7 DAILY EAST OIIEGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON,' FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1912. PAGE THREE TWELVE PAGES 3 IS. HENRY STAMPER OF WESTON IS DEAD NATURE'S PERFECT TONIC Are Yo Going to Build? x iAst Toatnre health tO 530 fcfcO 'Ji j! V . . Get our prices first ! Crab Creek Lumber Co. Phone Main 92 OSCAR. MAHLER, Manager RINGS BELONG TO GIItD, Given In Token of notrotlwl, She Need Not Wert to Keep Tliein. Blalrsvllle, Pa. A girl owns her engagement rings, whether or not they lead her to marrying the donor. So rules Justice Gelb of this place. Miss Josephine Graham and Chas. Yachal both of Saltsburg, became en gaged to be married two years ago. Vaohal presented a diamond ring to his fiancee, following this with an other ring later. Vachal some time ago told of a cir cumstance that temporarily would prevent their marriage and asked for the rings, promising to return them at her request, as she did not consid er the engagement b roken. Miss A Permanent Cure tor Chronic Constipation Although those may dlRpute It wno nave Dot trlml It, yet tnouianua 01 uidctb, wiiu peak from personal experience, assert tuat there la a permanent cure for curonlc con stipation. Some testify they were cured for as little as fifty cents, years ago, and that the trouble never came back on tnem, while others admit they took several bot tles before a steady cure was brought The remedy referred to Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup l'epuln. It has been on tbe market for aver a suartcr of a century and has been popularlicd on lu merits, by one leraon telling another. Tbe fact that lu strongest supporters are women and eld erly people the ones most persistently constipated makes It certain that the rlalsM regarding It aa a permanent cure for constipation have not been exagger ated. It Is not violent like cathartic pills. .,.tn Unt nnorfltpa ffpnttv. with out griping and without shock to the sys tem. It contains tonic properties that strengthen the stomach and bowel mus cles so that In time medicines of all kinds can be dispensed with and nature la again solely relied on. Among the legions who testiry to mrae u " V . V. TV l.ushman, Logan, Utuh, and Josephine Bail ey, Sheridan, Wyo., and they always have a bottle of It In tbe hotiBe, for it la a re liable laxative for all tbe family 'torn In fancy to old age. Anyone wishing to make a trlai of this remedy before buying It In the regular way of a druggist at fifty cents or one dollar a Inrge bottle (family size) can have a sample bottle sent to the home free of charge by simply addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 403 Washington St., Montlcello, III. Your name and address on a postal card will do. THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER. Prop PENDLETON, ORE. FAMILY -LIQUOR STORE Phone Main 299 711 Main Street Graham later requested the return of the rings but Bachal la alleged to have refused them. Suit for recovery was brought by the girl. At the hearing before Jus tice Gelb the rings were returned to the young woman and Vachal paid the costs of the suit. EVIDENCE OF ALIENISTS TO 1K USED ixm KICHESON MIhs Llnneirs Sluyer Was In Tine Spirits After Talk With Attorneys. Boston The Rev. Clarence V. T. Richeson. was In better spirits than at any time during the past two months. It was said that he must have some understanding with hU attorneys as to the nature of the evi dence they are to use before the ex ecutlve council when they seek clemency. An Inkling as to the nature of this evidence was obtained from William A. Morse, Junior counsel for Richeson who said: "Richeson will be examined by al ienists, and John Lu Lee, senior coun sel. Is preparing documentary evidence in Virginia. Mr. Lee will present that evidence before the executive council." The first hearing on the petition will be on April 26. Act Well! And that you may, profit by the health-restoring, strength giving properties of the time tested famous family remedy BEEGEWS PILLS SU Trybr In beau 10c 25c HAIR WHITE AS SNOW Restored to Natural Color - I with WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY ALMOST A MIRACLE My hair was as white as snow when I commenced using Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. One bottle re stored my hair to its natural dark brown color. As I am now JO years old, I consider the result most remarkable. It is an agreeable and refreshing hair dressing, keeping the hair soft and glossy, without being in the least greasy or sticky. WM. WESTLAKE, 10 West Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. K6 triXOMc. ru cot ii'. y A.N IDEAL fHairTonic mi Dressing j Imparls coloc t fidW and FTf I mad toft. 4 fT I 'aJUt Hthmi and teat htur.f jLuaU! for falun luir.i ' i PRICE 50c AND 1.00 J THE WVETH CHLMICAL CO.V NEW YORK CTIY (Special Correspondenne. Weston, Ore., April 