EIGHT PAGES PAGE FOUTI. DAILY EAST OJtEGOXIA. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1912. AN INltEl'KXDKXT NEWSPAPER. rnbllibn) Dally and SemlWwkly at Pen dleton, Uregon. by the AST OREiiON'I AN i'LllLISUlSG CO. Entered at the tioctofflr at Pendleto. Oregon, aa ferond-clasa mall matter. srr.scniiTios rates. Itetty. one year, by mal fS.OO Pally, ail montha. by mall 2 M Pally, three ninntba. by mall 1.25 Dally, one month, by mall aO Dally, one year, by carrier 7. 50 Dally, alx months, by carrier 175 Dally, 'tree montfca. by carrier 1.95 Dally, one month, by carrier .65 Semi Weekly, one yenr. by mall 150 leml Weekly, alx month, by mall 75 ami-Weekly, (our month, by mall... .60 The PaUr Fast ironlan la ept on aale t the Oregon Newt Co., 8'i'J Morrlaon vtreet, Portland, Orecon. Northwest Nowa Co., Portland, Oretron. Chicago Bureau, 00 Security Rulldlnit. Wuhmfton, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four Uenth street, N. W. Member United Press Aasoclatlon. telephone Main ) Offlcla: City and County Paper. A1TF.U THE 11A1X. - I. The rain comes down on hill and plain, And almost drowns the clover, .But the sun's like a woman's smile again: "Thank God that the rain is over!" And still we sow, and still we reap, And Morning dreams of the stars of Sleep. II. crops The thirstv are glad to drink When the rain falls bright up on them. For well they know 'that the dewy glow To the harvest time has won them. And still our faithful toil we keep Where Morning dreams of the stars of Sleep. F. L. Stanton. HOMES SHOULD BE EXEMPT. Would not the single tax advocates make faster progress If they would offer their remedy in smaller doses? There is much virtue In the single tax idea as all must admit who have studied the question closely and with fairmindedness. But it Is strong medicine and it is natural people grow fearful when it 13 offered to them by the bottleful. With these preliminary comments the East Oregonlan desires to suggest that if single tax is to be offered the people of Oregon the first step should consist in the submission of a measure proriding for the exemption of homes fiom taxation. It would be a meas ure almost certain of adoption and surely It would deserve adoption. Homes should not be taxed. They axs ot source of wealth and if we ar to turn towards ai policy of levy lag taxes on the sources of wealth rather than upon wealth itself it would be natural to start forth by abolishing the tax on homes. To abolish taxes on homes would b an effective step towards lowering the oet of living. In Pendleton at thU time the tax levy is 20.6 mills. That means that on a home costing $3009 a low average on the price of homes In Pendleton the owner must D8T slichtlv over $5 per month in taxes. If a man lives in a rented , Every woman's heart responds to the charm and sweetness of a baby's Toice, because nature intended her for motherhood. But even the loving rature of a mother shrinks from the ordeal because such a time is usually a period of suffering and danger. Women who use Mother'e 7;!ond art) saved much discomfort and suffering, and their systems, being thoroughlr prepared l7 this great remedy, are In a healthy condition to meet tha time with the least possible suffering and danger. Mother's Friend is recommended only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers; it is in no sense a remedy for various 1113, but its many years of success, and the thousands of endorsements re ceived from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from Its use. This remedy does not accomplish wonders but sim ply assists nature to perfect Its work. Mother's Friend allays nausea, pre vents caking of -41 S9 XS way W"tv$ contributes to fflTtfigillA strong, bealthy motherhood. Mother's Friend Is sold at drug stores. Write for our fre book for expectant mothers. MAD FIELD REGULATOR CO., AtWa, C PoiSoAe&aK REMEDY THE STANDARD TAILING nut a. chiiblains. rtLONS, burns, itc AVALUASLC HDU9CHOIO 5ALVC AU. MUHIiTl HAVC IT O WIU. OITAIN ON ftCQUUT ACCIAT NO SuajTITUTCA. rrco 23 Ceirs. houso he must pay $5 a m-nt'i more rent than he would have to pay were homes exempted from taxation. Ue move the tax and you will aid in solv ing the problem of how to live when prices are hish und Incomes low. Itut to remove the tax on homes would not he to throw a crust to the poor. Nothing of the sort. It would be merely offering the square deal to horn owners both rich and poor. Homes do not produce wealth and they should not be taxed. The money that is raised from taxation of homes should be raised from taxes on land, which in the economic sense means natural resources, including power sites, coal and timber; on franchises and on inheritances above a certain amount, the inheritance tax beiny justified because with the unnatural conditions governing the business world of the present great fortunes have been acquired without being earned and H is only right that a share of that money should go to the state. What do Mr. URen and his follow ers think of the suggestion to exempt h-mes