EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY, MAY C, 1912. PAGE THREE NEMO WEEK w DEAR MADAM: We presume that you wear corsets. We assume that you want to look stylish. We knoio that you desire corset-comfort. We are CONFIDENT that you want to get the GREATEST VALUE FOR YOURMONEY when you buy a corset. Therefore we invite you to visit our Corset Department this week NEMO WEEK and let us demonstrate to you that There's a Nemo lor Every Figure The Nemo line this year is practically new. Even the old favorites are greatly improved, and the latest models are so entirely novel that every woman, young or old, will take delight in seeing them. We're anxious to show you the new Nemos. AH This Week A week devoted to exploiting the merits of Nemo Corsets, which we recommend be cause they always give our custom ers satisfaction in style, in comfort and in service. WE SAVE YOU MONEY ON EVERY PURCHASE WK GIVE S. & U. GKKEX TltADIXG STAMPS. AI THE PICTURE SHOWS The Pastime. ' The home of good pictures. Tues day's change of program: "Working for Hubby." Vltagraph This la a very clever comedy In which the principals, especially the merry wives," Leah Balrd and Lillian Walk er, acquit themselves nobly. Not only Is the Htory strictly original but It Is developed In a very able fashion. The uniformly clever work of Bunny is one of the features of this story. The atmosphere Id refined and true to life In every Inch of film. "The End of the Romance." Sellg. A cleverly enacted drama suggested by L. Max Ehrlies' famous painting ot the same title. Eugenie Besserer, Bessie Eyton, Hobart Bosworth, play leading roles. Thlg picture tells the life story of a beautiful young girl who meets Lieutenant Dupres of the French navy, falls violently in love with him, curtly dismisses John Strong, to whom she Is engaged, only to find out later that Dupree has a sweetheart In every port. "Captain King's Rescue." Lubln. The entire gamut of human emotions love, Jealousy and hate, are strikingly enwoven in the plot mashes of this drama. A story with a moral that strikes deep and true. "The Unknown Traveler." Eclipse. The story of a young sailor lad and his sweetheart. It will touch tile heart strings of all. Cosy. Monday only. In addition to our regular program', we will run the "Ti tanic" pictures again today, showing YOUR GRAY HAIRS COL. HILL STKKKTT'S FISHWOIt.M LIKE Plant Iiroom Handle, Hire Xepro to Vibrato It, and Worms, Vexed, Wrl(f;le Out. Dallas. Col. "Bill' Sterett, for many years a Washington newspaper correspondent, who forsook Journal ism to become game warden to the commonwealth In his home state of Texas, gave out plans for a labor saving device in gathering fish worms. Col. Sterett, in overcoming a state law, recently made out a blanket license "to the world," entitling everybody to fish in Texas waters. Explaining his fishworm apparatus, Col. Sterett Mild: "You tako a broom handlo three and one-half feet long and drive it into a spot likely to be inhabited by angleworms. Leave an end sticking up about six inches. Then take a rough board and rub It over the top of the broom handle. This rubbing will cause a vibrution of the earth, and the worms, angry and disturbed, will work their way out of the ground. A fellow can get a pail full of worms In a short time." "But, Colonel," asked a reporter, "doesn't it take work to rub the board on top of the stick?" "Got a negro to rub the board," exclaimed the Colonel. GET SEXT TO JAIL TO SEE A IIAXGIXG Chambersburg, Pa In order that they might witness the hanging of William Reed, which will take place in the Franklin county Jail here, Denis Grllley of Roadside and John Dunn of Ilagerstown, Md., got. them selves arreHted for drunkenness, re fused to pay fines and were commit ted to prison. "But after we landed In Jail," said Grllley, "we found that the prisoners couldn't see the execution. But we didn't give up and got after the. sher iff. He told us there was no use to talk, as he wouldn't permit us to wit ness the hanging. We begged hard, but it was no good. That settled it for me. I sent for father and he came and paid fines and costs for both of us, and we were