19. The death of Mrs. Henry Stamper- occurred Thursday morning at her home on North Water strer-t. Mrs. Stamper was taken suddenly ill Sunday after noon with an attack of paralysis and physicians were immediately called but no hope was held for her re covery as all her body but her lungs and heart were entirely paralyzed. No final arrangements have been made, us not all of the relatives are present yet. J.lr. Trajan Tucker was kicked and seriously hurt this morning while Irvine to rescue his small bov from un.li-r the feet of horses. Serious in ternal injury 18 feared. Mr. O. M. Richmond of Walla Wal la was In Weston Monday. Mrs. L. I. O'Harra returned Mon day from a visit to Walla Walla. Miss Edna Banister was a Pen dleton visitor this week. Misses Mabel and Ina Blomeren spent several days In the Garden City last week. Mis. Halph Klnnear was In Pen dleton Saturday. Mr. Joel Davis of Weston was In Athena Saturday. Messrs A! Nordean and Edkar .Smith of this city were in Athena Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rogers of Adams are in Weston visiting rela tives. Mis. Richard Gerherding who has been 111 at Walla Walla for some time returned to Weston Monday and seems decldedlv better Mis. James Compton went to walla Walla in answer to a telephone from her daughter Mrs. Clifford Culley reporting the serious Illness of her child. Mrs. George Proebstal js., was in Milton Kiin.liiv Mr. and Mrs. John Banister were visitors in Pendleton this week. Mrs. William Morrison and Miss Bessie Key of Weston, were in Athe na Tuesdav Mr. J. B. Gross was in from his ranch Tncsdav. Mrs. Chas. King of Hermlston is in Weston. Mr. L. Shangle of Milton was in Weston Sunday. Supt. F. K. Welles of Pendleton. cave a sterpnntienn evVilhltlnn In tVta high school auditorium Tuesday evening Miss Hilda McRae, who has been quite ill at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John McRae of this city is reported much improved. Mr. Otis T.ipimllen whn 1e nttAnrl incr school in Weston (merit nevprnl days with his parents in Adams this week. The MLsses Eilna Rnnlster nml Rn die Nor Dean of Weston were in Walla Wall a Thnrsrlav Mrs. Minnie Walker of Weston was in Pendleton Thursdav Mrs. W. s. Payne of Weston was a visitor in the Garden City this week. Mrs. George Wordaird of Adams v. " ! !u Weston Wednesday. :. and Mrs. Plomondane of Athe mi were in Weston Wednesday. Mrs. J. E. Keefe, Jr.. of Pendleton was a Weston visitor this week. Miss Edith Weerner of Milton was in Weston this week. Mrs. M. A. Bryson .and Mrs. J. B Gross of this city were in Pendleton this week. Mrs. William McKenzie of this city was in Pendleton during the week. Mrs. W. Carter is confined to her bed this week on account of illness. sickness when the use of ag combined. In S. S. S. will De louna ooia u"-?r2 -n TntiP nd eerms from It builds up weak constitutions ty re muvm ""tnrinp strength and tne blood, thus supplying cto?!iS4tt d whteU invigorating the system. .TJtsy S. S. S. is composeu muw i - " Perfect Tonic, free from SiroWeToi;. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA, GA. " Why hesitate when WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is daily producing Just such results? After years of study and analysis of the hair, we have been able to produce an ideal Hair Tonic end Restorer, which contains an actual constituent Of hair, combined with ingredients of recognized tnerit for treatment of hair and scalp diseases. It makes and keeps the scalp clean and healthy, gives life, strength and lustra to the hair, and Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color No matter how long and thick your hair Is, WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REM EDY will make it longer and thicker. It will re move every trace of dandruff in a few days, stop falling in one week, and start a new growth in from one to three months. Guaranteed to be as Represented or Money Refunded 50c. AND $1.00 A BOTTLE If Tour Druggist Doe Not Ke It 8m SOo. In St.mr uil Wa Will Sand Yeu e. Lord Uottla. Espraaa Prepaid 1 - 74 CORTLANDT STREET wyeui inemicai company, iwwyorkcity.r.y. v FREE a v w-Ka awuI Ctiinhni Tnllet Saab Free to AnYonfl who Will send m vm v iiui v - w us this advertisement with lOe in stamps to cover cost of wrapping and mailing the soap. SOLD BY THE PEN i,i.r.iu. i. t o. aged 19, whom he believes to have been kidnaped. They may be mar ried before returning to Ixs Angeles. P.mrkwalrt buys his mall brought mm a letter saying that Miss Condit had been kidnaped. He received another letter from the girl, saying that she was a prisoner in San Francisco, and he received a third letter saying that she was in safe hands in Sacramento. PEACE PACT STIIX IV AIK. Enrt of Tiireo-Italian War May Not Come for Home Time. Paris. so connrmauon oi re pons that the towers have formally pro posed