East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 19, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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rnbllabrd Dally and Semi-Weekly ai Pen
dletco, Uregon. by th
Entered at the poetofflr at Pendtetoa,
Oregon, ai m-ood-claaa mall matter.
rally, one year, by mall . .J.VOO
rail?, all months, by mall 2.50
Dally, three mnntbs. by mall 1.25
Dally, one month, by mall .50
Dally, one year, by carrier 7.50
Dally, aix months, by carrier 1.75
Dally, Bree month, by carrier 1.05
Dally, one month, by carrier 65
eml Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50
leml Weekly, six month, by mall 75
ml Weekly, four months, by mall... .50
The Dally East yregonlan is tept on sale
t the Oregon Newt Co., 329 Morrison
street, Portland. Oregon.
Northwest News Co., l'ortland, Oreeon.
Otalmco l'ureau, 009 Security Building.
Washington, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four
teenth Krttt, N. W.
Member United Press Association.
sTslrphone Main 1
Cfflcla. City and Connu lapr.
A mother who is young and fair
and glad,
Smiling upon the baby at her
The gleeful shouting of a care-
free lad
Whose kite is high and tugging
. at the string,
The maiden who has heard the
love confessed
That long has kept her sweetly
The singing of a trusting little
. The west wind mowing over
fresh, green grass.
The tinkling of a shaded little
The ticking of a clock where
love prevails;
The light and quickly fading
puffs of steam
That cause the useful wheels to
turn; the moss
That long has clung to weather
beaten rails,
The morning sunlight on a gild-
ed cross; .
The cloister where the silent
sisters pass,
The west wind blowing over
fresh, green gras3.
S. E. Ki.ser.
family and to the world when be
neath the sea.
A bad feature of the wreck Is that
i the Titanic was warned of the pres
ence of teebergs .et being under or
ders to make all possible speed was
forced to continue on its mad race
regardless of the dangers. The fact
that, Ismay, managing director of the
company, is among the saved, does
not appeal to people who have loved
ones among the lost. There Is also
just criticism of the company offi
cials because of their efforts to con
ceals news of the disaster. Their se
eretiveness Indicated a desire to cover
up disclosures unfavorable to the
company. It seems astounding that
with its wireless equipment working
the Carpathia. did not inform the
world of the actual number lost.
The story of the wreck as given
thus far shows there is urgent need
of a probe not by a pro-corporation
committee however, but by a board
that will lay bare the truth and show
up those at fault regardless of who
they may be.
The paving of East Alta street
should be an incentive for the mak
ing of permanent improvements on
other main travelled residence streets
oC which Jackson street Is perhaps
the most important in the city. A
street that is given a hard surface
paving is Improved for a long period
of years and the improvement will
always be satisfactory. The experi
ence Pendleton has had thus far with
macadam shows that while macadam
j is cheaper it in no way compares with
! a hard surface street. It is especi
ally bad in the winter months. It is
the firm belief of this paper that with
' reference to good residence streets the
j abutting property of which is owned
by people of wealth or even moder
ate means a narrow hard surface
paving will best solve the problem.
Macadam is likely to prove very disappointing.
If Mr. Ismay should happen into
just the right sort of crowd his name
might be changed to Dismay.
Particulars of the Titanic disaster
brought last night by survivors on
the Carpathia add new horrors to the
tale and make the story of the wreck
The next great event will be the
r tr.ingf the Tri-state league games.
Permanent street work is the best
remedy for clouds of dust.
in 1
even more damaging to those
charge of the steamship line.
To the layman it seems incredible
that a great Atlantic lined the fin
est ever built should be so inade
quately equipped with life boats. The
Titanic had splendidly furnished
suites costing as high as $1000 for the
trip. The ship had almost every con
venience known to modern civiliza
tion but lacked the one great essen
tial in time of trouble.
