East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 09, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 7

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(Paid Advertisements.)
V.. t
c . K
4 '
Progressive Republican Candidate for
For Congressman
Eastern Oregon District.
''Fer Roosevelt and Progressive Pol
icies Against Taft and Stand
patlsm." S. D. PETERSON
Of Mil tea.
KeMloa Candidate for Keoomina
Ho for Representative.
A wa vh works for legislation la
the interests of the people, who re
fuses to take dictation from the ma
chine politicians.
At the last session the machine
politicians attempted to dominate tela
sea a the speakership fight and in
lecMOatloa; but they failed in every
instance. Iavestlgate kts record ul
see where he steed wjtn the Mtcaine
er with the people.
atesuMratle Candidate for Netnlsatlen
at the Primary Election
For Sheriff
Present Incumbent.
Reptrhlican Candidate for Nomina
tion at the Primary Election
For County Clerk
Present incumbent.
FrnfTiwn te Republican Candidate
far noaainauoa
( Representative in Congress
Second District.
Ft A. Waterman
Of Hermtoton. Oregon,
Republican Candidate for Nomina
tion for
I hereby announce myself a candl
date for County Commissioner, sub'
Ject to the approval of the people at
the Republican Primaries.
I stand for an economical admin
lstration of county affairs as a busi
ness basis, and for permanent im
provement of our public roads.
Of Adams
Candidate for County Clerk
Subject to wishes of the voters in
Republican primaries.
"Let The Good Things Go Round."
If elected I will give accurate and
straight-forward servlc to all the
people. A native-born Umatilla
county man I ask you to give me
your support and influence.
Candidate for the Republican nomi
nation fer
County Superintendent
4 renerd ef It years rmcceenrol
jQ Jn,n&nlSAMiisV - - AMwkAAMIkAlMMUJ
I v. -'V
' 1 I ' 't . -
Candidate for Republican
Nomination for
District Attorney
Candidate for the Republican Nomi
nation for County School
"Tlie Children's Friend"
"For the past twenty years Mr.
Welles has given his entire time and
energy to public school work In Uma
tilla county. He is devotinc his life
to the education and welfare ef our
boys and girls."
B. S. Burroughs
Republican Candidate for Nomina
tion at coming primary election
For County Recorder of
Present incumbent.
Horace Walker
RepoMkatn Candidate for Nomination
far County CommUsioncr
Prevent incumbent.
Uy platform: "Good Roads and Per-"
masent Improvements.
Republican Candidate for Renomlna
For Representative
Present incumbent. An official
with legislative experience, who rep
resents the people for the people.
Frederick Stercrer
Candidate for the Republican noml
for the office of
District Attorney
At thei- Primary Election
April IB. 1118.
"If nominated and elected I pledge
my best effort to the duties of the
office. I will have no enemies to
punish and will favor no friends;
prosecution will be undertaken only
after careful Investigation . and .
pledge myself to the strictest economy
consistent with the efficient enforce
ment of the law. I desire to have
printed after my name on the nomi
nating ballot the following:
"Pledged to a strict and impartial
enforcement of the laws of Oregon
Frederick Sleiwer
Every Woman
U interested and s nouifl know
bruit the wmilerfiil n
I MARVEL Whiriiai Spray
i mw Vaainal ynn.
t convex en t. It
Atk nu AnuniAfoc t
If fe cannot supfly the
UVU, accept so c
roc iiitMtnus
It (Ira foil particu
lar, aod direction terra! liable to Udlea.
BMa Cs. 44 fast 23 Street, Urn 1
Constipation brings many ailments
in its train and is the primary cause
of much sickne!. Keep your bowels
regular madam, and you will escape
many of the ailments to which women
are subject. Constipation Is a very
simple thing, but like many simple
things, it may lead to serious eonse
quence Nature often needs a little
assistance and when Chamberlain's
Tablets are given at the first Indica
tion, much distress and suffering may
I 1W
be avoided. Sold by all dealers.
