TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OltEGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. . TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1912. PAGE SEVEN The ' , Pendleton Drug Co. U in bua.nu tor t "Your Good Health" REMEMBER. THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PUKE MEDICINES Automobile Gabs TOURING CAR FOR COUN TRY TRIPS. TAXICAB SERVICE IN CITY. Day and Night 25c to any part of city. Stand at Hotel St. George. PHONE MAIN 12. Gurdane &Folsom, Props We Sell Sulphurro Koeppen's The drug store that tercet you lest. Spring Oponing At Donaldson's Soda Fountain, by K. Kelly Bansher, who has leaned my fountain for the sea son. - - He Is an experienced soda dispenser who will serve you with the best soda, pure fruit Juices and Ice cream obtainable. Your patronage solicited. F. J. Donaldson Reliable Druggist. We girti People Warehouse Trading Suuraps). As tho best of all system Tonics, wo would suggest that you try a bottle of F. & S. Sarsaparilla, which is sold on a positive puaranteo to satisfy or money back. For sale only at . ' ; Tallman Gh Co. Spring TOW SPECIAL GAS OFFER . - Do you use gas? If not we will, during the months of April and May, pipe gas clear to your gas meter (no matter where it may be) Absolutely Tree of Charge to You Besides this we will sell you a heater, stove or range, with all the extras needed, at cost prices. Gel Busy How Before the Rush and Prepare for the Ho! Bays. PACIFIC POWER LIGHT COMPANY PHONE MAIN 40. "ALWAYS AT YOUR. SERVICE" good job with poor material. So when you let your contract see that they get the famous Red Devil Cement; the Oregon Lime and the Acme Plaster, and you will get the best we are able to supply, and all at the lowest prices considering quality. Oregon lumber iVard A. H. COX, Manager Known For First Honal ionli PENDLETON, iOREGOH ESTABLISHED 1882 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES DOG KILLS BABY GIRL; FIGHTS OFF WOMAN Crushes Skull and Tears Throat of imiu Despite i;rrorts to save Her Life Mother In Grief Threatens Suicide. Chicago I1U Baby Anna De Salvo, 3 years old, was killed by an. Infuri ated dog when she attempted to make friends with it. The animal, the pro perty of Samuel Solomon, 1062 West Eleventh street, pounced on the child crushed Its head In his Jaws and tore open Its throat. The efforts of Mrs. Solomon to save the child were futile, the big animal knocking the child out of her arms and- attacking It repeat edly. The child's body was removed to nearby undertaking rooms and Its mother notified. Mrs. De Salvo, who was deserted by her husband two OREGON THEATRE THREE NIGHTS APRIL 15, 10, 17 Beverly B. Bobbs T0UR0GRAPH0L0G OF ALASKA The Great Wonderland in Llotion Pictures PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c Like good tools and materials bo work with. Contractors and builders can't make a Its Strength $2,500,000.00 years ago, lives in the rear of 1016 Kholto street and works In a tailor shop on- the West Side to support herself and child, became hysterical when ttold of the tragedy. "They kill my child, I kill myself," muttered the mother la broken Eng lish J "She was all I had to live for; there Is no more use for anything else." Mother Is Prostrated. She was told of Mrs. Solomon's ef forts to save the child but did not seem to understand, only recognizing that the child was dead. Mrs. Solomon struggled with ' the dog In an effort to keep It away from the child and was twice knocked down. If you cough all night you get no rest, nor does anyone else In the house. Keep within reach a bottle of BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SY RUP. It Is then easy to stop the tickling whlch causes the cough, when ever It appears. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koep- pen & Bros. Bowels are Basis off Child Health The careful mother, who watches close ly the physical peculiarities of her chil dren, will soon discover that the most Im portant thing In connection with a child's constant good health is to keep the bowels regularly open. Sluggish bowels will be followed by loss of appetite, restlessness during sleep, Irritability anu a dozen and one similar evidences of physical disorder. At the first sign of such disorder give the child a teaspoonful of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at night on retiring and re peat the dose the following night lr neces sary more than that will scarcely be need ed. You will find that the child will re cover Its accustomed good spirits at once and will eat and sleep normally. This remedy Is a vast Improvement over salts, cathartics, laxative waters and lm" liar things, which are altogether too pow erful for a child. The homes of Mrs. E. S. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orphenm. An exceptional good program for Tuesday's change of program. Four full reels of the best pictures. 1. "Sunset, or Her On!y Romance." Vitagraph. , Warmth and glow suffuse this bright romance, a deep purple of Pacific sunset actuates the thoughtful ness of the story, making it restful and beautiful. ur i. a r iurry in f urniture- .8- sanay. Jlmmle loves a girl whom his father does not approve of. He finally goes abroad, leaving Jimmle in a beautiful home, but with no money. He secures a loan of $450 on his father's furniture and marries Mar Jorie. They buy new furniture and chage it up as her wedding present. 3. "The Arrow or Defiance." Pa the. An Indian story showing the chance escape of two children from a band of truculent redmen on the war trail. 