East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 12, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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The Seeds to Sow,
are the Seeds that Grow
It's Time to Plant
and here is the place to get your seeds. We have a fine lot
of the following
hesides, anything you want in garden and flower seeds.
All the early vegetables that are now on the market are to
be found here. Phone orders carefully attended.
Standard Grocery Company, Inc.
Where All Are Pleased
Frank O'Gara, President. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treaa.
m ynfMu at
111 LbvHvHLIu 111 1
watch for our
We give S. & H. Green Stamps
4 MV
THEMPTING fresh country
eggs and pure meadow
butter are what you crave for,
but often fail to get. It is just
as easy for the grocer to give
you them as to supply the
other kind it is all a question
of care in buying,
We have the only butter that is always
Try a roll.
Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
Quality Grocers
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Mrs. J. Kenmxly III.
Dr. James A. Best of this city was
called to Weston mountain yesterday
to attend Mrs. J. Kennedy, who is i'-l
at her homo there.
kU Thr,x, 1h-9 In Jail.
Frank Harris, the old offender, ar
rested again yesterday for being
drunk, was this morning given three
davs in the city jail. His case was
the only one "on the docket.
Strikers St 111 lit Jail.
Harvev Horseman and William
Johnson, the two striking teamsters
convicted yesterday of assaulting M.
P. Deardorff, are still iri jail today
despite the report that they had paid
their fines, the contrary report aris
ing from the assertions of their friends
immediately following the trial that
they would raise the money. So far,
however, they have failed to do so.
Unin Stop loal Work.
The heavy rain which began falling
last night has completely stopped the
work of macadamizing of the Wild
Horse road recently begun by the
county and Engineer C. H. Martin is
today watching the heavens for indi
cations of weather which will permit
the resumption of activities. The
street paving operations here In the
city have also ceased temposarily,
pending the clearing of the sky.
A ToiirIi Customer.
Officer Alex Manning was called
to the depot early this morning to
take charge of a man who had fallen
into a drunken stupor in the waiting
room and, though the fellow was a
lightweight, he exhibited a strength
which gave the officer some diffi
culty in removing him to the city jail.
After getting a hammerlock on the
Inebriate he was prevailed upon to
walk along peacefully until he spied
some loose brick lying on the street
near the Horseshoe restaurant when
he made an effort to get one with
which to secure his liberty. A little
rough handling, however, quelled his
fighting spirit and he is now awaiting
the morning in the bastile.
RoiiimI-1'p Rand Dance.
The members of the Pendleton
Round-Up Cowboy band, and the
United Orchestra, have decided to give
a big dance in Eagle Woodman haH
Wednesday evening. April 24. The
muscians have gone to the expense of
rentjng. and fitting up a convenient
room in the Armory for holding meet
ings and rehearsals, and it is safe to
say that the dance will be well pat
ronized The music for the dance
will be furnished by the entire band,
part of the evening, and by the United
Orchestra of 15 pieces the remainder
of the time.
Switching for Strikebreakers.
Wnmilam. Wash.. Anril 12. In Ab
erdeen a number of woman sympa
thizers of strikers went to the woods
and cut five hundred switches which
thci- .l..r'.:Lrfi,l thnv would lav on the
backs of men who go to work in the
saw mitls.
llobels Murder American.
Wu-ihlnetnn Anril 12. That the
Unlnin rphela havn nreludieed their
chances of ever obtaining recognition
of belligerent rights rrom me unueu
States as a result of the execution of
Thomas Fountain, an American offl-
r on th staff of General villa, de
clares the state department today.
WeaUk-r Forecast.
Portland, Ore., April 12. Portland
and vicinity: Fair tonight light
frost. Saturday, fairer and warmer,
with northwesterly winds. Oregon:
Fair tonight with frost In northwest;
freezing temperatures In the south
west; cooler in east portion tonight.
Saturday, fair and warmer, except
near coast, with westerly winds.
Mounted C.uaril for Washington.
Seattle. Anril 12. Adhering close
ly to the field service regulations of
Put a Stop
to Stomach
my toning and Invigorating
the entire digestive system.
does Uie work. Try it today
It's a Dog-Gone Shame
OK ir.
1 M LX?iC
Phone Your Order to Main 33
For Choice
(f nl fn? Col nnl n.
