PAGE TWO. DAILY BAST QREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1912. TEN PAGES New Linen Dresses In all this season's latest models. Plain nat ural linen, with contrast ins colors for trimmings. Embroidered effects in solid colors, tan, white, light blue and pink. Full range of sizes. Price $6.50 to $22.50 An Unsurpassed Showing of New Embroideries and Laces Handsome dress patterns of embroidered Ratine. Exclusive designs in voile with the heavy Ratine bands and handsome embroidered linen, all 45 inchcs wide and only one of a kind. Heavy lace bands in Maerame, Ratine, Yenise. Baby Irish, Clnny and some very handsome imi tations of Irish crochet. It will be a pleasure for yon to see them and a pleasure for us to show them. DAINTY rRIXCESS SLIPS to wear with the lingerie dresses. Made in fine Nainsook lUiratelv trimmed with val. lace and Swiss embroidered medallions. Prices $1.25 to $6 MUSLIN GOWNS made in slips and op.'n front models of finest Nainsook, trimmed with daintv lace and embroiderv. Prices 65 to $8.00 el New Arrivals in the ART DEPARTMENT Hand crochet buckles and pin sets. The new est idea in Irish Crochet so popular now. D. M. C. CROCHET THREAD for bags, laces and all kinds of crochet work. Comes in white and colors. THE NEWEST IDEAS IN PILLOW TOPS, table runners, bags, piano scarfs, fringes, pillow cords, in fact even-thing new and up-to-date, COMBINATIONS IN TWO AND THREE PIECE styles in a large assortment, made in fine materials lieautifully trimmed with lace and em broidery. Prices 9S to $9.00 5p COUPON 1 J Share Oar Profits to the extent of 5 per cent by saving T. P. W. trading stamps. No shrewd, careful housewife can possibly afford to overlook these stamps. They'll buy more for you than any other premium stamp in existence. ' The prizes they'll secure for you are all worthy merchandise, NOT JUNK articles that are worthy of a prominent place in any home, no matter how fine it may bo. Fine cut glass, brassware, Rogers silverware, rugs, chairs, liaviland and fancy china, pictures and hundreds of other beautiful and useful things that will cost you absolutely nothing if you'll only trade here and save your T. 1 W. trading stamps. Try it you'll lie more than pleased. Pendleton9 s Cleanest and Best Grocery In Our Model Sanitary Basement Rhone Main 17. All Other Departments Main 22. When You Wish the Best Quality Ask for Diamond W. Brand. Diamond W. Brand Italian Prunes, per package .- 35 Diamond W. Brand Fancy Southern' Head Rice, 2 packages - 25 Diamond V. Brand Peas, cans 25, 30 Diamond W. Brand Noodles, 2 pkga. 25 Diamond W. Brand Double Quick Tapioca. 2 packages 25 Diamond W. Brand Self Rising Buckwheat Flour, package 20 Diamond W. Brand Coarse and Flaked Hominy, 2 packages 25 Diamond W. Brand Lentels and Split Peas, 2 packages 25 Diamond W. Brand Stringless Beans, per can 20 and 25 Diamond W. Brand Corn, 3 cans 50 Diamond W. Brand Tomatoes, 3 cans 50 Diamond W. Brand Strawberry and Black- lerry Preserves, jars '. 35 Diamond W. Brand Pure Maple Sap quart 60; 1-2 gal. $1.00; 1 pal $1.00 Diamond W. Brand Yermicclli, Spaghetti and Maccaroni, 2 packages 25 The Pcoplos Uorchouso Where It Pays to Trade Save YourT. P. W. Trading Stamps AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieuin. A very grood" program for Sunday's change. H Four full reels of the best pictures. 1. "A Spanish Dilemma." Blo- graph. Two brothers are In love with the same girl and she can not make up her mind which one she loves the best. After they hit upon good plan the lady becomes en gaged to another. 2. "The Engagement Ring." Bio- graph. Harry Is successful in win ning Alice, despite of Redmond's ef forts to dethrone him In her esteem. Redmond swears vengeance and de clares he will win the . young lady. 3. "A Crucicial Test." Selig. A dramatic and romantic story of the rough Klondyke. days. Bill Wilder and Jim Firster are partners. Thej become separated and after many ex citing adventures are again united. ' 4. "The Baby." Edison. An Eng lish gentleman volunteers his services to a woman with a baby in apparent trouble. 6. "When Duty Calls." Pathe. Dr. Rush has received a large Bum of money to build a hospital and de posits it in his desk drawer. A burg lar watohes where he puts it and when the doctor Is about to leave to attend a sick person he meets the burglar in his own house and Is badly beaten. He however, goes to attend the sick child. Musical program Hungarian mel odles. 