DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. - FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1912. TWELVE PAGES- Newsy Notes of Pendleton MAM Sells-Flto Cirvus Coming. Heralds were received here yester day announcing th ecomlng of the big Sells-Floto circus to Pendleton on Thursday, June 6, and children and many grown-ups will keep that date In their memory and eagerly await It. PAGE TWELVE. -and YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY will be happy, if you send vor.r or.W? for GOOD GROCERIES PRICED RIGHT and idl ihe LATEST SPRING VEGETABLES, to tho Standard Grocery Company, Inc. Where AU Are Pleased Frank O'Gara, Tresident. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treaa. FRIDAY and SATURDAY BARGAINS iljc White Pique, yard Pure Linen White Table Damask, yard 3 Larire Turkish Towels . .! T.rie. Embroidered Tea Aprons 29 48 50 25 Cover All Aprons, -rood quality, light percale 43 Txt of Lace, yard 1 2 Ladies Muslin Gowns - 43 THINK IT OVER. THE WONDER STORE LOOK S5 but be sure to come Tk ? I'VIIVIO to this store before V IViSJt 11 1 you win wnen Saturday Golden Rule Store WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW. Sill HTEMPTING fresh country eggs and pure meadow butter are what you crave for, but often fail to get. It is just as easy for the grocer to give you them as to supply the other kindit is all a question of care in buying, We have the only butter that is always good GOLD METAL Try a roll. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Quality Grocers From Washington to tto Round-Vp. The Itound-Uj association has re ceived a telegram 'from a resident of Washington, D. C., asking for Hound Up literature and advice as to cost A consultation of the directors was necessary to determine whether the man wished to know the cost of the literature, of the Hound-Up or the expense of a trip from the capital here and attendance at the big show. ENGINEERS MAY STRIKE TONIGHT New York, April 19. (Bulletin.) Unless the managers of tho railways in the territory east of Chicakgo and north of the Ohio river reconsider flat refusal to" advance the wages of locomotive engineers, the. worst rail road strike in the history of the Unit ed States will begin. Grand Chief Stone of the Brotherhod of Locomo time Knginers, served their ultima tum on the roads today. The men are prepared to act by 8 o'clock tonight. Unless the rail roads meet the demands by that time they will have only two hours notice of a strike. WOULD EXTEND MEDIATION. Judge Knapp Advocates Hoard to Ar bitrate All Industrial Wars. Washington. The creation of a federal board of mediation and con ciliation, ultimately to arbitrate indus trial wars in all branches of business, was advocated before the house inter state and foreign commerce commit tee by Judge Martin A. Knapp, who presides over the United States com merce court. Judge Knapp and Charles P. Xeill, commissioner of labor, who also ad vocated such a commission, are the ar biters under the Erdman act. The committee is considering the extension of the mediation and arbi tration features of the existing law to include the coal mining industry. 700 LAWSUITS IN LIFETIME. Hulianan Had Not Been Without Court Litigation for Half Century. Lawrenceburg, Ind. Job C. Miller, age 81, is dead of double pneumonia and heart disease. Miller was the largest landowner in southeastern Indiana. He was more In litigation than any other per son In this part of the state, having been ensaged in more than seven hun dred lawsuits during the Inst sixty years. The majority of these cases were damage suits against railroad com panies. Miller dismissed the last two suits he had in the Dearborn circuit court during the January term, and said it was the first time for over a half-century that he did not have a suit filed or pending in the court. He is survived by three sons. Job, Ike and the Rev. Thomas A. Miller, and a daughter, Mrs. Joseph Halver stadt, of Kokomo, Ind. DESCRIBES TEKRORS OF AERIAL WARFARE Just give the number to 'Central" and place an order for Vllig Miff II 'foiling list IrassM n t rx ru Will be well prepared Saturday to supply all your meat needs for a DUB Satisfaction ALWAYS assured at the Central Meat Market Phone Main 33 Every postoffice In the kingdom Is also a telegraph office and a tele phone office. To send a telegram you buy stamps and stick them on the blank. Just as you would stick stamps on a letter to stnd it. f It costs twelve sents to send a twelve-word telegram anywhere In the kingdom. Each additional