PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1912. TWELVE. PAGES . COW ATTACKS AND Von Ha Style it Tens? KiMchfiauuTttolhes. THEN slip on one of these Kirschbaum Suits Note the skill with which it is designed See the lines of strength and cha racter. Feel the soft, fine twill of the fabric. Enjoy the comfort, wearing ability, and personality. A. B. Kirschbaum Suits That Sell Reg. for SI 5, $18, $20 Every garment has a refinement of finish found in no other popular priced clothes. The shape is per manent : needled in on a solid foundation of hair-cloth and shrunk en canvas. Every suit guaranteed all-wool. Until May Is!. Take Your Choice al a f7z cn Cop7ri;htcd 191 1 A. B. K1RSCKOAUM tc CO. Uorfiinginn's Everything in our store reduced until May 1 st. WAmm 60. A MISS MIXKllVA MKNDKXHAIA TltAMri.Kl) 11Y Victors BKAST Vh1 ltiiyors Invtitlo Krliit ami Stvuro Hair .Million Pounds or I'lt'ow for Kustoi-n Markets Muiuncii stor ing flip. (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore.. April 25. Miss Minerva Mendenhall, who lives three miles west of Echo was quite severely injured on last Saturday by a young- milk cow which attacked her knocking her down and trampelllng her. No help was near hut her screams apparently rrightened the cow which suddenly turned and fled. Miss Mendenhall was badly bruised but is able to get about now with crutches. Wool lleiiiK Sold. Nearly half a million pounds of wool were sold at private sales in Echo this week and will be shipped east at once. The clip of Stanfield Brothers of 330.000 pounds will be sent to Boston, Mass. J. P. Dufour, a buyer of Woonsocket, It. I., bought the entire clip of John Kilkenny, 100,000 pounds, also Mclntlre's clip ol' 25,000 pounds. All the sales were made through Thomas Ross, man ager of the Echo Wool Scouring Mills. The prices were not made pub lic. The regular wool sales day will not be held here until next month, but thousands of pounds of wool is be ing brought in each day and stored i nthe warehouses. rvrsonul .Mention. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moneso went to Pendleton Monday where Mrs. Monese expects to visit her mother, Mrs. Joseph ey. Mr. Moneso will return at once to his farm on Butter creek. Justice Scholl returned home Tues day from the county seat. Miss Mable Conner of Stanfieid is here learning to operate the key board of the E. O. I. Tel. company's office, and expects soon to accept a position as operator in the local of fice, made vacant by the resignation of Miss Gelrgie Perry. " m. miggaru or stanrieid was a visitor here Monday. J. B. Saylor came from Freewater Tuesday and is looking after his In terest in Echo and on Butter creek. Mrs. Frank Spike and granddaueh ter, Elenor Spike', visited with friends In Pendleton the first of the week Miss Stella McCullough is visiting in helm this week, the guest of Mrs Kuth Young of Garden street. ASK SIX PAHMltS W1IKKE HOUSEMAIDS MAY COCUT MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real estate for sale and houses to rent. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City ana County Realty. LUMBER NEEDED NOW Sidewalk Lumber Large shipment Just received. Selling at prices that are right. Cedar Posts Carload just received. We have them tarred or not, Just as you choose. Screen Doors and Window Screens All sizes and prices. We also make them to order. Cedar Chests, Absolutely Moth-Proof We have them in a great variety of sizes and prices. Pondeton Paning Mill and Lum- hnr Yard J- B0R,E MBER CO., Proprietors UUI IdlU PHONE MAIN 7 Known For Its Strength iisf National Bank PENDLETOH, iOREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES $2,500,000.00 CAM PAXII.I.E DEDICATION IS IM1MIKSSIVE AlT'AIll Venice, April 25. In the presence of official representatives from every city and province in Italy and prac tically ever country in Europe, the new Campanille, or bell tower of the famous St. Marks cathedral va dedicated. Pope Plus, In the Vati can heard the speeches and cheers over a long distance telephone. His holiness interest . culminated when the telephone transmitted to hl ear the ring out of the new bells of the Campanille. He cried out with all the eagerness of a boy: "I can hear Marangona. I can tell it from all the rest." Marangona is the bell Pope Plus himself presented to the Campanille. POKT1 AND MEX TO DOOST SCHOOL FARMING LANDS Portland, Ore, April 25. One hun dred and twenty-five business and professional men of Portland left to day for Oregon Agricultural College to study the work and arouse interest in favor of land for schools through out the state. They left