4. "For the Commonwealth." Edi son. A picture for prison labor re form. A young man, unskilled and out of work, deserts his family and upon being arrested for his desrtion assaults an officer and for this last offense Is sent to state prison, while his wife tries to support herself and child by shirtmaking. Musical program: 1 Alamo Rag. Percy Wenrich. 2 Pekin Rag. H. W. Martin. 3 Polar Bear Rag. 4 Oh, Yon Angel. Rag. F. T. Dabneyv 5 Uhaupsody Rag. H. Gentes. The Pastime. The home of good pictures. Tues- day's change of program: "The Great Diamond Robbery." VI tagraph. A soubrete loses her dog and diamond ring, the woman is led to believe the dog has swallowed the ring. Kraus, the sausage maker runs a dog pound in connection with his factory and is suspected In using them in his business. Two "Sher lock Holmes" buy up all of Kraus' sausage and thereby hangs a . tale and a. mystery, which Is cleared up and explained In this funny picture. Don't lose your chance to laugh. "The Bandit's Child." Essanay. Western feature Interpreted by G..M. Anderson and a picked cast. Redol ent with heart appeal, and photo graphed amid the beautiful scenery of California, it Is at once a picture to hold art audiences' undivided atten tion to the very last foot. The plot is gripping, and the acting of the usu al high standard. Mr. Anderson gives gripping characterization to the por trayal of the bandit, and Miss Verah Bertram Is prettily cast as the young wife from the east. ' "The Preacher and the Gossips." Lubin. Author Johnson plays the young unmarried minister and Miss Helen Marten the pretty milliner with whom he is In love. "Personally Conducted." Ediston. A trip to Bermuda. We are prepared to take a tour to this garden of Eden for newly weds,- accompanied by a bride and groom, a deaf man and his daughter, two young men of the city and a fair single lady. Musical program: No. 1 The Jolly Coppersmith. March. No. 2 Forsaken. Pharaphrase. No. 3 King Karl. March. No. 4 Gruese an die. Heimah. Fantasie. Cosy. "The Witch's Necklace." Solax. Taken in the famous "Garden of the Gods," Colorado, and shows the bal anced rock, canyons and mountains. A girl had met the witch and longed to possess a necklace the witch wore. The finish is very exciting and high ly sensational. "As Fate Would Have It." Pow ers. The doctor having lost the girl he loves, decides years later that life is a failure and determines to take poison. Just then his old sweet heart's husband comes In very 111 and Griffin, Sandv, Utah, and Mrs. Clara Mc intosh, Masonvllle, Colo., are always sup plied with Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and with them, as with thousands of oth ers, there is no substitute for this grand lazatWe. It is really more than a laxa tive, for It contains superior tonic proper ties which help to tone and strengthen the stomach, liver and bowels so mat aner a brief use of t all laxatives can De ais- nensed with and nature will do Its own work 1 Anyone wishing to make a trial of this remedy before buying' It In the regular way ot a druggist at fifty cents r one dollar a lnnTo in.ttln fnnillv alse) can have a uininle bottle sent to the home free of Air htr aimnlv addressing Dr. W. II. Caldwell, 405 Washington St., Montlcello, III. Your name and address on a postal card will do. Yv'licn woman tpriks of her silent secret suffering the trusto you. Millions have be stowed this mark of confi dence on Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. Every where there are women who bear witness to the wonder working, curing-power of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which saves the suffninf tex fnm pain, and successfully grapples with woman's weak teffii, ft- ton m nesses and stubborn ills. IT MAKES WEAK WOIIEN STRONd IT riAlCES SICK WOMEN WELL. No woman's appeal was ever misdirected or her co - fidence misplaced when she wrote for advice, to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. II. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y. Bill I Dr. Pterc"! Ptatusat Pellet Induct mild demanded poison. By a clever ruse the doctor proved himself a man and saved his old rival. "His Great Uncle's Spirit." Than houser. The magician revenged him self on the miserly theater manager by getting strange messages from the miser's great uncle ordering him to reform. Filled with terror the man promised to do bette and the magi-1 cian had his revenge, "Pathe Weekly." The worlds events In pictures. Fine views of a hydroplane and other interesting things. At the Grand. Opening tonight. Vaudeville: The Trillers, a study in rags. This Is one of the newest European novelty acts on the coast and no expense has been spared to get these perform ers to this town. Photoplays: 1 The Mate of the Alden Bessie. A Selig production; 2 Caught With the Goods." Another Blograph "comedy; 3 Through the Enemy's Lines, a Gaumont, feature film. Coming Thursday: Seibert and Lorenz. The original man 'who wrote Casey Jones. AT THE OREGON THEATRE How many are familiar with the mail route across Behring Sea? How many have seen an open fair beneath thp midnight sun on the long tongue like spit of land which marks Russia's terminal point in the northern ocean? In this market place strange . people assemble and strange foods are bar. tered, and stranger still, these isolat ed spots are making history;, slowly but surely moulding the destinies of political unity, a broader federation which establishes the fact that many central people are indeed very large ly dependent upon distant parts of the globe for commodities otherwise obtainable. No one who has been privileged .to see the unique panora ma of life in the