East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 12, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Honest Statement of
Well Known Citizen
coast i r.i i: t;n:s.
si Mn(i or thi: u rns.
W. I.. 1'. C
Oakland 7 1 .873
I .os Anao! s 4 2 .667
Vrrnnn 4 2 .6 6 7
Sal r:iim-i t,. Z 5 .2S6
Portland 2 5 .2?6
San Frar.o.s; . 2 6 .2.".0
I'rlwj Wins 3 to 2.
Sacrament'i. April 12. Saoramento
could not bun.'h its hits off Meik'e ox-
pt in onp inning yes-terday ntnl San
Francisco won the first pam of the
series. 3 to 2. Melvor's si:ig!e, a sac
rifice anil two fluke singles duo to
the muilily condition of the field pave
the visitors t,o in t'.ie first inniiiir.
Hartle's sin.sie ilrive in the third
iiave the Sea s their third run, whkh
was K'ii,l fir ,i victory Sacramento's
only runs came in the. eighth on sin
gles by Heisa r. Shinn and Swain and
an infield out.
Score: R. H. E.
San Francisco 3 6 1
Sacramento 2 11 3
Batteries Meikle and Schmidt; F.y
rain and Cheek. Umpires Finney
and Wheeler.
Oakland 3. Portland 1.
Oakland, April 12. Oakland won
its seventh successive game yesterday,
this time from Portland by 3 to 1.
Harkness was batted out of the box in
the third and Lamlin. who replaced
him, was relieved in the fourth after
he had given four bases on Kills.
Temple was reliable for the remain
ing. Abies was steady throughout.
Score: It. H. E.
Portland 1 5 1
Oakland 3 8 2
Batteries Harkness, Lamline, Tem
ple and How'.ey; Abies and Mitze.
An advertisement of Or. Kilmer's
Swamp-Itoot, which I saw in the St
A bans Messenger some time ago, in
duced me to give your remedy a fair
trial. I was then suffering from
terrible pains in the small of my back.
The pain was usually greatest during
the morning, and often when I at
tempted to arise froM my bed I found
I could not do so without the assist
ance of some member of my family. I
am very grateful for the good your
great reedy has done for me.
I thought I would have to use
much more Swamp-Root than I did,
in order tj get well, but tim absolute
ly cured of my kidney trouble and
now without the slightest pain, after
using only seven bottles. Was cured
about six months ago and although I
do heavy work in the shop where I
have been employed for the past forty-five
years, have had no reoccur
rence of the trouble or pain in the
slightest degree.
I am doubly thankful for this and
while now an old man, I again feel the
strength of my youth, thanks to Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root. Many others
also use it to as good advantage as i
have Very truly yours,
4 0 Edward St. St. Albans, Vt.
State of Vermont
Franklin County ss.
At the city of St. Albans, in said
county, on this the 20th day of July,
personally before a notary public
within and for said county, John Fra
zier, whose mark I hereby witness
with W. E. Powers, well known to me
as a reputable citizen of this commu
nity for the past thirty years and ful
ly entitled to credit and make oath
that the foregoing affidavit by him
signed Is true and correct.
Notary Public.
Klinji's Itcanoatrrs Win.
Boston, April 12. With Johnny
Kling, their new m?nager, behind the
bat, and Perdue on the mound, the
Boston Beaneaters, who guarded the
National league cellar so well last
yer, opened the 1912 season with a
victory', leaving the Phillies on the
short end of a 7 to 4 score here yes
terday. Boston found Alexander for
12 safeties, while Perdue was hit al
most as hard, but kept his offerings
well scattered.
Score: Tl. H. E.
Phi'adelphia 4 9 1
Boston 7 12 1
Batteries Alexander and Dooin;
Perdue and Kling. Umpires RigUr
and Finnernan.
Cardinals Blank Pirates.
St. Louis, April 12. The Cardinals
christened their home ground with a
victory yesterday afternoon, blanking
the Pirates and finding Camnitz and
"Adam sfor a total of 13 safeties, which
netted them seven runs. Harmon
was in great form, and had the Pirate
batsmen at his mercy.
R. H. E.
0 4 1
y 7 1! 0
Camnitz, Adams and
Gibson; Harmon and Bliss Umpires
Brennan and Owen,
Rods I.antljat Cubs.
Cincinnati. April 12. King Cole
nl two other Cub pitchers failed to
stop the Reds in a slugfest here yes
terday, in which Cincinnati was on
the long end of a 10-6 score.
Chicago 6 11 1
Cincinnati 10 14 2
Batteries Cole, Charles Smith,
Ritchie and Archer; Smith and Mc
Lean. Umpires Johnstone and Eason.
New York 18. I5rKklyii 3.
Brooklyn. April 12. Eighteen runs
ana 22 safe bingles in six innings for
the Giants against three runs for
'Brooklyn is the story of the farcical
opening National game league season
Here yesterday. The game was called
tit the end of the sixth inning, owing
to darkness.
Pittsburg .
St. Louis .
Ix'tter to
Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Bliiffhamton, X. Y.
Prove Wliat Swamp-Hoot Will Do
For You.
Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
hamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It
will convince anyone. Tou will also
receive a booklet of valuable informa
tion, telling all about the kidneys and
b'adder. When writing be sure to
mention the Pendleton Daily East
Oregonian. Regular fifty-cent and
one-dollar size bottles for sale at all
drug stores.
Score: R. H. E.
New York 18 22 2
Brooklyn 3 6 2
Batteries Marquand and Meyers;
Wilson, Rucker, Barger, Dent and
..Umpires Klem and Bush.
Athletic Beat Washington.
Philadelphia, April 12. Light bat
ting characterized the opening game
between the Athletics and Senators
here yesterday, the world's champions
composed almost entirely of last year's
players, winning by a score of 4 to 2.
