A :-Vr.,'-itf,J'V- fwnM U a..H - 1 PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGONIAn', PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1912. TWELVE PAGES I A.N INDKl'ENDKXT NEWSTAFKB. rnbltibod Pully and SemlW eokly Pen dleton, Oresun. by tbe AST OKKGOXI AN rUltLlSlllNU CO. Entered at the postoffle at I'endletoa, Oregon, at wcond-claaa mall matter. ' 8LT.8CKIITION RATES. Pally, one year, by malt fS.OO Dally, alx month, by mall 250 Daily, three months, by mall 1-25 Dally, one month, by mall .50 Dally, one year, by carrier 7.50 Dally, aix months, by carrier S.75 Dally, bree montta. by carrier 193 rwilr nn mnnih. b carrier 65 ml W eekly, one year, by mall 1.60 bml tVwklc. alx months, by mall ftaml-Weekly, four month, by mall. .75 .60 The Dally East yregonlan la ept on Bale t tbe Oregon New Co., 329 Morrlaon treet. Portland, Oregon. Northwest New Co., Portland, Orefmn. Chlraco bureau, SK Security Building. WnUinv-tou, U. C Uureau, 501 Four teenth street. N. V. Member United 1'resa Association. telephone iialn 1 Offlcla. City and Connli 1-aoer. PAIN'S PVUPOSE. How blind is he who prays that God will send A'l pain from earth. Pain has Its use and place; Its ministry of holiness and grace. The darker tones upon the can vas blend With light and color; and their shadows lend The painting half its dignity. Efface The sombre background, and you lose a'-l trace Of that perfection which is true art's trend. Life Is an artist, seeking to re veal God's Majesty and Beauty in each soul. If from the palette mortal man could steal The precious pigment pain, why then the scroll Would glare with colors, mean ingless, and bright. Or show an empty canvas blur red with light. By Ella Wheeler Wilcox. WHAT SOIiT OF A GAME IS IT? An Interesting feature of the Taft Koosevelt fight was the giving to the senate Wednesday of the confidenial correspondence of the Roosevelt ad ministration relating to the prosecu tion of the harvester trust. In substance the correspondence shows that the former administration began steps towards the prosecution of the harvester trust but let the mat ter drop when George W. Perkins, threatened fight if the prosecution was carried out. In defense of the Roosevelt admin istration is the claim by the com Taken simply by Itself the corres pondence given the senate misiit not be highly damaging No dotilt there were many worse offences man those committed by the harvester trust. When all trusts existed in violation of the Sherman law as then construed the old administration might have boen pardoned for its leniency in the instance cited. The disclosures wont help Taft because he was then a mem ber of the Roosevelt cabinet and ap proved of the action taken, so the col onel asserts. The worst feature about the dis closures made comes from the evi dent present day friendship between the Morgan interests and the Roose velt campaign. It Is certain an im mense amount of coin is being spent to bring about the nomination of Roosevelt over Taft. It is also prett.v plain where that money is coming from. It is from the Morgan crowd if one is to Judge by surface Indica tions. George W. Perkins, Medil! Moformack and Pan Hanna, all steel and harvester men, are openly fight ing for Roosevelt. Just what does this mean? But one question is not enough. An enormous amount of cash is also be ing spent in behalf of Taft's candi dacy. What particular trust or trusts furnish that money and what will they get out of it? It is also evident that the monled men are not confining their efforts to the republican camp. Some dem ocratic candidates for the presidency are also carrying on expensive cam paigns. .Where does that money come from? We were told some months ago that Woodrow Wilson had re fused money from HVan. Is that why such a bitter warfare has been waged on Wilson during the past few months? Did the Ryan money look alright to the Harmon, Clark, Under wood contingent Is this government a republic and do the people elect the president ol i? a presidential campaign a mere poker game between a few rich men with the advantage always In favor of the man with the biggest pile? If the row keeps on and sufficient disclosures are made perhaps we will find out. Governor West differs radically from the attorney general on the sub ject of whether or not delegates to the national conventions must abide by the popular choice of their party voters In this state regarding presi dential candidates. The governor is right if common honesty enters at all into the formation of a legal opinion these days. Assessor Strain conducted his cam paign for the democratic nomination for assessor for the sum of 60 cents and he was nominated too. The wooden poles and cluster lights or. Main street would also afford a good "exhibit" for those electric trust people. THE REALM FEMININE The sailor hats have brought back into fashion the large Mercury wings in either white or black, and these are seen fastened to the low rounded crowns in front, at the back, or sides, as taste dictates. Many of these snaps show a straw lining of a con trasting color, although white lined with black straw is the favorite and probably will continue to be. It is the fad of the moment that veils match the hat or Its trimmings, and this fashion has brought out all sorts of odd colorings and an infin ite number of new designs. The real Parislenne departs seldom from, the dotted veil, for" she has found that with these there is rarely a mistake to be made on the. score of its being flattering. The dotted veils, both in moderate size and small, are seen, and in meshes of different degrees of thickness. To tone down some of these colored veils there Is another one worn be neath, this being in plain tulle with quite an open mesh. This lower veil need not necessarily be white or a pal eshade, but instead they are often in yellow, dark blue, and even black. Some women also are wearing two veils, both dotted, the one with large dots far apart next the face, while above will 'be seen a veil showing tiny dots set close together.