PAGE THREE 3 'Mr SPECIAL! Hi 75c Silk rHose . 49C Special Table Linen 39c Very Special all5$l ,57 Fawnes Gloves . $1 .39 $1.50 Silk Hose . 98C olexadder THE OFFICE A. SCHNE1TER. Prop. PENDLETON, ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE Phone Main 299 711 Main Street ' 7- After a. forty-day fust, local society Is again preparing for the feast. Rest ed by a long period of abtttinence. those who love the gayties of life are preparing to rush again into the so cial whirl with renewed vigor. The Lenten rules have not been universal ly observed here, but nevertheless there have been but few functions of any pretension during the season and with the passage of Easter, there will be resumption of the succession of dances, card parties, afternoons and other like affairs until the approach of the hot months sends society lead ers scurrying to the mountains, coast and other summer resorts. . In the presence of only Immediate friends and relatives, Miss Adna Ha ley, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. James II. Haley, was given in marriage on Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock to Mr. Arthur Colburn Harlow of W'oodburn, the ceremony being per formed by Kev. W. L. Van Nuys of THIS WOMAN'S TROUBLES GONE Terrible Cramps, Dizzy Spells Nervousness, Misery Her Story of How She Got Well Again. MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real estate for sale and houses to rent. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. , 117 E. Court Street Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. Hindsboro, III. "Your remedies have relieved me of all my troubles. I would have such bearing down misery and cramps and such weak, nervous, dizzy speiis mat x wouia have to go to bed. Some days I could hardly stay up long enough to get a meal. "The doctor's medicine did me no good bo I changed to Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and got good results from the first bottle. I kept on taking it and used the Sanative Wash with it, until I was well again. I think every woman who suffers as I have, could take no better medicine." Mrs. Charles Mattison, Box 58, Hindsboro, 111. Testimony of Trained Nurse. Cathlamet,Wash. "I am a nurse and when I do much lift ing I have a female weakness, but I take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and I cannot say enough in praise of it I always rec ommend it for fe male troubles. " Mrs. Elva Barber Edwards, Box 54, Cathlamet, Wash. The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have thousands of such lotters as those above they tell the truth, else they could not have been ob tained for love or money. This medicine is no stranger it has stood the test for years. Mt. Hood, Oregon, former pastor of the Presbyterian church. Though marked by an absence of pretension, the wedding was one of tho most beautiful of the season here In the city. The library of the handsome Haley home on College street was banked In evergreens and Easter Ill lies and the ceremony was thus cele brated In a veritable bower. The background of the living room was likewise done In green, but the coior itrii was given by a profusion of pinK carnations. In the dining room where Mrs. Aura Ha'ey and Mrs. C. y-. r ..lining presided at the table "a host of golden dafro-.i,S" shed their loveliness over the nuptial scene. Preceding the lying of the hy meneal knot, Mr. Jack Harlow, a brother of the bridegroom, sung, "() Promise Me," after which the bride entered the room on thf, arm of her father to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march played by Mrs. W. C K. Pruitt. .Standing beside the bride groom during the Impressive cere mony was his brother, while Miss Ha ley was attended by her sisters, Misses Kdlth and Claire Haley, and was giv en away by her father. The bride wore a beautiful creation of white atin with shadow lace and carried an armful of American Beau ty roses. Her sisters were attired in lavender and caried baskets of violets and maiden hair fern. The young couple left on the early morning train Thursday for Portland where a reception was held for them that evening, after which they left for W'oodburn, where the bridegroom is in business and where they will be at home aft?r May first. Mrs. Hatiowe is a member of one of Pendleton's most prominent families and has liv ed in Pendleton practically her entire life. She has a multitude of friends here whose well wishes go with her to her new home. open and an Informal dance was hold with quadrilles, circle two-steps and tag numbers Interspersed among the waltzes and two-steps. The Tuesday Afternoon Bridge club met this week with Mrs. Thom as Vaughan as hostess and an enjoy able two hours at play was had The trophy was captured by Mrs. Sam H. Thompson. Guests beside club members were Mrs. Arle C. Hamilton and M;-s. Merle H. Chessman. - Mfs t'na Smith 'was hostess to the Young Ladies' Hridge club Thursday afternoon at her home on Chestnut street, her guests In addition to club members being Mrs. Sam H. Thump- j son, Mrs. A. C. Hampton. Mrs. Thorn-; as Vaughan and Miss Edna Cat' s, j The prize for high score was won by j Mrs. Thompson. j The Terpischorean Club announces j the third of its series of dancing par- ties for next Wednesday evening in the Kagle-Woodman hall and society! which has been under restraint during the Lenten season will welcome the announcement with much pleasure. fin Thursday evening the members of the local lodge of Elks were enter tained at a smoker following the an nual installation ceremonies, the re tiring house committee being host for the occasion. A general good time was enjoyed by a large number of the members and guests. Mrs. Thomas Warner of Port'and was the complimented guest fit a bridge luncheon given Thursday In Sa lem by her hostess, Mrs. Halph Wat son. Yellow was the color motif. Flowers of that shade centered the table and tiny yellow chicks marked places for ten. Portland Journal. Ernest E. Corby, formerly a Pen dleton boy., is this year completing his four year dental course at North western I'niversity, Chicago. He Is a member of the XI PsI Phi dental fraternity. The hlguest point, of woman's hap piness is reached only through moth erhood, in the clasping of her child within her arms. Yet the mother-to-be is often fearful of nature's ordeal and shrinks from the suffering inci dent to its consummation. But for nature's ills and discomforts nature provides remedies, and )n Mother's Friend is to be found a medicine of great value to every expectant mother. It is an emulsion for external application, composed of ingredient which act with beneficial and sooth ing effect on those portions of the system involved. It is intended to prepare the system for the crisis, and thus relieve, in great part, the suffer ing through which the mother usually passes. The regular use of Mother's Friend will repay any mother In the comfort