released. "But say! Wasn't that hard luck, after all our plans? Going to Jail to see the execution and then fizzling on it. I never was in Jail before and was willing to stay thirty days to see the hunglng. I'd give $10 to see it. "But it's all off. Father's paid the bill and we had a new experience. That's all there's to it." the ii:-fated ship Just before and Just after starting on her fatal voyage. Monday and Tuesday's program: ."The Guardian Angel." Eclair Am erican. A prettily told story of a poor musical couple who fought their way to the top and became rich and famous. Both are tempted to be un true to each other, but their little child is their guardian angel. A story that grips. "Under Her Wing " Rex. Featuring Marion Leonard In a strong story. The girl's brother took some money from hi employer's safe and for his fam ily's sake the sister took the blame. But her Innocence was proven and she then appoints herself bread win ner of her guilty brother's family and took them under her wing. "A Game for Two." Majestic. A very laughable comedy. The man. engrossed in work, neglected his wife and she decided to wake him up. An awful mixup occurs that causes hearty laughter an-l which woke-up the neighborhood as well as hubby. Galmont Weekly. Big fire In New York, Germany's battleship, carnival at Nice, aeroplaning In wintry weath er, the war in Tripoli, new French style submarine, A beard 10 feet long, Dr. Wiley, the Jinx of bad foods, summer fashions from Paris and many other events. A feeling of sadness accompanies the discovery of the first gray hairs, which, unfortunately, are looked upon as heralds of advancing age. Gray hairs, however, are not always an in dication of advancing age, for many people have gray hairs quite early in life. Of course, it is unnatural, and indicates that there Is something wrong with the individual, nd thai Nature needs assistance in correct ing the trouble. The same i.s true of hair that is constantly falling out and becoming thinner every day. If ev erything is right with Nature, the hair, even In comparatively elderly people, should be long, thick and glos sy, without even a streak of gray. The ideal assistant to Nature in re storing and preserving the hair -is Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem edy, a clean and wholesome dressing for dally use. It not only removes dandruff, but strengthens weak, thin and falling hair and promotes its growth. A few applications will re store faded or gray hair to its natural color. Get a bottle today, and let it do for you what it has done for thou sands of others. This preparation is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle and Is recommended and sold by special agent. Orpheum. An extra good program for Sun day's change. Four full reels of thb best pictures. 1. "The Torn Note." Pathe. A young man accused of tnurder he did not commit visits his sister to obtain money. His sister's husband witness es his leaving by the window and sus pects his wife. He drives his wife and child from home, but everything is finally explained and the husband makes amends for his unjust suspic ions and firmly resolves in his heart never again to be carried away by a blind passion. 2. "Driftwood." Sellg. A tale of mistaken identity in the slums of s large city. The bread line and the rich man's mansion. 3. Becky Gets a Husband. Lubin. This terrible tang'e showing the diffi culty in mixing a Jewish family with an Irish family. Becky Cohen and Pat Casey next door neighbors, start a flirtation and eventually fall in love. 4. "The Alligator Farm." Lubin. Thousands of little alligators scram ble over one another in the ponds, while the big fellows show fight to the keepers who laugh at their wick ed attempts to bite. 5. "California Ostrich and Pigeon Farms." Lubin. A wonderfully In tresting picture of an extensive insti tltion In lower California. The great birds appear to enjoy civilization. The beauty pigeons rise In clouds and re turn to their homes and keepers. 