Tells How She Keeps Her
Health- Happiness For
Those Who Take
Her Advice.
Scottville, Mich.-"I want to tell you
how much good Lydia E. Pinkharn't Veg-
etableCompound and
Sanative Wash have
done me. I live on a
farm and have worked
very hard. I am
forty-five years old,
and am the mother
of thirteen children.
Many people think
it strange that I am
not broken down
with hard work and
the care of my fam
ily, but I tell them of my good friend,
Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, and that there will be no back
ache and bearing down pains for them if
they will take it as I have. I am scarcely
ever without it in the house.
"I will say also that I think there is
no better medicine to be found for young
girls. My eldest daughter has taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound for painful periods and irregular
ity, and it has helped her.
" I am always ready and willing to
speak a good word for Lydia . Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I tell every
one I meet that I owe my health and
happiness to your wonderful medicine."
Mrs. J.G. Johnson, Scottville, Mich.,
R.F.D. 3.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and herbs,
contains no narcotics or harmful drugs,
and today holds the record of being the
most successful remedy for woman's ills
RapUst Ministers Objoc to Denn'r
Proposai That phycian'a Certifi
cate 31 list Dm Secured Before Cere
mony is Performed. .
Chicago, 111. -Opposition to . the
plan adopted by Dean Walter T. Sum
ner in refusing to perform a marriage
ceremony , without a. physician' cer
tificate developed at the, meeting of
Baptist ministers' conference at the
Masonic Temple when the Rev. Dr.
Melbourn P.. Boynton, pastor of the
Lexington avenue church, offered a
tentative resolution supporting the
Too Much Powr for Doctor
"I do not know how it will remedy
evils," said the Rev. C. C. Dixon, pas
tor of the Austin avenue church. It
looks like the plan places in the
hands of physicians the laws govern
ing marriages, which would not be
"We know how easy it is to secure
permits, certificates and petitions, and
would not physicians be subjected to
all manner of temptations?
"I do not see how it will work suc
cessfully until the state has chargt
of the entire matter and even then
would that bring the desired result?"
"If that rule had been In opera
tion at the time we might not have
had an Ahraham Lincoln," suggested
a memDer in the audience.
"The purpose is," responded Dr.
Boynton, "to put this proposition up
to the state legislature. A few min
isters cannot do it alone."
For Water System and Pipe Line for
i;ouml-Up Park.
Notice is hereby given that the
common council of The City of Pen
dleton will receive bids at the office
of the City recorder up to April 17,
1912, at 7:30 o'clock p. m, for the
construction of a water system and
pipe line in connection with Round-Up
Park, according to plans and specif i
cations for said water system pre
pared by Geary Kimbrell, City Sur
veyor, and now on file in the office
of City Recorder, said bids to be op
ened by the common council at its
regular meeting to be held on April
17th. 191$, t 7:30 o'clock P. m.. saM
bids to specify as follow:
For all pipe, delivered per
foot ........ i
For laying pip, Including
. . excavating, back . fllllac
. trench, and all labor and
material necessary, per
foot I......
For manholes, each I
For catch basins, each.... I
For entire pipe Una com
plete (total bid) $
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check in the sum of S per
cent of amount bid made payable to
the order of the mayor of The City of
Pendleton, and the Common Council
reserves the' right to reject any and
all bids.
Dated April E, 1912.
City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that bids
will be received at the office ef- the
City Recorder in Pendleton, Oregon,
up until April 11th, 1912, at 5 o'clock
p. m. for furnishing to the City of
(Pendleton of one. carload of red fir
lumber of the following dimensions,
viz: 2000 feet 2x12 inches 20 feet
long, and the balance of the carload
to be 4x12 inches Z0 feet In length,
the lumber to be delivered F. O. B.
Pendleton, all bids to be sealed and
to be accompanied by a certified check
In the sum of S per cent of the am
ount of bid, payable to the order of
the mayor of Pendleton. The Com
mon Council reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids. This notice Is
published by order of the Common
Council made March 27th, IMS.
