East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 19, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Excursion Fares
To the East via
Northern Pacific Railway
The Scenic Highway and the Only
Line to Gardiner Gateway, official
Yellowstone Park entrance.
A few samples similar reductions to many other points in the Eastern
United States and Canada, as well as the Middle West.
St. Paul ,$60.00
Minneapolis 60.00
Duluth 60.00
Superior 60.00
Winnipeg 60.00
Chicago 72.60
St Louis 70.00
Omaha 60.00
Kansas City and St.
Joseph 60.00
Des Moines 65.70
Sioux City 60.00
Davenport 70.00
Denver, Colorado
Springs, Pueblo $55.00
New York 108.50
Philadelphia 108.50
Boston .
Buffalo . ,
Pittsburg .
Detroit . .
Dallas . . .
, 110.00
Que 105.00
91. 50
Tickets will be on sale
April 25, 26 and 27, to St. Paul and Minneapolis only.
To all points except Dallas, Texas, numerous dates, May 2 to Sept. 30
Limit 13 days on going trip. October 31, 1912, for return.
North Coast Limited (c 'w.)
Atlantic Express ( 0. B. S. )
Daily through to Chicago via Minneapolis and St. Paul. Immediate
connections to Duluth, Superior and Winnipeg. The North Coast
Limited runs via Milwaukee, with Compartment and Drawing Room
Sleeping Cars.
Mississippi Valley Limited
Daily through to Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Joseph and Denver. via
Billings and the Burlington Route. Direct connection to Omaha.
Standard Drawing Room and Tourist Sleeping Cars. Dining cars
with service that is famous. For reservations and tickets call on,
W. ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oreg.
A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. General Pass'r. Agt. Portland
Insurance, real estate for sale and houses to rent.
Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street.
Other Property of Every . Description.
Money to Loan on City ana County Realty.
Like good tools and materials
to work with. Contractora
and builders can't make a
good job with poor material. So when you let jour contract
see that they get the famous Red Devil Cement; the Oregon
Lime and the Acme Plaster, and you will get the best we are
able to supply, and all at the lowest prices considering quality.
Oregon Lumber Yard
A. H. COX, Manager
That You Plan Your .
To or Through the Glorious
All Eastern Round-Trip Tickets Are Good Via This PiOute
Without Additional Cost
"tl Soo-Spokane
YSfll Route
Leaving Pendleton Daily 7 :00 P. M.
A Solid Vestibuled, Electric Lighted Train; Compartment-Observation,
Standard and Tourist Sleepers,
Through Dining Car Service.
Beginning May 2, Reduced
Round-Trip Rates to All Eastern
Point. Liberal Stop-overs, Di
verse Routes. Final Return Lim
it, October 31.
tit Paul,
and Return
Apr 25-26-27
Will Be Pleased to Give You Further Particulars on Applica
tion. Drop Us a Postal, or Call on
T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent O.-W. IL & X. Ry.
Trav. Pats. Agt. Spokane, Wash. Gen's Agt.
(Special Correspondence.)
Echo, Ore., April 19. Another ship
ment of beef catt'ft, consisting of four
cars, went out of here on Wednesday
night. They belonged to F. C. Oxman
of Durkee, who billed them last fall
for Portland with the privilege ot
feeding at Echo for the markets while
in transit.
Mrs. Mary Chaffee and Mrs. Frank
Spike spent yesterday visiting with
friends in Pendleton and returned
home on the motor in the evening.
Mrs. W. W. W'hltworth was trans
acting business In Pendleton yester
Oeo. G. Peil of Portland, depart
ment state commander of the K, O. T,
M . and J. G. Boyd, department of all
eastern Oregon of the same order, Is
frere. They expect to reorganize the
lncal lodge which existed here some
few years ago.
Frank Lock returned this morning
from a trip to Holdman where he dis
posed of a ton of honey for J. M
Mrs. Elizabeth Scholl and Carl
Scholl, mother and brother of Louis
Scholl, Jr., visited with the latter's
family here the first of the week
which on their way to Portland from
a visit in Walla Walla.
