r.r.m'i1'."'"'" PAGE FIVE TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OltEGONIAN, PENDLETON", OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 2G, 1912. THE 1 I GREAT fft OF THE i Starts Tomorrow Morning at 9 o'Clock Presenting to the buying public the mightiest array of tempting values ever of fered. Tons of good merchandise must be moved in the next two weeks in or der to fulfill our part of the contract for the ultimate disposal of the store so it is not a question of price with us now, it's a question of disposing of the goods at some price no matter how great a sacrifice. A Mighty Slaughter in every department and in every line of merchandise carried. Profits thrown to the four winds and cost not considered. Let the Goods go for what they will bring, Our Motto now. TH ORE I MABEL WARNER S "(Contiued irom page 1) Zemo for Dandruff 99 that makes "Central" meat the BEST Our up-to-date, sanitary refrigerator show case counter enables us to keep our meats fresh, clean and wholesome you can see and choose just what you w ant, yet rest assured that the meat is absolutely clean and free from handling. IPtae Main 3 3 for Spring Veal Young Lamb Dressed Chickens We not only give the most particular attention to the satisfying of ALL our patrons, but, in addition, give "S & H" Green Stamps with all cash sales. AT THE OREGON WE Rarely has a dramatist succeeded in bringing the breezy western lint or the early eighties to the stage as has Edwin Milton Roylo in "The Squaw Man," which will be present ed at the Oregon April 30. The theater-goer of the present day be he a resident of the east or west, has but faint conception of the insult attach ed to the appellation "squaw man." To call a white man that, out west, is as deadly an affront as to design a cowpuncher "shepherder" or a "rus tler" it means fight. Yet, were t. not for the "squaw man"' western civilization would not have reached the high plane it now occupies. Run ning over the list of great plainsman, it will be found that Kit Carson, "Trapper Baker, Jack Hardy. Jim Stillwell, Col. Parker and other men whose names are indelibly engraved on the pages of the history of the west, all took squaws as wives. Later on, the disgrace came, for the simple reason that hundreds of white men, worthless beyond description, married Indian women for the purpose of se curing six hundred and forty acres of land, beef, flour and the regular issues of annuity goods given by a philanthropic government. Visit any of the great reservations today and you will find that the whites sur rounding the tract have nothing, whatever, to do with a "squaw man," and the Indians treat him with abso lute contempt. One exception to this rule, Is a man on the Uto reserva tion, "Henderson'' by name, who claims to be related to one of the wealthiest families In America. He is about sixty-five years of age and has lived with the Indians for over forty years. It was just about this time that a brill ia n young society man dropped out of view in New York and has never been seen since. It is said that Mr. Royle gained his Inspiration for the story "The Pquaw Man" from the story of Henderson. report of hi death. He states that he went straight to Minnesota when he left here and spent two years ir. that state and North Dakota. Then he moved to ("hippeawa Falls where he lived until his removal six years r. KO to his present home at Cadott. Several times, he says, he wrote let ters to his daughter, addressing them to Weston but ahvavs, he declares, they were returned to him. Four years ago he subscribed for the Spo kane Spokesman-Review, according to his story, and it was from an ac count In that paper of the third trial of Mabel Young Warner on a charge of forgery that he learned of her present whereabouts and her long fight in the courts for the estate of his brother. Never Signed Documents, Not only does he declare that he never signed documents purporting to hear his signature, but asserts his be lief that the names of his sisters and brothers' as heirs-at-law to the estate of J. W. Young were used without au thority. His testimony, if It Is ever taken by a court, will probably con tain some interesting disclosures. Just what line of action will be taken now, Mrs Warner will not say, but inti mates that the federal courts may have jurisdiction. ' Rowemlilnnee Is Striking. The elder Young bears a striking resemblance to his daughter and son. ' ail three having the pronounced Ro man nose, which, aside from her keen eyes, is the principal facial charac teristic of Mrs. Warner. His resem- i hlance to his dead . brother, J. W. Young, Is a'xo marked. The entire afternoon was spent yes terday at the home of Mrs. Warner. 