The explanation of the absence of
lifeboats lies no doubt in the fact
they incumber the decks and interfere
to some extent with the speed of the
ship. Ship owners have gone speed
mad. The elite travel demands faster
boats, or at least the operators think
and they strive to meet the de
mand. But they should not have
done so at the price of safety. Assur
edly the safety of the passengers
should be of some consideration and
it is Hurprising the regulations do not
require that all such ships carry a
sufficient number of boats to accom
modate at least all the passengers. It
would be but humane to have enough
to save the crew also. It seems bet
ter for all concerned when the cap
tain can be "the last to leave his
ship" rather then be compelled to
adhere to the traditions of good sea
manship and go down with his boat
A brave captain is worth little to his
Who will get the elephant?
II "Hakes Good"
A fair trial of Hosteller's Bit
ten will result to your utmost
f Olfaction In cases of Poor
Appetite, Heartburn, Indiges
tion, Co8tivenertt Biliousness,
and Malaria. Start today, but
insist on having.
Notice is hereby given that at a
regular meeting of the Common
Council of The City or Pendleton, held
on April 17th, 1912, the following
resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, the Surveyor of The City
of Pendleton, did on the 10th day of
April, 1912, under direction and by
requirement of the Common Council,
file plans and specifications for an
appropriate improvement of Water
street, in The City of Pendleton from
the east line of Main street to the
east line of Vincent street, together
with the estimates of the work to be
done and the probable cost thereof,
with a statement of the lots, parts of
lots and parcels of land to be bene
fited by such improvement, and the
percentage of the total cost of im
provement, which each of such
lots, parts of lots and parcels
of land should pay on account of
the benefits to be derived from such
improvement; and
Whereas, the Council has examined
such plans and specifications and
found the same satisfactory and the
estimates therefor to be in accord
ance with the probable cost of such
work; and
Whereas, the property recommend
ed by the City Surveyor to be Includ
ed within the boundaries of the dis
trict benefited is, in the judgment of
the Common Council, properly to be
included within such improvement
district and no property is excluded
therefrom which should properly be
included therein; and
Whereas, the improvement of the
herein above-described portion of
said Water street with bitullthic
pavement on a bituminous base is at
this time necessary; therefore, be it
Resolved, by the Common Council
of The City of Pendleton, that it is
expedient to improve, and it is here
by proposed to improve, Water street
in The City of Pendleton from the
east line of Main street to the east
line of Vincent street, by, paving the
same with bltulittilc pavement on a
bituminous base, as follows: From
the east line of Main street to the
east line of Cottonwood street, such
pavement to be 40 feet wide, being 20
feet on each side of the center line
of Water street, and from the east
line1 of Cottonwood street to the east
Saturday Will be a Big
Day Here. Call and
Learn Why.
Golden Rule Store
lead, others follow.
Bananas and Oranges
20c Doz.
See them in our window tonight. Also all kinds of Vegetables, Fruits and Groceries at lowest prices.
Nice Yong Veal and Big Fat Chickens, Beef,
Pork, fluff on, Hams, Bacon and Lard
Everything to Eat
At Correct Prices and GUARANTEED TO PLEASE
Get Your Order in Early
and get the best, and be sure to Give Your Street Number
Give us the order for the entire meal. -
MAIN 101
Corner Court and Johnson Sts,
line of Vincent street, suqh. pave
ment to be 26 feet wide, being 13 feet'
on each side of the center line of Wa
ter street; and by constructing curbs,
and gutters thereon, as shown by the
plans and specifications made by
Geary Kimbrell, City Surveyor, filed
with the City Recorder on April 10th,
1912, which plans and specifications
are hereby particularly referred to;
and be it further
Resolved, that the plans and speci
fications and estimates for such im
provement, as prepared by the City
Surveyor aftd filed with the Recorder
of The City of Pendleton on the 10th
day of AprH, 1912. be and they are
hereby approved and adopted; and be
it further
Resolved, that the cost of making
such improvement shall be a charge
and lion upon all lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land -to be benefited
by such improvement, and the own
ers of sucb. lots, parts of lots, and
parcels of land so speolally benefited
by such improvement shall be liable
for the payment of the costs there
of; and be it further .
