East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 19, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Extrfflordinflry GmM
More Days
Suit and Press Sale
Your choice of 25 suits worth- up to
$37.50 for only $19.95
Your choice of 30 dresses, sold regular
up to $32.50 for $17.90
Mo Charges for Alterations
Take advantage- of this the grca lest money saving event of
the season.
The Ladies' and Children's Store
coal raiige. Good condition having
only eight months' use. Call 201 Wa
ter street or Phone Main 569.
Mum lis lor oou uud wijua.
Bicycles! 727 Johnson street.
Phone Koplttke & Gillanders, for
dry wood and Rock Spring coal.
Dry red fir wood, $7.00 per cord de
livered. Phono Black 3622.
State Hotel Furnished rooms at
special rates by week or month.
1. C. Snyder will spray your trees.
Spray dope for sale by gallon.
Household goods for sale. Apply
Mrs. F. B. Clopton, 121 Monroe street.
GaB range for sal". Inquire DOS
Frunklin street or at postotficc after
2 p. m.
For rent Largo furnished room
with bath. 402 Thompson. Phone
lied 2622.
All kinds of good dry wood, also
ciean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Koplttke & Gillanders.
For sale Extra good saddle pony.
Hood life and style, yet perfectly, gen
tle. Phono Black 2542.
For Sale Mrs Altmeyer's half in
terest In Headlight restaurant, lo
cated at 126 W. Webb street.
.Large shipment of new sidewalk
lumber Just received at the Pendleton
Flanlng Mill and Lumber Yard.
Moth proof cedar chests, great va
riety of sizes and prices. Every home
should have one. Pendleton Planing
Mill and Lumber Yard.
Carload of fine cedar posts now for
sale at the Pendleton Planing Mill and
Lumber Yard. Both Plain and tar
red. Per Sale 29 head fresh Jersey
milk cows. Inquire of R. H. Stevens,
Butch Henry Feed Yard.
For transfer work, hauling bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos, and all kinds of Job work,
phone Main 461. B. A. Morton.
Save yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly.
Ben, L. Burroughs, phone Main S.
Fer rent Suite of unfurnished
housekeeping rooms In East Oregon
Ian Building. Steam heated, also gas
range In rooms. Apply at this office.
Money to Loan J3000 or less at 8
per cent on good real estate security.
Address J. M. Aells, Gen. Del., Pen
dleton, Ore.
Fr Rent to a lady, a large, well
furnished room, with sewing machine,
vtn close In. Cheap. Inquire 719
Strictly first class chop suey and
noodle parlors. Open day and night
Tray orders a specialty. Everything
new. Under State . Hotel. Phone
Main 667. Un Co.. Props.
ntr bhIa at a arreat sacrifice, a
eomDlete outfit of household furni
ture tor living room, dining room and
bed room, In fumed oak ana cir
rjuwlnn walnut, used only seven
months. E13 Lewis street.
For sale Six room house with
basement, containing living room,
woodshed and cellar. Two lots with
hade trees, chicken house and gar
den. Snap if taken within 30 days
Phone Red 2471.
Let the Auto Truck Haul It.
Our specialty is quick work. Phone
Slain 33'J for furniture and piano mov
ing short trips in the city or transfer
ring to the country. We haul any
thing. Penland Bros.
Rain Postpones Game.
Portland, Ore., April 19 Yester
day's game between Portland and San
Francisco wag postponed on account
of rain.
Angles 4, Oakland 2.
Oakland, April 19. Oakland's win
ning streak was broken yesterday
when Los Angeles scored a 4 to 2
victory. Four hltB by the visitors off
Parkin in the fifth inning tolls the
Score: R. H. E.
Los Angeles 4 6 2
Oak:and 2 4 4
Batteries Tozier and .Smith; Par
kin, Muj'tinoni and Mitzu.
Vernon U, Sacra ineiilo 8.
Los Angeles, April 19 Lack of
control on the part of Fitzgerald and
ragged fielding by the fielders enabled
Vernon to defeat Sacramento for the
third straight time yesterday. Gray
was being hit freely and was replaced
by Castleton in the fifth.
.Score: R. H. E.
Vernon 14 11 2
Sacramento 8 13 7
Batteries Gray, Castleton and
Brown; Fitzgerald and Cheek, Hart.
Tuxicub and Touring Cars.
25 cents to any part of city. Phono
Main 12. Day and night.
Ill; Round-Up Dance.
Wednesday evening April 24 Given
by the Round-Up Band. Eagle-Woodman
hall. Extra fine mu.-sic by the
band und United Orchestra if 15
Couldn't Fool the Widow.
Mount Carmcl, II'. Because he
could not even write his name
sind induced a friend to write for him
and ask a widow if he might call on
her, Valentine Gammons, a widower
of 50 will not get married.
Being lonely and in need of a help
meet, Gammons asked a friend to
write a "flowery" note to Mrs. Re-
beeca Ramsey, asking if he might
A favorable answer came back and
ho presented himself, soon making
great headway at his court.