R. B. Stanfield and Allen Thomson
yesterday received new automobiles
which they ordered a short time ago.
Both machines are of the Ford make,
20 horse power and five 'passenger
J. M. Schafer was a brief visitor in
town this morning.
J. "W. Copplnger was a business vis
itor at the county seat today.
P. C. Hunter, O.-W. R. & X. Co.
agent, went up to Pendleton this
morning .on the local.
We had $16.75 on hand March 1,
18.18 was colected In fines for tho
mont hand 16.75 was expended for
desk supplies and other minor ex
penses of the library, leaving on hand
The Rental Collection had $40.42
on hand March 1. $10.71 was col
lected during the month and $10.70
was expended for books, leaving a
total of $40.43 on hand April 1.
Respectfully submitted,
LOTTA L. FLEEK, Librarian. -
Pretty Swiss Teacher, However, Suc
cessfully Apeul Against the Rule..
Geneva. The members of a schol
astic commission sitting here believe
women are too old to teach after 30
years of age, and In the. government
schools, beginning at once, teachers
are to be dismissed on reaching this
age. A popular and pretty teacher,
who is about to be dismissed on
reaching this rule, took legal action
and appealed to the general council,
which promptly decided in her favor.
Honest Statement of
Voir Known Citizen
An advertisement of Dr. Kilmer's
hwamp-Koot, which I saw in the St
A'bans Messeneer tome tim mv In.
duced me to give your remedy a fair
trial. I was then suffering from
terrible naina in the email nf mv hnV
Tho pain was usually greatest during
me morning, ana orten when I at
tempted to arise from my bed I found
I could not do so without the assist
ance of some meYnber of mv fnniilv T
am very grateful for the good your
great reeay nas done for me.
i tnougni i would have to use
much more Swamn-Tloot thnn T AM
in order to get well, but am absolute-
lv Clired Of mv kldnev trnnhla nnrl
now without tho slightest pain, after
using only seven bottles. Was cured
about six months aen anil although 1
do heavy work in the shop where I
nae Deen employed for the past for
ty-five years, have had
rence of the trouble or pain in the
slightest degree.
I am doubly thankful for this and
while now an old man, I again feel the
strength of my youth, thanks to Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root. Many others
also use it to as good advantage as I
have. Very truly yours,
40 Edward St. St. Albans, Vt.
State of Vermont
Franklin County ss. :
At the city of St. Albans. In said
county, on this the 20th day of July,
personally before a notary public
within and for said county, John Fray
zier, whose mark I hereby witness
with W. E. Powers, well known to me
as a reputable citizen of this commu
nity for the nast thirtv vm onH i
- - '
ly entitled to credif nni rr, -,!.- v.
that the foregoing affidavit by him
signed is true and correct.
Notary Public.
The following library laws are pub
lished by request of the library board:
Penalty for Defacing Books. Sec
tion 4354. Whoever willfully or mal
iciously writes upon, injures, defaces,
tears, or destroys a book, plate, pic
ture, engraving, map, newspaper,
magazine, pamphlet, manuscript, or
statue belonging to a law, city, or
other public or incorporated library,
shall be punished by a fine of not less
I thnn $5.00 nor more than $50, or bj
Imprisonment not exceeding six
I months.
J Penalty for Detention of Bonks.
I Section 4355. Whoever willw nil.. rr
maliciously detains any book, news
paper, magazine, pamphlet or manu
script, belonging to a law, city, or
other public or incorporated library
for thirty days after notice in writ
ing from the librarian of such li-
i brary, given after the expiration of
j time which by regulations of such li
brary such book, newspaper, maga
zine, pamphlet, or manuscript may
be kept, shall be punished by a fine
of not less than $5.00 nor more than
$25, or by Imprisonment not exceed
ing six months; provided, that the
notice required by this section shall
bear upon its- face a copy of this sec
tion. The following Is the report of the
librarian's work for the month be
ginning March 1, 1912, as submitted
to the library board at their regular
monthly meeting April 15.
