Turnbull's attorneys, an nounced that the contest would be continued. "I do not know what the Califor tiit supreme court nays in its opinion dtnying the new trial, so I cannot say Just what our course will be," he said. "The fight may be renewed eith-r In the state courts of Califor nia or the federal courts there." HAZLL MOOHK IX TOILS. Woman Who I'.ulncd Orti Hamilton Violate tin- Whit" Slave I .aw. Sattle. Haz-fl Moore, who gained notoriety t)ire rs ago as the wo man upon whom former Adjutant ; ti-riil Ort"n Hamilton of the Wash ington National Guard squandered the J.'ii.OOU he was convicted of em Ix-zJing from the militia fund, was arretted on a charg of violating the federal white slave law. When Hamilton's defalcation was exposed, Mrs. Moore hurriedly left Seattle for nkland and did riot re turn until after the former Adjutant General was sint to the penitentiary at Walla Walla, where he is serving ills sentence. ARRESTED IXR iL( KMAIL. Blsbee. Thomas Callaghan, a miner, was arrested here charged with having attempted to blackmail L. C. Hhattuck, millionaire mine operator and banker. Callakhan is said to have gained admittance to Shattuek's office and demanded money, threatening to kill Shattuck and dynamite his home, if he refused to comply. Shattuck told him to return later, and meantime, notified the police. Callaghan did not return, but was la ter arrested and locked up. YOING GIKIj HELD AS MCRDERESS AXD SPY Philadelphia. Charged by -the Ger man government with being a murder ess and spy and with having stolen $70,00 in gold in addition to valu able papers, Marie Purtz, aged 20 years, a Saxon girl, was arraigned here before United States Commission er Edmunds. She is charged with having killed Karl Gutlleb. Miss Purtz waized extradition, agreeing to return to Germany voluntarily. She emphatically asserted her innocence. The German government charges the girl with killing Gutlieh because he refused to allow his son to marry her, and that nhe then stole the pa pers and money from their hiding place, ,he eluded secret service men until her recent arrival in Pittsburg. kk ii voice ki:i:is NOOSE FROM NECK CoiMh-iiiiMtl Man' Sentence Commut ed After I "oiks Heard Him Sing. Sharon. Pa. A remarkable baritone voice has saved Velka Ankrovltch from the hangman's noose, for the board of pardons has recommended to Governor Tener that he commute the death sentence of the murderer to life imprisonment. When 'the con demned man was told the news he cried for Joy and exclaimed "Thank God!" Then he broke forth Into a hymn with such expression that tears were brought to the eyes of Sheriff Martin Grain. The prisoner's wonderful voice caused many to work In his behalf. Including scores of prominent wo men. Often, unknown to the pris oner, music-loving visitors were al lowed to stand In the Jail corridor and listen whi!e Androvltch . sang one melody after another. INABLK TO GET DIVORCE, HAPPY WITH TWO WIVES Pittsburg, Kan. Unable to procure a divorce from either of his two wives Peter Sharp now is living happly with both at his home here, his attorney said. Prior to the attempt of Sharp to obtain a divorce from his wife, Ce lla Samantha, it vtaa said peace did not reign In the divided household. Sharp married his first wife, Ann Catharine, more than forty years ago but became separated from her dur ing the Chicago fire. Believing his w tefiaohvE cmfwy cmfwyp cmfwya wife to have perished, thirty years later he married Celia Samantha. Last summer he learned that Ann Cather ine was still alive and since then he and his two wives have lived together. Discord at first determined Sharp to seek a legal separation from one of his helpmeets. The Pastime. The home of good pictures. Tues day's change of program: "Working for Hubby." Vitagraph This is a very clever comedy In which the principals, especially the merry wives." Leah Balrd and Lillian Walk er, acquit themselves nobly. Not only is the story strictly original but it is developed in a very able fashion. The uniformly clever work of Bunny is one of the features of this story. The atmosphere is refined and true to life in every inch of film. "The End of the Romance." Selig. A cleverly enacted drama suggested by L. Max Ehrlles" famous painting of the same title. Eugenie Besserer, Bessie Eyton, Hobart Bosworth, play leading roles. This picture tells the life story of a beautiful young girl who meets Lieutenant Dupres of the French navy, falls violently in love with him, curtly dismisses John Strong, to whom Bhe is ngaged, only to find out later that Dupree has a sweetheart in every port "Captain King's Rescue." Lubin. The entire gamut of human emotions. love, Jealousy and hate, are strikingly enwoven In the plot mashes of this drama. A story with a moral that strikes deep and true. "The Unknown Traveler." Eclipse. The story of a young sailor lad and his sweetheart. It will touch the heart strings of all. MME. KLOR1NE AXD ONE OP HE It PERSIAN LEOPARDS yy vy-" V. --'".J M AW-.i 1 ? ; s L -dJ .. ' ' . .' 