It was later learned by her that he
had not written the note at all. Then
she grew angry and refused to see
It was then that the widow made
up her mind not to wed, but instead
went to Tennessee for a visit with a
relative, because he had fooled her,
r.u and Ooal Kanipo lor Sale.
wr fin t Combination gas and
At Donaldson's
Soda Fountain ,
by K. Kelly Bansher, who has
leased my fountain for the sea
son. He Is an experienced soda
dispenser who will serve you
with the best soda, pure fruit
Juices and ice cream obtainable.
Your patronage solicited.
F. J. Donaldson
Reliable Druggist.
We give People Warehouse
Trading Stamps.
v Portland 12, Seattle 6.
Seattle, Wash., April 19. On a
muddy field yesterday Portland hit
Klein and Vance freely, winning from
Seattle by a score of 12 to 6. Tonne
son was hit frequently but most of
the raps were wasted.
Score: R H
ri.rtlanJ 12 17
.' ..Ulo 6 14 3
Batteries Klien, Vance, Schneider
mid Shea; Tonnesson and Harris.
Victoria 5, Spokane 1.
Spokane, AVash., April 19. Xarve
son, the young Victoria tosser pitched
gi t elge ball yesterday and also did
effective work with the bat, driving
in three runs and scoring one himself.
Victoria bunched hits throughout the
game and made a rushing finish.
Score: R. H. E.
Victoria 5 8 1
Spokane , 1 5 3
Batteries Xarveson and Meek;
Kraft and Ryan.
At St. Louis
Score: ' v R. II. E.
Chicago "...12 1 '
St. Louis 7 "
Batteries Walsh and Su' ivtn;
Xolson and Krieholl.
Umpires Evans and Egan.
At Boston Xew York-Boston same
postponed; wet grounds.
Sagiicloiis Beast Procures a Prink In
an Astonishing Manner.
Flora, 111. An Impromptu enter
tainment was given for the benefit of
the town loafers the other afternoon
by'Frank Maxwell's horse, which had
been left in front of a store! '
The horse walked over to the town
pump, and, Routing me nanaie witn
his teeth, worked it up and down.
There being no water trough the an
imal stopped pumping occasionally
and put his mouth under the spot to
catch the water.
Maxwell says the horse often pumps
his own drinking water at home,- and
in the summer time if the water in
the bucket is warm he will pump him
self a fresh drink.
Pittsburg, Pa., April
Score: R. H. E.
St. Louis 3 4 1
Pittsburg 4 5 1
Batteries Sallee and Bliss; Hen
drix and Gibson.
Umpires Johnstone and Eason.
Xew York Brooklyn-New Y'ork
game postponed; wet grounds.
At Philadelphia Boston-Philadelphia
game postponed; wet grounds.
At Chicago Cincinnati-Chicago
game postponed; wet grounds.
Refused Permission for a Militant
Suffragette to Enter Hot Stu
ieiy Home.
London. Mrs. Whltelaw Reld's pet
charity is the home here for American
students of Paris, and an amusing
story is now being told concerning it.
At the time when the. suffragette
window-smashing raid was on, the
superintendent of the home .was asked
to admit for membership a certain
ardent suffragette, who was described
aa an Anglo-American. He tele
graphed to Mrs. Reid for instructions
and her answer was concise.
"Certainly not. Send further de
tails." A few days passed and the super
intendent wired to Mrs. Reld:
"It Is all right. She has been sen
tenced to two months at hard labor."
Very few who know the American
Ambassador's wife have any idea of
her remarkably widespread charities.
The Paris home enables American
girls who are studying art or music
to live on 130 a month in comfort
able qunrters In London.
Mrs. Reld's charities are conducted
so quietly thnt only the recipients
know of her kindness, nnd the beg
glng letter writer is ignored.
Personal Tax Report shows President
lias Made $50,000 in SUx-ks.
Cincinnati. President Taft's rer
sonnl tax return, now on file at the
Hamilton county court here, shows
that ho is $10,720 richer in property
subject to taxation than he was last
year In thai time ne nas accumu
lated $50,000 worth of stocks, whllo
last year ho held only $10,000 worth.
Ills cash has decreased from $3720 to
$840 and his debts are listed as $6,
B00. The total value of the presiden
tial property Is given as $51,940.
