EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON IAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1912. PAGE THREE I SOME WORKING GIRLS LOSE TOO MUCH TIME Two GirU Tell Hqw To BODY ELECTED PAIL FIN NELL. IS JiAMEU CHIEF EXECUTIVE pg- pr. ypfz :yT' - " ' '"" ' " " " ' ' " " ' ' I ' " - Tomorrow we will place on sale a splendid array of new sale able merchandise at a sacrifice. You will see by the prices that the merchandise is quoted very low. We Save You Momey on Every Purchase Ladies Ready-to-Wear Department Calicos .; 5 Apron Gingham .... 6 l-4 Galatea ... .'. 18 C5c Table Linen 39 Curtain Scrims, colored border 20? (Onyx" Hosiery 12 l-2c Gingham - 25c Kimona Crejw ' 12 l-2 Sheets sjecial : 72 25c Dress Ducks - i6 NEMO CORSETS Few left, sizes 26 t? 1 to 36, $3.50. val., M Special' Summer Vesta, 2 for 25 25c Tlaxons .... :- 85c SPECIAL PONGEE . . Special Prices on Bed Spreads. 49c Bring this Coupon to our store, It Is jji good for . cSSjilJ 10 EXTRA STAMPS 10 on a 50c purchase or over. " Good for Friday on'.y. April 12. ALEXANDER'S DEPT. STORE 8 ULJ s. FOWNES1 Vi OFF ON ALL HOUSE DRESSES LOOK White tailored, liipli nwk liiifrorie, lhik-li nevk lingerie, colonil tailored waists. ti On SHIRT-WAISTS 1 1 1 1 ll VP W Vy riRFICT IN tVERV OITlt sF 7sF BLACK AND TAX LADIES' SHORT SPRING COATS $7.50 to $12.00 Values go for LADIES' SHOES. 72 Pair of High Grade Ladies' Shoes . $3.50 and $L00 values, Friday Price $1.50 $1.50. Child's Heavy hoes .Half Trice During this sale. For Only 75c BE SURE AND , BRING THE ABOVE COUPON Alexander's Dept Store WE GIVE S & H roirirM ctamdc Harry Krelm to Direct Football Team. Cecil McDonultl Boy's Basketball and tisn Ella LaZinka to Inid 0 i Paul FinneM, popular athlete of the high-school, w ill sit In the executive chair of the student body next year a.?, a result of the election held at that Institution yesterday. Cliff Jor dan, the basketball wonder, is the new vice president, Miss Lillian Gul llford was chosen secretary and Ralph Koch was elected committeeman at large to act .with the president, vice president, secretary- and principal on. the executive committee. For manager of football, Harry Krebs, tackle on last year's team, was chosen. Cecil McDonald, utility man on the basketball team during the past season, will manage the des tinies of the boys' team next year, while Miss Ella LaZinka, star mem ber of the girls' team for three years, will manage the co-ed tossers. Otis Hampton will act as assistant to Mc Donald. Harold Brock Is the newly elected manager of track and Reuben Beek- with was chosen to handle debate next year. The proposed amendment to the constitution providing for the ap pointment of a yell leader and defin ing the e'.egibi'.ity for this office was carried by 118 votes to 11. Suffrage. Is Defeated. A straw ballot was taken on woman suffrage and a presidential preferen tial was likewise taken, the results showing that the majority of the stu dents of the high school do not favor ernntini? of the ballot to the women even though the co-eds of that instt- tntnon were allowed to vote on me question, and that President Taft is favnrprl for re-election. The vote on suffrage stood 72 for and 61 against. Th following are the votes for a choice for president: Taft; 63; "Wil son, 23; Roosevelt 16; La Follette 8; Debs. 3; Clark. 3; Harmon 1. Some Exciting Contest. Every office was contested and nm of the races between rival can didates were unusually close. For the first time in recent years, a girl was nominated for the presidency of the student body and thus this contest became a sex war, the boys winning out by electing young Finnell over Miss Mildred Berkeley by a vote of 82 to 51. Miss Gulllford won the secretaryship from Miss Martha Hudeman by only four votes, while there was a difference of only eight votes between Miss LaZinka and Miss Ila Sturdivant for manager of girls' basketball. The only, other contest at a 1 close was that ror debate man ager, Beckwlth winning with 68 votes. John TIamley getting' 42 and Walter Owen 33. " The retiring executive committee consists of Chester Gordan, president; Claud Hampton, vice president; Alice Forshaw, secretary, and Folsom Tall man, committeeman at large. Avoid It Lumber and Building . A Large and Complete Stock Al rlcltCricU ways m Hand and PRICED RIGHT The Best Mill Work to be Obtained in the Northwest Let Us Figure With Ycu on Your Next Order Pendleton Planing Mill and Lum- knr Varil J. A. BORIE LUMBER CO., Proprietors DUI I ttl PHONE MAIN 7 PASTOR MARRIES HIMSELF. Minister EnKnjred Did Not Appear and the Bridegroom Offk'iaUKl. Terre Haute, Ind. Not to be delay ed because the clergyman who t had been invited to perform the marriage ceremony did not appeal. Rev. John R. Peters of Annapolis, 111., officiated in the service that made Miss Maude Boman his bride. A former .minister of the charge now filled by Dr. Peters was to have presided, but high waters prevented his appearance. To complete the "ovelty of the af fair the bride struck the first strains of the wedding march at the organ and then gave way to Miss Eva Nave, who played during the ceremony. The bride Is a popular young school teach er and the ceremony was performed at the home of her parents. A few relatives and close friends were, invited. In cases of rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible, This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealer , Known For Its Strength First Hational Hank PENDLETON, iOREBON: ESTABLISHED 1882 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES $2,500,000.00 MIGHEOM Semtttt Anti-Skids Do Prevent Skidding . Robber Traction Surface Protected and Reinforced by Tough, Flexible, Non-puncturing Leather Tread, An la teral Part of the Tire and Not An Attachment. Firmly Imbedded Hardened Steel Studs Do Prevent ShiMing. IN STOCK BY PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY 812 Johnston Street. There is nothine that teaches more than experience. We therefore quote from the letters of two girls who suf fered and Were restored to health. The same remedy is within reach of all. ' Brooklyn, N. Y. "Prior to taking the first bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I suffered agony every month, but after your wonderful medicine had been taken a while I felt a little better, and after taking seven bot tles of it I feel that I can truly say I have no more pain or inconvenience. "As I am out in the business world as a stenographer, I come in contact with many girls, and when the opportune mo ment arrives I tell them about the Veg etable Compound and I know that quite a few are taking it." HELEN Canet, 536 Dean St Another Girl's Experience. Tishomingo, Okla. "Iam a stenog rapher and book-keeper, and Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegeta ble Compound has saved my life. I am enjoying the best of health now.but I was Buffering from fe male troubles and painful periods, and would have backache, headache and fainting spells. If any woman would like to write to me I will gladly answer her letter and tell her what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me." Mrs. Mattie CcrETHAVTS, Tishomingo, Okla. Wm SPOKANE PLANS FOR ELABORATE EX A HOI'S Fpokane, . Wash. Olympic games, open to representatives of colleges and high and grammar schools of the Northwest; a band of more than 1. 000 players from the western states and provinces, a chorus of 2,000 voices and a series of electrical pa rades are among the features decided upon for the annual .carnival and ju bilee of the Mystic Order of Enakops recently organized In Spokane the last week in June. In connection with the games there will be a wrestling and boxing tourney in the state armory. Charles Hebberd, chairman of the general committee, announced today that a fund of $20,000 has been set aside for incidental expenses. The competitions are free and open to all. in oriHltlnn. a substantial prize will be awarded for the best carnival ode, words and music. The winning com position will be sung at the choral festival, under the direction of H. W. Newton. Arrangements are being made by special committees to en tertain from 50,000 to 60,000 visitors In the city during the week. The streets will be grllliantly lighted and decorated. copy fiic h; Lawn Owners when you buy-garden hose, be sure and get the best Our Peerless Hose IS GUARANTEED FOK 2 YEARS. It costs no more, but lasts longer. "Beddow & Miller" stamped on every 25 foot length. Look for the name. We keep everyti'ng neces sary In plumbing and Irrigating supplies, nozzles, sprays, etc Beddow & Miller Exclusive pemllcton's Only Plumbers. Corner Court and Garden St FIKST INDIAN WOMAN' CHIEF IS DESIGN ATED Every Woman U Interested tod thouia Know bout the wonderful m. MARVEL Whiriini Sirs? The new Vaginal Syringe. Best most convenient, it clauses instantly. 0 ' :t7 ' Ask your druggist for 1 If be cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no other? bat send stamp for illustrated took sealed. It gives full particu lars and directions invaluabteto ladles. MUmCO.. 44lsstZ34 Stmt. New Tub' Rnokane, Wash. Mrs. George Stwlre Waters, wife of the head chief of the Yakima Indian reservation, to day Is the proudest woman in central Washington, having been designated as a chief. This la the first time that an Indian woman has been honored by selection to any office on the res ervation. Mrs. Waters was educated in an eastern school and is a bright woman. The title was conferred by! President Taft, the official advices being contained in a letter to the tribe from Representative W. P. MeKtnley. Mrs. Waters was one of the delegates to the convention of the Brotherhood of North American Indians In Wash ington, D. C , recently, when she met the president following her discourse upon "Indian Rights." The brother hood on the reservation has more than 500- members. The executive officers are: Great chief, George Stwlre Wa ters; assistant great chief, Alex Telo; grand secretary, Aprts Goudy; grand trensurer, Harry Teio; historian, Paul Hoptowlt. Chief Waters Is making plans to enroll a total membership of 1000 before the close of the year. Lame shoulder Is nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. "Our baby cries for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. B. Kendrlck. Rasca, Ga. "It Is the best cough remedy on the market for coughs, colds and croup." For sale The Pendleton Drug Co. la Id business tor Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN IOC HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES Automobile Cabs TOIRING CAR FOR COUN TRY TRIPS. TAXICAB SERVICE IN CITY. Day and Night 25c to any part of city. Stand at Hotel St. George. PHONE MAIN 12. Gurdane & Folsom, Props by all dealers