from taxation? The East Ore gonian wonders if they will like it or will demand Instead that the people take single tax by the bucketful or not at all. AT 51.34 I'EU YAIII). With agitation underway in Fen dleton for lower prices on street pav ing the East Oregonian takes pleas ure today in reproducing a story from Gcrtdendale. Wash , and publish ed in a Portland paper last evening. It sets forth that many bids on hard surface paving have been received by the Goldendale council and that Dol orway paving has been offered the people there at a price of $1.34 per square yard. Inasmuch as the Dolorway people have been asking a price of $1.50 per square yard here it would seem that the company has not yet reached bedrock with reference to price cut ting in Pendleton. Surely the paving company will not charge local prop erty owners any more for their work than they charge the property own ers at uouiendaie. iocai property owners are a fine lot of citizens and are entitled to the very best that's going in the way of paving prices, a fact that both the paving companies should carefully bear in mind.' PLENTY OE MOISTCKK. With the rainfall thus far two inches ahead of the normal Umatilla county is assured of a bounteous sup ply of moisture this season and if we do not get a good crop the fault will not rest with Jupiter Pluvius. Eut of course it is still too early to brag. More rain will be needed latel in the season. Then there is the danger that the wheat may be blown down, it may become so heavy it can r.ot be threshed, it may be ruined by hot winds and the paper bag cooking fad may become so strong that the women will refuse to bake bread thus lowering the price of flour and wheat But aside from these possibilities of calamity it must be admitted that the outlook is very good. The Medford Carnegie library has been closed to the suffrage workers because the suffrage brigade down there includes some bald headed an 1 some long haired men. There seems to be need down there of a men's rights organization. An Irishman who was a steerage passenger on the Titanic says that a steward attempted to close a gate so as to keep the steerage passengers from getting to the life boats. It is significant that the Irishman is able to testify. How the steward fared the reports do not say. If strikes were never more, serious than is the electrical workers strike at the branch hospital all would be well. When a single man constitutes the striking brigade his going does not leave a very large gap. The Humphrey brothers are unfit t;t live. Since Governor West is op posed to hanging he might eliminate the hanging feature and order the two murderers shot. An aeroplane at the Round-up might be alright. Tet some of the bionchoes do well as sky shooters. If Dolorway pavement can be had for $1.34 per yard what will gravel bitulithic be worth? TAKKINGTOX'S TOl'GII TALK When Jiooth Tarklngton is In New York he makes hi home at one of the university clubs on Gramercy park, says the New Tork correspond ent of the Cincinnati Times Star. It was there he told this story of a par ticular friend, well known to the New York stage. He visited Mr. Tarklng ton at the latter's home in Indian anolis to spend the fag end of a re cent year. When New Year's day came they set out calling, in obedience to the beBt Hoosier tradition. "Maybe he wasn't quite acclimated," said Mr. Tarklngton, "or perhaps he waa in cautious. Anyhow, he wanted to dance the turkey trot wtth Aunt Me hltable Jones on his third call, and by 5 o'clock In the afternoon had be come totally incapacitated. Fortu nately, we were then at the home of a dear frtend of mine, and we Just lugged him upstairsand put him to bed. " "An hour or so later he awoke to find himself in bed In a perfectly strange room, and suffering violently for fresh air, and, not content with what blew in, he had to take a dive into it. He was picked up unconscious under the window balf an hour later and hurried to the hospital. There they set seven ribs he had broken when he fell out and put him in a plaster cast, and ticketed his 'Case 37, Hall 2. Ward 9." In due time he woke to sober realization that something had happened. By tvnd by the doctor came busling in. ' 'Where am I at?' he asked, In de fiance of grammar. " 'In the hospital, said the doctor. 'How do you feel?' " 'I gotta dickens of a pain in my side ' said the actor. " 'Xo wonder,' said the doctor. 