Resolved, that an assessment dis
trict is hereby created to be known as
Assessment District No. 12, embrac
ing the property to be assessed for
the payment of such improvement,
which assessment district shall in
clude all lots, parts of lots and par
cels of land lying and being within
the district bounded and described
as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at the southeast cor
ner of Lot 4, Block 10, original Town
of Pendleton, Oregon, thence north
23 degrees, 36 minutes W., to a point
S. 23 degrees, 36 minutes E., 5 feet
from the northeast corner of lot 2 in
said Block 10, thence easterly to the
southeast corner of Lot 1, LaDow's
Addition, thence along the east line
of said Lot 1 to the south bank of
the Umatilla River, thence westerly
along the said south bank of the
Umatilla River to the east line of Main
street, thence southerly along the said
east line of Main street to the south
west corner of Lot 9, Block 2, in said
original Town of Pendlon, thence
iu pmce oi ueBiiimng; una
be it further
Resolved, that a copy of this reso
lution, together with the notice that
the Surveyor's estimate of the pro
portion of the cost of said work be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land, is on file in the
office of the City Recorder, be pub
lished for a period of ten days in the
East Oregonian, which newspaper is
hereby designated -by the Council for
the publication thereof. ,
And notice is further given, that the
Surveyor's estimate of the proportion
of the cost of said work to be charged
against each lot, part of lot and par
cel of land within the assessment dis
trict in said resolutions described Is
on file in the office of the City Re
corder. Dated, Pendleton, Oregon, April
19th, 1912.
City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that ut a
regular meeting of the Common
Council of The City of Pendleton, held
on April 17th, 1912, the following
resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, the Surveyor of The City
of Pendleton did, on the 10th day of
April, 1912, under direction and by
requirement of the Common Council,
file plans and specifications for an
appropriate Improvement of Johnson
Htreet, in The City of Pendleton from
the south line of Water street to the
north Une of Court street, together
with the estimates of the work to be
done and the probable cost thereof,
with a statement of the lots, parts of
lots and parcels of land to be bene
fited by such improvement, and the
percentage of the total cost of im
provement wiili each nf such lots,
parts of lots and parcels of lend should
pay on account of the benefits to be
derived from such improvement; and
Whereas, the Council has examined
such plans and specifications and
found the sumo satisfactory and the
estimates therefor to be in., accord
ance with the probable cost of such
work; and
Whereas, the property recommend
ed by the City Surveyor to be in
cluded within the boundaries of the
district benefited is, in the judgment
of the Common Council, properly to
b include I within such improvement
d'strict, and no property Is excluded
therefrom which should properly be
included therein; and
Whereas, the improvement of the
herein above-described portion of said
Johnson street with bitullthic pave
ment on a bituminous base is at this
time necessary; therefore, be it
Resolved, by the Common Coun
cil of The City of Pendleton, that it is
expedient to improve, and it is here
by proposed to improve, Johnson
street in The City of Pendleton, from
the south line of north line of Court
street, by paving the same with bitu
lithic pavement on a bituminous base,
such pavement to be 26 feet wide, be
ing 13 feet on each side of the center
line of Johnson street, and by con
structing curbs and gutters thereon,
as sh ivn by the plans and specifica
tions, made by Geary Kimbrell, City
Surveyor, filed with the City Recorder
on April 10th, 1912, which plans and
specifications are hereby particularly
referred to; anil be it further
Resolved, that the plans and speci
fications and estimates for such Im
provement, as prepared by. the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of The City of Pendleton on the 10th
day'of April, 1912, be. and they are
hereby approved and adopted; and be
it further
Resolved, that the cost of making
such improvement shall be a charge
and Hen upon all lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land to be benefited by
such improvement, and the owners
of such lots, parts of lots and parcels
of land so specially benefited by such
Improvement shall be liable for the
payment of the costs thereof; and
be It further.
