TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREQONTAN, PENDLETON, .OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 0, 1912. PAGE THREE Another Shipment of Tan and White SHOES For Women, Misses and Children All Styles White Pumpg, Misses $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 White Button Boots, Misses' $1.75 and $2.00 Tan Button Shoes, Chil dren's, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. The J. & K Shoes for la dies at $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. Absolutely the best fit ting and best wearing shoe on the market. F. E. LIVENGOOD & GO, The Ladies' and Children's Store COLORADO LADY DIES ATVU MHS. AMANDA CAIIKOLI. EXPIRKS WHILE VISITING O'Hurra Ilahc I'mK'rgws Kurglrwl 'Op eration IjmIIim liana Uhcx Pro gram at Walla Wallu Miss Juunlta ltoniwtz a l.rlde. (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., April 9. Mrs. Aman da Carroll of Fowler, Colorado, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. R. A. Lleuallen of this city, died Friday morning. No funeral arrange ments have been made as yet as they are expecting relatives from Colora do. Miss Clara Hall spent Saturday an J Sunday in Pendleton. Child Operated On. One of the small children of Marion O'Harra was taken Wednesday to Walla Walla for medical treatment. The child has been suffering for some time with an abscess in the head and it is feared that it is on the brain. On operation was considered neces sary. Mrs. James Price, vho has been In Walla Walla at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Grandma Richmond, re turned home Wednesday. , Mr. Emery Stagge went to Pendle ton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell lingers and daughters of Adams, were in Weston Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Du Puis. The ladies' band of Weston had a most enjoyable automobile excursion to Walla Walla Saturday where they played during the afternoon. Mrs Hugh Worthlngton of Portland is visiting in Weston this week.' MIks IJonlwta a Bride. The wedding of Miss Jaunita Boni wtz and Mr. Ephrlam ; Tucker was solemnized Sunday, April 7, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Boniwtz. Both the bride and groom are well known here. The Misses Gladys and Bernice Richmond of Walla Walla are In Weston visiting friends. Misses Lottie Fleek and Lula Georgs of Pendleton, were 5n W'.-slort Sunday visiting Miss Viva Warren. Mrs Bessie McAtee and children of Pendleton were In Weston during the week visiting Mrs. J as Navin.- Mrs. George Snider of Dayton, is in Weston visiting friends and relatives. The Menely Quartet gave a reli gious entertainment at the United brethren church Sunday evening be fore a large audience. Mr. I. O'Harra went to Walla Walla Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton and family of Athena, were in Weston vlHitiiig with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pinkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Du Puis of Ad ams, was in Weston last week. Mrs. Delia Potburg of Lexington, is visiting in Weston. Mrs. John Thompson of Gibbon, Oregon, Is visiting in the city. Miss Eunice Gregory of Pendleton, visited her sister. Miss Vernice Gre gory of thic city. Mr. Sam Ross of La Grande, Is in Weston visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright of Oh. Mow I Itched I What long nerve-racking days of con stant torture what sleepless nights of terrible agony itch itch itch, con stant Itch, until it seemed that I must tear off my very akin then Instant relief my skin cooled, soothed and healed! The very first drops of D.D.D. Pre scription for Eczema stopped that awful Itch instantly: yes, the very moment D D.D. touched the burning skin the tor ture ceased. A 26c bottle proves It D D.D. has been known for years as the only absolutely reliable eczema remedy, for it washes away the disease germs and leaves the skin as clear and healthy as that of a child. All other druggists have D.D.D. Pre scription go to them it you can't come to us but don't accept some big profit substitute. But If you come to our store, we are so certain of what D.D.D. will do for you that we offer you a full size bottle on this guarantee: If you do not find that it takes away the itch AT ONCE, it costs you