PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGOyiAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1912. TEN PA'rE3 ID WITH THE CANDIDATES ilHIl 10 (Paid Advertisements,) Are You Going to Build? KICKED BY HORSE n; rwuNv: t: i.j ' : : : : i ' ; ' -I Crab Creek Phone Main 92 Get our prices first ! Lumber Co. OSCAR. MAHLER, Manager NOTICE OF BIDS. For Water System and Pipe Line for ROund-l'p Park. Notice is hereby given that the common council of The City of Pen dleton will receive bids at the office of the City recorder up to April 11, 1912, at 7:30 o'clock p. m, for the conerructlon of a water system and Save $250 How long will it take to do it ? Think it over. , How much can you lay aside every pay day ? Why not be a capitalist, and have an income from your money as well as from your labor. YOU CAX DO IT. All it needs is a beginning and s little determination. This bank will help you. Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon pipe line in connection with Round-Up Park, according to plans and specifi cations for said water system pre pared by Geary Kirabrell, City Sur veyor, and now on file in the office of City Recorder, said bids to be op ened by the common council at its regular meeting to be held on April 17th, 1912, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., said bids to specify as follows: For all pipe delivered per foot i For laying pipe, including excavating, back filling trench and all labor and material necessary, per foot $ For manholes, each $ For catch basins, each.... $ For entire pipe line com plete (total bid) Each -bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 5 per cent of amount bid made payable to the order of the mayor of The City of Pendleton, and the Common Councl! reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated April 5, 1912. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Ore., April 12. .While doc toring a sick horse Monday evening E. E. Render, who is employed at the O. Dickenson farm whs kicked on the cheek by the horse, causing a deep gah to be cut, two stitches had to be taken. Athentt is going to have a Men and Religion Forward movement here Saturday night und several speakers are expected to be here for the eve ning. There will be a 'big banquet at six and following this will be the yf ft rent addresses of the evening. F. Sherwood spent Sundav in Walla Wullu. , Miss Ruby Taylor of Weston was in Athena Tuesday. John Gross of Walla Walla was in Athena Monday. Miss Ida Kllgore of Weston was in Athena Tuesday. Sidney Crabill spent Sunday . in Walla Walla. Miss Kittie Gholson who attends the Fisher school of music in Walla Walla, spent Easter with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gholson. F. G. Lucas of Weston was in Athena Wednesday, Miss E. M. Smith of Weston was iii Athena Tuesday. I. M. Kemp of Weston swas in Athena Wednesday. Miss Ella Bosher was in Walla Walla Wednesday. W. W. Jacobs is on the sick list this week. , H. A. Ilundy who was operated on In Walla Walla, has returned home and is able to be around again.' J. A. Kirk who has been takln treatment for rheumatism at Hot Luke has returned home. Wm. Tompkins was in Pendleton Thursday. Frank Smith of Weston was in Athena Tuesday. R. Coppock was in Pendleton Tues. day. Hot Water, LowMf Tank. Kcxubnng. Chirk mCMSHTl PAID" fREC TTIAL cortitnxrtKW of ' wills n or wtih atbntoa fiUARArVrtCO aotween each o eimate mat aataody can IhaXt btf Tuichaa. Gt oar caulnffo iiwt low dtivrmi pK i. Fcaoe'sre tram 92.71 up t Hlna Incubator Co., ToUdo, With fn (Ion V 'II L it BANISH THOSE GRAY HAIRS! Kill tho Dandruff Germs Stop Hair Falling Thousands of mothers are looking younger. Their gray hairs are gone. The natural color has come bade, and with it a new growth ol soft, glossy, luxuriant hair. Why should yoo look old before your time, when you can look years younger by using' Dandruff. Cared Three " applications'' removel . all the dandruff and left sra1 Scalp clean, white and smooth; WOk-Cu. Eoshuttf, Y. Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color If other "so-called" Restorers have failed, don't give wp hope, hut give WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY a trial. You run no risk. If it is not exactly as repreientcd, your money will be refunded. PROFIT BY OTHERS' EXPERIENCE Gray Hair Restored My Lair was petting quite pruy and falling out rnp ldly ami I was troubled wltu a terrible I telling of the calp. My head wag full of dandruff, wbicli fell upon my clothes and kept nie continually brushing It off. While ou a visit to Uochester I heard of jour Sage and Sulphur for the hair. I got a bottle and used it. A few applications relieved the itching, my hair stoped fall ing out and gradually came bak to its natural color. It Is now a nice dark brown color, Mft, glossy and pli able. Several of my friend want to use It. and 1 want to know what yoi will charge me for ix bottles of It. MIPS K. A. UOSK. Sharon, Mercer Co., Pa. Grew Hair on a Bald Head y For two or three years my hair hud been fall ing out and getting iiiite thin until the top of my head wa eutlrely bu hi. About four months ago I commenced using Sage and Sulphur. The first bottle seemed to do some good, and I kept using It regularly nntll now I have used four bottles. The whole top of my head !i fairly covered and keeps on coining in thicker. I shall keep on nslng it a while longer, as I notice a conatant Improvement. 