1 r With AI ii. Ramos' Circus, PtTfornil ii llerp Today. Cosy. , Monday only. In addition to our regular program, we will run the "Ti tanic" pictures again today, showing the il'.-fated ship Just before and Just after starting on her. fatal voyage. Monday end Tuesday's program: "The Guardian Angel." Eclair Am erican. A prettily told story of a poor musical couple who fought their way to the top and became rich and famous. Both are tempted to be un true to each other, but their little child Is their guardian angel. A Btory that grips. "Under Her Wing." Rex. Featuring Marion Leonard In a strong story. The girl's brother took some money from his employer's safe and for his fam ily's sake the sister took the blame. But her Innocence was proven and she then appoints herself bread win ner of her guilty brother's family and took them under her wing. "A Game for Two." Majestic. A very laughable comedy. The man engrossed In work, neglected his wife and she decided to wake him up. An awful mixup occurs that causes "hearty- laughter and which woke-up ., the neighborhood as well as hubby. Galmont Weekly. Big fire in New York, Germany's battleship, carnival at Nice, aeroplaning in wintry weath er, the war in Tripoli, new French style submarine, A beard 10 feet long, Dr. Wiley, the Jinx of bad foods, summer fashions from Paris and many other events. reau reports a remarkable landslide forty miles west of .Santa Fe in the Jemez mountains, which has engulfed a large area. Natives are afraid to approach the brink of the sink as trees and rocks along the edges are still crumbling away Into the abyss. Large cracks also are opening in the earth north of Jemez springs. The entire range consists of extinct volcanles. which were active in recent geological times, and has) many hot, sulphur, Iron and other mineral springs and lava flows that destroyed prehistoric cities and cliff dwellings. The weather bureau also reports an unprecedented snowfall of two to four Inches in the same region. A rise of a foot in the Jemez river every night In the last two weeks from melting snow Is also reported. SPOKANE GRATIFIED WITH RATE VICTORY EXTRA GOOD PROGRAM AT THE GRAND A large and well pleased audience witnessed the opening show of Welch & Maitland, comedy acrobatic contor tlonists last night. Miss Ulen the sweet voiced singer, and McWinn Trio the favorite of the last change who were held over to satisfy many re quests from people who had no chance to see them. Little Frank, the 9 year old violin 1st and Miss Alice the little pianist and singer certainly made a decided hit with their clever playing. Maitland & Welch, another one of Pantages circuit acts, is one of the best In their acts that we had here. Comedy Is Intermingled with their work and it is a pleasure to look on and watch them work. All acts are above the average and well worth seeing. Entire change of bill Thursday. Fore soreness of the muscles wheth er Induced by violent exercise or in Jury, Chamberlain's Liniment is ex cellent. This liniment is also highly esteemed for the relief It affords In cases of rheumatism. Sold by all dealers. HOWS' THIS. Wc offer One Hundred Dollars Kewird for any case of Catarrh that cannot be enr ed by nail's Catarrh Cure. F. i CHENEY k Co., Toledo jO. We, tbe undersigned, nave known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and beller him perfectly bonorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry oat any obligation made by bis firm. WALDINO, KINNAN MARVIN. Wbotaule Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Care la taken Internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mocoua surfaces of tbe system. Testimonials sent free. Price TSe, per bottle. Bold by all Drmrglats. Take Bans Family Fills for eonstipa- Maltland & Welch, comedy contor tionists. Frank McMlnn, youngest violinist on the coast Allie McMlnn, girl concert pianist Photo plays: 1 A Woman's Wrath; 2 A Tale of the Wilrlamers; 3 One Way to Win. CRATERS IN LANDSLIDE. Extinct Volcanic region hi New Mox-i-o Is l!"Kirtcd Siilsllizlii;f. Santa Fe, N. M. The weather bu- ExperU Endorse It "Marlon Tlarlsnd." Mrs. Janet M. mil. and Mrs. Harsh Tyson HoriT are among the cooking authorities whose names a re familiar to almost every housewife. Kach has her own distinc tive methods of work, but it is Interesting to note that on the all-lmuortant question of a cooking fat, they are unanimous in recoto mending Cottolene. "Marlon TTartand"saysof Cottolene: "l has firm etmpUte tali fact bin." Mrs. Mill saysi "l'ervn"Aeorv;ffl(idto