415 Lilleth street, the two children and the father enjoying the reunion. Here an East Oregonian representa tive found them and was given some interesting sidelights into the family history. The father did not discuss the legal fight to any extent beyond denying the signatures purporting tc be his, but recalled many incidents of his residence here. He declares lie assisted in the construction of the present city reservoir and helped make the first survey, of the levee along the river, for which latter work he says he has never yet been paid. Watts Know' lie Was Alive. That Dr. F. D. Watts and his wife, principal heirs under the accredited will, knew Mrs. Warner's father was not dead as late as the January trial, was charged again yesterday by Mrs Warner, who declared that Watts re vealed his knowledge to J. L. Carro. at that time. Mr. Young declares he has never in his life seen Watts and has never communicated with hiiti and is at a loss to account for his knowledge. However, his daughter has a theory of her own, namely, that he in some way secured a glimpse ol ihn lottera sent to her and which were returned to her father without being delivered. She charges tne wesion postmaster with the responsibility in the matter. -tr Warner declares triumphantly that with the arrival of her father, aha now has the upper hand and that her enemies might well quail before that hand. You Will Bo Surprised to Soe IIow Quickly It Wna'iuours. No more dirty coats from dandruff heads. Zemo stops dandruff. Apply it any time with tips of fingers. No smell, no smear. Zemo sinks into the pores, makes the scalp healthy, makes the hair fine and glossy. Zemo Is prepared by K. W. Rose Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and is regu'arly sold by ail druggist3 at $1 per bottle. But to enable you to make a test and prove what it will do for you. Kot u 25-cent trial bottlo fully guaranteed or your money back, at Pendleton Drug Store. ISl'KGLAR KIT IX HOTKLi ROOM. Ar- Clmniberiiiaid's Find Iioads to rest of the Owner. Atlantic City.' A chambermaid, fixng up a room in a South Carolina avenue hotel chanced to upset a suit case. A heavy calibre army revolver, a long dirk, boring bits, Jimmies, pocket torch and several disguises of wigs, 'beard and mustaches spilled out. She told the proprietor, who no tified the police. Detectives went to th hotel and waited until the occupant of the room returned. He was arrested and lock ed up. He is Richard Berlin, a hus ky Westerner, who tried to hide his Identity by giving Philadelphia as his address. The authorities ahe now ooking- for two "pals," who are said to have been with him. If You NEED a Medicine You Should Have f he BEST Pearls indicate tears especially If your better half has set her mind on diamonds. They Make Good who keep themselves in fine physical condition. Regular bowels, active kidneys and liver, good digestion, and a greater natural vigor follow the timely use of the reliable BEECHAM'S Sold PILLS 1 beu 10c 2Sc Ten Extra Green Trailing Stamps given (: with each new PRESCRIPTION You want pure medicines. Correct work at right prices. TRY THE Pendleton Drug Go. "IX BUSINESS FOR YOTO GOOD HEALTH." Althouch there are hundreds of pre parations advertised, there is only one that really stands out pre-eminent as a remedy for diseases of the kid- npvs. liver and bladder. rr Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest, for the reason that it has nroverl tn he lust the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of even the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly because its mild and immediate effect is soon realized. It is a gentle, heal- intr veetable compound. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is a phy sician's prescription for special diseas es, which is not recommended for everything. A sworn Certificate of Purity is with every bottle. For sale at all drug stores, in .bot tles of two sizes fifty cents and one dollar. Saniplo Bottle Free, by Mall. In order to prove what Swamp Root, the ereat kidnev. liver and bladder remedy will do for you, every reader of the Pendleton Daily n,asi Oregonian who has not already tried it. may receive a sample bottle by mail absolutely free. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N. 1. Write today. FRECKLE-FACE rata Ant Alta Street at Main DCI e n Hi Phone r.lain 33 1 fZV km New Remedy That Removes Freckles or Costs Nothing. Here's a chance Miss Freckle-Face. to try a new remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny un less it removes the freckles, while if it does give you a clear complexion. the expense is trifling. Simply set an ounce of othim double strength, from any first class druggist in Pendleton and one night's treatment will show you how easy It is to rid yourself of the homely freck les and get a beautiful complexion Rarely Is moro than one ounce need ed for the worst caso. Re sure to ask any first class drug gist in Pendleton for the doubl strength othine, as this is the only pre scription sold under guarantee of money back If it falls to remove Oregon Theatre ONE NIGHT Tuesday, April 30 CLARENCE BENNETT & CO. Present WM. FAYERSHAM'S SUCCESS TBiie Squaw rjiisioD By EDWIN MILTON ROYLE. G ARABLE CAST ORRECT COSTUMES OMPLETE SCENIC DISPLAY. Note: This company has played every other city at one dollar and fifty cents. PRICES here, Parquet first 11 rows $1.00, balance lower floor 75 cents; first three rows Balcony 75 cents, balance 50c; entire gallery 25c. Your Income Ave you dependent entirely for income on the work you do ? Why not plan to have an income from your MONEY as well ? Yes, YOU CAN; deposit in this hank some of the re sult of each day's labor against the timo when you can't work. A little set aside now will mean MUCH to you then. Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon 1 ! freckles.