in a five-car special, touring the vicinity of Mc Minnville and Sheridan this afternoon to see the resources of that territory. A dinner and reception will b eten dered tonight at Dallas. They pass all day tomorrow at Corvallis. Puts End to Baa Habit. Things never look bright to one with "the blues." Ten to one the trouble is a sluggish liver, filling the system with bilious poison, that Dr. King's New Life Pills would expel. Try them. Let the Joy of better feel ing end "the blues." Best for stom ach, liver and kidneys, 25c. Koeppens. Minneapolis. Sun parlors, entered by side doors, should replace kitchens entered by back doors as places where the "hired help" may entertain their gentlemen callers." This is one of the many servant re forms which should be brought about according to Miss Hugna Halverson a domestic, before the domestic scl ence class of the Woman's Club here In lieu of sun parlors, she declared that housewives roust expect their mauls ultimately to live In some cen tral club house. I like to dance," said Miss Hal verson wno was one of the two tc present the servant's side to the club women, "but what Is open to me ex cept the public dance hall? My friends, dressmakers, stenographers and saleswomen, are Invited to club and private dances. Domestic ser vants are not so favored." Here are some of the reforms which Miss Halverson advocated: Mistresses to teach their children to respect the dometlcs. Oirls should have separate beds rot separate rooms. Hours should be regulated. A central c lub house for girls where they can entertain friends. ansiresH and gins should be on friendly terms and discuss evening en tertainments. SAX DIEGO DOES XOT WANT STATE INTERFERENCE San Diego, Calif., April 25. Cap tain John L. Sehon, city councilman and head of the police department, and Chief Detective Meyers, left to day for Sacramento to see Governor Johnson concerning the free speech situation here- They bear a memorial adopted by the council, declaring that San Diego Is fully able to cope with the situation and denying that city authorities handed over I.,W. W.'s to the "vigilance committee' to be beaten and taken out of the comity. LET US SUGGEST That You Plan Your VACATION TRIP To or Through the Glorious CANADIAN ROCKIES All Eastern Hound-Trip Tickets Are Good Via This Route Without Additional Cost. Soo-JSpokane . 4J Route Vif Soo-Spokano Route Leaving Pendleton Daily 7 :00 P. M. A Solid Vestibuled, Electric Lighted Train ; Compartment-Ob-'servation, Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Through Dining Car Service, Beginning May 2, Reduced Round-Trip Rates to All Eastern Points. Liberal Stop-overs, Di verse Routes. Final Return Lim it, October 31. 880 St Paul, Minneapolis and Return Apr 25-2(1-27 Will Bo Pleased to Give You Further Particulars on Applica tion. Drop Us a Postal, or Call on T. F. O'BRIEX, Agent O.-W. R, & N. Ry. " M. E. MALONE, TIIOS. J. WALL- Trav. Pass. Agt Spokane, Wash. Gen's Agt. Even the intoxication of love may resu.t in a headarhn the morning after. .... A :.Xiln J Mrs. II. X. Smith ur Portland, staUj 8 uprliitii(loiit or Tt-acliors' Training Oregon State S. S. Ass n. CIAL GAS OFFER )o you use gas? If not we will, during the months of April and May, pipe gas clear to your gas meter (no matter where it may be) v Absolutely Free of Charge to You Besides this wc will sell you a heater, stove or range, with all the extras needed at cost prices. GET BUSY NOW BE FORE THE RUSII AND PREPARE FOR THE HOT DAYS. Pacific Power & Light Go. Phone Main 40. "Always at Your Service Don't Starve Your Hair Many a Head of Hair, Apparently Healthy. Is Slowly Starving to Death ' Hair must have sulphur or die. When the blood fails to supply sulphur in sufficient quantities, the hair loses its color, dies and falls out. When this condition begins, do not delay. In order to live, the hair must have sulphur, and the only combination containing sul phur that the hair roots will absorb is It is the finest Hair Dressing made, and keeps the hair soft, glossy and beautiful. It removes dandruff, stops the hair from com ing out, and promotes hair grbwth. It Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color PRICE 50c. AND $1.C0 I I f .11 your druggist does not keep It set.u oOc. in stamps ana e will' end you a lane buttle, exuress creoald. Wyeth Chemical Company, FREE SOLD EY THE PE2J DLkTOX DRUG CO 74 CORTLANDT STREET HEW YORK. N. V A SSe Cake el Wyclk's Sage and Salphnr Toilet Soap Free to anyone tvhn will unil thia arfvar.l. ulih in. l r . " , . ". . -........ ot.m. .WW IU l!MS Itf VOTSff COS. ol wrayplna and mailing tbo soap. 1