mediation between Turkey and Italv. has been received in official circles. It is said that for some time the powers, including France, have been exchanging notes, regarding eventual action at Constantinople, tout it has been understood that nothing definite would be done until after the ' resumption of the Ottoman Parlia ment sessions. A valuable dressing fr flesh wounds, burns, sca'.ds, old sores, rash, chafed skin, is BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT, it is both healing and an tiseptic. Price 25c, 50c and Il.uw bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & 6rti. FiEOKL New Drug That Quickly Removes These Homely Spots. There's no longer the slightest need nf fpnllnc ashamed of vour freckles, as a new drug, othine double strength has been discovered that positively re moves these homely spots. Simply get one ounce of othine double strength, from any first class drueeist in Pendleton and apply a lit tle of it at night, and in the morning von will see that even tne worst freck les have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entire ly. It is seldom that more than an nnnno Is neederl to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Ro Riirp to ask for the double strength othine, as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. HERMISTON BEATS STANFIELD TEAM (Special Correspondence.) Stanfk'M. Ore.. Auril 19 Last Sun day afternoon the baseball season was opened by a game lure between Stan- fiold and llerniiston. the score being 9 to 4 in favor of . Hermiston. The game was witnessed by a large num ber of people from Stanfield ns well us many from lie ho and Hermiston. Mrs Richard Carlson returned Sun day from the ranch of Tom Smith where she had been caring for Mrs. Smith, who had been ill, but is now convalescent. Mrs. J. E. Faucett and children, rhillip and Ruth, made a trip to Echo on Tuesday. Walter Weir doot, a drainage man of North Yakima, was here Tuesday. Clarence Hasten of Condon, is visit ing his brother, C. Ii. Hazen, this week. K r. Marshall, vice president of the Inland Irrigation company, was transacting business here on Tuesday. Dr. H. W. Coe arrived in htanrield on Monday. J. M. Schaffer of Walla ai.a, was m the city Wednesday. The Tuesday afternoon Embroidery club held its regular meting with Mrs. C. It. Hazen this week. Mayor J. M. Kyle was a Foiilleton Jsitor this week. A carload of fine Jersey and Hol- stein cows in chargo of Chas. Helm of Hillsboro. Ore. "reached here a few days ago and have nearly all been disposed of to farmers in and around Standfield as many of them are going into dairying. Mrs. Cummlngs of Heppner arrivei in this city Wednesday and will re n aln for a few days. Mrs. M. C. Haragar has returned from North Yakima where -she ha. been visiting her mother, Mrs. James Stuart, who has been quite a'riously i 1 Muyor Kyle drove to Heridslon Thursday. Ten Extra Green Trading Stamps given with each new PRESCRIPTION You want pure medicines. Correct work at right prices. TRY THE Pendleton Drug Co. "IV BUSINESS FOR YOCR GOOD HEALTH." -.1 Spring As the best of all system Tonics, we would surest that von try a bottle of F. & S. Sarsaparilla, which is sold on a positive guarantee to satisfy or money back. Mr ' f COPYRlCHT Lawn Owners when you buy garden hose, be sure and get the best. Our Peerless Hose IS GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS. It costs no more, but lasts lonrrer. "Beddow & Miller" stamped on every 25 foot length. Look for the name. We keep everything neces sary In plumbing and Irrigating supplies, nozzles, sprays, etc. Beddow & Miller Pendleton's Only Exclusive Plumbers. Corner Court and Garden St KIPNAPKD Oil "KIDDING"? Los Angeles. uVrno Buehwnld, a local broker, has left for Sacramento to meet his fiancee, Osle Condit, For sale only at Tallman Co. Colo nist Fa re s DAILY March 1 to April 15, 1912 From the Middle and Eastern por tions of the United States and Cana da to all points In the Northwest on the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Kay. Co. I'rom CHICAGO $33.00 ST. IjOCIS $32.00 OMAHA $25.00 ' KANSAS CITY S25.00 " ST. PACL $23.00 Proportionately low fates from all other points. D-rect service fror: Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha and Kans as City over the C. & V. V.t tNIOV PACll'IC, OKEGON SHOUT LINE and O.-XV. Ii. & V. LIVES rilOTECTED BY AUTOMAT IC BLOCK SIGNAL YOU CAN PIEPAY FAKES While these rates apply Westbound only, fares may be prepaid by de positing value of the ticket with your local asent, and an order will be tele graphed to any address given. Aid in telllr,g of our vast resources and wonderful opportunities for Home Building. Illustrated and reliable printed matter will be mailed anyone to T. V. O'BBIEN, Apent. whom you wish it sent, by addressing, Pendleton. Ore. Absolutely Pure Bottled inBond PENDLETON - - OREGON ,