6. "Broncho Billy and the Girl." Essanal. A splendid Western drama with G. M. Anderson. Broncho Billy, a lawless western renegade, reels out of the Rawhide saloon and comes face to face with the town preacher. The preacher tries to show him the error of his ways but he laughs and goes his way. Nan Fowler, a pretty ranch girl, finally leads Broncho Billy to the right path. You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the QUELLE Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakea Good coffee Every day We invite your patronage and aim to please you. A clean kitchen Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street. CHICHESTER S P'LLS si iMumond TimHA fcnd bold mctallfcWx FEATURE PROGRAM AT THE GRAND Master Frank, the most accomp lished violinist of the coast for his in ?.dlrl A.k i tiil.rheft-ter'a I rilin la Ked i laka no other. Iftit or m l'rurlt. AkfoM 'II l. 'II Km TEH B DIAMOND ltltM I'll.l.S, f. r Hi years kr own as Best. Safest. Aiwa- keliat.t SOLD BY TRLOGISTS EVERYWHERE age, rendered a solo last night ac companied by Miss Allie, his little sister on the piano that astonished the audience. Although but 9 years of age he is complete master of the vio lin and his technique and skill are marvelous. Miss Allie is another little wonder on the piano. The duet that these two children rendered was most pleasing. Not alone a pianist, little Miss Allie also is a sweet little singer and dancer. v Prof. McMinn, cornet and violin player finished the act with the chil dren, playing an overture as a trio. The Beardsley sisters as Dainty Duettists as they are styled, made a decided hit with their new and catchy songs. They had to. answer to many curtain calls and completely took the house by storm with their duet "The Story the Picture Books Told." Twnight and Sunday completes their engagement. Don't fall to see them, their stay in this town Is very short. In the whole Held of medicine, there Is not a healing remedy that will re pair damage to the flesh more quickly than BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. In cuts, wounds, sprains, burns, scalds and rheumatism, its healing and pen etrating power is extraordinary. Price 25c, 50c and J1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. F1EE We want all our patrons to be our friends not only do we save you money on every purchase here, but with every purchase made at this store tomorrow, Tuesday, amounting to $5.00 or over we will give with our compliments, a ticket to the circus Absolutely FREE. In addition, we are making cut prices for tomorrow and every article is guaranteed to be just a represented, are going to need the goods, why not get the treat. ou Ladies' Oxfords Hose For the Ladies Men's Suits A big lot of 1012 drummer's sample oxfords nr. one-nau price. $1.50 Oxfords $2.00 Oxfords $2..r.O Oxfords $t.0p Oxfords ... 75t Sl.OO $1.25 1.93 Sample hosiery of all kinds. 75e Silk lisle hose for 50c Hose, all colors ",)C Hose, good quality 20c Hose, black, tan or white feet for ..Z- 12 1 20 35 23? 20? Hot weather will soon be here, and we are here with a large line of sample under wear in unions and two-piece suits first, w6 will sell you 10c sleeveless vests at -If Shoes Pants Hats Our buyer was very fortunate, bought a big lot of 11)12 suits, all wool and very lat est tilings out. and instead ef being com pelled to sell them at usual prices from $15 to $2.". our price will be from S7.50 to S13.93. Men's outing or bicycle shoes, $2.75 grade. THE HUB PRICE $1.95 . Sample Gloves Another great bargain buy. A fine $3.00 grade Corduroy pants, peg top and with cuffs. THE mill PRICE S1.S5 Men's S3c horse hide gauntlet gloves for 45 A number one horse hide glove, $1.50 and $1.75 grade for $1.00 Underwear Another line, better gcade, the 20c and 25c kind at - 10 $3.50 Hats for 82.45 $3.00 Hats for $1.93 $2.50 Hats for ; S1.S5 Shirts Here is where we shine, the largest assort ment in town and prices that are wonderfully low. Shoes Shoes are our hobby, and you may be the judge if we are not right on shoes. Sleeveless Vests Silk lisle vests, the kind you always pay 75c and $1.00 for. THE HUE PRICE 35 Stores at LEWISTOX, IDA. MOSCOW, IDA. SPOKANE, WASH. oj Stores at COLFAX, WASH. WA1.I.A WAI.LA, WASH. Pl:I. I.MAX, WASH. "We Set the Pace, Others Can't Keep Up"