1. Barvsarkez az yazak, etc. 2. Kegase kollak roszam, etc. 3. Naem a tkozlak nem Szekasom, etc. 4. Olyan ember to rok birs, etc. 5. Raeg elhuztak az estell haran got, etc. The Pastime. The home of good pictures. Tues day's change of program: ' The Great Diamond Robbery." VI tagraph. A soubret'e loses her clog and diamond ring, the woman is led to believe the dog has swallowed the ring. Kraus, the sausage maker runs a dog pound In connection with his factory and is suspected in using them In his business. ' Two "Sher lock Holmes" buy up all of Kraus' sausage and thereby hangs a tale and a mystery, which is cleared up and explained in this funny picture, Don't lose your chance to laugh. "The Bandit's Child." Essanay. Western feature interpreted by G. M. Anderson and a picked cast. Redol ent with heart appeal, and photo graphed amid the beautiful scenery of California, it is at once a picture to hold an audiences' undivided atten tion to the very last foot. The plot Is gripping, and the acting of the usu al high standard. Mr. Anderson gives gripping characterization to the por trayal of the bandit, and Miss Verah Bertram is prettily cast as the young wife from the east. "The Preacher and the Gossips." Lubin. Author Johnson plays the young unmarried minister and Miss Helen Marten the pretty milliner with whom he is in love. "Personally Conducted." Edixton A trip to Bermuda. We are prepared to take a tour to this garden of Eden for newlyweds, accompanied by bride and groom, a deaf man and hi daughter, two young men of the city and a fair single lady. Musical program: No. 1 The Jolly Coppersmith March. . No. 2 Forsaken. Pharaphrase No. 3 King Karl. March. No. 4 Gruese an die. Helmah Fantasie. JIEIt hXiVliTU HUSBAND AT It. Iwmplon Ita-ldo Weds KWnier Mate at Furt Worth, Texas. Fort Worth, Texas. Three times married and divorced, Mrs. A. M. Lew is, aged 16 years and 7 months, has taken out a leap year license and mar ried for the fourth time. Husband No. 4. was husband No. 2. When Mrs. Lewis went with her mother for the license she stumbled over several of her previous names, but finally hit on the right one. Then she said to the clerk: "What in the world are y-ou laughing at? I don't see anything funny." . The girl was first married Just be fore she had reached 14 to George Anderson. She was then Minnie Doo ley. She lived happily for three months and then there was a divorce. In the summer of the same year she married D. H. Glass. She secur ed another divorce. Then A. M. Lew is, a railroad clerk, heard her musi cal voice over a telephone. He look ed her up and after a week's court ship they were married. Then came th third divorce. Just two days af terward Glass came back Into the per spective with the result above mentioned. William Slusher returned to his sheep ranch at Nolln this morning. Cosy. "The Witch's Necklace." Solax Taken In the famous "Garden of the Gods," Colorado, and shows the bat anced rock, canyons and mountains. A girl had met the witch and longe to possess a necklace the witch wore, The finish is very exciting and high ly sensational. "As Fate Would Have It." Pow ers. The doctor having lout th girl he loves, decides years later that life is a failure unj determines to take poison. Just then his old swee heart's husband comes in very ill an demanded poison. By a clever ruse the doctor proved himself a man and saved his old rival. "His Great Uncle's Spirit." Than houser. The magician revenged him self on the miserly theater manager by getting strange messages from the miser's great uncle ordering him to reform. Filled with terror the man promised to do bette and the magi cian had his revenge. "Pathe Weekly." The world's events In pictures. Fine views of a hydroplane and other Interesting things. Excursion Fares To the East via Northern Pacific Railway The Scenic Highway and the Only Line to Gardiner Gateway, official Yellowstone Park entrance. A few samples similar reductions to many other points in the Eastern United States und Canada, as well as the Mlddlo West. St. Paul .'...$60.00 Denver, Colorado Minneapolis 60.00 Duluth 60.00 Superior 60.00 Winnipeg 60.00 Chicago ' "2.50 St. Louis 70.00 Omaha 60.00 Kansas City and St. Joseph 60.00 Des Moines 65.70 Sioux City 60.00 Davenport 70.00 Springs, Pueblo $55.00 New York 108.5 Philadelphia 108.50 Baltimore Boston . Montreal, Buffalo . Pittsburg . Washington Detroit . . Dallas . . . 