East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 04, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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just in today by ex
press for
m tO
The Ladies' and Children's Store
Bicycles! 727 Johnson street.
Burroughs. Main S. Fuel.
Main 178 for coal and wood.
1. C. Snyder will spray your trees.
Spray dope tor sale by gallon.
Phone Koplttke & Qlllanders, for
dry wood M Rock Spring coal.
Wanted A dmall furnished house.
Inquire C. C. Hill, phone Main 4.
Women wanted work on ranch.
Phone Black 2042.
For good cedar posts, go to the
Pesdleton Planing Mill and Lumber
lard. I
Lane stock of telephone poles at
the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lum
ber Tard.
AH kinds of good dry wood, also
cleaa nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Koplttke Qlllanders.
-Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
.Bam, 120 Aura street. Phone Main 11.
For transfer work, hauling bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos, and all kinds of Job work,
phone Main 461. B. A. Morton.
For Rent to a lady, a large, well
furnished room, with sewing machine,
very close in. Cheap. Inquire 711
A comnlets line of Flak sailors and
tailored hats now showing. Don't
forget to visit our children's depart
ment Vogue Millinery.
Bars yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered prompuy,
Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main t.
For sale Big white eggs, full
blood S. C. Black Minorca, the kind
that lay big eggs and lots of them. $1
ner IB. J. O. Mlher. 704 E. Court
Far rent Suite ot unfurnished
housekeeping rooms in East Oregon
lan Building. Steam heated, also gas
range, In rooms. Apply at this office.
Dray Service to Asylum.
Our dray will mako regular trips on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2
o'clock. Penland Bros. Transrer t;o.
Mala 339.
To to Date Noodle Parlors.
Tke Con Dung Low strictly first-
class Chop Suey and Noodle Parlors
are now open In Pendleton. We so
licit your patronage. Under State
Hotel, corner Webb and Cottonwood
streets. Phone Main 567. Tray or
ders a specialty. Un Company, props.
We have on hand several cigar
show cases and counter show cases
that we will sell very reasonable If
taken at once. Pendleton Plan4ng
Mill and Lumber Yard.
A..tW Workman Gets Manicured
nfnrn Coiner to Ills Day's Work
St. Paul, Minn. Fastidious tastes,
of Nils Hockstad, a bricklayer, led to
his arrest In Chicago on a charge of
deserting his wife In Minneapolis.
When Mrs. Hockstad filed the
charges the humano society wired
Chicago to look for a bricklayer who
was "fastidious in his tastes."
TO CLIP 65,000
Wool Scouring Company Stockholders
Hold Annual Meeting and He-elect
Officers Lady Injured in Run
away Accident.
Special This
Ws save you money; our stock
Is csmplete and your prescrip
tions dispensed as the Dr. pre
ssrlbes, by old reliable drug
gist at a very low price.
Just received a fresh stock of
the popular red band candy at
26e per pound. ,
. F. J. Donaldson
Reliable Druggist.
We give Peoples Warehouse
TradlBg Stamps.
(Special Correspondence.)
Echo, Ore., April 4. Sixty thousand
head of sheep will be sheared here
within the next three weeks. The
shearing plant consisting of twenty
five machines which will be oper
ated by as many men at the regular
shearing station seven miles south of
town, will begin operations today un
der the management of Jake Waten-
burger. Thirty or forty men left this
place, venter day by team to partici
pate in the work. The average clip
per man per day is 100 Bheep.
The directors of the wool scour
Ing company met here yesterday and
held their annual meeting. The for
mer board of directors and officers
were re-eected. The conditions of the
business were reported favorably. The
scouring mill will soon begin opera
On Tuesday evening the following
shipments of beef cattle were made:
Two cars by Harry Dowd to Blue
Stem, Wash.; two cars by Rugg Bros.
and two cars by E. C. Fish to Port
land, Ore.
Mrs. Fred Earl of Pendleton is vl
Iting with her mother, Mrs. F. W.
