DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON", OREGON, THURSDAY; APRIL 25, 1912. PAGE NINE TEN PAGES u 'in. 1.' J.. bt O' HOW GIRLS MAY AVOID PERIODIC PAINS The Experience of Two Girls Here Related For The Benefit of Others. Rochester, N. Y."I have a daugh ter 13 years old who has always been very healthy until recently when Bhe complained of dizziness and cramps every month, so bad that I would have to keep her home from school and put her to bed to get relief. "After giving her only two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound she is now enjoying tho best of health. I cannot praiso your Compound too highly. I want every good mother to read what your medicine has done for my child." Mrs. Richard N. Dunham, 311 Exchange St, Rochester, N.Y. Stoutsville, Ohio. "I suffered from headaches, backache and was very irreg ular. A friend ad vised mo to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and before I had taken the whole of two bottles I found relief. I am only sixteen years old, but I have bet ter health than for two or three years. I cannot express my thanks for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I had taken other medicines but did not find relief."-Miss Cora B. Fosnauch, Stoutsville, Ohio, R.F.D., No. 1. Hundreds of such letters from moth ers expressing their gratitude for what Lydia J. I'inKnam s vegeiaoio im pound has accomplished for their daugh ters have been received by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. puld was $7.25 per hundred pounds for each animal In the 15 earn, a to tal of 386 head. The shipment will not be weighed up until late this af ternoon, ibut the CH'.hnated averages range from 1210 to l.'O pounds each. The extent of the llrmness In the cattle trade Is amply shown by the big deal In the yeards this morning. While this stock was extra fancy and was of one man's feeding, the deal indicates that stock of all kinds Is ex tremely scarce. Stork Train Has J-'ew IOiuls. Only a few loads of cattle are due on the. regular stock train this after noon. Everywhere In ' tho Pacific northwest cattle supplies are nomi nal and this has forced killers to trav el a nreator distance for their needs. North Portland cattle prices: Heavy fancy $ 7.25 r n RECORD PRICES PAID AI PORTLAND FIFTEEN ('All LOADS OF CATTLE SF.I.L I'Oll 7.25 Deal IiMllcatcw That (;xl Stock is Extremely Scai-cv llojr Market MainuiiiM Ktitujrlh Sluvp Aim Holding Wheat Higher. (From Wednesday's Journal.) Tho highest price ever obtained In any market west of the Rocky moun tains wag today paid at North Port land by the Union Meat company to Kldwell & Caswell for 15 carloads of steers that were brought in by H. L. Prlday. the Shanlko feeder. The shipment made by Mr. Prlday consisted of 16 carloads, one of them being culled out and the remainder sold at the extreme price. The price Fancv steers T.OO Choice sti'i-rs 6.7 Common steers 5 255.50 Feeder steers 4.1 Spived heifers 6-25 Fancy heifers 6.25 1'uru v rows 6.00 tirdinarv cows .. 5.75 It 5.85 Fancy light calves ....... S.'ii Medium light calves 8.00 Heavy calves 4.505.00 Ordinary calves 4 00 14 Common bulls 3.75 H 4.00 loj Market Maintained. Kecent top prices in the hog mar kot at North Portland were main tained in their entirety today. Tops soli at $8.40 and all offerings of oualitv brought the previous range Hun of hogs f'r the day was small. only about one and a quarter loads heimr in. Total for the day were 127 head compared with 480 last Wed nesdny. , North Portland hog prices: liest light blockers $ '8.40 Medium light . 8-33 Good and heavy 8.00HT8 25 Tionch and heavy 6. 00 H 7.00 Stockors ' Mutton .Market Very Jom1. While (here was. a slight Increased offering In the mutton yards at North Portland today, the market held very strong. Sales were made genera n at the prices previously quoted. Run for the day was 616 head compare with IIS last Wednesday. Sheep prices today: Spring lambs, best wool Spring lambs, good wool. Wool yearlings Wethers Kwes. fancy Kvves, ordinary 4.00 4.50 Sheared stock from 75c to $1 less. (rain. Wheat Nominal prices, nominal, track delivery, rl.04: bluestem, $1.04 'i 1.07; Russian, $1.00. Barley Producers' prices 1911 Feed, $25.00; lolled, $36.00 Ing. $39.00 ii 40.00. Mil'stuffs Selling price Bran, $24.00; middlings, $31.00; shorts. $26. Outs Producers' price track -o, 1. spot delivery, white $39; gray, 138.50. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overheck & Cooke Co. WHEAT. May Open, 113 1-2; high, 114 1-8; low 113: close. 114. julyOprn, 109 1-R; high, 110 1-8; low. 108 3-8: close, 110 1-SA. Onen. 104 3-4; high, 105 7-8; lew, 104 3-8; close, 105 3-4. from date, but redeemable at ' tho city's option at any interest paying period at or aftei one year from the date of bonds; each bid must be ac companied by a certified check for $500 payable to the order of the may or of said city, the same to be forfeit ed In the event that the bonds are awarded to the bidder and he refuses to take tho same, but to be returned to the bidder if he be unsuccessful. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 2-3rd day of April. 1912. THOMAS FITZ GERALD, . City Recorder. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the under signed up to the hour of 5 o'clock p m on the 8th day of May, 1912, at his office in the city hall In The City of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, for the purchase of Improvement bonds of said city Issued for the im provement of Cottonwood street from Water street to Railroad street and Webb street from Main street to Cot tonwood street In said city, said bonds aggregating $10,683.35, being twenty-one bonds of $500 each and one bond of $183.35, face value; bonds dated May 1st, 1912, bearing Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from date, payable semi-annually maturing ten years from date but re deemable at the city's option at any interest-paying period at or after one year from date; each bid must be ac companied by a certified check for $500.00 payable to the order of the mavor of said city, the same to be forfeited in the event that the bonds are awardeil to the bidder and he re fuses to take them, but to be returned to bidder If he be unsuccessful. Dated at Pendleton. Oregon, this 23rd day of April, 1912. " THOMAS FITZ GERALD, City Recorder CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY INSURANCE AND LAND BUSTS ESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on jlty and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAME3 JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLET & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. New location, 815 Main street. Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street. Carney ft Bradley,. Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good ilea at all times. Cab line in connec tion. "Phone main 70. MISCELLANEOUS. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DE Bcrlptlon for county court, circuit court, Justice court, real estate, etc., for sale at East Oregonian office. DENTISTS. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN, DENTIST Office in Judd building. Phona Main 73 FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNBT at law. Office in Smlth-Crawfor building. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB. LOCAL STAT1 Stock Inspector. Office at Koet pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 411 Residence. 915 East Court strew Res. Phone Main 69. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V, GRABt ate of McKlllIp Veterinary Colleg of Chicago. Office phone Main I' Res. 616 Bush St.. phone Main if PHYSICLVNS. H. S. GARFIELD, M D., HOMEO pathic physician and surgeon. Of flee Judd block. Telephone: Office black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE. CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. .Judd building, cornet Main and Court streets. Office 'phom Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 654 FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 52 A. F. and A. Mm meets the first and third Mondays of each" month. All visiting brethren are lnvi'ed. NOTK I OF STREET MKNT. 1M1T.OVE- .$ 7.50 . 7.00fi7.25 . fi 25 fi 6.50 . 5.23li 5.50 4.75 Producers' 1.02 red brew- flt flaf Ynnp fnnftrlian Home I" "-'! a wwa t" VC- ft I A rnirian Purif.i , i VUI lUb V THE ilcht vlrln oll U waltln l"r vou la Mani toba, ftaakatehawan and Albarta. (io whore you can proiiKf. eatn a Uim liome in a lew yean lu mm hare ii lur thrlr larmi ith one cron. First priia ol liooo.oo Im bel " "'d WM a-.