107.50 110.00 Que 106.00 91.60- . 91.60 .107.60 . 82.60 . 75.00 Tickets will be on sale April 2fi, 26 and 27, to St. Paul and iMinneapolis only. To all points except Dallas, Texas, numerous dates, May 2 to Sept. 30 Limit 1J days on going trip. October 31, 19t2, for return. North Coast Limited ( Via C. X. W. Ity. ) Atlantic Express ( c. B. 5. ny. ) Daily through to'Chlcago via Minneapolis and St. Paul. Immediate connections to Duluth, Superior and Winnipeg. The North Coast Limited runs via "Milwaukee, with Compartment and Drawing" Room Sleeping Cars. Mississippi Valley Limited Dally through to Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Joseph and Denver via Billings and the Burlington Route. Direct connection to Omaha. Standard Drawing; Room and Tourist Sleeping -Cars. Dining cars with service that is famous. For reservations and tickets call on, W. ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oreg. A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. General Pass'r. Agt. Portland Bill Walker will wind his way on an aeroplane to leap from the frying pan of a shipwhecked ship In dis tress to the fire of matrimonial trou bles. It Is here that the statue of the Naked Truth is produced to cause Sandy Mcintosh trouble In the second act. This is without doubt one of the most laughable situations ever penned and with Miss Wise as Stella and Mr. Carrol as Johnnie Mcintosh each pretending to love the other while Johnnie seeks Stella's money and she his tltio and the second act prdTnlsc to !c a scream. Frcm the chorus boys and girls or rather young men and women, to the lead'ng roles all the machinery of the play Is working smoothlly. Tha chor us work Is great and the soloists are handling their parts in a way that is a burprlse to the director. At tlio Grand. Opening tonight. Vaudeville: The Trlllers, a Htudy in rags. This is one of the newest European novelty acts on the coast and no expense has been spared to get these perform ers to this town. Photoplays: 1 The Mate of the Alden Bessie. A Selig production; Caught With the Goods." Another Blograph comedy: 3 Through the Enemy's Lines, a Oaumont feature film.. Coming Thursday: Selbert and Lorenz. The original man who wrote Casey Jones. AT THE OREGON THEATRE "Tlie Isle of Mystery." Everything is In readiness for the big Moose Show tonight. A dress' re hearsal was beld yesterday and every thing now points to a big crowd to night. The Isle of Mystery win prove a most enchanting spectacle from the audience's view with the beach In the distance there will be shown the roy al palace of King Albazoo surround ed by all the glorious riot of tropical verdure. Such effects "have been ob tained only by unlimited expenditure and faithful and strenuous efforts. down through the trees and vines OREGON THEATRE THREE NIGHTS APRIL 15, 10, 17 Boverly B. Dobbs T0UR0GRAPH0L0G OF ALASKA The Great Wonderland in Motion Pictures PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c KKTIQE THEATRE CASS MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest Pictures and illustrated .songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and enter taining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three timea each week. Be sure and see the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. The Cheapest Place in Pendleton to Buy 75 Different Patterns to Choose From All displayed on nif up-to-date rug rack making it easy for you to insH'ct every pattern we carry. OUR RKGULAR VRICES OFFER YOU SAVINGS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS. !)xl2 Ingrain rugs, others charge $6.00, our price $4.98 0x12 Wool-filled rugs, others charge $8.00, our price $5.90 0x12 All-wool rugs, others charge $12.00, our price $8.90 0x12 Tro-IJnisflels rugs, others charge $12.50, our pr. $9.90 0x12 One-piece- Brussels nigs, others charge $10.50, our price ... - .-. .-.. ....... . $12.50 0x12 Velvet rugs, others charge $22.50, our price....- $16.50 0x12 Smith's Axministcr rugs, others charge $27.50, our price $19.50 Reniemher these are first grade rugs and the prices we charge are not "special," but REGULAR, every day of the year. Golden Rule Store We Lead, Others Follow