not a cent. TALIjMAX & COMPANY. STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES li SYLEOri Plus Our Own Goes With Every Suit That Bears the Label , This means a, big thing for you; ASSURANCE that a firm of tailors more than half a century old, and rate AAI, is backing your purchase to the limit, and that we are backing them. What Other Clothier or Tailor in This Town Can Guarantee You as Much and Make Good? Don't be mislead by words. You can see how our clothes fit before you take them. WE GIVE "S & H" GREEN TRADING STAMPS ALEXANDER'S DEPT. STORE WE SAVE YOU MONEY ON EVERY PURCHASE fa -V . : : 'Jul l-vK ' Athena, were In Weston Sunday visit ing Mrs. Wright's father, Mr. M. A. Baker. Miss Edna Ross of Athena, was In Weston visiting friends Sunday. Dry L. S. Newson of Athena, was in Weston last week. Mr. Kenneth MacKenzle of Weston made a business trip to Helix Thurs day. Mr. Clyde Alberts was In Pendleton last week. Mr. O. M. Richmond was In Helix last week. 0-W, R. & II. TA I JOHN KKNTZ CLAIMS MISS IXIZAHETII OWENS AS WIFE AtlK'nu and Adams I'irst Bjim-ImiII Tennis Split Even in Two C.uiiie Se ries Odd Fellow Grand Warden VlMitS. FALLING HAIR Iteliing Scalp and Dandruff Arc I'd . necessary. If you want to prevent baldness stop falling hair and itching- scalp, and banish every trace of dandruff from your scalp, get a large 50 cent bottle of PARISIAN SAGE today. Tou never used a more delightful hair dressing in all your life. Every drop in the bottle Is filled with hair growing virtue. PARISIAN SAGE causes the hair to grow profusely and imparts to it a luster and radiance that cannot fail to attract favorab'e comment. It is guaranteed by Tallman & Co. to stop falling hair, itching scalp and dandruff, or money back. It kills the dandruff germ and keeps the hair full of life and youthful vigor. Large bot tle 50 cents at Tallman & Co. and druggists everywhere. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every -bottle and carton. (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., April 9. Mr. John Kentz and Miss Elizabeth Owens of Adams were married Monday at the home of the bride. Mr. Kentz Is the O.-W. R. & N. agent at Adams. They are very prominent young people of Adams. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. Stockton. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallan. Mr. and Mrs. C. Owens and Miss Daisy Owens, Mr. W. Owens, Mrs. Dupuis, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Ried, Mr and Mrs. G. M Lewis They are spending their honeymoon in Spokane Miss Lola Rogers was a Pendleton visitor Monday. Dr. McKenny of Helix was a busi ness visitor in Adams Monday. Mrs. Bob McBride was a Pendleton visitor Saturday. Wade and Ora. Holdman of Cold Spring, were Adams Visitors Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison and family were Pendleton visitors Satur day. Earl Slmonton went to Pendleton Saturday. Zeb Lewis was a Pendleton visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Robie and children are visitine friends in Adams this week. Mildred and Gwendoline Rogers of Pendleton came up Friday to spend Easter Sunday at home. Dr. Newson of Athena was called recently to see Ronald Gemmell. The Adams school ball team played the Athena school Saturday. The score was 18 to 12 in favor of Athe na. Miss Lola Rogers of Walla Walla came down Friday to spend Sunday at home. The Athena first baseball team played' Adams Sunday. The score was 5 to T in favor of Adams. Mrs McDaniel was a Athena vis itor Sunday. George . Marquis and son, Marion of Wal a Walla, were guests of A Marquis and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Mor rison this week. The I. O. O. F. lodge at Adams were honored Saturday night by the presence of H J. Taylor, grand war den. The following Pendleton mem bers accompanied him: Lot Liver more, R. Alexander. Fred Taylor. Geo. Blakely. R. F. Kirkpatrick. Ben Cresswell, L. A. Eddings, M. J. Car ney, D. Nelson and Dr. T. M. Hender son. All came by auto. The first baseball team ' of Adams played Athena Saturday. The score wns 20 to 4 in favor of Athena. Mrs. M. A. Baker went to Pendle ton Saturday. Miss Ruth Kribs of Pendleton is vis iting in Adams this week. m.tn !n controlling th government, in legiflatlon and !n voting