pagf. six. DAILY EAST OREO ONI AN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THUKSDAY. APRIL 25, 1912. TEN PAGES COtotkttt 00 AN IXPKrF.NMKNT NEWSrAPKR " Pobilsbed I'aI y unci Semi Weekly at Ten dlctcn. urrgun. by the AST ORIX10N1AN I'L I'.MSlUXtJ CO Entered at me postofflc at Drecuii, at wonnd-cla Pendleton. ana mall matter. task (jfl'trPIHTlAV iMTru Pally, out jear. by man 5 (X) ' IHilljr, hi montus. Dy ai.tll Dal.'y, three r.iomhs. by mall T 1 (y . one nii'Uth, by mall tially, one year, e;r carrier Oalif. s nu'fitlis. by enirier Pally. 'jrv mum!.1", by carrier ... IaJIv. on e m.inih. by carrier Sum Vr'epk.y. ene yesr. by uinll.... Irul ffivkiy, sis months, by mail .. ktaii iVeekij. lour tuouths.'ty mall. Health is the foundation of all good looks. The wise woman realizes thla and takes precautions to preserve her health and strength through the - pe riod of child bearing. She remains a pretty mother by avoiding as far as j possible the suffering and dangers of so , sucn occasions, i ms every woman may do through the use of Mother's T.r.o .1 TS l.5 . Friend, a remedy that has been so long j-llin use, and accomplished so much .7b pood, that it is in no sense an experl sd j ment, but a preparation which always It Is for Che Dflllv Fast Mrc jonlaa 18 Xepr on aale ' produces the best results. ee'tP.'rUami orocon 3"' MorH,0D , external application and so penetrating ' m us uaiure as 10 tuorougciy tuoricaie Northwest News Co., Portland. Orecon. Cbliao I'lawm, WJ Security HulMlug. Waahiupivu, l C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth atreet. S. W. Member I'nlted l'resa Association. Ttlepbone Main ) Offlcla. City and Counu Ilper. Tin: h:n who wkxt powx. Peasant and merchant and mil lionaire Soldier ami scholar and man of the sea. Mourned by the n-orld, they are resting where No towering monument ever may be; Put the wave? that so rolling above them there. Where the pitiless fogs hover over the tide. Shall never efface and shall nev er impair The slory they gainel when they manfully died. . With onfy a hour in which to pray every muscle, nerve and tendon .in volved during the period before baby comes. It aids nature by expanding the skin and tissues, relieves tender ness and soreness, and perfectly pro pares the system for r.atural and safo motherhood. Mother's Friend has been used and endorsed by thousands of mothers, and Its use will prove a com fort and benefit to any woman in OUOln&lA need of such a JV2 remedy. Mother's fftOtlf) Friend is sold at cJHIIV drug stores. Write for free book tor I expectant mothers, which contains much valuable information. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlaata, Ca. Where Death had found them jthe Titanic presents not one, but and would not wait, They sent the young and the weak away, Intrusting them to the whims of Fate: P.obbed of hope, they had strength to stay While the helpless ones and the women went, And the dark sea, rolling till Judgment Day Is their ever-enduring monu- ment. S. K. Kiser in Chicago Rec- ord-Herald.. Tin;v ahi: i: visitors The work of the Sunday school reople nowf assembled here is of such a nature they are welcome visitors indeed It is the primary duty of the Sunday school worker aside from ex tending the faith to guide the steps of little children in paths of right living and right thinking. The Sunday wcnooi teaener strives to encourage her followers to love the clean, the beautiful and true and to dislike the things that are bad and ugly. She exerts a wholesome and elevating in fluence and her influence Is exerted at a time when child character is be ing formed. Therefore much good -is accomplished. The world scarcely appreciates the wide good that the Sunday school does. Millions of young people grow to manhood and womanhood with their ideas of right living mir firmly formed because of early associations in the Sunday school class rooms. The Sunday Bchools do the most effective work that is carried on in the name of the church. The work is effective because it Is easier to train than