l'AGE TWO. DAILY fcA.M ... MA.. l'ENDLJ&rOJi, Ul. ..uON, SATITDAY, MAY 4, 1912. i 1 - I EIGHT PAGES tt Prosperity Clothes you're well dressed your a herald of prosper ty, you're worth more to your employer to your own business than you are if poorly or carelessly clad" You'll feel your worth when dressed in worthy clothing. We're the making of much prosperity here in our men's department; we will be glad to help yoito your share. The prosperous kind of clothes cost only $15.00 to $30.00. Lots of good fabrics- tailoring that's faultless, supposeyoucome in and look them over. Copyright Hart Sc.5hcr tc Marx SI COO POM The Peoples Uarehouse Where It Pays to Trade-Save YourT. P. W. Trading Stamps H H COUPON I The Choir Recital for the benefit I of the choir of the Church of the Re- deenier was given last evening at the home of Mrs. Edwin P. Marshall anil was a most gratifying success, both financially and socially. The recital was arranged by the choir committee consisting of Mrs. J. II. Dickson, Mrs. Charles Quinnoy and Mrs. G. W. Phelps, and the program was given by the members of the choir assist ed by Mr. Odessa Sterling of Walla Walla. The final number on the program was the composition by Mr. Ellas Blum of the taculty of Whit man College, and as executed most beautifully by Mr. Sterling was n great treat to the music lovers pres ent. The following Is the program: Who is Sylvia.. Schubert Mr. John Dickson Woodland Croon Song Clutsam In the Garden of My Heart. . .Roma Mrs. Roy Alexander I Hear You Calling Me. .. .Marshall Mr. Rose Vocal Solo Selected Miss Thompson Proposal Brackett Dutch Dolls May Ostlere Miss Zimmerman A Prayer for You.... Prank E. Aours Mr. Keefe The Gay Gltana Harris I Wonder if Even the Rose. .. .Sinter Miss Gates Eliland Von Flelitz Mrs. Dickson Le Cygne Salnt-Saens Danse Negre, opus. 58, No. 5 Cyril Scott Dialogue, opus. 72, No. 8.. Tschalkowsky Capriccio, opus. 11 (new) Ellas Blum Mr. Sterling STANFEELD FOLK GO TO CANADA (Special Correspondence.) Stanfield, Ore., May 4. O. M. Hoosur and son Harold left on Tues day morning for Canada where they will file on some homesteads. R. M. Tuttle of Portland, spent a few days here this week looking after his fine ranches. Miss Lelah Patterson and Harold Wheeler made a flying trip to Echo on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. J. Buchanan entertained the Embroidery Club on Tuesday after noon. The semi-monthly meeting of the Stanfield Woman's Study Club was held at the home of Mrs. W. C. Spencer on Thursday afternoon. The paper, for the afternoon was on Fer eign Immigration and was given by Mrs. E. N. Wheeler. Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Coe arrived in this city on Wednesday and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Coe. Mayor Kyle was looking after bus iness in Pendleton on Thursday. Engineer Marble and Mr. Esch bach of the Esch bach -Bruce Co., fpent a number of days In Stanfield looking after business in connection with the big drainage ditch. E. P. Marshal was a Stanfield vis itor Friday. Anton Hoidohl, employed by the Furnish Ditch Co.. who has been quite ill for several days, is now con valescing. Mrs. G. W. Patterson and Miss Le-lt-h Patterson left this morning on the local for their home in Portland. They have been the guests of Mrs. E. N. Wheeler for some weeks. In the whole Held of medicine there is not a healing remedy that will re pair damage to the flesh more quickly than BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. In cuts, wounds, sprains, burns, scalds and rheumatism, its healing and pen etrating power is extraordinary. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Notice to Stockholders. Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of the Pendleton Wool Scouring and Packing Co., that a meeting will be held In the office of the company in Pendleton, Oregon, on Tuesday, May 7th, 1912, at 2 p.m. E. Y. JUDD, PreMdent. EDWIN J. BURKE. Secretary. ghter by his first wife,' and whatever posthumous issue may be born of the second marriage will be amply pro vided for, according to the statement made today. By the terms of the will it is au thoritatively stated that Mrs. Made line Force Astor has been left a life Interest in the great Fifth avenue mansion, which she will continue to occupy. The will also makes full pro vision for the upkeep of the Astor residence during the life of Mrs. Astor. NOTICE OF BIDS FOR CITY PRINTING. Is there anything -n all this world that is of more importance to you than good digestion? Food must be eaten to sustain life and must be di gested and converted into blood. When the digestion fails the whole body suf fer. Chamberlain's Tablets are a ra tional and reliable cure for indiges tion. They increase the flow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stom ach, and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to a natural and healthy action. For sale by all dealers. ASTOK ItEMKMBKKS BOTH WIVKS IX WILL FOLKS PA8I FIFTY 1ST USE CASCARETS What ;lii are to Weak Kyes. C'as--.iivIm Arc to WcjiU Itowt-N A 10---iit ISov W ill Truly Aniae You. Mi-t old J... .,),!,. ni v.; tii th! bowe's some r-(.'i:iiir ii.