East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 12, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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For those who are wise
enough to take advantage
of these special prices, and
who wish to make their dol
lars go as far as possible,
this Saturday sale offers a
ra re oppo rt unity.
Come as early as possible as first
choice is usually the best.
The season's latest models, of the new
eprins materials, English whip-cord, fancy
mixtures, diagonal and plain series.
SKIRTS are made in two and three-piece
models. JACKETS are made in the new
cutaway effects, trimmed with silk collars
and cuffs of contrasting colors. Others in
strictly plain tailored models, in tan, grey.
hrown and white.
522.50 Values will -o for $18.9S
25.00 Values will go for $21.49
27.50 Values will go for $22.50
30.00 Values will go for $25.00
$33.00 Values will go for $28.59
$35.00 Values will go for $30.00
$27.50 Values will go for $32.50
2 1-2 yards Dotted Silk 50
2 vards Fine Dress Goods 50
3 vards Waisting Madras
f) yards Long Cloth
0 yards Lawn, figured
G vards White Lawn .
10 vanls Percale
12 yards Cotton Challie ...... 50
12 yard Toweling 50C
IS vards Calico
10 yards Rest Calico
5 yards 10(- Dress Ginghams
12 yards Apron Gingham
7 -vards 4- Muslin
12 onl v Twels
$22.50, $20.00, $18.50 and $17.50
MEN'S SUITS $15.00
These are this spring's latest and newest
models. Absolutely all-wool, GUARAN
ln-autifully tailored; some silk lined, sonic
serge lined and some mohair lined. Alto
trether the finest lot of medium priced suits
ever shown in Pendleton. Saturday only
This includes many new and tasty de
signs in conventional patterns, made on the
lx'st quality of linen crash. Some ready
for use, with tops and hacks, sewed ready for
use. For one dav onlv 29c
$2.25 COUCH COVERS $1.87.
Made of host grade of tapestry in dif
ferent color combinations, greens, red ami
yellow predominating. Extra large. For
Saturday only $1.87
Get Your Sunday Table Needs From caJsIITA&y
Pendleton's Cleanest and Best GROCERY
In Our Model Sanitary Easement. Phone Main 17. :Z2KjXd
All Other Departments Main 22. SS
Mrs. Porters Home Made Salad Dressing,
!Nice large juicy Oranges per dozen 25
Fancy Green Olives, per pint 30
Fancy Ripe Olives, per pint 25
Extra Fancy French Peas, per can 35
First Choice Mushrooms, per can 40
Extra Table Beets, per can 25C
T. P. W. SjKi-ial Blend of Coffee, the best,
per pound - 3od
Trv our Ehmann's Olive Oil, littles 35,
60 and $1.00.
littles 15, 25 and 45
Fig Pudding, the health dessert, cans 15
and 25.
Extra Fancy Hawaiian Pineapple, can 25C
Crystal Domino Sugar, packages 40, 75
Maraschino Cherries, bott.-.-s 35 60 and
Fresh Crab Meat, cans 25 and 40
We have everything the Market Affords in Vegetables Fresh from the Garden.
The Peoples Uarehouse
Where It Pays to Trade-Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps
An extra good program for Friday's
change. Four full reels of the
best pictures.
1. "Incidents of the Durbar at
Delhi." Edison. This is a collection
of very interesting views of this great
gathering In India and Is well worth
2. "Tommy's Georgraphy Lesson."
Edison. Tommy goes to sleep and
dreams that he changes places with
his father and makes him study.
3. "A College Girl." Lubln. A
story of a college girl -who had to
give up her schooling so she couia
keep house for her little brother and
sister. Her devotion to her brother
and sister touches the heart of a
young doctor and he offers to make a
new home for the orphans and Is ac
cepted. 4. "The Epidemic In Paradise
Gulch, Sellg. A young school teach
er goes west to teach a country school.
Each of tho cowboys in his bashful
way try to make love to the pretty
school teacher, Soon her fiance comes
from the east and the cowboys are
disgusted the way they carried on
and for not asking the teacher If she
was engaged in the first place.
5. "The Defeat of the Brewing
Gang." Kalem. A very well pictured
political story with a brand new sen
sation. Musical program:
1 Nanourisma, Xypna Glykela Mol
Partheirce. Medley.
2 o Gero Demas. P. Karrere.