-inktl br Amtrltan u.lir at Ihe New York Land Show to a western Canadian latmer. Land From $10 to $30 an Acre ten Years in Which to Pay The Canadian Pacific Railway cnt you the finest Irrl. w.rtfd and non-tmsatrd Lin.l alnar It Unci. Land adapted to ram growlnc. to poultry caiJlnn. dairying mled la'minir. and citile. h 'K. beep and ' rais ing Sele't y..uron land. I teudr hit kind ol farm ln y.w want It. I..ll.., and let the Canadian l'acilic KailwriV put vou on the nwd tn fortune. Ask lor our h.mdoiiie lllusti.iteil l.okton Manitoba, t i.kat. hewan. and Allirna- Inrnllon the one you wlah. Also uvtpi with lull Inhumation Iraja. Wiita today. C. C. Thornton, Cnral Agtnt Canadian Pacific Railway Colonization Department 1 1 2 W. Adam. St. Chicago rt SL-Tawa Uia la all arowlM laa ASK YOI R xF.ifiiinon. IIiiihItoIh of Pendleton Citizens Can Tell You All About It. DEFEATED DEMOS WILL SUPPORT LANE Portland. Ore., April 25. Dr. Har- ry Lane, aemucruiic United States senator, win nave a united parity behind him In the com ing context. He has received leuers of congratulation from Walter M. Pierce of Hot Lake and O. P. Coshow of lloseburB, his opponents In the fight for nomination, as well as from Milton A. Miller of Lebanon, who withdrew, but whose name appeared on the ballot. All three of his rivals announce that they are prepared to "Ut and help In tho campaign to elect Dr. Lime to the United States senate, and they nredict his election In November. Ijiite returns from the primaries give Iertne an even 3500 leau over Pierce. Ills vote stands at i4J, while Pierce has 4093, Coshow 2625, and Miller 669. AlthouRh Miller had withdrawn, his home county of Linn gave him a plurality.. Curry, Grant, Morrow and Wheeler have not reported on the democratic vote for senator. Ten counties are official and the remainder show an Incomplete vote. IU VS A $I.O(O.IMM) POLICY. Home endorsement, tho public ex presslon of Pendleton people, should bo evidence beyond dispute for every Pendleton reader, of the merit o Doan's Kidney Pills. Surely tho ex perlence of friends and neighbors, cheerfully Klvrn by them, will carry more weipht than the uttoranccs of .strangers residing In far-away places. Read the following: Charles Brelthaupt, C19 Marie St., Pendleton, Ore., says: "Off and on for some time I suffered from attacks of kidney trouble and backache. I was subject to dlzsy spells and head aches and I felt miserable. "When Doan's Kidney Pills were recommend ed to me, I procured a supply and soon after beginning their use, I found that they acted as represented. Since taking Doan's Kidney Pills I have felt much better In every way." , For sale by alt dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Mall Order House In Chicago Piirclias os lnsiiranee for 2800 Employes. Chicairo. A mail order company here has purchased life, accident and health Insurance for 2S00 employes under two policies Kuch of the poli cles,' nno for life insurance and the other a health and accident contract, are the largest of the kind ever writ ten. The life Insurance totals $4,000,000 the annual premium being approxi mately $42,000. The health and acci dent policy Is based on tho provisions of the new Illinois workmen s com pensation act, effective May 1. The annual premium Is based on a payroll of $1,800,000. Remember the name take no other. -Doan's and NOTICE OF SALE OF HOXDS. Notice is hereby glvert that sealed bids will be received by the under signed up to the hour of 5 o'clock p m. on the 8th day of May, 1912, at his office In the city hall, in The City of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Ore gon, for the purchase of Improvement bonds of said city. Issued for the lm provement of that part of Alta street between -Main street and Court street, In said city, said bonds aggregating $13 259.50, being twenty-six bonds of $500.00 each and one bond of $259.50 face value, bonds dated May 1, 1912 bearing Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from date, payable semi-annually, maturing ten years Notice- Is hereby given that at a regular meeting of the Common Council of The City of Pendleton, held on April 17th, 1912, the following resolution? were adopted: Whereas, the Surveyor of The City of Pendleton did, on the 10th day of April. 