DAILY BAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON", OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 0, 1913. TEN PAGES PAGE TWO. GREA THOUR SALE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10TH 1912 Begins at 9 o'clock a. m. and continues till 6 o'clock p. m. New Bar gains each hour. In order to profit by this sale you must come to the store as no phone orders will be filled and no reservations made so read our add carefully and please be here in the store at the hour the articles you wish to buy are advertised. FROM ! to 10 A. M. 10 PILLOWS 2S A ver larrc assortment of Pillows ALL NEW numbers, conventional de ini. tamoil on the best grade of linen crah; tops and backs alike. Hour sale price ... 2S 91.50 MEN'S GOLF SHIRTS 9S A very large assortment, new and good patterns. Bct makes. Shirts that can not 1k Ixmght at wholesale for anything near this price. Hour sale price 98 75c PONGEE 49 2 pieces of Domestic Pongee Silk, special buv. Great hour sale. 49 75 WOMEN'S MUSLIN GOWNS Made of good quality muslin, full cut, trimmed with lace and embroidery. Hour sale price 59 FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. 63 TO 75 SILKS 39? This lot consists of fancy Silks of fine quality in navy, Copenhagen, brown, etc. Great hour sale 39? 25? SOX IS? These sox come in all the new and stylish colors, reinforced heel and toe, 6 pair guaranteed to wear 3 months. Hour sale price - 18? 35? EMBROIDERY CREPE 29? Comes in white only, with embroidered dots and stripes. 30-in. wide, the very cloth for summer waists. Great hour sale 29? $4.50 BAB YIRIKH EMB. ALLOVER $3.49 Four pieces of handsome baly Irish allover, suitable for waists or to cut in bands for trimming purposes. Special one hour $3.49 FROM 11 TO 12 A. M. 50? WOOL BATISTE 39? Wool batiste in cream, white, green, Copenhagen, blue, etc., oS-iu. wide. Great hour sale 39? 12 1-2? PERCALE 9? Of best quality, our regular 12.1-2c percale in all colors and any nnmVr of patterns. Great hour sale 9? 35? NECKWEAR 25? The greatest line of 35? knitted four-in-hands .you ever saw, worth 50? of any many's money. Hour sale price 25? 20? SCRIMS 11? A large number of patterns including white and ecru, also a few very fine sten ciled numbers. Visit Our Pure Food GROCERY Department In Our Clean Sanitary Basement. Phone Uain 17 FROM 12 TO 1 P. M. $3.50 TO $5.00 SHOES, OXFORDS AND PUMPS $1.00 A miscellaneous lot of shoes, oxfords and pumps, some of the best values in the louse are included in this lot and the only reason they're included is because the sizes are broken. Hour sale price $1 75? MARQUESETTE 39? Comes in pink, blue, lavender, white, etc., in plain and fancy, 30-in. wide. Great hour sale 39? $1.49 CHILDREN'S MIDDIE WAISTS 79? White Indian Head, trimmed with navy collar and tie. Hour sale price 79? $5.00 MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES $2.75 These shoes are made in blucher lace, Goodyear welt soles, and are exception ally fine shoes. Nearly all sizes; while they last hour sale price. $2.75 FROM 1 TO 2 P. M. $1.00 SHEETS 81? Big double bed size, wide hem, 81x90, heavy sheet Great hour sale 81? 20? PILLOW7 CASES 16? Full size, 42x36, wide hem. Great hour sale . 16? $1.00 and $1.25 NECKWEAR 79? Any of our dainty line of collar and cuff sets, jabots, frills or lace collars, selling regularly at $1.00 or $1.25. Special one hour 79? $2.25 COUCH COVER $1.79 Best grade of tapestry, comes in fancy combinations, and stripes in red, erreen and yellow. Hour sale price' $1.89 15? CHILDREN'S MUSLIN DRAWERS, 2 for 25? Plain with pin tucks and hemstitching. Hour sale price, 2 for 25? FROM 2 TO 3 P. M. $1.25 AUTOMOBILE VEILS 89? Good quality chiffon automobile veils, 1 yard wide, 2 yards long, comes in brown, navy, champaigne, light blue, lav ender and purple. One hour sxcial 89? 75? to $1-00 MOHAIR 67? s Of all wool, fine finish ; comes in all colors. A collection of about 10 pieces. Great hour sale '. 67? LADIES' SILK SHIRTS REDUCED. These shirts come in striped sumer silks. The latest novelty of the season and very fine. $3.98 Values will go for $2.95 $3.49 Values will go for $2.69 30? FRENCH PIQUE 24? Fine French Pique, the cloth essential for ladies' summer dresses. Great hour sale ... 