it affords before, and the help ful restoration to health and strength, it brings about after baby comes. Mother'B Friend is for sale . at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant moth ers which contains much valuable information, and many suggestions of a helpful nature. ESADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ca. NOTICE OF BIDS. The meeting of the Current Litera ture club, which was to have been held at the home of Mrs. Melvin Ber keley, Friday, April 12, has been postponed and another date will be set find announced later. What those present characterized as a "musical mulligan" was given by the members of the famous Pendleton Hound-Up Cowboy band last night in their new quarters adjoining the ar mory and formed one of the most unique as well as the most enjoyable of recent social functions. The af fair as planned was to have been of the "stag" variety ' but the wives of the members disarranged the original plans and substituted something bet ter when they walked In upon the men without noticeably diminishing the o'clock, laden with choice culinary delicacies. The band boys had al ready prepared a "mulligan" sfew with many accessories, which, with the supplement brought by the ladies, made a spread of sumptuous propor tions. Musicians and their wives as well as the few Invited guests sat at the heavily burdened table in relays without noticeably ddminishing the supply of eatables. Preceding and following the spread, the band prac ticed a number of their new selec tions and this music was far from be ing the least enjoyable part of the evening. Incidentally, the personnel of the band at present is the best since its organization, and with quar ers fitted up where regular practices can be held, the already noted musical assembly bids fair to eclipse its past record in the near future. Later in the evening the armory was thrown The tenth anniversary edition of the Oregon Journal printed Wednesday contained a full page reproduction of Miss Oenevieve Hailey's prize win ning design for the Elks' convention Mrs. Mary Meach has returned to her home in Vancouver, Wash., af ter spending the winter with her daughter, Mr9. Dudley Evans. ' Mrs. J. B. Perry and daughter. Miss Jennie Perry, returned Wednesday from Portland where they had been to hear Madame Tetrazzini sing. M. and Mrs. John Vert are home after two months spent in travel through California and Old Mexico They report a very enjoyable tour. Invitations are out for a combina tion dancing and card party to be given next Tuesday evening by the ladies of the Eastern Star. Miss Edna Gates returned to Pen dleton during the week after spend ing six months at Portland and on the coast. FECIAL GAS OFFER Do you use gas? If not we will, during the months of, April and May, pipe gas clear to your gas meter (no matter where it may he) Absolutely Free of Charge to You Besides this we will sell you a heater, stove or range, with all the extras needed, at cost prices. Gel Busy How Before the Rush and Prepare for the Hoi Days. PACIFIC POWER m LIGHT COMPANY PHONE MAIN 40. "ALWAYS AT YOUR. SERVICE" Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Thompson and Mrs. F. E. Judd spent Tuesday in Walla Walla, making the trip to and from in the Thompson car. Miss Paralee Hailey returned Wed nesday from Portland where she was visiting relatives. " Miss Edith' Mair of Portland is vis iting her cousin, Mrs Ben L. Bur roughs. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moorhouse re turned during the week from a two months' sojourn in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cohen returned during the week from a visit in San Francisco. Mrs. Fred Earle is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Fred Hendley, In Echo. Mrs. Charles P. Bishop leaves to day for Salem whore she will spend several months. For Water System and Pipe I.I110 for Itound-fp Park. Notice is hereby given that the common council of The City of Pen dleton will receive bids at the office of the City recorder up to April 17, 12, at 7:30 o'clock p. m, for tho construction of a water system and pipe line in connection with Round-Up Park, according to plans and specifi cations for said water system pre pared by Geary Kimbrell, City Sur veyor, and now on file in the office of City Recorder, said bids to be op ened by the common council at Its regular meeting to be held on April 17th, 1912, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., said bids to specify as follows: For all pipe delivered per foot For laying pipe, including excavating, back filling trench and all labor and material necessary, per foot For manholes, each For catch basins, each For entire pipe line com plete (total bid) Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check In the sum of 5 per cent of amount bid made payable to the order of the mayor of The City of Pendleton, and the Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated April 5, 1912. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. .. In cases of rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. GRAY HAIR MAKES YOU LOOK OLD Mrs. Henry W. Collins is visiting in Hermiston with her sister, Mrs. Elmer P. Dodd. Mr. a.nd Mrs. L. G. Terry of La Grande, former Pendletonians, are visiting here.- Mrs Edwin J. Burke will return next week from a winter in Portland. -r Roy Bishop left during tho week for a trip through California. Gray hair Is a mark of age, and v nothing that can be said as to its beauty will offset the disadvantages of this mark of age set upon your brow. Wyeth'8 Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy darkens the hair and restores it to its youthful beauty. Our grand mothers and their grandmothers be fore them used sage and sulphur for darkening their hair. Nothing has ever been found more effective for this purpose than these two time honored remedies, but Wyeth, a mod ern chemist, has combined the two with other Ingredients, which makes a delightful dressing for the hair, and which not only removes every trace of dandruff but promotes the growth of the hair. . It also stops the hair from falling out, and makes it beauti ful. AH druggists are authorized to re fund the money if it fails to do exact ly as represented. Don't neglect your hair and don't resort to old-time hair dyes. Get a bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur from your druggist today, and notice the difference In your hair after, .1 few days' use. This preparation is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle, and i3 recommended and sold by all drug recomended and sold by special agent, Pendleton Drug Co. msm Sea .31 hi 1 111 Pi To continue afternoons and evenings for 10 days Join with the crowds. Sale commences each afternoon 2:30 and evenings at 7:30. My entire stock to be sold to the highest bidder without reserve and without limit Pendleton's Lead ing Jeweler WILLIAM E HANS COM