word ccsts a cent. You can have a telegram delivered immediately anywhere. If the person to whom the telegram Is addressed lives within a mile of the postoffice it is delivered free. If he lives fur ther away you can have It delivered at once by special messenger' by pay ing six vents a mllo for- the distance which the messenger has to go. Puts End to Dad Habit. Things never look bright to with "the blues." Ten to one. the trouble Is a sluggish liver, filling the system with bilious poison, that Dr. King's New Life Pills would expel. Try them, ret the Joy of better feel lng end "th blues." Best for stom ach, liver s:id kidneys, 25c. Koeppens. First Attack on Enemy by Aviator and Ilomb Thrower is Hair Itaiser. London. Lieutenant Giuseppe Ro ssi, who recently made a daring re connoissance over the Turkish-Arab camp outside of Tobruk in an aero plane, which was riddled by bullets, the companion he carried being wounded by the shots from this mis cellaneous force, describes In a letter how it feels to be shot at while flying He writes: "Captain Montu and I ascended on the morning of January 21. and took the direction of the enemy's camp, some eighteen miles distant. We were out on a reconnoitering expedition and also to test a bomb we were car rying. "After we had covered half the distance we. sighted the first group of Arabs, who at once opened fire on us. At this point I felt that I should not be sorry to abandon our trip, but was ashamed at my want of courage and steered resolutely for the camp after signaling to my comrade to have his bomb ready to drop on the ene my. "A hundred yards from the center st the camp I gave a second signal and received an answering signal from Captain Montu that the bomb had fallen. In order to watch the ef fect I steered to the left and saw a thick cloud of dust rise from the ground, and men, horses and camels dashing In all directions. It was a wonderful sight. The bomb had ful filled our expectations, but our Joy over this realization was greatly dampened by the incessant volleys which were fired at us. It's a Dog-Gone Shame DYEING sroiu STAINS , AMOVED BRITONS GAINERS BY OWNING TELEGRAPH Under tlio Government System Mes sages Are Sent for Twelve CetiW. London. In view of the suggestion that the United States government should buy and operate the telegraph system a few. facts cbout the govern ment operation of the telegraph in Great Britain will not be uninterest ing. The British government has owned and worked all the telegraph lines in Great Britain and Ireland since 1870. The government paid approximate ly $50,000,000 for them. The telegraph system is run by the postofflce department, which now al saw that a puppy should be too affection ate In the street In muddy weather, but both ladles and gentlemen have good redress when we get their gar ments to clean. They are made to look like new again. . And no matter how delicate the fabric may be, we never injure It in the cleaning oper ation.' Pendleton Dye Works Phone Main 160. 106 E. Alts- Your Watch 868 Does not want to bo MERELY AN ORNAMENT Let us fix you out with a watch that can 06 depended upon. The kind that will Keep time and look well. Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. "Clark's Grocery" Pickles in parchment paper packages, 10 per package. A new way of handling an old article. Dills, Sweet and Sours. If you are a progressive try them. Three pound cans Pork and Beans while they last, 15 per can. Think of the cost of heans and you will realize what a bar gain this is. Onion Salt, a famous relish, 15 per bottle. Tomato Puree, 50 per gallon can. We can furnish you apples at $1.15 per box. And the S. & 1L green stamps go with each purchase. CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 612 Main Street . The $ 1 5 Watch for Busi ness an d Prof 1 IV It essionai Men Doctors, lawyers, preachers, merchants, bankers, editors, politicians, candidates for of fices and traveling men take notice. A dollar alarm Is good enough for measur ing your sleeping hours but if you want other folks to respect the value of your time you must give them some evidence that it is val uable. Don't measure your real life, your working hours, with a miniature alarm clock fitted in a tin case, with a paper dial. Own a real watch. Tou'll find a many sid ed satisfaction In it. I don't know where you can touy more watch value for $16.00 than I offer. Your future watch Is an Elgin, guaranteed by the makers and me. - I y Royal M Sawtelle, The Jeweler so owns and operates the telephone (it system.