TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON! AN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1912. PAGE THREE n m m m 11 Jr.) mMhk Lj about the high cost of living when you can purchase a whole outfit here-SUIT, HAT, SHOES, SHIRT, UNDERWEAR, SOX and TIE at a lower price than you have to pay for a suit alone elsewhere. t Ora the SkiiKal Wmon I Join the happy throng who have and are taking advantage of this op portune eventmake it your first duty Tomorrow, Saturday to Be on HaM Early Neckties 20c 50c regular Sale Price . . 1 Oc Linen Hdk's RJ Sale Price 6) u 1 Oc Bandanas RJ Sale Price . . . . . 9G Don't take our word for it, come see for yourself en's Shoos Every pair cut to the core One special lot Oxfords and Shoes (U I CiCi Sale Price.. I. UU Lien's Uorli Pants A Big Snap "JUS. Sale Price . . d C KirschaumGothes AU. G'I HANrt TA1IC D ; A. i. Jirsclitam's Fine Hand-Tailored All Cool SUETS 18, $20. regular (1' Sale Price . . . I $25.00 regul ar Ma. UU Sale Price . . . U s)i(Q) 3pr''lted 1911 A. II. KIRSCHBAUM & CO, $27.50, $30 reg ular, Sale Price J $ 1 5 regular Sale Price . $ 1 0 regular Sale Price . Ellen's Suits .7.71 One Big Lot, 3.75 New Spring Shirts A fine line Claimont, Lakewood, etc. 7(")a Sale Price I (J C Dress Shirts One lot white, sold reg ularly up to $ 1. 50 Q Bp Sale Price . . . . UUu Black Safeen Shirts 40c Regular 75c val. bale Price . . QDnderaroar ..Spoeials' President " I pgeial .on Sill ! Summer weight regular 3 5c value OUSpeHtlerS Reguar 2 pair for 25 c- C blue, pink, brown, white fl E - 5Qc the worH Sale price 3 ir for ' djC j a snap, sale price garment U Jh over; Sale : - ! Mesh Underwear, Balbriggan; new Price WflDlHk Son j spring arrival, sold regu-0) (K Good values, black and tan, E - i larly 50c garment, Sale Price . ) j a big bargain; Sale Price . . JC Gfetlita I Lerjos ETO'filhieiPS & ion (EBnanrgj ir j m III