Resolved, that an assessment dis
trict is hereby created, to be known as
Assessment District No. 13, embrac
ing the property to be assessed for
the payment of such improvement,
which assessment district shall in
clude all lots, parts of lots and par
cels of land lying and being within
the district bounded and described as
follows' to-wit:
Commencing at the southeast cor
ner of Lot 7, Block 8, original Town
of Pendleton, Oregon, thence north
erly to the northeast corner of Lot IS,
in said Block 8, thence westerly to the
northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 7, in
said original Town of Pendleton,
thence southerly to the southwest cor
ner of Lot 6, In said Block 7, the.nce
easterly to place of 'beginning; and
be It further
Resolved, that a copy of this reso
lution, together with the notice that
the Surveyor's estimate of the propor
tion of the cost of said work be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land, is on file In the
office of the City Recorder, be pub
lished for a period of ten days In the
East Oregonian, which newspaper is
hereby designated by the Council for
the publication thereof.
And notice Ut further given, that
the Surveyor's estimate of the pro
portion of the cost of said work to be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land within the assess
ment district In said resolutions de
scribed, Is on file in the office of the
City Recorder.
Dated Pendleton, Oregon, April
10th, 1912.
City Recorder. .
Down In Oklahoma the other day
a man went into a store to buy a saw.
He saw the kind he wanted and ask
ed thi; price. It was $1 65, the dealer
"Good gracious," said the man. "L
can get the same thlm? from Rears,
Soebuck & Co. for $1.35.
"That's less than it cost me," said
the dealer, "but I'll sell it on the
same terms as the mail-order house
Just the same."
"All right," said the customer. "You
can send It along and charge it to my
account "
"Not on your life," the dealer re
plied, "No charge accounts. You
can't do business with the mall order
house that way. Fork over the cash."
The customer complied.
"Now two cents postage and five
cents for a money order."
"What "
"Certainly, you have to send a let
ter anjl a money order to a mail or
der house, you know." ,
The customer inwardly raving, kept
to his agreement and pnld the money.
"Now twenty-five cents expressage"
"Well, I'll be ," he said, but
paid it, saying, "Now hand me that
saw ana I'll take it home myself and
be rid of this foolery."
"Hand It to you? Where do you
think you are? Your'e In Oklahoma
and I'm In Chicago and you'll have to
wait two weeks for that saw."
Whereupon the dealer hung the
saw on a peg and put the money In
his cash drawer.
"That makes Jl 67," he said. "It
has cost you two cents more and
takes vou two weeks longer to get
It than if you had paid my price in
Hit first place." From Kellogg'
Siiu.ui.. Dealer.
Five thousand times hath Spring re
curred, ajtd more;
Five thousand times, on tinselled
wing a-soar.
Five thousand bards have sprung aloft
to pour
In wild, ecstatic volume, o'er and o'er.
Their primal bursts of molic Spring
time lore
Till vernal verse Is now a perfect bore
To editors (who get extremely sore
At Springtime poets, and kick them
out the door;
And eke a few I call to mind who
swore )
So what's the use of rhyming any
On Spring? I'm sure I don't know,
unless it be that It gets to bo a
regular habit with one, and
that we all like Spring In spite
of the Spring poets, and that,
no matter if It Is five thousand
years old, Spring Is the young
est and fairest thing under the
sun today.
April Ltpplncott's.
V rmsoxEK to dye it
Chicago, 111. When Max Helsa, II
years old, 333 West Goethe street,
was arraigned bpfore Municipal Judge
Maxwell at the" East Chicago avenue
court, charged with disorderly con
duct, he tried to explain his conduct
on the ground that, because he had
red hair, he simply couldn't keep
from flghtln.
"Everybody's always guying me
about it," he complained, "and I Just
can't keep from soaking 'em good
and proper."
We Save You Money
on Every Purchase
tor Our Advertisment
We Give Trading Stamps