East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 19, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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White Serge Coats
Popularly Priced at
$15.00 to $20.00
Xew models, plain ami fancy styles. Larcv shawl collar ami low side closings, trimmed
with white silk hrnid, piped with hlaeh. Other all white, self trimmed. All sizes and a large
Lawns, Dimities and Lingeries. Pretty coinliimitions of colors, hlue and white, lavender
and white, pink and white, trimmed with lace, fringe, mcssaliuc and net pleating?, $6.49 to
New Arrivals in Floral Pillows
stamped on the
A large assortment, of new design
grade linen. Choice
Green Burlap, Green Denim,
Linen Crash, Brown Tapestry,
New Cretons and Scrims
Almost even- day brings new arrivals to the Art Department.
Corset Demonstration
Of the Superb Xew Models of
Bon Ton, Royal Worcester and
Adjusto Corsets, Saturday.
A skilled Xew York Corset iere and fashion authority will
he in attendance and will reveal the marvelous figure-moulding
jKissibilities of these world famous corsets, and demonstrate
their absolute importance to, every woman who would be in
fashion.' You are earnestlv invited. '
Xo matter how pretty and stylish the gown may be if the
hand isn't nicely gloved with appropriate- shade, right gloves
and nicely fitted the Iteauty of your gown will be entirely lost.
"T. P. W." gloves are "right." May wc fit you I
lG-Dutton kid gloves, white, black, tan, brown, grey and
navy ... $3.50
Two I Sutton kid in black, white and colors $1.23, $1.50
and $1.75.
. lfi-TSntton Silk Gloves in black, white and all colors $1.00
to $1.50.
Two Button Silk Gloves, black, white ami champaign 50,
75?, and $1.00.
Hi-Button Chamois Lisle 75?
10-P.utton white Chamois Lisle $1.00
2-Piuttoii Chamois Lisle 35"
Weston Ladies9 Band
Weather permitting the Weston
Dand, 10 stnmg will give a concert
istore this Saturday at 2 :"() p. in.
invited to come and hear them.
in our
You are
Do Your Grocery Shopping at Pendleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery
? in Our Model Sanitary Basement.
I 'hone Main IT. All Other Departments Main 22.
Cambell's Simps, 15 kinds, 2 cans 25
Lxtra Fancy French Peas, can
First Choice Mushrooms, can :
Fancy Sweet Sujxls, can
Preserved Cucumbers, jar
Fancy Southern Head Rice, 3 jiound package 35?
Fancy Sunkist Oranges, per dozen 40?, 50? and 60?
Fancy California Grape Fruit, 3 for 25?
Fancy Yellow Free Peaches, can 30?
Fancy ISartlett Pears
Grape Fruit Marmalade, jar
JJomo Canned Huckleberries, 1-2 gal jar ...
J 'reserved Figs, jhe healthiest fruit, in jars.
Fancy Queen Olives, large i-ize vottle
50? and $1.65
Heiuz's Peanut Putter, the W, jars 15?, 20? and 35?
Fancy Home Grown Asparagus, Tomatoes, Cucumbers,
Head lettuce, Green Peas, Xew Potatoes, Radishes and every
thing else in Vegetables and Fruits arrived fresh each morning.
Th& Peoples Warehouse
street, ami by constructing curbs and
gutters thereon as shown by the
plans and specification prepared by
Geary Kimbrell, City Surveyor, filed
with the City Records, on April 17th,
1912, which plana an 1 specifications
are hereby particularly rererred to;
and be It further
Resolved, that the plans and speci
fications and estimates for such Im
provement, us prepured by the City
Surveyor and filed with the Record
er of The City of Pendleton on the
17th day of April, 1912, be and they
are hereby approved and adopted;
and be it further
'Resolved, that the cost of making
such improvement shall be a charge
and lien upon all lots, parts of lots
una parcels of land to be benefited
by such improvement, and the own
ers of such lots parts of lots and par
cels of laud so specially benefited by
such Improvement iihtill bo liable for
the payment of the costs thereof; and
be It further.