rteommrnd U." Mrs. Tlorer sayst "A much man tuaUMid vroduct than lard." With such authority behind It, every house keeper will be safe In giving Cottolene a trial. It Is purer and more wholesome than lard and It Is more economical, too, one-third less being required. Spokane, Wash. When the inter state commerce commission orders in the compromise rates submitted by the railroads and accepted by the Spokane chamber of commerce, th merchants' association and the city and county commissioners, Spokane shippers will enjoy a cut In freight rates averaging $150 a carload. At a Joint meeting of the rate com mittees of the chamber of commerce and the merchants' association, yes terday. It was determined to send At torney H. M. Stephens, J, B. Camp bell, secretary of the merchants' as sociation, and Fred S. Hall, traffic manager of the Spokane Dry Goods company, to Washington, D. C, to represent Spokane before the Inter state Commerce. Commission at the hearing to be held May 8. In ad dition to the three men it Is expected It. B. Peterson of the Spokane Dry Goods company, who is now in the east, will appear with them. "It Is a source of great satisfaction to me that the matter has been so satisfactorily disposed of," declared n. Insinger, president of the cham ber of commerce and of the North western & Pacific Hypothaekbank. "After a fight of six, or even 20 years, it Is a happy feeling to know that we have come out In a triumph of glory. For that is what it amounts to be cause we hnve secured what we have been fighting for. In some Instances the rates we have secured are even better than the tentative rates, so that we have clearly won out. "It Is all settled now and the ma jority of business men, public offi cials and shippers are satisfied with It. When the chamber of commerce, the merchants' association and the city and county commissioners decide that the compromise should be ac cepted. It seems reasonable to con clude that the rates are In the best Interests of the community." RANCHER FOUND DEAD WITH HEAD CRUSHED Body Thrown In Cellar of House; When) Murderer llal Draped It. Nelson, B. C. The body of Peter Wlnstanloy, aged 33 years, a rancher who lived four miles west of Slocan Junction, was discovered by a Douk- hobor farmer, the man having been murdered. Wlnstanely lived In a lo;r house on the ranch, and the body- was found lying partly In the cellar under the house, the door of which had been burst open. There were signs of a desperate struggle beside a creek near the house, two heavy stones being found with clotted blood on them. After having been mur dered beside the creek, Wlnstanley's body had evidently been dragged to. his house by the feet, and thrust In. to the celtar. head first. The mur derer had takn the keys from the dead man's pockets and endeavored to open the door. but. fulling to do so, had obtained admission to the house by breaking a window. HO POISONED BY ICE CREAM AT METHODIST PICNIC Chtirvli People Stricken in Midst ot Festivities at Ilanfonl, t'al. Hanford, Cal. Poisoned by eating Ice cream at a picnic 80 members or the Methodist church here are slowly recovering today. Seventy-five were terribly stricken and some thought hopelessly so. All physicians from Hanford and Lemore were summoned and worked over the patients all night. The cream was made by one of the parlshoners, anil after standing over night In the freezer was frozen the next morning. The picnickers then proceeded to the banks of Kings riv er near Harwlck, where they were stricken while In the midst of the festivities. Health is the foundation of all good looks. The wise woman realizes this and takes precautions to preserve her health and strength through the pe riod of child hearing. She remains a pretty mother by avoiding as far as possible the suffering and dangers of such occasions. This every woman may do through the use of Mother's Friend, a remedy that has been so Ions; in use, and accomplished so much good, that It Is In no sense an experi ment, but a preparation which always produces tbe best results. It is for external application and so penetrating In its nature as to thoroughly lubricate every muscle, nerve and tendon in volved during the period before baby comes. It aids nature by expanding the skin and tissues, relievos tender ness and sorenesB, and perfectly pre pares the system for natural and safe motherhood. Mother's Friend has been used and endorsed by thousands of mothers, and its use will prove a com fort and benefit - remedy. Mother's IvriTriA Friend is sold at VtVIV drug stores. Write for free book tor expectant mothers, which contains much valuable information. BKADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Altos. Ga. Absolutely BottiVd inBotirf 6 HERMAN PETERS iMl PENDLETON - - OREGON