Ul!WU' Lb (MUM
: AND-
Special for Saturday
Our fine fresh meats are so tender, juicy
and appetizing that our patrons are assured
of getting the best the market affords for the
Roasts, steaks, chops and choice pieces
for boiling. Fresh fish, sausage and lard.
the United States army, the Second in
fantry, N. O. W., Colonel William In
glis commanding, will enlist Into the
ranks of a new organization known
as the Mounted Scouts. These re
cruits must be experienced horsemen
and have a fair knowledge of me rou
tine duties of soldiers.
that a puppy should be too affection
ate In the street in muddy weather,
but both ladles and gentlemen have
good redress when we get their gar
ments to clean. They are made to
look like new again. And no matter
how delicate the fabric may be. we
never Injure it in the cleaning oper
Pondlelon Dyo Works
One Fact to Bear in Mind !
Besides giving. our patrons the choicest meats to lie found on the
market and at the most reasonable prices, wo also givu absolutely
free to all cash purchasers S. & II. green trading stamps with which
you can furnish your home without eost. Ask for coupon hook and
start saving stamps keep saving them and you'll share our profits.
Central Meat Market
We give S. & II. green stamps
Phone Main 33.
London. The youthful Lord Uf-
finirton son and heir of Earl and
Countess Craven, has developed the
spirit of revolt early In lire. He re
fimps to stav at Eton, as a protest
against the "fagging" system that
obtains there, and demands a school
conducted on different lines.
He could not see why he should car
ry coals and run messages for senior
pupils, no matter of what social em
inence or smholarly accomplishments.
His otner, wno was aiiss toruieuu
rtrnrtlov Martin hefore her marriage.
is beside herself with Indignation at
the action of her son, who will rorreii
nh fears, a considerable share of so
cial prestige through his conduct.
His father, on thme other nana,
Riinnorta the hov'n views, seeine In
them indicatlns of a desirable spirit
of manliness and independence.
Tho Hri hlmnlf was never a snob
and always encouraged the propen
sity in anyone witn wnom ne came in
ennlar't Ttn nlwavs Dreferred coun
try to town life, and in this direction
his son takes after him.
Kclutlvca of Itlc-h Widow, Entirely
Forgiltii, Will Contest tnc
Geneva. Bela Czabo, widow of the
former Hungarian financial counse
lor, has Just died at Salzburg. When
her will was opened It was found that
she had left $50,000 to her pet dog,
The dog Is to have horses and carri
ages, and already has a sumptuous
apartment filled with sofas and cush
ions which notoody was allowed to
enter except toy special Invitation
while Its mistress was alive.
This establishment Is to be carried
on In the same manner as before her
death, according to the will of Mme
The relatives of the widow who
were completely forgotten are deter
mined to contest the legality of the
bequest to the dog.
Wedding Gift's Long Trip.
Lincoln, III. What is perhaps the
most widely traveled wedding gift In
the world arrived here the other day,
when, after having crossed the Pacific
ocean three times, a package destined
for Mrs. Mary B. Harta of Ardmore,
Ok., a June bride of last year, was
received by her mother in this city.
It had been misdirected.
The gift, sent by Mrs. Leada Berst,
a Presbyterian missionary at Hunan,
China, was sent on the last lap of Its
29,000 mile Journey at once.
Postmarks and custom-house labols
made the address almost unrecogniz
Morse Again "Dying."
Florence, Italy, April 12 Informed
by eminent specialists that he can not
live six months longer, Charles W.
Morse, the American banker and
convict who was released from the
federal prison at Atlanta, Ga., on ac
count of his health, today is planning
a gay, and luxurious tour of southern
Europe as a. last earthly pleasure.
Burroughs. Main S. Fuel.
"Clark's Grocery"
We have' the finest Parlor Broom in Pendleton.
Take a look at them. Also a good broom for 0t
Our $1.15 apples are extremely good and selling
Our prices on all lines are always right, and tho
"S. & IL" stamps go with each sale.
Phone Main 174
612 Main Street
The $ I 5 Watch for Busi
ness and Professional Men
Doctors, lawyers, preachers, merchants,
bankers, editors, politicians, candidates for of
fices and traveling men take notice.
A dollar alarm Is good enough for measur
ing your sleeping hours but if you want other
folks to respect the value of your time you
must give them some evidence that It Is val
uable. Don't measure your real life, your
working hours, with a miniature alarm clock,
fitted in a tin case, with a paper dial.
Own a real watch. You'll find a many sid
ed satisfaction in it. I don't know where you
can buy more watch value for 115.00 than I
Your future watoh is an Elgin, guaranteed
by the makers and me.
Royal M. Sawtelle, The Jeweler
Phone Main Its.
S06U E. Alta