Resolved, that an assessment dis
trict is hereby created to be known
as Assessment District No. 14, em
bracing the property to be assessed
for the payment of such Improvement,
which assessment district shall in
clude all lots, parts o lots and par
cels of land lying and being within
the district bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
Commencing at the northwest cor
ner of Lot 1, Block 10, original Town
of Pendleton, Oregon, thence souther
ly parallel with Vincent street to a
point 155 feet southerly from the
south lino of Court street, thence
north 66 degrees, 114 minutes east, to
the east line of Vincent street, thence
along the aid east lint of Vincent
street to a point on the said line mid
way between the northwest and south
west corners of the Ryers' block,
thence easterly midway between the
south line of Court street and the
north line of A'.ta street to a point
midway between the east lino of Vin
cent street and the west line of Mill
street, thence north 23 degrees, 30
minutes west, to the south line of
Court street, thence northerly to a
point on the north line of Court street
114 feet cast r the Intersection of the
ast lino of Vincent street with the
north line of Court street, thence
northerly to u point on the .south line
of Water street 177 feet easterly from
the intersection of the south line of
Water street with the east line of Vin
cent street, thence continuing In the
same direction to a point 1 f0 feet
northerly from the north line of Wa
ter street, thenee south (16 degrees, 24
minutes west, to the east line of Vin
cent street, them e along the east line
of Vincent street southerly 'J5 feet,
thence westerly to the place of begin
ning; ami be It further
Resolved, that a copy of this reso
lution, together with tin; notice that
the Surveyor's estimate of the pro
portion of the cost of said work he
cli-i iiretl against a h lot. part of lot
and parcel of land, is on file in the
office of tile City Recorder, be pub
lished for a period of ten days in the
Kast Oregnnian, w lilt.'h newspaper Is
hereby designated by the Council for
the publication thereof.
.n,l noti'-e Is further given, that
the Surveyor's estimate of the propor
tion of the cost of said work to be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land within the assess
ment district in said resolutions de
scribed is on file in the office of the
City Recorder.
I iiited Pendleton, Oregon, April
19th, 1012.
City Recorder.
The Pastime.
The home of good pictures. Friday's
change of program:
"The Lighthouse Keeper' daugh
ter." Edison. This charming produc
tion enacted by real artists, in rule 1
with all the appeal of the volt sea
and those who live near Its shores.
When the tide of love sweeps farther
ari' farther from the shores of hope,
it tries a man's soul and either makes
or mars the manhood within him.
T'.il is the central Ideu. that predomi
nates in this Interesting; story.
"Tim and Jim." Lubln Cess
Jtnks is In love with Jim Jones but
papa objects. Tim Sullivan, the gro
ceiy boy is sweetheartlnj Nora the
cock. Nora and Tim pu' up a job
to help Hess out which proves very
successful, for they slip out and get
married and ask papa afterwards.
"The Trail Through the Hills."
Hills." Kalem. A wes'ern drama
full of thrills. Kmbodies all the vig
or and sturdy strength of the plains,
in a splendid plot that abounds m
-.ii.-o situations.
"Ail on Account of Ch) kers."
lig. A comedy of new and i lover sit
uatioi,s. delightful acting and a thou
sand laugh. You know h w scai tc
i I' M comedies are. Here Is no. Don't
miss it.
' .Metty's Game' Lubln. A faroo
that made a Broadway aud'er ?-Iau;h
Musical program:
No. 1 Almo Rag. Percy Wenrlch.
No. 2 I'ekin Rug. II. W. Martin.
No. 3 Pojar Rear Rag. G. P.
No. 4 Oh You Angel Rog. V. T.
No. G Raphsody Rag. II. Jentes.