trixes. That means she hps the right to political suffrage. Max Xordeau. I am in favor of bringing the votes of women to the reinforcement of all good causes. Dean George Hodges. I would like to see the ballot in the hands of every woman. Mark Twain. HERMISTON HAS A GOOD WATER SUPPLY (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston, Ore., April 9. The new city we'.l has been completed and has an inexhaustible supply of water. It looks now as if the supply will exceed the demand for years to come. Last week a pump and engine were in stalled and a test was made. The water was measured and kept up a steady flow of 235 gallons per min ute without lowering the water in the well enough to show. With such a flow of water to start on it is certain that the supply is in exhaustible. All those who know state that the flow will increase. At this rate it would mean 24,000 gallons every hour or 576,000 In 24 hours. The reservoir has a capacity of 250,000 or less than half the amount the testing pump could deliver in 24 hours. VOTES FOR WOMEN I have never seen an argument against woman's suffrage that was not flimsy. George W Cable. A limited suffrage secures govern mental efficiency if at all at the ex pense of the disfranchised class. Herbert Croly. Today, to secure the best results in city government, we must have the common service of men and wo men. Charles Zueblin. We men require woman's suffrage as much for our own sakes as for the women's sakes. Israel Zangwill. Where the interests of women dif fer from those of men, women espe cially require the suffrage as a guar antee to just consideration. John Stuart Mill. When a man says to me, "Do you believe in giving the ballot to women" I answer. "Xv I believe they ought to have it without its needing to be given to them." Rev. J. L. With row. Woman has as much interest as DON'T GET RUN DOW N. Weak and miserable. If you have kidney or Bladder trouble, dull head pains, dizziness, nervousness, pains in the back, and feel tired all over, get a package of Mother Gray's AROMATIC-LEAF, .the .pleasant .herb cure. It never fails. We have many testimonials from grateful people who have "used this wonderful' remedy. As a regulator it has no equal Ask for Mother Gray's Aromatic-Leaf at drug-' gists or sent by mail for 50 cents. Sample FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy N. T. A valuable dressing for flesh wounds, burns, scalds, old sores, rash, chafed skin, Is BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT, it is both healing and an tiseptic. Price 25c, 50c and Jl.uu bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Br). $100 REWARD, $100. Th ro r"ra a thla nana will K. - " f 1' " ar pi mm In lAMrn tll.t thlM la a laat .... . A ...... disease that science has been able to core In all Ifa at. mm mnA that I. . i. ri,. -- - auu i.ini is VDiaiiu, nulls Catarrh Cure is the only positive care now vu me meaicai fraternity, catarrh hetntr a rnnnt ll-nf Innal lea... Hn .. I u n.uMiin., injuii jm a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface, of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength Ing nature In doing Its' work. The pro prietors nave bo mucn laitn in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that If falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address : c . FV' CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by Drngglsts. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pllli for coaatlpa- 1 "I L Hm ...... iFHtlOHTl PAID 5 N,.twv. Sale.. I.a,a mI ,' ror. iaraiai miwhu.m t .. il. .11 l ' GUVRA4-TteO ax So nntpU that .nvhudy caa MUL. taf (lalt-haa. Ct War alaruru. and low df4lvtad prK I. Braoaara tram at.71 u. t. H.l.na Incubator Co.. Toledo, Wnhinfton BROWN'S Bronchial Troches A remedy of superior merit for Congha, Hoarse, new and irritation of throat, giviug womlerful relief in Lung Troubles. Bronchitis and Asthma Free from opiates or any harmtul inttrrUieu, Sold only in boies. Sample mailed f rve. JOHN I. ItKOWN- SON'. Boston. Ma. Aief&m Suite Al This Week! To continue afternoons and evenings all this week Join with the crowds. Sale commences each afternoon 2:30 and evenings at 7:30. My entire stock to be sold to the highest bidder without reserve and without limit WELLE AM Eo HAWSC0M tS2?