Dated this 29th day of March,
City Recorder.
(Centiued from page 1)
of capltui which impress and oppress
our age? Con there be any other
reason for the existence of the pecul
iar class of so-called lawyers, who
work out the purposes of industrial
buccaneer. regardless of the language
of the luw? Verily the letter klllcth
and the spirit maketh alive, and un
less the spirit of the law finds resto
ration soon, the bells of doom will be
gin to toll for this republic.
The curse of our age is the lawless
ness of our luw enforcement. Kx
pediency is given higher considera
tion than duty. Peace officers arro
gate unto' themselves both the en
forcement ami the construction of the
law, with the result that in our cities
vice Is rampant, and too often tri
umphant, because the police force
and the slu-riff's office are conduct
ed mirslliltlt trt lh. Tinllol' it arn
. - ..... J
administration, und not according to
the plain demand of the law. The
statutes are broad enough, efficient
enough, punitive enough to wipe out
the unholy alliance between the law
less saloon and the bawdy house, to
put an end to the traffic in virtue
and to eradicate both thieves and
thugs. What Is needed behind the
law is the power of an aroused pub
lic sentiment, and orficers who will
enforce the law as they find it, not
as politicians de.slre it. The Master
declared that He came not to destroy
the law but to fulfill it, and rest as
sured the prohibitions of the Mosaic
code still constitute the final law of
civilization, and the ten command
ments cannot forever be disregarded,
If the state shall endure. .
Is money of more Importance than
human life In the second decade of
the new century "And think ye that
structure shall endure which shelters
the noble and crushes tile poor?" Why
is it that factory life is yet under the
gloom of child labor, and that the
sweat shops still find place? Beyond
question there are strong men enough
to do the work necessary to meet the
demands of existence, with universal
comfort and even luxury, by labor
ing not more than eight hours a day.
We can afford to give to the women
and children of the toilers the asylum
f a home, and to throw around
them the protecting arm of the state.
Except for the unconscionable de
mand for cheapness and for extrava
gant profit, we would do it as a matter
of public Interest, as well as of pub'
lie duty. We have no true civilisa
tion yet. nor shall we have while one
lives In splendid luxury and another
dies In terrible poverty, while the
dollar rules and duty fails, while the
lowly bow at the seats of power, while
right is prostrate and wrong triumph
ant. The spirit of the law demands
Justice; common, every day fair play
and enthronement of the Golden
tion. Otherwise the day will come
Rule in the industrial life of the na
when men shall say, "Behold the
Lord of Hosts hath bared His arm.
and lo. It Is the arm of the avenger.
Though the heavy precipitation of
the wet season and the open spring
weather have put a perpetual smile
on the face of every wheat grower In
the country, this same combination of
weather conditions is giving some of
the farmers in the light land section
a little extra work to do. A great
deal of the wheat has sprouted up in
a rank growth and it Is becoming ne
cessary to harrow it in order to thin
It out. This harrowing process, how
eve, will pove a three-fold benefit
for, not on:y will it thin out the
grain but it will loosen up the ground
and fill up the cracks which the rains
and sun have made in the fields. The
wheat Is now up six Inches or more
and hag a healthy color.
Practically the entire 1911 crop
has now been transferred from the
bands of the farmer to the buyer and
pices locally are still remaining
. Bswf yourself fuel rreuMea by us
ta ur fmous Rook Qprinf seal and
goo ry Wfod, BUer4 promptly,
BUr L. Mrreufbs. phone Mate t.