1912, under direction and by requirement of the Common Council, file nlans and specifications for an appropriate Improvement of Johnson street, In The City of Pendleton from the south line of Water street to the north line of Court street, together with the estimates of the work to be done and the probable cost thereof. with a statement of the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land to be bene fited by such Improvement, and the percentage of the total cost or im provement wlch each of such lots, parts of lots and parcels of land should pay on account of the benefits to be derived from such improvement; and Whereas, the Council has examined such plans and specifications and found the same satisfactory and the estimates therefor to be in accord ance with the probable cost of such work; and Whereas, the property recommend ed by the City Surveyor to be In cluded within the boundaries' of the district benefited is, in the Judgment of the Common Council. proQprly to be included within such improvement district, and no property Is excluded therefrom which should properly be Included therein; and Whereas, the Improvement of the herein abov-described portion of said Johnson street with bitulithic pave ment on a bituminous base is at this time necessary; therefore, be it Resolved, by the Common Coun ell of The City of Pendleton, that it is expedient to improve, and it is here by proposed to improve, Johnson street in The City of Pendleton, from the south line of north line of Court street, by paving the same with bitu lithic pavemant on a bituminous base, such pavement to be 26 feet wide, be ing 13 feet on each side of the center line of Johnson street, and by con structing curbs and gutters thereon, as shown by the plans and specifica tions, made by Geary Klmbrell, City Surveyor, filed with the City Recorder on April 10th, 1912, which plans and specifications are hereby particularly referred to; and be it further Resolved, that the plans and speci fications and estimates for such im provement, as prepared by the City Surveyor and filed with the Recorder of The City of Pendleton on the 10th day of April, 1912, be and they are hereby approved and adopted; and be it' further Resolved, that the cost of making such improvement shall be a charge and lien upon all lots, parts of lots and parcels of land to be benefited by such Improvement, and the owners of such lots, parts of lots and parcels of land so specially benefited by such improvement shall bo liable for the navmont of the costs thereof; and be It further Resolved, that an assessment dis trict is hereby created, to be known as Assessment District No. 13, embrac ing the property to be assessed for the payment of such improvement, which assessment district ' shall In elude all lots, parts of lots and par cels of land lying and being within tho district bounded and described as follows' to-wlt: Commencing at the southeast cor ner of Lot 7, Block 8, original Town of Pendleton, Oregon, thence north erly to the northeast corner of Lot 12 In said Block 8, thence westerly to tho northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 7, in said original Town of Pendleton, thence southerly to the southwest cor ner of Lot 6, In said Block 7, thence easterly to place of beginning; and be It further Resolved, that a copy of this reso lution, together with the notice that the Surveyor's estimate of the proper tlon of the cost of . said work be charged against each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, is on file In the office of the City Recorder, be pub llshed for a period of ten days In the East Oregonian, which newspaper is hereby designated by tho Council for the publication thereof. And notice Is further given, that the Surveyor's estlmato of the pro portion of tl e cost of said work to be charged against each lot, part of lot and parcel of land within the assess ment district In said resolutions de DAMON LODGE NO. 4, K. of P., meets every Mon day evening In I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cor dlallv invited to attend. J. A. Best, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. R. S. -a ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS. ETC D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on ail kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Phone black 3786, or Oregonian office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor, Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone main 7B. ATTORNEYS. RALEY &' RALEY, ATTORNEYS A' law. Office in American .Nations Bani Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY A law. Office In Despaln building DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORN XX at law. Will practice In all mat' and federal courts. Rooms 1,- t .. and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON & SKRAELE. ATTUK- neys at law. Office In Deepaia bulldlpir. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for country court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc., tot Sale at East Oregonian office. SECOND-HAND DEALERS V. STROPS LE, DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place ln( Ptndleton to buy houssehold goods. ' Call and get his prices. 210 E. Court street. Phona Black 3171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLE3 ar d chop suey. Ung D. Goey, prop. At the old stand. Alta street in rear of Mailman Drug Co. MISCELLANEOUS. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAV Office In Despaln building. CARTER ft SMYTHE. ATTORNEY' at law. Office In rear of America' National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEY A' law. Office over Taylor Hardwsr Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEY and consullors at law. Office If Despain building. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, eta. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore 3onlan office and see samples. POULTRYMEN ADVERTISE YOUR eggs for hatching In the want ad columns of tho East Oregonian, the paper that reaches the chick en raiser. Rates are very reason able and we get you results. . GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNE" at law, estates settled, wills, deed mortgages and contracts drawn Co' lections made. Room 17. Schmld block. . PETERSON ft WILSON, ATTOB neys at. law; rooms t and 4 Smith Crawford building. f a 'isi fcatfiaaa i iii 1 1 a i i iii mi aai,iiia.i.waaaaraja;aiia scribed, is on file in the office of the City Recorder. Dated Pendleton, Oregon, April 19th, 1912. THOMAS FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. NOTICE OF STREET MENT. IMPROVE- Notice is hereby given that at a reg lilar meetingof the Common Council of The City of Pendleton, held on April 18th, 1912, the following reso lutions were adopted: Whereas, the Surveyor of The City of Pendleton, did on the 18th day of April, 1912, under direction and by requirement of the Common Council, file plans and specifications for an appropriate improvement of College street, in The City of Pendleton, from the south line of Court street to the north line of Alta street, with bitu lithic pavement on a bituminous base, together with the estimates of the w.ork to be done and the probable cost thereof, with a statement of the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land to be benefited by such improvement, and the percentage of the total cost of improvement which each of such lots, parts of lots and parcels of land should pay on account of the benefits to be derived from such improvement; and Whereas, the Council has examin ed such plans and specifications and found the same satisfactory and the estimates therefor to be In accord ance with the probable cost of such work; and Whereas, the property recommend ed by the City Surveyor to be includ ed within the boundaries of the dis trict benefited is, In the judgment oi the Common Council, properly to be included within such Improvement istrict. and no property is excluded therefrom which snouia properly oe included therein; and a Whereas, the Improvement of the herein above-describd portion of said College street with bitulithic pave ment on a bituminous base, Is at this time necessary; therefore, be It Resolved, by the Common Council of The City of Pendleton, that it is expedient to improve and it Is hereby proposed to improve College street In The City of Pendleton, from the south line of Court street to the north line of Alta street, by paving the same with bitulithic pavement on a bituminous base, such pavement to be 34 feet wide, being 17 feet on each side of the center line of said College street, and to have curbs, gutters and other things as shown In the plans and specifications made by Geary Klmbrell, City Surveyor, filed with the City Recorder, on April 18, 1912, which plans and specifications are hereby particularly referred to; and be It further Resolved, that the plans and speci fications and estimates for such im provement, as prepared by the City Surveyor and filed with the Recorder of The City of Pendleton, on the 10th day of April, 1912, be, and they are hereby, approved and adopted; and be It further Resolved, that the cost of making such Improvement shall be a charge and lien upon all lots, parts of lots and parcels of land to be benefited by such improvement, and the owners of such lots, part