to reclaim, treatise "as the twig is bent so is the tree inclined." The East Oregonlan knows that the people of Pendleton appreciate the presence in this city of the Sun day school workers and wants them to ejoy thir stay. If there should be jtnythit' lacking about the ar-i!:ng-merits their a'-vommodation and ( iit'-rt.iii.iner.t the mistakes will e of th- Lend and not u, heart. a steamship disaster like that of Mon day, the .voting wife refuses to go in the boats, declaring that she will live or die with her" husband., says the Pittsburg Dispatch. To most men the natural law that their wives and dau ghters should be saved from danger at tlie cost of fiction seemed almost beyond reality. But the sinkine- of sev- I eral cases of this heroic choice of wives to die with their husbands j rather than leave them, f The case of Mr. and Mrs. Isador Mraus was the most notable. When Mrs. Straus found that her husband would not be allowed in the boat she stepped out of it, preferring to die with him rather than live without him. A Mr. Allison is reported to have been accompanied by his wife and daughter, and they refused to be res cued rather than let him die alone. There are indefinite reports of a doz en similar cases, all of them repre senting a brillant example of love and self-sacrifice that is a 'bright contrast to the matrimonial faithlessness that furnishes commonplace sensations. While we prize these shining ex hibitions of love as an offset to the social discredit or disregard for the marriage tie, it is necessary to add that a cold, dispassionate judgment will recognize that it is wiser for the wife to accept her chance of life though the husband can not. She is not bound to die beacuse the husband is. Peyond that, however remote the hus band's chance for escape, it is more if he has only himself to fight for than if his wife be with him. In such a situation, however, women, may eas ily ignore the calculations of reuson, and those who elected to go to death presented a lofty ideal of love and de votion, the loftier for its compara tive rarity. RID AY AT ALEXAN DE 9 WE SAVE YOU MONEY ON EVERY PURCHASE 36 in. Black Messeline Silk Regular $1.50 val., Friday 98 c SPECIAL LOT Dress Goods New Spring Dress Goods OQ 75c values, Friday . OuL Cal it-os always ' 5 (linjiham apron checks 6 1-4 20c Gingham, "2 inches wide 10 Flaxons special 10 Uc Pillow Cases 10 7")c Crepes all colors , 39 $3 50 NEMO CORSETS Sizes 27 to 36 "Special Lot" Friday $1.00 Mens $4.00 and $4.50 Florsh eim and Walkover OX FORDS, Friday fj i luisueim $2.50 Ready-to-Wear Dep't. BLACK DRESS SKIRTS $.1.00 Skirts, Friday $3.98 $fi.00 Skirts, Friday $4.48 g',.r0 Skirts. Friday : $4.98 $7.00 Skirts, Friday $5,48 S7..'0 Skirts. Friday : '. $5.9S LEATHER HAND BAGS For Friday Only 2 Price VERY SPECIAL All Dress Braids and Trimmings Friday 2 Price New Ratine Cloth New Cotton Corduroy New Plain and Fancy Crepe WE GIVE S H GREEN TRADING STAMPS Alexander's Dep't Store V i - - chopped raisins, figs or dates, or a portion of each. Cook until thick, stirring to prevent burning. This filling is nice for layer cukes also. The talk of the necessity of war between the United States and Mexico seems Idle. The trouble will no doub be adjusted without Interference by this country and if Interference should prove necessary it would not be a war. A squad of good American policemen could settle the trouble. JH;()TI.J) WOMKX. The reputation of the White Star line of steamers is not improved by Die news that the firemen on the Olympic, sister ship of the Titanc, had tc go out on a strike in order to make the com puny provide more lifeboats. The White Star company seems to have a prejudice against life boats. Greater than the chlvalric story of the rn'-n v.ho went down with the T1-. tanir; in order that tiie lifeboat? I might be fi II 1 with women and chil- j dren Is the tale of devotion of those women who refused to leave their husbands anil gave up their chances of e.siape In order to stay with their loved ones. Mary newspapers throughout the world