3 To Tsompanopoulo. N. . Kokkl-
4 Ymnos cis ten Elentherian.
Greek National Air. N. Mantzarrou.
5 Choros Kalamatianos. Js. Kok-
Do you use gas? If not we will, during the months of April
and 'Slay, pipe gas clear to your gas meter (no matter where
it may be)
Absolutely Free of Charge
to Yoii
besides" this we will sell you a heater, stove or range, with all
the extras needed at cost prices, gkt r.rsv sow be
Pacific Power & Light Go.
Phone Main 40.
"Always at Your Service."
The Pastime.
The home of good pictures. Friday's
change of program:
"Out of the Depths." .Essanay. A
feature dramatic production de luxe!
Thrilling and tremendous intense sit
uations! James Grey, a clerk, appro
priates some money to send his sick
mother to a sanitarium, after vainly
pleading with his company to loan
him the amount. He is caught and
serves his term. Lives down his past
and has risen to a position of political
influence. Grey now becomes engag
ed to a charming society girl. A
ruthless blackmai.er bled him to the
litmit but he refused the last
demand and the scoundrel Is
killed by a flash of lightning right be
fore our eyes.
"A Bucktown Romance." Kalem.
The whole atmosphere of this, comedy
is fresh and wl'.l surely please the
usual audience, north or south. There
are no white people in it.
"Troubles of the X. L. Outfit." Me
lies. Dora, a pretty nurse Just grad
uated is called for her first case to
attend Cowboy Pete. By the time
Pete is well the boys have grown very
fond of her. In desperation to pro
log her stay, "Long Jim" resolves to
wound himself, but misses his mark
and shoots Ilalph who is in love with
i Dora. Dora stays and the romance
ends to the satisfaction of all.
"The House With the Tall Porch."
Edison. This story tells of tho love
of a lonely old man for his son whom
ho has driven from home, because of
the boy'g violent love for the young
wife of a neighbor, his best friend.
Musical program:
No. 1 On the N. Y., New Haven &
Hartford. Schottische. Von Tizler.
No. 2 Somewhere she's Flirting
With Someone. Waltz. H. Orlob.
No. 3 On a Junetlme Honeymoon
Schottische. Gideon,
No. 4 Let's Go Out on a Jamboree
Waltz, n. Drely.
Xo. 5 Every Moment You're Lone
some I'm Lonesome Too. Schottische.
Ohio Authorities Prohibit All Forms
of Corporal Punishment.
Columbus, Ohio Abolition of cor
poral punishment in all of the insti
tutions under its control was ordered
by the state board of administration,
discharge is provided for all officials
who violate the promulgated rule.
This Is a polite admission of the
charges of brutality on the part of
teachers and officials at the state In
dustrial school for boys at Lancaster.
Specific charges were made against
certain official ssome weeks ago.
It was recited in these charges that
boys were beaten so badly that they
had to be carried to the hospital.
So far as is known nobody has been
discharged for example's sake.
TIi.tlM.XU t)LOKAr0
Denver. Educational authorities of
this city are engaged in working out
plans for widespread educational
training of girls which will fit them
for matrimony. This work will be
a continuation of the effort toward
state care of children which led to
the establishment of the children's
court by Judge Lindsey, who did so
much for the boys of the city.
Mrs. Anna G. Noble for a year has
been demonstrating the feasibility of
iuch training lor girls. She got the
Idea from a lecture delivered here by
Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Oilman a year
ago and with the support of the
Mothers' congress proceeded to devel
op it. She gave a series of parties to
Bihool girls, picnicked with them,
taught them folk dancing and told
them stories until she got them Inter
ested. She then formed clubs to
which she gave instruction from time
to time. She now has fifteen such
classes and her success has been such
that the school authorities decided
that the work could well be made part
of the regular educational system.
Girls over 12 years of age will be
eligible for the course. The teach
ing will include cooking, sewing, laun
dry work, child rearing and the spend
ing and saving of an income In wise
fashion. Girls will also be trained to.
earn their living if necessary. Respect
for husbands will also be inculcated.
"We want the girl to learn how to
be a good mother and an expert
housekeeper," explains Mrs. Noble.
"So many, many girls are entirely Ig
norant of the responsibilities of mar
ried life. We know that they should
be taught at home, but when mothers
fail to teach them we feel that It is
for us to do so. The girls are anxious
to learn. They appreciate that we are
trying to help them."