Women who bear children and ro
main healthy are those who prepare.
their systems In advance) of baby a
coming. Unless the mother aids
nature in its pre-natal work the crisis
finds her system unequal to the de
mands made upon it, and she la often
left with weakened health or chronic
ailments. No remedy Is ao truly a
help to nature as Mother's Friend,
and no expectant mother should fall
to use It It relieves the pain and
discomfort caused by the strain on
the ligaments, makes pliant and elas
tic those fibres and muscles which
nature Is expanding, prevents numb
ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam
mation of breast (lands. The system
being thus prepared by Mother's
Friend d!peU the fear that the crisis
may not be safely met Mother's
Friend assures a speedy and complete
recovery for the mother, and she is
left S healthy woman to enjoy the
rearing of her
drag stores. T7ra9t
Write for our free IfFwJ
book for expect
ant mothers which contains ranch
valuable information, and many sug
gestions of s helpful nature.
Showing Danu'ruff Germs At Work
the hair.
Druggists ire authorized to sell
tee that the mosey vill be refunded if it fails to do exacdy as
PRICE 60C AND $1.00
U sewr dmzzut ita mat lutt it mod jOc. in tUmtit
A He Pane mi Wj ssni fSfje nl TOfi Ummm e to nmn
who will send us this advertisement with 10c in stamps te cover eest
el wrapping and mailing the seep.
Insurance, real estate for sale and house ts rent
Phone Main 83. 117 E, Cfcurt Btnei
Other Property of Bhrery Deportation,
Joey to Loan en. City and County Realty.
TUt You. PUn Your-
To or Through the Glorious
All Eastern Kound-Trip Tickets Aro Good Via This Route
Without Additional Cost.-
Soo-Spokane ( Til k f 1 J Zj Soo-Spokanr,
Route V rSvYn yi Rovt
Leaving Pendleton Daily 7 :00 P. M.
A Solid Vestibuled, Eleotric Lighted Train ; Compartraent-Ojb-servation,
Standard and Tourist Sleepers,
Through Dining Car Service,
Beginning May 2, Reduced pau
rerso Routes. Final Return Lim- JFJ M nl Return
it, October 31. Apr 25-26-27
Will Be Pleased to Give You Further Particulars on Applica
tion. Drop Ua a Postal, or Call on
T; F. O'BRIEN, Agent O.-W. R. & N. Ry.
Trav. PassAgt Spokane, Wash. Gea's Agt.
We have our bams full of Per
cheron Shire and Belguim Stallions,
the choicest Tot on hand in our ' 35
years in the Horse Importinir busi
ness. They run in ages from 2 to & years, and from 1800 to
. 2200 lbs. Blacks, bays and greys and chestnuts. Our Horses
are all imported and inspected by tho U. S. government at
Washington, D. O. Come to the barns and get your choice
from a bunch and save the Btallion peddler's, expense and profit.
Prices from $1000 up. Timo given, if desired at 6 per cent,
one year insurance and a reliable guarantee with every horse
wo sell. Write us. Visit us. We will pay the expenses of
any buyer who visits our barns and is disappointed at our
horses and prices. ' - . ..1 .,
LEGAL BLANKS Of every description, for County Court,
Circuit Court, Justice Court, Real Estate, Etc, for sale at East Ore
gon! an office. Call, write or phone for catalogue.
Kills the Dandruff Germ i
and Makes the Hair Grow
Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color
FEw" people sre sware of the number of Dandruff Germs
that infest the human hair snd scalp. The germs which
locate themselves in ihe follicle or sack which envelopes thr
root of the hair, spend a lazy existence in sucking ip the
) uices which should go to keep life and strength in I hair.
These germs cannot be seen by the naked eye, but with a
magnifying glass of from 300 to 400 diameters the spores
of this hair destroyer may be seeq in masses, clinging to
Wyeth's Sage snd Sulphur Hair Remedy not
only kills the dandruff germs and prevents bald
ness, but It also restores faded sod gray hair (
natural color.
Don't Experiment With Old Fashioned Hair Dyes
but save your hair and restore It to natural color
and luxuriance by using Wyeth's Sage snd
Sulphur Hair Remedy.
Sage and Sulphur under guana-
mmd sm mill mmi yu mrgt laffe, arM prttmii.