-ip. .!.-. thi-y (iut'fer lrom constipation. The condition Is perfectly natural. It is Just as natural as it is for old people to wa!k s!owly. For age is never so active as youth. The muscles are less elastic. And the bowels are muscles. So all old people need Cascarets. One might as well refuse to aid weak eyes with glasnes as to neglect this gentle aid to weak bowels. The bow els must be kept active. This is Im portant at all agi-s, but never bo much as at fifty. Age is not a time for harsh physics. Youth may occasionally whip the bowels into activity. But a lash lan't be used every day. What the bowel of the old need is a gentle and natural tonic, one that can be con stantly used without arm. The only such tonic is CascareU and they cost only 10 cents per box at any drug ftore. They work while you deep. Miilll-MillioiiHlrr. Victim of Titanic. ix-aves Kstate or 51.0.(MM,0(M( Son Chief Inheritor Instrument to 1m Itead This Week. New York. Some time this week the will which Colonel Astor made Just prior to his marriage to Miss Madeline Force last September, will be opened and read before the mem bers of Colonel Astor'M family. This instrument is now In the pos session of the legal firm of Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, of T,i Wall street Edmund L. Baylies, of the firm, is said to be the one who will handle the probating of the will. SI.VMHMUKM) In Iiittt It was learned from one who in in the best position to know the pro visions of Colonel Astor"s will, but who would not permit the publication of his name, that the total value of the estate left by the multi-million-aire who went down with the Titanic will be conservatively about $150, 000.000. This Included the body of the or iginal Astor estate, the accretions made through Colonel Astor's own Investments and the personal estate willed to him by his mother, Mrs. William Astor. Both Mrs. Madeline Force Astor and Mrs. Ava Willing Astor, Colonel Astor's first wife, are provided for under the will. Son Cliiof Inheritor. Vincent Astor will be the chief In heritor under the Instrument left by his father. Muriel Astor, the dau- Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Common Council of the City of Pendleton at the City Recorder's office in Pendle ton, Oregon, up to May 8th, 1912, at 5 o'clock p. m. for the city printing for the ensuing two years, bids to spe cify the price per Inch for all citv no tices set In six (6) point type so. id. and price per hundred for blanks or per thousand as the case may be. In formation as to blanks required will be furnished upon application to the City Recorder. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 25th day of April, 1912. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. Largest of the week's social func tions and one of the most delightful of recent afternoon events was the bridge party on Tuesday afternoon at the beautiful home of Mrs. Charles Greulich on North Main street, Mrs. Greullch and Mrs. J. X. Burgess be ing hostesses. Invitations had been issued to sixty-five and the large rooms were crowded with handsomely gowned matrons. Eleven tables play ed at bridge during the afternoon, Mrs. John F. Robinson and Mrs. Fred Earl capturing the score trophies. Refreshments were served at the con clusion of play. The guest list of the occasion Includes the Mesdames It. Alexander, Hoy Alexander,, Xesmith Ankeney, Ben S. Burroughs, Ben L. Burroughs, Charles Bonney, Wilson E. Brock, Charles Hamilton. C. K. Cranston, Frank Frazier, Lawrence G. Frazier, J. S. Jerard, Fred E. Judd, James Johns. G. I. La Dow. Wesley Matlock. William MeCormmuch, A. J. McAllister, A. C. Hampton, Lee Moor house, Mark Moorhouse, Laura Nash, Will Moore, Harry Reese, W. C. K. Pruitt.. Aura Haley, O. M. Rice, John Montgomery, R. It. Raymond. Rob ert X. Stanfield, John F. Robinson. Charles M. Stype. Vetklllat, W. L. Thompson, E. T. Wade, Sam R. Thompson, George Hartman, Jr., Tom Thompson, Henry Laatz, Leona Thompson, Fowler, George Peringer, T. C. Taylor. Linn T. Sturgls, Gilbert W. Phelps, F. E. Llvengood, Henry Collins, Will McKlnney, Robert For ster, C. P. Bishop, Augusta Moule, A. L. Schafer, J. B. McCook. Thomas