are commenting upon the wife ly devotion shown by Mrs. Isadore Htraus 8nd other women who refused to enter Die boats though they had opportunities to do so. In I)i Morgan's best story the cli max Is attained at the crisis when, In $100 ItKWARD. SJ00 Thu readera f thla papor will b plnaa4 to learn that there la at Ipaat one dreaded dtacaM that arlenre baa been able to rare In all Ita atagra. and that la Catarrh. Hall a Catarrh Care la the only pltl cure now known to the mfoVal fraternity. Catarrh bring a constitutional dlaeaae, require a eoniitltutlonal treatment. Halt' Catarrh Cure taken Internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and tnucoua aurfaeea of tbe yya tern, thereby d-trrytng the foundation of the dlneaHe, anJ clvlng the patient strength by bulMlnj up the cunallrutlon and asslat Inn nature In doing Its' work. The pro prlel'im luire en miirh faith in Ita cnraMre powera tiiat they offer One Hundred lol lam fur anr rate that If fall to cure. Bend for Hit of teatlmonlala. Adrires : V. 1. CUTSET 4 CO- Toledo, a Hold by Prostata, 7Se. Take Uall Kamlly mi tot conitlpav pattoo. THE REALM FEMININE Heart Cookies. When making plain cookies I add a ipuai ter of a pound of melted choco late to the batter, after using half of it, and make two kinds of cookies. Sometimes I cut both klnda with a heart cutter, and after they are bak e.i join them with a thin sugar Icing. My I'avorlte Douglinut.8. To one cup of granulated sugar add on: and one-half cups sweet milk, one cup mushed potatoes, one butter (melted in potatoes) the size of an egg Mix "well, then add five level teaspoons baking powder, a pinch of salt and Just enough flour to roll. Flavor with nutmeg. These are fine. Tilled Cookies. . Take one cup of sugar, one-half cup each of butter and milk, one egg, three and one-half cup of flour, two teaspoons of cream of tartar, one teaspoon each of aoda and vanilla, and a little more flour If needed to roll thin. Put the cookies In the pan, place a teaspoon of the filling on each, not letting It come quite to the edge, then put another cookie on , top. Bake in a quick oven, taking care not to acorch the cakes. They re iiulre longer baking than for single cookies. For filling for cookies take one half cup each of sugar and water, one teapoonful of flour, and one cup of Cornnx'al Ittie. Cut into small slices about one pound of pork or chicken (or both mixed), add a little salt and boil un til tender; scald one quart of corn meal, add salt and flour, tablespoon of butter; stir into this a Jiandful of flour and two beaten eggs and into this pour enough broth to make a batter. Now take a halt cup of to matoes, add little toutter and two tea spoons of chilli powder, and cook un til well done. Add this to the meat and mix well. Now line Borne pie pans with the meal mixture, then put in the meat, mix Into layers as for chicken pie, bake slowly, and when nearly done dress over with butter. I toilet I Apple Dumplings. Peel and chop fine tart apples, make a crust of one cup rich butter milk, one teaspoon soda and flour enough to roll. Roll half an inch thick, spread with the apple, sprinkle well with sugar and cinnamon, cut in strips two inches wide, roll up like Jelly cake. Set the rolls in a drip ping pan, lay a teaspoon of butter on each, put In a moderate oven and baste them often with the juice. Serve with cream. .Mock Angel Food. Take one cup milk, one cup. flour, one cup sugar, two teaspoons bak ing poydor. pinch of salt, whites of two eggs beaten stiff. Heat milk to boiling point. Sift together flour, sugar, salt and baking powder sever al times. Stir in hot milk and beaten whites of eggs. Do not flavor cake or grease baking pan, but flavor Icing. Thla recipe closely followed can be compared with any real angel food. It should bo beaten about 20 minutes In hot oven, not too hot. Strawlerry Mouie In one bowl crush ripe strawberries to a pulp and in another whip con fectioner's cream to stiffness, adding a little sugar. Put the mashed strawberries and their Juice Into the whipped