Notice is hereby given that at a
regular meeting of the Common Coun
cil of The City of Pendleton held on
April 17th, 1S1I. the following reso
lutions were adopted:
Whereas, the Surveyor of The City
of Pendleton, did on the 10th day of
April, 1912, under direction and by
requirement of the Common Owncll
file plans and specifications for an
appropriate improvement of Main
Street, In The City of Pendleton from
the North End of the Brldse across
the Umatilla River to Us intersection
with the North line of Jackson Street;
together with the estimates of the
work to be done and the probable
cost thereof, with the statement of
the lots, parts of lots and parrels of
land to be benefited by such Improve
ment, and the percentage of the to
tal cost of Improvement which each
of such lots, parts of lots and parcels
of land should pay on account of the
benefits to be derived from such Im
provement; and
Whereas, the Council has examined
such plans and specifications and
found the same satisfactory and the
estimates thereof to be in accordance
with the probable cost of such work;
Whereas, the properly recommend
ed by the City Purveyor to be includ
ed within the boundaries of the dist
rict benefited is, in the Judgment of
the Common Council, properly to be
included within such improvement
district, and no property is excluded
therefrom which shou'd properly be
included therein; and
Whereas, the improvement of the
hereinabove described portion of said
Main Street with Bltulithie pave
ment on a bituminous base is at this
time necessary; therefore, be it
Resolved, by the Common Council
of The City of Pendleton that it is
expedient to improve and It Is hereby
proposed to Improve Main Street In
The City of Pendleton from the North
end of the bridge across the Uina
tilla River to Its intersection with the
North line of Jackson Street, by
paving the same with P.itulithic
pavement on a bituminous base, and
by constructing curbs and gutters
thereon as shown in the plans and
specifications for such . improvement
hcreinbelow mentioned, which said
plans and specifications, vbicb are
hereby particularly referred to; and
be It further
Resolved, that the plans and speci
fications and estimates for Kseh im
provement, as prepared by the City
Surveyor and filed with the Record
er of The City of Pendleton on the
10th day of April, 191. be and they
are hereby approved and adopted; and
be it further
Resolved, that the oost of making
such Improvement shall be a charge
and lien upon all lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land to be benefited by
such Improvement, and the' owners
of such lots, parts of lots and par
cels of land so specially benefited by
such Improvement shall be liable for
the payment 'if the costs thereof; and
br- it further
Resolved, that an assessment dist
rict is hereby created to be known as
Assessment District No. 8, embracing
the property to be assessed for the
payment of such Improvement, which
assessment district shall ii. chide all
lots, parts of lots and pureed of land
lying arid' being within the district
bounded and described as follows,
Commencing; at a point South 56
degrees 12. minutes West 162.3 feet
from a point 4 5.63 feet West of the
Intersection of a Southerly projected
East line of Main Street, Pendleton,
Oregon, with the line between Sec
tions 3 and 10, T. 3 N. R. 32 K. W. M..
thence South 42 degrees 30 minutes
East SO. 5 feet, thence N. f,6 degrees
12 minutes E. 173.3 feet, thence
South 49 degrees r,3 minutes East to
the center of the channel of the Uma
tilla River, thence up the said center
of the said channel to the Northerly
projected East line of Main street,
thence following a said Northerly
projected East line of Main Street 23
degrees 36 minutes West to the North
line of Jackoon Street, thence along
the said North line of Jackson Street
West to the Southeast Corner of Dot
7, lilock 8, Switzler's Addition, thence
North to the Northeast corner of Dot
9 In said Block 8, thence West to the
Northwest Corner of Lot 4, Rlock 7,
In said Swltzler" Addition, thence
South to the said Section tin, thence
along the said section line West to
the Intersection with the Southerly
projected West Hne of Jefferson
Street, thence South to the North line
of land formerly owned by the Pen
dleton Manufacturing Company,
thence North 56 degrees 12 minutes
Kast to the place of beginning? and
be It further
Resolved, that a copy of this reso
lution, together with the notice, that
the Surveyor's estimate "f the pro
portion of the cost of said work be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land, is on file in the
office of the City Recorder, be pub
lished for a period of ten days In the
East Oregonian, which newspaper is
hereby designated by the Council for
the publication thereof.