Vaughan, E. B. Aldrlch. Lee I). Drake. A. W. Nye, C. F. Colesworthy, R. E. Rlngo, Fred Earl, Edwin P. Marshall, A. I). Sloan and the Misses Edna Gates, Harriet Young and McNette. Lovers of real music were given another rare treat and another dem onstration of the truth of genius and inspiration when the Royal College of Porpora presented Mr. John Roth Usberger Braden In a graduating vio lin recital, Wednesday evening. Mr. Braden's reputation as a violinist of great ability called forth an appre ciative audience that responded to the beautiful rendering of the even ing s program with enthuslusticc ap plause. The brilliant numbers and the simpler exquisite melodies were played alike with artistic finish, the Dvorak Humoresque and the Drdla Souvenir being especially appreciated. The climax of the evenlg was de Ber- Ito s Concerto VII, which was re ceived with prolonged applause. Mr Braden responded generously to en cores throughout the evening. Pro fessor Charles Ovid Blakluslee as sisting. Mr. Braden, delighted the au dience with u masterly interpretation of the Liszt Rhapsodie VI, respond ing to encore with a beautiful Impro visation. Three vocal numbers, also, were given by Professor Blakleslee, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. John Ross Dickson. The studio' par lors were decorated with a profusion of spring flowers, adding to the beau ty of the evening. Mr. Braden's re cital marks the third of a series given by the Royal College of Porpora, Mrs. John Ross Dickson having appeared In song recital and Alta Elmer, the child genius. In tesitmoninl piano re dial. The degne of Bachelor of Music was conferred upon Mr. Braden who Is retained as violin Instructor by the cocilege. The program Wed nesday evening Include the following numbers: 1. a. Adoration Borowskl b. Humoresque Dvorak 2. Rhapsodie VI Liszt 3. Concerto VII . . . .' de Beriot 4. Two Sons a. To a Water Lily Grieg b. The Princess Grieg a. Llebestraum Llsztz b. Souvenir Drdla NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. Notk-e Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the under signed up to the hour of 5 o'clock p. m. on the 8th day of May, 1912, at his office in the city hall. In The City of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Ore gon, for the purchase of Improvement bonds of said city, Issued for the im provement of that part of Alta street between Main street and Court street, in said city, said bonds aggregating $13 259 50, being twenty-six bonds of J&uu.oo each and one bond of $259.50, face value, bonds dated May 1, 1912, bearing Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from date, payable semi-annually, maturing ten years from date, but redeemable at the city's option at any Interest paying period at or after one year from the date of bonds; each bid must be ac companied by a certified check for $500 payable to the order of tho may or of said city, the same to be rorfelt- A.1 (h 1 .. . . . .... cm in me event inai tne DOnds are awarded to tho bidder and he refuses to take the same, but to be returned to the bidder If he be unsuccessful. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 23rd day of April, .1912. THOMAS FITZ GERALD. City Recorder. Dizziness, vertigo (blind staggers) sallow complexion, fatulence are symptoms of a torpid liver No one can feel well while the liver is inac tive. HERBINE is a powerful liver stimulant. A dose or two will cause ail bilious symptoms to disappear Try it Price 60c. Sold by A. C. Koep Pen & Bros. A May Day wedding of much In terest to Pendleton people occurred on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock when Miss Paralee Halley was united In marriage to Mr. Charles W. Mei ghnn at the home of the bride's par ents, 303 Garfield street. The wed ding was a very simple and quiet one, only the parents of the bride and the mother of the bridegroom witnessing the impressive ceremony which was performed by Rev. Charles Qulnney, rector of the Church of the Redeemer. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hailey, Jr., and has lived the greater part of her life here In Pendleton. She was it very popular and charming member of the younger society circles and her mar riage Is regretted only because it takes her from the 'midst of life-long friends. Mr. Melghan Is a young newspaperman of much experience and until recently was editor of a lo cal paper. Though his residence In Pendleton was only of a year's dur ation he made a great many friends here and both he and his bride were tho recipients of a profusion of feli citations and well wishes prior to their departure yesterday . evening for Welser, Idaho, where Mr. Melghan has Just been chosen as secretary of the Commercial club. ' h? Your Backache It is easier for a man ;to . say "There's no place like home," than It Is for him to stay there. and Rheumatism WITH FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Backache drags on your vitality. Saps your strength. Weakens your endurance. Hampers you in your work. Besides that, it means some thing wrong with your kidneys; a weakness,' an inflammation, a breaking down, may be, of the kidney tissues. Foley Kidney Pills is the true answer. They will help you QUICKLY, strengthen and heal your kidneys, regulate the action of your bladder, and drive out Backache and Rheumatism. They will make a strong, well man of you. No habit forming drugs. Try tbem. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Mrs. Clark Nelson was hostess this week to the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Club, Mrs. Fred Karl capturing the prize in the piny The North Side Bridge Club met on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Greullch. Tho trophy for high score was won by Mrs. Henry Dickson Jones. Mrs. Francis Pope of Walla Walla, who recently returned with her hus- band. Captain pope, from a sojourn in the Philippines, vllted during the week at the home of her brother, Nesmith Ankeney. Mrs. J. Roy Kaley nrrlved home the first of the week from Portland where she had been visiting since her return from Los Angeles. The members of the Modern Broth erhood of .America had an enjoyable time in Eagles-Woodman Hall Thurs day night. Dancing was the order of the evening. Friends of Miss Pansy Ireland In this city will be Interested to know of her marriage In Portland during the week to Jack E. Sheelenberger. Miss Ireland was formerly a Pendle ton girl and Is a graduate of the local high school but about a year ago she moved to Portland with her parents. She and her husband will continue to reside in the Rose City. The Busy Bee Club spent a de lightful afternoon Tuesday with Mrs. Smith on Stonewall Jackson street. (Continued ou Page ) InloodlS 5 Sarsaparilla Will purify your blood, clear your complexion, restore your appetite, relieve your tired feeling, build you up. Be sure to take it this spring. Get it in usual liquid form or choco lated tablets called Sarsatabs. TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING THE BASIS OF SUCCESS. Since the Ingredients Entering rerun Are Known, Its Power as a Catarrh, Remedy and Tonio is Understood. COLUMBUS, OHIO. The ac tive Ingredients entering the most " popular household remedy In tht world have been made known to the public. This means a new era in the advertising of popular fam ily medicines Peruna leads. Peruna contains among other things, golden seal, powerful in its effect upon the mucous mem branes. Cedron seed, a rare medicine and unsurpassed tonic. Cubebs, valuable in nasal catarrh and affections of the kidneys and bladder. Stone root, valuable for the nerves, mucous membranes as well as in dropsy and Indi gestion. CHICHESTER S PUS Wyrv IMS III A MUNI" (IKAH. A Laillrsl A.k your iirMirf l.t i o . Ctil.ckM.trVs IHnon4 I(raadV I'lll. In llrd tnit (.ol4 mrtalllAV toM, KSInl with lllua Rll-txjn. Taka other. It of you V Urn il.t. AikloM III.. Ill K-TI'HSJ IMAMOMI Hit A Ml I'll.l.H, i m yem known st Bett.Sitot. Atwsyt kelilt . SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVEKYWHCRF 17 II till A Tonic, Alterative and Resolvent. The best remedy for Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. Kraclicates Pimples, Kruptions and Disorders of the Skin. I'urifies the Hlood ana given Tone, Strcuith and v'vor to the entire system. You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the QUELLE Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakea Good coffee Every day We Invite your patronage and aim to please you. A clean kitchen Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street Have Your House Wired for Electricity It's cheaper, safer, far more pleasing and saves much un necessary eye-strain. At the present rate for light ing you get one kilowatt more for $1 00 than waa formerly given for $1.50. By using tho new wire-type MAZDA lamp you get three times more light than from the ordinary lamp and your light Is as bright and clear as day light. This new MAZDA can bo used on ordinary drops and cords without breaking. SAVE YOUR ETE.S, SAVE YOUR HOUSE, SAVE MONEY, BE COMFORTABLE. Electric and gas supplies, elec tric light wiring, bell wiring, gas piping, motors and dynamos. . SEE J. L. Vaughan 831 Main St. rhone Main 139. Known For Its Strength irsf National Sanh PENDLETON, OREGON? -ESTABLISHED 1882 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES $2,500,000.00