polar zone, exhibited through the medium of the marvelous motion pictures demonstrated by Bev erly B. Dobbs, will fall to appreciate the truth of the above statement. Mr. Dobbs has, after some ten years of almost superhuman effort, secured a series of films absolutely unequalled Arctic life, human and fertox, is de picted with amazing fidelity. The old Eskimo lady fishing through a punc ture in eight feet of sea ice, playing and finally landing her fish which freezes in a curve as she lands .it on the Ice. The native hunters In the fierce onslaught upon the . herds of walrus, the panic of the great brutes. the open sea a seething mass of foam as they dash about in their frenzy, constitute pictures which are requir ed to be seen to be appreciated, and even then hold spellbound the observ er. No one should fail to visit this demonstration of polar life, at the Oregon theater, f5. 16 and 17, when Beverly B. Dobbs presents his Toty ographolog on Alaska the Great Wonderland. GRAND OLD TREE FOR A SOXG. Auctioneer "Knocks Down" Splendid Walnut for 25 Cents. Bristol, Pa. At a big country sale on the property of William Parry the last article to be auctioned off was a large walnut tree standing in the front dooryard an offering unique for such a sale of house and farm belongings. There was "a string" on the tender. however, as 'Mr. Perry stipulated that the buyer must cut down the tree and remove ltr with 'Us roots within- two days' time of the purchase. "How much am I bid on the finest old monarch of the forest?" cried the auctioneer. "Twenty-five cents, under , all the conditions,", responded Samuel Long shore,' Mr. Parry's next door neigh bor, and as that was the only bid despite appreciative crying from the block, down went the grand old wal nut, ultimately, and for only a quar ter! It was a rare sacrifice in view of the fact that countless timber buy ers, hunting keen-ced up and down the state have frequently offered from $10 to $20 each for sntnller, poorer walnut trees. Bnut it cost a pretty penny to get it away from Parry'9 dace, root and branch, within two days. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Proposals will be received by reg' Istered mall, by the County Court for Umatilla County, State of Oregon, up to 2 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, April 17, 1912, for furnishing Umatilla County with steel for the erection of seven small bridges. Proposals will also ba received for furnishing the said county with all materials and the erection of said bridges complete, according to plans and specifications on file In the office of Engineer C. H. Martin, Court House, " Pendleton, Oregon. All bids must be directed to Frank Saling, County Clerk, and must be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid The Court reserves the right to re Joct any or all bids. Dated March 28th, 1912. FRANK SALING. County Clerk. Honored by Women- i i - Batumi bowel movement once m amy. OREGON BOY BKST ATHLETE IN HONOLULU University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. According to information from Honolulu. F. M. FrissH. university of Oregon graduate of the class of '06. Is the best all around athlete on the island. At a track meet held In that city February 22, Frissell not only won more first places man any or his adversaries but he established new island records In both the broad Jump and the two hundred twenty yard hurdles. He Jumped 216 and finished the hurdles In 26 4-5 seconds. Frisslel Is one of the many men developed at the University of Ore gon by Wm. Hayward, Oregon's veter an trainer. Hood's Sarsaparilla For.AII Spring Ailments. Mrs. Marlon Bruce, Cumberland, Me., writes: "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for a great many years, and I think it the best blood medicine In the world. I take It both spring and falL This last winter and spring I was In very poor health. I was weak end had lost all my appetite and I was all run down. As rm as I began to take Hood's SarsaparLla my strength came back and my appetite returned. I am now well, do my housework, and no longer have that tired feeling." ; Get it today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. COPYFIICHr Lawn Owners when you buy garden hose, be sure and get the best Our Peerless Hose IS GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS. It costs no more, but lasts longer. "Beddow & Miller" stamped on every 25 foot length. Look for the name. - We keep everything neces sary in plumbing and irrigating supplies, nozzles, sprays, etc. Beddow & Miller Pendleton's Only Exclusive Plumbers. Corner Court and Garden St. Colon 1st Fares DAILY March 1 to April 15, 1912 From the Middle and Eastern por tions of the United States and Cana da to all points In the Northwest on the Oregon-Vashinglon Railroad & Nav. Co. From CHICAGO $33.00 ST. LOUIS $32.00 OJLAUA $25.00 KANSAS CITY $25.00 " ST. PAUL $25.00 Proportionately low fares from all other points. Direct service from Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha and Kans as City over the O. & N. W., UNION PACIFIC, OKEGON SHORT LINE and O.-YV. It. ft N. LINES PROTECTED BY AUTOMAT IC BLOCK SIGNAL YOU CAN PTEPAY FARES While these rates apply Westbound only, fares may be prepaid by de positing value of the ticket with your local agent, and an order will be tele graphed to any address given. Aid In telling of our vast resources and wonderful opportunities for Home Building. Illustrated and reliable printed matter will be mailed anyone to T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent, whom you wish It sent, by addressing, Pendleton, Ore.