24? Share Our Profits to the Extent of 5 Per Cent, by Saving T. P- W. Trading Stamps FROM 3 TO 4 P. M. 10? LACES 6? Any of our line of vals., torchons, imitation cluny or German vals. selling regularly at 10?. One hour special 6? 12 1-2? YARNS 9 1-2? Best quality Germantown and Zephyr, full skein, fast dye, all colors. Hour sale price 9 1-2? . 15? WAISTING 11? 4 pieces white waisting in checks and stripes, fine quality. Great hour sale 11? $4.00 LADIES' PUMPS AND OXFORDS $3.35 Suede, tan, calf and velour calf or pat ent leather. All sizes. Hour sale $3.35 FROM 4 TO 5 P. M. $2.00 SILK HOSE $1.39 Our best quality silk hose, an extra quality all silk, with deep garter top, col ors are pink, blue, bronze, grey, Copen hagen, blue, champaigne, burgundy and green. One hour $1.39 25? FOULARD 14? A few pieces in short lengths, good pat terns, fine quality, all cotton, with silk finish. Great hour sale 14? 35? LINEN TOWELS 28? Big full sized linen buck towels, with hemstitched ends.' Great hour sale 28? 50? JAP SILK 34? Good heavy weight and lcst quality. Comes in all shades, 27-iu. wide. Great hour sale '34? FROM 5 TO G P. M. $1.25 lfl-BUTTOX SILK GLOVES 39? White silk gloves, all small sizes and soiled. One hour special 39? 25? WAISTING 15? In white only with self stripes and fig ures, etc. Great hour sale 15? $5.00 LADIES' PUMPS $3.95 Patent leather, tan or gun metal, genu ine lencli made. These are the season's latest styles. Hour sale price... ... $3.95 $1.50 HOUSE DRESSES 98? Made of Percale and Gingham, with high neck and short sleeves. Hour sale price 98? COttMN I The Peoples Warehouse Whtra It Pay to Trad Savm Your 7. P. W. Trading Stamp NO40O3 Langfoiu Bctita McVey. Sydney. N. S. W., April Sam Langford, the American heavyweight. yesterday defeated Sam McVey of California In a 20-round fight on points. Langford and McVey fought In the stadium before 16,000 spectators and after a hard contest In which honors were fairly even until the last few rounds, Langford succeeded in re versing his defeat at McVey'a hands on December 26 last. The betting was ten to nine on Mc Vey. The fight opened at a fast pace, In the second round Langford landed three heavy rights on the body in a clinch at which McVey protested and the police Interferred, barring kidney punches in the clinches. Langford had somewhat the better of the first few rounds and the betting veered to five to four in his favor. Both men put up a savage fight and the referee constantly was engaged in separating them. By clever sparring McVey managed to keep his stronger adversary off un til after the seventeenth round, when the furious pace began to tell on both. Langford' was In the better condition at the end, although not good enough to lard a knockout. The spectators cheered the referee's decision and obviously were delighted at what they considered a hard fought and fairly won battle. SPORTS ECZEMA QOCKLY CURED WITH "ZEMO" The makers of ZEMO the cele brated eczema and skin cure have placed on the market a trial treat ment nackare consisting of a gener ous bottle of ZEMO, a trial cake of ZEMO SOAP and a 82 PK booklet "How to preserve the Skin." This en tire package to be sold at 25o so that, everybody can test the true healing and cleansing properties of ZEMO. We have received a good supply of these trial-treatment packages and urge alt those troubled with ecsema, pimples. Itching skin, or any other skin or scalp disease, to come here and get the ZEMO trial-treatment We heartily endorse and recommend ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP to all per sons suffering from any form of skin or scalp trouble. It is a Clean, soom Inir. heallne- wash and a sweet anti septic soap that does not glaze over the trouble like salves, powders ami greasy lotions, but penetrates to the very root of this trouble. ZEMO stops the Itching at once and opens the pores and draws out tne poison ous accumulations to the surface of the skin, leaving it clean and