Coombs was in great form for the
Score: ' R. H. E.,
Washington 2 4 4
Philadelphia 4 6 2
Batteries Johnson and Ain-smith;
Coombs and Lap. Umpires O'Lough
lin and Westervelt.
Boston Bouts Highlanders.
New York, April 12- The combined
efforts of Caldwell and Vaughn in
the box could not stop the Boston
Americans from beating the Highland
ers in the opening game yesterday.
The victors bunched eight hits for
five runs, while Wood twirled a
steady game.
Score: ' R. H. E.
Boston 5 8 2
New York 3 7 2
Batteries Wood and Nunamaker;
Caldwell, Vaughn and Street. Umpires
Connolly and Hart.
N'as Best Tigrs.
Cleveland, April 12. The rejuve
nated Naps, with Mitchell in the box,
trimmed the Detroit Tigers here to a
nicety in 11 innings. Mullin wag
touched up for seven hits.
Score: R- H. E.
Detroit 2 5 3
Cleveland 3 7 2
Batteries Mullin and Stanage;
Mitchell and Easterly.
Umpires I'errlne and Dincen.
Sox Outplay Browns,
Chicagi, April 12. With batting
honors about even, the Sox outplayed
the Browns here ye.nerday, winning
6 to 2. Both Walsh ant Lake pitched
good ball, and were given fine support.
Laugh at
the Doctor
when he says "three cigars a day
for you." It's not the quantity,
but the quality that hurts you.
Even one black Havana will irri
tate you, but you can't hurt your
nerves with any number of the
Geni Arthur
Miid Cigar
10c and 3 for 25c
M. A. Gunst C& Co.. Inc.
As the Lest of all system
Tonics, we would supcrest
that you try a bottle of F. &
: S. Sarsaparilla, which U
sold on a positive guarantee
to satisfy or money back.
For sale only at
Tallman & Co.
vj. rr- r
: -ic 'H i:' . it i:
l. . ' I, .' ll ( '
JJ - hi
Likewise the Latest 'Authentic New
York Styles
OU are cordially invited
to visit our exibition of
the latent Fifth Avenue mod
els in men's and young men's
Spring Suits and other top
notch wearing apparel-
Just received from America's fashion capital
Xew York; and these garments are the
leaders in Xew York. The hist dressers in
Manhattan and in every city wear "Benjamin
Clothes." They combine quality, fit, style and
From $20.00 up "Benjamin Clothes'" are
the best that money can buy and the best is al
ways the cheapest in the long run.
Do not miss this opportunity to view fash
ion's latest decree for the Spring and Summer.
. ! Ill 1:1 I
Wear a Benjamin."
iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiii;iiiiigiiiiiiii.f niuiimi"
f,iiHl- "iijjii"- iiT?pp
yrwiH-iiiiiirrriiiiiiiMiiiMiniiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiii'iiiuitimW1 i, ,, ' -72
r hp Win '
Hi" Hi i' ' ; lr- I iiH J 1
1 - j.
Copyrift 1913, Alfred Decker & Cohn
Score: n. 11. E.
St. IjuIh 2 7 1
Chicago 6 9 1
Uatteries Lke and Stephens;
Walsh and Sullivan. Umpires Evans
und Egan.
Washington, April 12 Senator
Chamberlain Is a member of the sub
committee of the committe on agri
culture which has the agricultural ap
propriation bill before it. He Is In
terested In securing. If possible, rea
sonable appropriations for the road
across the Cascade ountalnH from
western to eastern Oregon; In retain
ing the full appropriation originally
suggented for the protection of nation
al forests from fire, in which many or
ganizations in Oregon are deeply in
terested: In the Crater lake national
road system, as recommended by the
government engineers; in the Item for
the publication of colored plates of
standard varieties of fruits. The sen
ator will make if ght for all of these
items and hopes to be able to con
vince his associates of their import
ance. Representative and Mrs. Hawley
'have been entertaining Mrs. J.j A.
Oelsendorfer. widow of the late Dr.
Geisendorfer of The Dalles, who Is
studying at the Institute of Musical
Art in New York. Mrs. Gcisendorfer
attracted much notice in the capital.
Mrs. Chamberlain, wife of Oregon's
junior senator, is chairman of the
committee on invitations of the Dolly
Madison breakfast committee.
J. N. Teal, who might Justly lay
claim to the title of Oregon's most
useful citizen, has been busy almost
night and day with state matters since
he came to Washington. He has at
tended conferences, addressed the su
preme court, talked with the presi
dent. Interviewed members of the
cabinet, and In general has been the
busiest man here. Mr. Teal Is doing
At Donaldson's
Soda Fountain
by K. Kelly Bansher, who 'has
leased my fountain for the sea
son. He is an experienced soda
dispenser who will serve, you
with the best soda, pure fruit
Juices and ice cream obtainable.
Tour patronage solicited.
F. J. Donaldson
Reliable Druggist.
We give Peoples Warehouse
Trading Stamp.
everything in his power to promote
the fre ctianal toll Idea for American
shipping, and. his work in this direc
tion evidently counts.
If you cough all night you get no
rest, nor does anyone else In the
house. Keep within reach a bottle
RUP. It Is then easy to stop the
tickling which causes the cough, when
ever it appears. Price 25c, 60c and
U .00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koep
pen & Bros.
Dffrnudrtl a Widow mut Was Son
tfnoift to a Yonr's Imprisonment.
London. A gay old deceiver nam
ed James, aged 93, whom the Judge
at the Old Bailey described as an
"Infamous scoundrel," was sentenced
to a year's imprisonment for de
frauding a widow whom he had
promised to marry.-
Oettlng even is an expensive luxury.
Bottled inBonrf
U I Jl nl ll'JI tli. "Ill