London. Sir Gilbm Parker is once
more In his place on th house of
commons, looking bronzed and heal
thy as the result of a two months' trip
In the Arizona desert.
English novelists look upon a visit
to America as a pecessary part of
their business when they have attain
ed an acknowledged position In the
world of letters, though most of them
are contented with a visit to New
The state of Arizona, is, In Sir Gil
bert Parkers opinion, one of the few
places in the world where women's
suffrage might be tried with some
likelihood of success.
Xot being an ardent suffragist by
any means, he prefers to talk about
his favorite topic small holdings
and he Is full of admiration for the
way the Arizona authorities boost
their eligible districts and assist the
small owner to work his five or ten
acres of land.
The warm welcome extended to Sir
Gilbert as a representative Englishman
has raised his liking for the American
people to an enthusiastic pitch.
A valuable dressing fr flesh
wounds, burns, scalds, old sores, rash,
chafed skin, Is BALLARD'S SNOW
LINIMENT, It is both healing and an
tiseptic. Price 25c, 60c and II. uu p.
bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Brj.
Vulgarity "Fatly."
The memoirs of a celebrated Cam
bridge University professor, Oscar
Browning, recall a famous epigram,
said to be one of the most admirable
ever composed. It was writen by a
brllllan undergrad, J. K. Stephen, up.
on the professor, who was somewhat
inclined to corpulency:
O. B. oh, he obedient
To Nature's stern decrees;
Fo, though you be but one O. B.
You may be too obese!
Boston Post.
Grass widows are never as green as
thi-y pretend to be.
Friday and Saturday, four stories
of Indescribable charm, rich In sent!
ment and heart interest.
"The Child of the Tenements," So-
lax. A most charmingly told story
showing the .depths of mother love.
The doctor said the little one would
die unless they took her west. In
despair the mother stole money to
pay the fare. But the man who was
robbed forgave her, on hearing the
story and hnppines comes to all. A
sure feature. .
"The Call of the Drum," Imp. A
veteran In the soldiers' home left his
old contraries to go live with his dau
ghter who had married a rich man
He soon tired of the life of lonely
luxury and despite the girl's entreat
ies went back to his old associates.
"Styigs of Childhood Days," Rex
The girl had been sent to the city "by
a loving mother to study music, and
soon she ' became famous, and then
married a rich man, the mother for
gotten and sick was taken to the
poor house, her mind a blank. N The
girl heard and hastened to her moth
er's side, and played the songs of
childhood days. The sweet old melo
dies called buck the wandering mind
and she was clasped to the heart of
the redeemed girl. w
"The Satyr and the Lady," Than-
houser. Featuring the charming lit
tie "Thanhouser Kid" In a story that
tugs on the heart strings and gives
one a glow of happiness at the delight
ful ending.
Coming, Madame Sarah Barnhardt
In "Camllle," April 19 and 20. ,
T. iAwrrtw Sellx-rt. One of tlio IVn
turos tin- Mt Half f the Wot-k.
T. Lawrence Selbert, who wrote
"Casey Jones," the only song recog
nized as the personal property of rail
road' employes the English-speaking
world over, gave nn author's Interpre
tation of his own work yesterday at
the Grand opera house to packed au
diences. Assisted by dainty Miss Jim
Lorenz, both In overalls and Jumper,
he told the story of the brave engineer
whoso only regret on dying was that
he had not held the throttle on the
Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe.
Both song and story had a swing that
caught the audience. This clever team
does other work, all original and fin
ished, Introducing six of the latest
song hits and each one characterized
In the most unique and gorgeous man
ner. Miss Lorenz with her winsome
smile and her imported $200 klmona,
sing "O, That Oriental Rag." Is one
of the sensations of the net. This team
Is one of the best yet to appear in
our city. There is also on the bill Mc
Cormick & Lloyd, exceptionally clever
singing and talking comedians in a
class by themselves and with the
Grand first class pictures makes one
very' strong attraction.