healthy. Get a trial-treatment or ZEMO toaay you'll find it the best 25c invest ment you ever made. Pendleton Drug-Store. Walla AVallnns Have Cash. Walla Walla, Wash., April 9. Re port of the soliciting committee will be received, the matter of a new base ball park will be discussed, and dele gates to the league meeting to be held in Pendleton Wednesday morning will be instructed at the baseball meeting in the Commercial club rooms tonight The soliciting committee already has about $2500 in sight and several new park propositions that cannot fall, according to their statements. The delegates to the Pendleton meet lng on Wednesday will be: J. T. Crawford, Clarence Crews and August Bade- Yesterday' Rewults. At Kansas City Kansas City, 4 Pittsburg Nationals, 10. At New York New York Nation als, 7; Newark, 0. s At Louisville Louisville, 5; Cleve land Americans, 4. At Washington Americans, 0; Brooklyn Nationals, 7. At Cincinnati Cincinnati Nationals 10; Detroit Americans, 9. At Toledo Toledo, 4; New York Americans 6. band of Llna Cavallorl, announced that he was out of politics for good.' The announcement ame simultan eously with a similar message from his brother, a former Lieutenant Gov ernor L. S. Chanler. It was made at today's meeting of the democratic committee for Dutchess county. Lame shoulder Is nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment For sale by all dealers. In cases of rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. XEW RAILROAD PRODIGY. Wall Street l'rclct Great Career for Young Wabanli Director. New York. The election of Ber nard M. Baruch to the Wabash board Is believed by Wall street to mark the beginning of a new railroad carreer that will rival that of E. H. Harriman. He has been a remarkable success as an operator In the stock market and has so conducted his campaign as to keep the good will of all Interests. He Is young and rich and 'made his own fortune. Wben a medicine must be given to young children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is made from loaf sugar and the roots used in Its preparation give it a flavor similar to maple syrup, making It pleasant to take. It has no superior for colds, croup and whoop ing cough. For sale by all dealers. IIARfJOII ARD CLARK TOOLS OF INTERESTS rxDKKWoon also in same LIGHT IN I'ISKSE-NT RACE Tlirco Pntilntla Pohalbilitlc Are Iteiits l"l AkuIiisI (Wvcninr Wood row Wilxon, Vln U Tcaml by Wall Stnvt. Washington. V. C, April 9. (Spe cial.) That big buninewj Int'.-rtJils opposed to the nomination of Gov. Woodrow Wilson for president have combined to -une the candidacies of Speaker Clark, Governor Harmon and Chairman Underwood to defeat the New Jersey leader can no longer be doubted by any unprejudiced observ er, in the light of recent occurrences. As long as the combinations of the "allien" were made tifi in secret there iirara many democrats who refused to believe that such an alliance was made possible, but now that the move ments of the federated "allies" are be ing made in the open all doubts are tllKKlpated. The announcement of the 'transfer of the Clark and Harmon tmpport to the Underwood cause in Florida was made from the headquarters of the Missouri and Ohio aspirants, accord ing to the Associated Press reports. Secrecy la no longer maintained. The desperate straits of the anti- Wilson campaigners have caused them to abandon all caution and the division of territory among the antl Wilson candidates, the combination of forces and the general cooperation are exposed. The only inference that can be drawn from this condition of affairs is that the backers of the other candl dates recognize the fact that Gover nor Wilson is the only candidate Who has nation wide support; that it Is impossible to defeat him in a nation al struggle; and that the only hope of preventing his nomination lies in a comblnatin of several weak candi dates, no one of whom appeals to a national following, but each of whom depends altogether on a sectional sup port Underwood in the south, Clark in the west and Harmon in the east. In referring to the combination of the