Notice Is hereby given that at a reg
ular meetingof the Common Council
of The City of Pendleton, held on
April lSth, 1912, the following reso
lutions were adopted:
Whereas, the Surveyor of The City
of Pendleton, did on the 18th day of
April, 1912, under direction and by
requirement of the Common Council,
file plans and specifications for an
appropriate improvement of College
street, in The City of Pendleton, from
the south line of Court street to the
north line of Alta street, with bitu
lithlc pavement on a bituminous base,
together with the estimates of the
work to be done and the probable
cost thereof, with a statement of the
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land
to be benefited by such Improvement.
and the percentage of the total cost
of improvement which-' each of sucn
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land
should pay on account of the benefits
to be derived from such improvement
Whereas, the Council has examin
ed such plans and specifications and
found the same satisfactory and tne
estimates therefor to be in accord
ance with the1 probable cost of such
work; and
Whereas, the property recommend
ed by the City Surveyor to be Includ
ed within the boundaries of the dis
trict benefited Is, In the Judgment of
the Common Council, properly to be
Included within such Improvement
district, and no property is excluded
therefrom which should properly be
Included therein; and
Whereas, the improvement of the!
herein above-described portion of said
College street with bltullthic pave
ment on a bituminous base, is at this
time necessary; therefore, be it
Resolved, by the Common Council
of The City of Pendleton, that it is
expedient to Improve and it is hereby
proposed to improve College street
in The City of Pendleton, irom me
south line of Court street to the north
line of Alta street, by paving the
same with bltullthic pavement on a
bituminous base, such pavement to be
34 feet wide, being 17 feet on each
side of the center line of said College
Mr gains
Saturday Oily
$1.25 Long Silk Gloves, 16-button lengths, in black,
white and pongee, pair . . . . . 95 c
The gloves are double tipped, of fine French elastic web, perfect
fitting and perfect make, sold regularly everywhere for $1.25 pr.
Special for this Saturday only at . . 95C Pr
$2.00 Cream French Serge, 54 in. wide and shrunk,
Special for this Saturday only at, yd . . . $1.45
$6.00 and 7.00 Silk Petticoats, Messaline and Taf
fetta, black and all shades, spe'l. this Sat. at $3.85
50c, 65c and 75c Plain and Fancy Hose, in black
tan, white and all colors, lisle and silk lisle, special
for this Saturday only, at, pr. . 39c
Great Bargains in Soiled Waists,
Tailored and Lingeries
$1 .50 and 2.25 Waists of linen and lawns, m Q S
all sizes, 34 to 44, at each . . .
$1.00 Hemmed Bed Sheets, . 8 1x90, on sale at each 75c
12 1 -2c Daisy Cloth, in white, pink and blue, at yd. 9c
Old Ladies $1.50 Comfort Shoes, for this Saturday $1.10
$1.50 Mercerized Napkins, 19x19, hemmed, ready
to use, at, dozen
25c White Dimity, checks and stripes, at yd.
411 the Best Calicoes at 5 c
All the Best Apron Ginghams at 6 I -4c yard.
98 c
White Buck Shoes at
Whue Buck Button Oxfords at $3.50
Tan Button Shoes at . $4.00
Black Velvet Colonial Pumps at $3.50
Patent Leathers Colonial Pumps $3.50
Tan Button Oxfords at
$3.50 '
New one and two strap Slippers for
Infants and Children, sizes 2 I -2
to 8 at . . 90c to $1.50
Wohlenberg Dept.
Better Goods for Less Money
street, and to have curbs, gutters and
other things as snown in me iimno
and specifications made by Geary
Kimbrell, City Surveyor, filed with
the City Recorder, dh April 18, 1912.
which plans and specifications are
hereby particularly referred to; and
be it further
Resolved, that the plans and speci
fications and estimates for such im
nmnamaiit. aa nrenared bv the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of The City of Pendleton, on tne luin
day of April, 1912. be, and they are
hereby, approved and adopted; and
be it further
Ttoantvod. that the cost of making
such improvement shall be a charge
and lien upon all lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land to bo Deneuieu u
nd the owners of
such lots, part of lots, and parcels of
land so specially benefited by such
11 he liable for the
payment of the costs thereof; and be
If ftirlhor
Resolved, that an assessment dis
trict Is hereby created, to be known
as Assessment uisirici .o. iu, rm-
braclng the property to be assessed for
the payment of such Improvement,
which assessment district shall In
clude nil lots, parts of lots and par
cels of bind Jying and being within
the district bounded and described as
follows, to-wlt:
Commencing at the northwest cor
ner of Lot 1, Ulok 11. original Town
of Pendleton, Oregon, thence along
the south lino of Court street easterly
260 feet thence south 23 degrees, 36
minutes, east 310 feet, to tho north
line of Alta street, thence westerly to
the southwest corner of the Court
House Block, thence westerly to the
southeast corner of Lot 7, Block 11,
original Town" of Pendleton, Oregon,
thence westerly to the southwest cor
ner of the said Lot 7, thence north
erly to place of beginning; and be it
Resolved, that a copy of this res
olution, together with the notice that
the Surveyor's estimate of the pro
portion of the cost of said work be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land. Is on file in the of
fico of the City Recorder, be publish
ed for a period of ten days In the
East Oregonian. which newspaper is
hereby designated by the council for
the publication thereof.
And notice is further given, that
the Surveyor's estimate of the propor
tion of the cost of said work to be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land within the assess
ment district in said resolutions de
scribed is on file in the office of the
City Recorder.
Dated, Pendleton, Oregon, April
19th, 1912.
City Recorder.
There will be some
thing of intrest,foryou
Saturday at the
Golden Rule Store
ui; i.kad, ornrits follow.