Since announcement has been made
of the coming of Beverly B. Dobbs
In his Tourographolog, Alaska, "The
Great Wonderland," Interest has-
leaped in leaps and bounds and a
banner crowd la expected at the Ore
gon theatre April 15, when people of
this city will beVgiven an opportun
ity of witnessing these marvelous pro
ductions, the result of ten years life
and travel in the land of the great
white silence, with hundreds of ex
clusive views and motion pictures in
which there is not one element miss
ing from the sailing of the steamship
"Victoria" this spring from Seattle
with tho mammoth crowds for Nome,
Up through the inside passage to
Skagway, through the heart of Alaska,
out over the White Pass, the num
mit where two flag-! meet. Lake Ben
nett, Miles Canyon, White Horse,
Dawson. Forty Mile, Caribou, Circle
City, the Midnight Sun, Rampnrt,
Five Fingers, Tanana Stampeders at
Ruby City,' St. Michaels and Nome.
The Copper River country, her rail
roads, mountains and wonderful
glaciers. Dog races for the cham
pionship of Alaska, polar bear hunts,
the great Arctic Ice packs, Eskimo
life and customs. From the time the
first reproductions of Alaska gold
mines are thrown on the screen until
the last one of the thousands of wal
rus dives under the Iceburgs In the
Arctic seas, Mr. Dobbs holds his au
dience with picture and story. It Is
expected that society will be well
Some men look for trouble so that
they may be ready to dodge It when
it comes.
If Cross, feverish. Tongue Coatel Give
"Syrup of Figs" to Clciin tho Stom.
aii, Liver and Bowels.
Look at the tongue, Mother! If
coated, It Is a sure sign that your lit
tle one's Inside, the stomach, liver
and 30 feet of bowels are clogged up
with putrifylng waste matter and
need a gentle, thorough cleansing at
When you child Is listless, droop
ing, pale, doesn't sleep soundly of eat
heartily or is cross, irritable, feverish,
stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache,
diarrhoea, sore throat, or Is
full of cold, give a teaspoonful of
Syrup of Figs and in a few hours all
the foul, constipated waste, undigest
ed food and sour bile will gently
move on and out of its little bowels
without nausea, griping or weakness,
and you surely will have a well, hap
py and smiling child again shortly.
With Syrup of Figs you are not
drugging your children, being com
posed entirely of luscious figs, senna
and aromatics it cannot be harmful,
besides they dearly love Its delicious
Mothers sh6uld always keep Syrup
of Figs handy. It la tho only stom
ach, liver and bowel cleanser and
regulator needed. A little given to
day will save a sick child tomorrow.
Full directions for children of all
ages and for grown-upB plainly print
ed on the package.
Ask your druggist for the full
name, "Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna," prepared by the California
Fig Syrup Co. This Is the delicious
tasting, genuine old reliable. Refuse
anything else offered.
A Little Iiaprsiii Now Will Mako
Your Out of Order Stomach Ivl
Elm- Digests All Y"nr IAkhI, Iav
Iny Nothing to Ferment uitd Sour.
As there is often some one In your
family who suffers an attack of Indi
gestion or some form of stomach trou
ble, why don't you keep some Dla
pepsln In the house handy?
This harmless blessing will digest
anything you can eat without the
slightest discomfort, and overcome a
sour, gassy stomach five minutes af
ter. Tell your pharmacist to let you read
the formula, plaln'y printed on these
50-cent cases of Pape's Diapepsin.
then you will readily -ee why it makes
indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn
and other distress go In five minutes,
and relieves nt once such miseries as
belching of gas, eructations of sour,
undigested food, tiausea, .headaches,
dizziness, constipation ami other stom
uch disorders.
Some folks have tried so long to
find relief from Indigestion and dys
pepsia or an out of order stomach
with the common, every day cures ad
vertised that they have about made
up their minds that they have some
thing else wrong, or believe theirs is
a case of nervousness, gastritis, ca
tarrh of the stomach or cancer.
This, no doubt, Is.n serious mistake.
Your real trouble Is. what you eat
does not digest; Instead, It ferments
and sours, turns to acid, gas and atom-,
ach poison which putrefy in the di
gestive tract and intestines, and be
sides poison the breath with nauseous
A hearty appetite, with thorough
digestion, and without the slightest
discomfort or misery of the stomach,
is waiting for you as soon as you de
clde to try Pape's Diapepsin.
APRIL 15, IB, 17
Beverly B. Dobbs
The Great Wonderland in
Uotion Picluros
PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c
Ten Extra
. Cirwn Trading Stamps given
with, fltoh new
Yon want puro mcxliclnew.
Corm-t work at right prices.
Pendleton Drug Co.