of lots, and parcels of land so specially benefited by such Improvement, shall be liable for the payment of the costs thereof; and be it further Resolved, that an assessment dis trict Is hereby created, to be known as Assessment District No. 15, em bracing the property to be assessed for the payment of such improvement, which assessment district shall In clude all lots, parts of lots and par cels of land lying and being within the district bounded and described aa follows, to-wlt: Commencing at the northwest cor ner of Lot 1, Block 11, original Town of -Pendleton, Oregon, thence along the south line of Court street easterly 260 feet, thence south 23 degrees, 36 minutes, east 310 feet, to the north line of A'.ta street, thence westerly to the southwest corner of the Court House Block, thence westerly to the southeast corner of Lot 7, Block 11a original Town of Pendleton, Oregon, thence westerly to the southwest cor-, ner of the said Lot 7, thence north-- erly to place of beginning; and be itt. further Resolved, tnat a copy of this res--o'ution, together with the notice that., the Surveyor's estimate of the pro portion of the cost of said work be -charged against each lot, part of lot . and parcel of land, Is on file in the of--fice of the City Recorder,- be publish--ed for a period of ten days In the . East Oregonian. which newspaper is hereby designated by the council for -the publication thereof. And notice is further given, thatc the Surveyor's estimate of the propor tion of the cost of said work to bo charged against each lot, part of lot and parcel of land within the assess ment district in said resolutions de scribed Is on file in the office of the City Recorder. Dated. Pendleton, Oregon, April 19th, 1912. THOMAS FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. WlfrfM I 1 I L HoiU.M, 1 .orr lank. SaHt Hmihtinar. lhKk iFftCIOHTl PAID? Nurwrv. Saittv Ump. trri. lotrimowti', bt 'FREE 4THlAu con rwcbOat ol irti aislla all ovrf , ' OUAftAsjVrtCD twM tMih will. So nmpt thai anvbudy van rbaTl btf aauma. Cat our catalog it and lo WlitJ prw a, Brmmr trm t.7 tap t Hln Incubator Co., Tolodo, Washington WANT ADVERT. EHTS Real Estate, Investments, For Sale, For Rent, Etc. REAL ESTATE-INVESTMENTS BRITISH COLUMBIA. Facts and Figures. was expended on roads and public works in 1911. $14,399,000.00 value of farm pro ducts in 1910. 114.962.000.00 value of Imported livestock, meat, .fruits, etc., 1910. J35.000.000.00 value of manuia tures, 1910, $Zi,183,00O. Tro ot minerals produced in 1910. J17.160.000.00 value ol timoer cut In 1910. J8.000.000.00 value of rish caugm 1910. J536.E56. 892.00. clearing house re- REAL ESTATE-INVESTMENTS turns for 1910. 1,040,000.000 feet of lumber cut in 1910. The average value of occupied farm land in British Columbia in 1910 was 174.00. Less than one-tenth of the available agricultural land In B. C. is occupied. Mild climate suitable to successful farming and desirable climate in which to live the year 'round, close to market, being the same distance from Portland, Oregon, as San Fran cisco. There is plenty of room for you. North Coast Land Co., Ltd., Van couver, B. C, paid up capital $1,500,-000. FOR SALE. HAIR WORK ANY ONE WISHING Madam Kennedy to do their hair work, send combings through mall to Athena, Oregon. Box 92. FOR SALE S. C. WHITE LEGHORN eggs for hatching, $1 per setting ot 15, or $5 per hundred. Day eld chicks $12 per hundred. Win. F. Braun, Box 432 Hermiston, Ore. WANTED. FARMERS FOR FIRST-CLASS . work and prompt delivery of sale bills and atalllon announcements, go to the East Oregonian. Live stock cuts of every description us ed on your printing, without extra charge to you. WANTED Continued. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry Work done with especial' car Phone Red 2E21. Raga Wanted. The East Oregonian will pay cash for large, clean rags. Bring them to this office. EGGS from all leading varieties standard bred poultry, express pre paid, $2 00. Write for circular. Simpson's Pheasant Farm, Cor vallis. Oregon. EGGS FOR HATCHING S. C. B. Orpingtons. I. R. Ducks, W. C. Ban tams. Day-old chicks and duck lings, $11.00 per hundred and up. Mr9. George Bain, Box 662, Pendle ton, Oregon. FOR SALE EGGS FOR HATCHING from full blood White Wyandottes and Buff Orpingtons, $1.50 and $2 per settings of 15. Cockerels and pullets for sale Orders taken for day-old chicks. R. W. Fletcher. Phone B1V 3836. Pendleton, Oregon.