And notice is further given .that
the Surveyor's estimate of the pro
portion of the cost of said work to be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land within the assess
ment district In snld Resolutions de
scribed is on file in the office of the
City Recorder.
Dated Pendleton, Oregon, April
l!Uh, 1912.
City Recorder
notice or
Notice is hereby given that at a
regular meeting of the Common
Council of The City of Pendleton, held
on. April 17th, 1912, the following res
olutions were adopted:
Whereas, the Surveyor of The City
of Pendleton, did on the 17th day of
April, 1912, under direction und by
requirement of the Common Council,
file plans and specifications for an
appropriate Improvement of Vincent
street. In The City of Pendleton from
the south line of Water street to the
south line of court street, together
with the estimates of the work to bo
done and the probable cost thereof.
with a statement of the low, parts of
lots and parcels of land to be bene
fited by such Improvement, and the
percentage of the total cost of im
provement ' which each of such lots,
parts of lots and parcels of land should
pay on account of the benefits to be
derived from such Improvement; and
Whereas, the Council has examined
such plans and specifications and
found the same satisfactory and the
estimates therefor to be in accord
ance with the probable cost of such
work; and
Whereas, the property recommend
ed by the City Surveyor to be Includ
ed within the boundaries of the dis
trict benefited Is. In the Judgment of
the Common Council, properly to be
InelU'led within such Improvement
district, and no property is excluded
therefrom which should properly be
included therein; an,J
Wher.'HS, the Improvement of the
herein above-described portion of
said Vincent street with bltulithlc
pavement on. a bituminous base, is nt
this time necessary; therefore, be it
Resolved, by the Common Coumril
of The City of Pendleton, tjiat It is
expedient to Improve, and It Is hereby
proposed to Improve, Vincent street,
in The City of Pendleton, from the
south line of Wate street to the
south line of Court street, by paving
the same, with bltulithlc pavement on
a bituminous base, such pavement to
bo 28 feet wide, being 13 feet on each
side of tho center line of Vincent I
Friday nnd Saturday we will show
a picture "Made In Oregon," which
will be of unusual interest to Orego
nlans: "Blow ing I'p the John Day Rapids."
Rex. A very Interesting picture of
tho Deschutes country, showing the
methods used In . blowing the rocks
out of the channel of John Dny river
Also beautiful views of the river ami
rapids by moonlight.
"The Guilty Ruby." Thanhouser.
Clover , comedy drama featuring two
clever child actors, the "Thanhouser
Kid'' and "Kidlet." The "Kldlet" hid
some Jewels nnd a plumber was ac
cused und ns he bail a sick wife, his
arrest was tragic In the extreme. His
child, the "Kid," played the detective
and was able to locate the missing
gems and clear her father. A very
human story.
"The White Chief." Powers. A
stirring western feud of extraordinary
situations and romantic thrills, having
one scene that reminds one of tho
story of Moses and the bull rushes,
when the child is round floating 'on
the river.
"Making Heroes." Hex. Denver's
fire department going through a won
derful drill. Thrilling rescues are
made, daring risks assumed and death
disregarded. Also hemes nmde.
"The Path of Genius." Powers In
teresting 'picture showing tho difficul
ties of a man of genius, a composer of
music who finally wins success with
the aiil of a true friend. A story of
great heart interest.
Rurlington, N. J. Fearing that to
cry for help would alarm her sick
daughter on the floor above, Mrs. D
A. Syre, ninety years old, silently
suffered agonizing pain from a brok
en hip for two hours before a son-in.
law returning home found her In a
critical condition from injury and
shock. The aged woman had been
nursing her daughter, Mrs. Mary
Thompson and had been at her bed
side twenty-four hours without rest.
In starting down stairs from the sick
room she stumbled and fell U the
bottom of the steps, fracturing her
hip. She bravely called to the inva
lid that she was all right and to keep
her from worrying told her she was
oo busy to come up stairs at once.