cream, stir together thor oughly and pack brick' molds with the mixture. Cover the molds completely with cracked ice and allow to stand for four hours. A Mother's Core. A careful mother will not give her child a medicine without knowing It Is pure, contains no opiates, and" has healing and curative qualities. Such a medicine is Foley's Honey and) Tar Compound for croup, whooping cough, bronchitis, and all affections of the throat, chest and lungs. Best and safest for chl'dren and grown persons. Contains no opiates. For salo by all dealers. In cases of rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible Tls may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all denier SOCIAL FUNCTION, BALL AT STANFIELD IiKJ TIM K IS l'ltKPAKED 1DR AT DKIMCATIO.-V or HAM, New Auditorium t lie Fittingly Put Into Service With Program t'ntlor Auspices of HuMlIng Coiumcrcinl Association. On Thursday evening. May 2nd, the fine, large hall occupying the entire second floor cf the handsome new concrete business block being com pleted by Dr. G. K. Watts, will be for mally opened to public use and en joyment, with the most comprehen sive and elaborate social function ever held in this part of the county. It will be a splendid ball given by the Stanfield Commercial Club . and for the benefit of the club. The Commercial Club has long de sired to entertain its friends from the country and from other towns In this county and elsewhere. Prior to the completion of this magnificent new building, howeve, there has been no room suitable. The hall will be beautifully decor ated especially for the occasion by the committee of ladles who have been invited by President Sloan to assist the club iti that capacity. The new hall has a polished ma ple floor. The music will be especial ly good the music committee having secured eight pieces of the United orchestra of Pendleton, for the oc casion. A very large attendance is expect ed from the other towns In the coun ty and every effort will be made to have the event so well arranged and managed as to insure the utmost of pleasure to all who are present. Mayor Jas. Kyle of he arrange ments committee, was In Pendleton today arranging for a special train which If secured, will leave Pendle ton about 7 o'clock In the evening, re turning at the close of the ball. "i . arrangements committee is composed of the following well known i.iizens of Stanfield. Frank Sloan, president; G. U Hurd, secretary, J. M Kyle, mayor, ami R. A. Holte. Those on the music committee are A. W.. Gray and Prof. Frank Can ith, P. 11. Uuchholz. Through the courtesy of Dr. Watts the use of the hall has been donated to the Commercial Club so that the club treasury ir.ny profit the more. When a mel elne must be given to young childrci. it should be pleasant to take. Chamoerlaln's Cough Rem edy is made fi m loaf sugar and the root used in its preparation give It a flavor Blmllnr to maple syrup, making It pleasant to take. It has no superior for co ds, croup and whoop ing cough For eala bv all dealers. MICHELIN Red Inner Tubes Their superiority is recognized all ptemi over the World IN STOCK BY PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY 812 JOIIXSOX STHF.KT. DISSOMTIOY OF IWHTXICHSIIIP. Notice Is hereby given that tho firm of Phelps & Hurt (composed of the undersigned as partners) is this day dissolved by mutual consent. D. D. Phelps' is to pny all debts owing by tho firm and all money owing to the firm Is to be paid to him. Dated April 22, 1912. ALEX BURT. I. D. PHELPS. Love Is blind and that may ex plain why many a man falls In love with a woman who Is a "sight." KloodlS 5 Sarsaparilla By virtue of its blood-purifying, . nerve-strengthening, stomach-toning, appetite-restoring properties, is the one Great Spring Medicine. Get It today ln liquid form or chocolated tablets called 8aratabs. Spring TOUICS As tlio best of all system Tonics, we would suggest that you try a bottle of F. St S. Sarsaparilla, which is sold on a positive guarantee to satisfy or money back For sale only at Tallman 2& Co.