1 8TEPIIKN BACOX, ltocheater, N. T. 50c; and $1.00 a Bottle II Tour Drufcsbt Does Not Keep It, Send Us the Price in Stamps, ana We Will Send Yov a Large Bottle, Express Prepaid . Wyoth Chemical Company u SJjaiSJSS?" FREE ALASKA WHAI.KS AltK SAD. v - 5 o " JERRY RUSK Progressive Republican Candidate for Nomination For Congressman Eastern Oregon District. "For Roosevelt and Progressive Pol idea Against Taft and Stand-patism." Crack Shot and Xotctl Whaler Kn al to Kill leviathans in North. Seattle, Wash. The Alaska whales will be sorry to learn of the sailing for the north from Seattle of Lieu tenant Siguard Iillek of Christiana, late of the Norwegian navy, who has been engaged by a Haronoff islam' whaling concern on account of his re markiilile niasksmanship. Wild shots are expensive. Bllck, In his whaling cruises off the coast of Ireland, miss ed but two whales out of 3S4 fired at. I Almost a Miracle. S. D. PETERSON Of Milton. Republican Candidate for Reiionilna- tioii for ltcircsentatlve. A man who works for legislation In the Interests of the people, who re fuses to take dictation from the ma chine politicians. At the last session the machine politicians attempted' to dominate him both in the speakership fight and In legislation; but they failed in every Instance. Investigate his record and see where he stood with the machine or with the people. JAMES P. NEAL Candidate for Republican Nomination for District Attorney .i Candidate for the Republics. Nomi nation for County School Superintendent. T. D. TAYLOR Democratic Candidate for Nomination at the Primary Election For Sheriff Present Incumbent One of the most startling changes ever seen in any man, according to W. H. Ilolsclaw, Clarendon, Tex., was effected years ago In his brother. "He had such a dreadful cough," he writes, "that all our family thought he was going Into consumption, but he began to use Dr. King's New Dis covery, and was completely cured by ten bottles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 218 pounds. For many yeari' our family has used this won derful remedy for coughs and colds with excellent results." It's a quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Koeppens. XOTICK IX)U BIDS. A 2Se Ck ol Wycth'a So and Sulphur Toilet Soap Free to anyone who will aend us this advertisement with 10c in stamps to cover cost of wrapping and mailing the soap. SOLD E THE P.N DLETON DRUG CO. Proposals will be received by reg istered mail, by the County Court for Umatilla County, State of Oregon, up to 2 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, April 17, 1912, for furnishing Umatilla County with steel for the erection of seven small bridges. Proposals will also be received for furnishing the said county with all materials and the erection of said bridges complete, according to plans and specifications on file In the office of Engineer C. H. Martin, Court House. Pendleton, Oregon. All bids must be directed to Frank Saling, County Clerk, and must be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. The Court reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Dated March 28th, 1912. FRANK SALING, County Clerk. FRANK SALING Republican CandiJate for Nomina tion at the Primary Flection For County Clerk Present Incumbent. FRANK IC WELLES "Tlie Children's Friend" "For the past twenty years Mr. Welles has given his entire time and energy to public school work In Uma tilla county. He Is devoting his life to the education and welfare of our boys and girls." Wliut Would a MIsHourian Say. A German tthoemaker, tired of the hum-drum of his bench, got drunk one day, climbed on top of the Julius tower of Spanish castle and tried to get to the $30,000,000 In gold which the government had stored away there In 1871 for war purposes. However, he fell and broke his neck. That ended him, tout It called attention to Germany's little war treasure. Today $30,000,000 wouldn't last two days In a great war. Gcrrhany's real treasure Is the railroads owned by her separate states. On these al one Germany could raise loans of four and a third billions of dollars. Cleve land Press. TRVAKIXED 1,000,000 MILKS. Springfield, Mass. After having ridden more than one mlllon miles on the same run, J. D. Smith of Athol, a conductor for fifty-two years' and the oldest employee In point of ser vice on the Boston and Albany di vision of the New Tork Central rall rpad, has retired.! Smith reached his seventieth birth day last week, and In accordance with the rules of the rallroaj, his retire ment became automatic. He Is still In rugged health. The employees of the road present ed him with a testimonial on his last run on the Athol and Springfield train of which he had been conductor for nearly thirty years without an accident. IO of Applto Is also loss of vi tality, vigor, tone. To recover appe tite and the rest take Hood's Saraap arllla that strengthens the stomach, perfects digestion, makes eating a pleasure. It also makes the blood rich and pure and stecrtles the nerves. GEO. T. COCHRAN Progressive Republican Candidate for nomination Representative in Congress Second District. Hi A. Waterman Of Hermlston. Oregon, -Republican Candidate for Nomina, tlon for COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner, sub ject to the approval of the people at the Republican Primaries. I stand for an economical admin istration of county affairs as a bust ness basis, and tor . permanent Im provement of Our public roads. J. F. WALLAN Of Adama ' Candidate for County Clerk Subject to wishes of the voters in Republican primaries. -Let The Good Things Go Round," If elected I will five accurate and straight-forward servlo to all the people. A native-born, Umatilla county man I ask you to give me your support and Influence. I. E. YOUNG Candidate for the Republican noml- nation for County Superintendent i record of 19 years successful teaching. B. S. Burroughs Republican Candidate for Nomina tion at coming primary election For County Recorder of Conveyances Tresent incumbent. Horace Walker Republican Candidate for Nomination for County Commissioner Present Incumbent. My platform: "Good Roads and Per manent Improvements." L. L. MANN Republican Candidate for Renomlna- tlon For Representative Present Incumbent. An official with legislative experience, who rep resents the people for the people. Frederick Steiwer Candidate for the Republican nomi nation for -the. office of District Attorney At the Primary Election April 19,". 1912. "If nominated and elected I pledge my best efforts to the duties of the office. , I will have no enemies to punish and will favor no friends; prosecution will te undertaken only after careful investigation and I pledge myseir to the strictest economy consistent with the efficient enforce ment of the law. I desire to have printed after my name on the nomi nating ballot the following: "Pledged to a strict and Impartial enforcement of the laws of Oregon." Frederick Steiwer