'You are a pretty sick man.' "My Thespian friend thought he'd bluff it through, being still without knowledge of what had happened. He waved one hand airily at the ribs he did not know were broken. " 'For six weeks, I've felt that pain comin on,' said he." VOTES FOR' WOMEN Judging from the reports of the Portland press, the famous Miss Martin, anti speaker from New Tork, is as usual adding gaiety to the cam paign and incidentally gaining votes for women. An interesting meeting of league members was held at Wheeler's stu dio Thursday evening of this week, and plans for precinct organization perfected. Xext Tuesday at 3 p. m. the regu lar meeting of the Political Equality Leagute will be held at the city hall. It Is expected that a large number will be present. All women interested in the success of the suffrage amend ment are cordially invited to attend this meeting. Precinct chairmen will be appointed and volunteer workers will be asked for. Notice of time of parlor meetings will be given at the Tuesday afternoon meeting. HOW IT GOES. "Well. George," said the president of the company to old George, "how goes it?" "Fair to middlin'," George answer ed. And he continued to currycomb a bay horse. "Me an' this here-hoss," George said suddenly, "has worked for your firm sixteen years." "Well, well," said the president. WOMAN SICK TWELVE YEARS Wants Other Women to Know How She Was Finally Restored to Health. Louisiana, Mo.: "I think a woman naturally dislikes to make br troubles stl but eomDlete restor ation tohealth means so much to me that I cannot keep from telling mine for the sake of other suffer ing women. "I had been sick about twelve years, and had eleven doc tors. I had drag ging down pains, pains at monthly periods, bilious spells, and was getting worse all the time. I wonld hardly get over one spell when I would be sick again. No tongue can tell what I suffered from cramps, and at times I could hardly walk. The doctors said I might die at one of those times, but I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and got better right away. Your valuable medicine is worth more than mountains of gold to suffering wo men." Mrs. Bertha Muff, 503 N. 4th Street, Louisiana, Mo. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to-day holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact If yon want special advice write to Lydia . Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held lu strict confidence. That Bad Cold VaiKir Trontmonf SurHy Docs Clean Out That Stuffm Vp Head In Itec ord Ilreaklng Time. ' Don't try to break up a cold with dangerous stomach disturbing drugs. Get directly to the inflatned mem brane by breathing HLOMEI (pro nounce it High-o-me). Get a bottle for 60 cents at Tallman & Co. and try this rapid- and economical treatment that thousands are using. Into a bowl of boiling water pour a teaspoonful of HYOMEI, cover head and bowl with a towel, and breathe deep into the Jungs the healing vapor that arises. Breathe this vapor for five or ten minutes until the head feels fine and clear, then go to bed and sleep soundly until morning. No cocaine or opium or harmful drugs In HYO MEI. It Is guaranted to end catarrh, or money back. Milm ABSOLUTELY PURE 'Makes delicious home baked foods of maximum quality at minimum cost. Makes home baking a pleasure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Unto Phosphates thinking a little guiltily of George's $7 sa'ary. "And I suppose you are both pretty highly valued, George, eh?" "H m!" said George, "the both of Am Awful HUSH today making it im possible to take time to write ads, at the Pendleton Cash Market COR. COURT AND JOHNSON STREETS PHONE MAIN 101 Everything to Eat GAS Do you use gas? If not we will, during the months of April and Hay, pipe gas clear to your gas meter (no matter where it may le) Absolutely Free of Charge to You Besides this we will sell you a heater, stove or range, with all the extras needed at cost prices. (J ET BUSY NOW BE FORE THE BUSH AND PREPARE FOR THE IIOT DAYS. Pacific Power & Light Co Thono Main 40. tPowd0 us was took sick last week, and they got a doctor for the hoss, but they Just docked me. Toronto Mall ana Empire. CIAL FIFE! - "Always at Your Service." We are ready for you with our CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM served with fresh Strawberries Its the kind that make you come again. Koeppen's The drug' store that ttrvet you best. "A FUSSY PACKAGE" We have Just received a fresh shipment of Whitmnn's Choco lates direct from the factory at Philadelphia. Among the lat est packages we are showing is "Whitman's Sampler" contain ing an assortment from each of the famous packages. To those who are looking for a high grade eastern candy, we can personally guarantee the fresh ness and quality of every pack age of Whitmans. Tallman & Co. SOLE AGENTS. Tea Extra Green Trading Stamps Given With Each New Prescription You want pure medicines. Correct work at right prices. " TRY THE Pendleton Drug Co. "IX BUSINESS FOIt YOUR GOOD IIKALTH." Evory 7oman U lujrMtM un thou Id kao bout that wonderful MARVEL Wkirii Spray m new vaginal Syrlng. BeHmoit convenient. R cletstt InMiffc. Aik ytxir drag giit for it? If ka cannot iuddIt thi MARVEL, accept do ottaetN hat wad ttunp for Illustrated kook aealed. It lira full rMirlea. bra nddlrrctlcmi Innliubleto lidlfiTT""''! Pnd.Qton, Tues., May 7 You Know Its Good jMAL Dlfl - .Jl au ' mr - More Uons.Eepjonfs TgersLeoparrfStSeaUons. educated begond'Aepower ofuman comprehension, Man a otter Shows 3 BIG RINGS and ARENAS ACRES OF WATERPROOF CANVAS mSIIOWthaisDIFFERENT 2 PERFORMANCES NEW STREET PARADE I03S .TV m U BAa m a K r mm hub m m m II 111 VII ilF I 71 L1 T UU v