- WHO MAY VOTE IN CHINA. Mr. Xg Poon Chew, a Chinese edi tor in California, writing in the May World's Work says that the scheme devised by the revolutionary leaders for the government of a Chinese re public is different from the govern mental scheme in the United States The leaders In the movement were thoroughly aware of the mental con dltlon of the Chinese people at large. missioner'of corporations that the of-1 and knew that many years must ne- fence by the harvester trust was tchnical and that the Morgan inter ests had taken a very liberal and ad vanced stand with reference to pub licity of their affairs and in co-operating with the government when in vestigations were underway. In other words it would not be right to prose cute that trust because if it had been violating the law by giving rebates it was very square and open about it It was willing to be good when shown its misdeeds. TO AROUSE the stomach to healthy action, to keep tlio liver active and bowels regularly you should try HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It lias bren used very success fully for 59 years. Try a bot tle today. At all drugists. Very attractive collars for wear with linen and lingerie frocks may be made of wide embroidery flouncing, the embroidery being mitered Into a sharp point at the back so that the collar reaches to the waistline, where it should be pinned fast to give trim. neat lines. At the front the collar may be pointed or cut in square ends, and at the V-shaped neck opening should be placed the flat bow of lark velvet or ribbon now so fashion able. cessarily elapse before the masses are sufficiently educated to be able to appreciate and exercise the full rights of suffrage. Therefore, during the period of reconstruction, they intend that the suffrage shall be very limit td, and the selection of public serv ants is to be very simple. The right to vote will be conditional upon edu cational and property holding quali fications. The qualified voters will elect the members of the district council, the council will select offici als of the district and enact laws for the government of the district, and will also select representatives from the district as members of the pro vincial assembly. The provincial as sembly will select the officials and enact the laws of the province. The provincial assembly will also select representatives to the national as sembly. The national assembly will pass all laws for the central govern ment, will approve all treaties with foreign countries, will elect a pres dent and a vice-president and a pre mier, and will approve or reject all appointments made by the president. Smart little frocks of cotton ratine are throwing the sturdy linens Into the shade. One of these frocks, made of gray cotton ratine woven with white, was shown in an exclusive window the other day. The frock was belted with a -narrow belt of black patent leather, and had large white crochet buttons down the front More white buttons emphasized a coat-tail arrangemnt at the back, and there was" an effective colar of white ratine lace, the coarse heavy lace in worsted effect. A white hat, green parasol and white buttoned buckskin boots were placed beside the gray frock. With the three-quarter sleeve now prevalent, long gloves are required, and these gloves are often of soft, yet rather heavy silk, embroidered on the wrist in floral or cameo effect. Sometimes the embroideries are done In one color and sometimes in con trasting of two-tone effect. a Sfo IFi (ifefe properly cooked, with nice fresh vegetables and fruits, MAKES A DELICI OUS DINNER to enjoy Sunday. WE HAVE THE CHICKENS as well as all other kinds of meats and a good supply of FANCY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, and GRO CERIES of tho HIGHEST QUALITY. Gases TT win lie EXTRA FINE U or rm rm m rt"r SATURDAY ONLY DOZEN P The Entire Meal can be ordered BY CALLING MAIN 101, and you'll get them all together, thus making it easy to prepare the dinner. BREAK AWAY from the old custom of calling several different stores to supply the meal, and ORDER THEM ALL AT ONE FLACK. It's much more convenient. Order Early and Avoid the Rush n 111 dfa (Sash let COR. COURT AND Phone Main 101. ivDsiirC JOHNSON STREETS Everything to Eat Frogs of silk braid, silk crochet covered silken discs and other fany fastenings are exceedingly popular. Small wonder! They go far toward the embellishment of afternoon coats. They are especially good looking on garments of double-faced silk voile, as two tones of contrasting colors may be effectively intermingled in the twisted braids or silk cords. A few of the new gowns show wide velvet ribbon on the skirt to outline a simulated drapery. This idea will probably be widely taken up soon on gowns of moussellne, marquesette and taffet. An auction of titles would no doubt attract a larger number of prospective female buyers. LAKEVOOD FARM, Rock Rapids, Iowa OFFER FOR SALE AT Oregon Feed Yard, Pendleton, Ore. Registered Percheron Stallions and Mares INSPECTION INVITED H. G. McMILLAN & SONS, Props. FRANK P. CASEY, Resident Agent 1 1 MCI I For Our ADVERTISEMENT TOMORROW We Give Trading Stamps - llexander' m ft H r m Rl? i i is 1M FIBST" SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY SPECIAL 2 gal. Keg Soar or Nixed Pickles $1.00 per Keg FRESH FISH ARRIVING DflYLY F. M. DOWNEY Pendleton Creamery Butter 1 lb. 30c 2 lbs. 60c nn n n n uuilOBO GOOD FLOUR. $1.00 Per Sack DRESSED CHICKENS EVERY DAY G. E. MARSH JJ 71