Accessions for the Month.
There were very few accessions for
March; eleven books of fiction were
turned over to the free shelves of the
adult department from the Civic Club
rental collection, one hook, Frolssart
Stories, which was ordered some
months ago, was received and added
to the children's department, and six
volumes of encyclopedia were the gift
of Mrs. Lee Teutsch.
Roglwt rations.
The file of new borrowers continues
to grow from month to month; the
total number of new cards issued for
March was 37, ten of these -were chll
drens; there were two deposit borrow
era registered lor me month, but no
non-resident or country cards were
Issued. The number of new borrow
ers registered for March, 1911 was
32, showing a gain of 5 registra
tions for 1912.
Circulation of IJookfl.
In spite of the fact that many
hooks have been retained In the li
brary for the use of the students,
which under ordinary circumstances
would have been circulated, the cir
culation has more than held Its own.
Children's department, 221 non-
fiction. 369 fiction; total 590.
Adult department, 291 non-fiction,
810 fiction; total 1101.
Combined totals 1691. the total
number of books Issued for March,
1911 wag 1417. showing a gain of 274
books for March 1912.
Itcmling Room l"e.
This has been without question the
banner month in the history of the
library, so far as readers and students
attendance Is concerned, the estimat
ed reading attendance being 893. It
would have been Impossible for any
righteous thinking person to have vis
ited the reading room many evenings
during the past month, and gone
away thinking that the library was
not doing a good service in the com
munity or that the city was appro
priating funds from which It was not
receiving proper returns, not If stu
dent work and study for mental de
velopment Is to be considered a fac
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Hiiigliamtoti. X. V.
Prove What Swamp-Hoot WW Do
For You.
Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng
hamton, N. Y., for a samp'.e bottle. It
will convince anyone. You will also
receive a booklet of valuable informa
tion, telling all about the kidnevs and
b adder. When writing be sure to
mention the Pendleton Daily East
Oivgonlan. Regular fifty-cent and
one-dollar size bottles for sale at all
drug stores.
Do you use gas ? If not we "will, during the months of April
and May, pipe gas clear to your gas meter (no matter where
it may be)
Absolutely Free of Charge
to You
Besides this "ve will sell you a heater, stovo or range, with, all
tho extras needed at cost prices. GET BUSY NOW BE
Pacific Power & Light Go.
Phono Main 40.
"Always at Your Service."
"KSaEiing (Hood"
People are said to "make good" in a financial way
when thev apply that wisdom in administering their in
comes which enables them to lay up something.
You wll never make good financially as long as you
spend all you earn. You will begin to make good when
you make a start as a money saver.
Why not kgin now, with a savings account at this
bank ?
Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon
American National Bank
Pendleton, Oregon
Bring your catch to our store and have them meas
ured and weighed. Five fine prizes to be given away
this Spring to the best anglers.
3 Prizes for Men
2 Prizes for Boys
Contest now on. Boys contest ends June 15th
and the Mens contest ends July 15th.
of Gontosf
All competitors are required to display catch, together
with their name, in our windows for at least 10 hours. A
record of eacji competitor will be kept and can bo seen at
this store whenever desired. Competitors keep their fish
all we ask for is their record and a display of 10 hours in
our window.
A genuine $4.50 FOR MEN Under 16 yrs. TT .
A $10 Hinder- fj Fly Book 0f a Under 10 yrs.
t a t t free ,for larcst A No. O Fish A $5.50 split fie
ine Rod free for Rainbow, Dolly Basket free for Bamboo Fish One Fly Book
best catch of 8malest catch f of flies free
trout un to Ju- JrooK .uout best catch of for largest trout
trout up to Ju cmgU ljp to of season to Ju- trout to June caught to Juno
ly 15, 1912. July 15, 1012. ly 15, 1012. 15, 1912. 15, 1912?
Headquarters in Pendleton for Sportsmen's Supplies of Every Description.
tor in the city's progress.