The Grand.
Opening tonight, vaudeville:
Walters & Murray, refined comedy
cntertalners. Singing, talking and ec
centric dancing.
Alico Dulcc, in a quick change sing
ma by Richard Harding Davis
Photoplays: Eleanor Luyler Dur
and dancing novelty.-
Who Got the Reward, a Blograph
The Miracle, an Eclipse feature
An exceptionally good program for
Friday's change. Four full reels of
the best American pictures.
1. "At the End of the Trail." Es
sanay. A grim, gripping tragedy of
the far north woods, Introducing two
rull teams of genuine Alaska "Malt
muts" or "Mush" dogs.
2. "Archibald Chubbs and the
Widow." Edison. How Chubbs
wooed and won a fair widow, the aw
ful discovery he made about her hair,
his fear of her athletic son; jiow
Chubbs senior and junior cooked up
a little scheme and how It worked.
3. "Mexican Elopement." Pathe.
This story Is particularly good on the
account of its beautiful lore scenes
and magnificent scenic effects. The
story is simply one of a young girl
in love with a man for whom her
father had no use.
4. "The Social Socretary." Lubln
A young widow endeavors to make a
living for herself and little son by
writing for magazines. This does not
pay so she applies for a position to
Miss Wallington as social secretary.
Beatrice Is engaged to marry Kemp-
ton Greene. The widow and Greene
fall in love and Beatrice in turn bo
comes Infatuated with a young duke.
She begs Greene to release her from
her engagement, which ho gladly does.
Musical program:
1 My Pony Boy. Two-step. C. O.
2 Reautlful Eyes. Two-step. Ted
3 Down Among the Sugar Cane.
Two-step. Mack and Smith.
I Wish I Had a Girl. Two-step
O LeBoy.
6 Indian Love Song, from the
Golden Girl. Two-step. Jos. E. How
ered. '
If you cough all night you get no
rest, nor does anyone else in .the
house. Keep within reach a bottle
RUP. It Is then easy to stop tho
tickling which causes the cough, when
ever It appears. Price 25c, 60c and
$100 per bottle Sold by A. C. Koep
pen & Bros.
Granddaughter of Once Wcallliy
SMinsh DiH'lieftH Works In Hotel.
Madrid. Although reared in the
home of her grandmother, who was a
wealthy Duchess nnd prominent in
Madrid soclety.'a young girl is now .i
servant in one of the best hotels In
the Spanish capital and receives tips
from the grandchildren of men and
women who were guests of the duch
ess. This story has caused quite a sen
sation here. Persona who knew her
when she was a child have recognized
her and vouch for the truth of the
Statements made.
This young woman's misfortunes
date back to the time when the fam
ily fortune, 'after a series of reverses,
was entirely wiped out.
Relatives of the duchess, who had
expected to live In comfort, suddenly
found themselves In poverty. The
girl cast about for a means of earn
ing her living, but the field of activity
la very limited in Spain for women.
Seamstresses earn little or nothing
and needlework Is about the only work
to be had, ..
Having tried In vain to secure some
employment in keeping with her sta
tion In life the young woman went to
work in the hotel.
Screen doors and window screen
ail alzes and prices, at the Pendleton.
Planing Mill and Lumber Yard nr-
also make them to order.
$100 REWARD, $100.
The readers of this timer win ...
to learn that there la it ! Jt.Z?T:2
disease that science has been able to cure
In all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. HaH'S
Catarrh Cure Is the only positive enreW
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of
VnT0' ana Riving the patient strength
by building np the constitution and asX.
Ing nature In doing Its' work. The pro
prletors have so much fnlth In Its curatlie
powers that they offer On. Hundred Do"
far. for any case that If fails to cure. Bend
for Hat of testimonials. DO
Address :
... .' cnENB CO.. Toledo. O.
Hold by Drnggists, 75c.
Take Hail's Kamll Pill. . .
Pttlon. TOuaiipav .