democratic candidates opposed to Governor Woodrow Wilson, the At lanta Journal, one of the mort Influ ential democratic journals in the country, thus comments upon the "allies:" "In their effort to fool the people and thus prevent the nomination of Woodrow Wilson, the special Interests are employing one of the oldest tricks known to political craft. "They have divided the country In to three parts, Into each of which they have Introduced local candidates Clark In the west, Harmon In the east and Underwood in the south. By this device they hope to divert or split the strength of the one truly na tional and truly popular leader. They know that not any one of their special candidates could command a follow lng the country over. They lecognlze the folly of opposing Woodrow Wilson in the national field. And so they are endeavoring to catch scattered delegations here ant there, trusting that thus they may deprive him of the necessary two-thirds vote In the convention. "This scheme has been called by various names. The Wall Street Jour nal delicately describes It as an 'un derstanding. Others have referred to it, with unconscious humor, as 'a courteous agreement.' In some quar ters it is known as 'the presidential trust.' And again, it has been termed 'the Clark-Harmon-Underwood al liance.' "Getting down to plain speech, how ever, we can find no truer name for this trick to deceive the voters of the party with empty campaigns and meaningless candidates than to call it a three-shell political game. Just such as fakers at county fairs have pluycd so often to wheedle money out of un suspecting onlookers. "However unawares the three can didates themselves may be of the de sign for which they are being used, the fact remains that each of them is reaiiy serving but one purpose, and that Is not his own nomination, but the defeat of Woodrow Wilson. "In Georgia, as elsewhere, the spe cial Interests have opened their three shell game and are ballyhoolng for the people to bite. "A vote for Mr. Underwood, admir able man though he Is so far as his own personality Is concerned, would amount simply to a wild bet on a mat ter of pure chance. , "If the democrats of this state want their votes to count. If thev want tn choone a candidate who really has a t nance or being nominated and of be ing elected, it behooves them to hold aloof from a game in which they are bound to lose and which, at best, of fers them merely a guess and a haz ard. "Surely, the people of this slate are not going to bite at a trick as old al most as trickery Itself. They will not sacrifice their Influence in the na tional convention to a candidate who has nothing to hope for himself and who offers no promise of success to the electorate. "Woodrow Wilson Is the onlv real cundidnte In the field, the only one who presents a certaintv of the nom ination and or leading the party victory.". LIX.VS BOB DROPS POLITICS, New York. Robert W. Chanler, better known as "Bob," former hus- Smoke All You Want But cut out the rich, black Havana cigars. You will get all the pleasure and none of the pangs from a light, harmless blend of Havana and domestic leaf like the mellow Gen! Arthur mm Cigar 10c and 3 for 25c M. A. Gunst C& Co, Inc. to "Our baby cries for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. B. Kendrick, Rasca, Ga. "It Is the best cough remedy on the market for coughs, colds and croup." For sale by all dealers. "I will agree to let you have my daughter on one condition." "What Is It?" "That you deposit to my credit an amount sufficient to pay her expens es when she gets ready to go to Reno. Vnr mnnA Mdir nnitl. trn tn tha Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Tard. Lumber and Building MafatviAl A Large and Complete Stock Al 1 lulvFlal ways on Hand and PRICED RIGHT The Best Mill Work to be ; Obtained in the Northwest Let Us Figur With You on Your Next Order Pondloton Planing Mil! and Lum ber Varrl J B0R,E LUMBER C0" Proprietors UUI IdlU PHONE MAIN 7 - Absolutely Pure Bottled inBotitf 6 YEARS OLO i SmootS. Mellow Rkh Siace 1780 75 " RTjraMf HERMAN PETERS lf2 PENDLETON - . OREGON