Hendley of this pace.
R. N. Stanfield; president of the
Wool Scouring company, was a visitor
here yesterday.
The local Ben Selling club held its
first regular meeting at the I. O. O
F. hall on Tuesday evening.
Henrietta Rebekah Lodge N'o. 36,
held Its regular meeting last night
and elected Mrs. Ella Ripper and
Mrs. Anna Reeves as delegates to the
Rebekah Assembly which will con
vene in Pendleton on May 21st. Mrs
Loujs Scholl, Jr , was chosen as dis
trict deputy president for the ensu
ing year.
Mrs. A. C. Hammer ot American
Falls, Idaho, who has been visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Ham
mer, left on Tuesday for her home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Williams and
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Staats have re
turned from Garfield and Colfax.
Newt Burgess of Pilot Rock was i
business visitor here yesterday.
John Kilkeney of Heppner and
William Slushcr of Nolln were among
the directors of the wool scouring
company who met here yesterday,
Miss Grace Hatton of Pendleton is
visiting here this week with Miss
Bessie Andrews.
Rev. S. L. Clark who Is pastor in
charge of the Presbyterian church at
Clover Dale, Tilamook "county, ar
rived here yesterday on a visit with
his family, who he expects to take to
his new field of work.
Mrs. Lee Wlgle spent yesterday In
Pendleton .and -returned home In the
evening on the motor.
Wm. Gulllford came down yester
day from Pendleton to look after his
Miss Celia Moore nnd Mrs. Mable
Harris hnd an accident yesterday
when their team became frightened
at a passing automobile just as they
had crossed tbe bridge leaving town.
The team overturned the hack, throw
ing both ladles out and then ran a
short distance before being stopped.
Miss Moore received a few bruises
but no other damake - was done.
Miss Lois Smith went to Hermiston
this morning to make final proof on
her homestead west of Echo. Mrs
T. O. Smith and I. H. Gobbell accom
panied tier as witnesses.
Ray Rodgers of The Dalles is a
guest of the St. George.
J. B. Kennedy returned last night
from a short stay in Portland.
D. A. McLean of Walla Walla, was
a visitor In Pendleton last evening.
A. V. Smith of Baker arrived in
Pendleton and remained over night.
Nat Webb was among the Walla
Walla people in Pendleton yesterday.
J. H. Hicker of Uklah was among
the visitors in the city yesterday.
F. C. Strope of Hermiston was up
from his .home on the project yester
day. Dan P. Sm'ythe, well known attor
ney. Is transacting business In Portland.
Senator J. N. Burgess is looking
after business interests in Pilot Rock
R. I. Terxa, well known Umatilla
man, is a business visitor in Pendle
ton today.
Sales Manager McClain of the
Franklin Auto company is in Pendle
ton today. .
W. L. Thompson, president of the
American National bank, left yester
day on a business trip to Medford.
H. E. Allen, Portland contractor
who Is putting up the George build
ing In Stanfleld, Is in the city today.
Tommy Robertson, well known
grain man, went to the west end of
the county this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Roberts of On
tario came In from their home this
morning and are registered at the
Miss-Amy Matthews of Baker Is vis-
Itine with her sister, Mrs. Clarence
Penland, while en route to Portland
for a visit.
Mrs. Henry Collins left on the lo
cal tills morning for Hermiston where
fhe will visit her sister, Mrs. Elmer
P. Dodd.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moorhouse
have returned home from an extend
ed visit in Los Angeles and other
California points.
Mrs. Ernest Tatom returned to her
home in Portland on the local today
after visiting two weeks with her
mother, Mrs. Frank Downey.
Rev. E. W. Warrington, secretary
of the Pilot Rock Commercial club.
returned to his home this morning
after spending the night here.
George Q. Pell, deputy state com
mander for eastern Oregon of the
Knights of the Maccabees left this
morning on the local for the west end
of the county.
Verne Boynton, who has been in
the employ of the Tallman Drug Co.
for some time past, has resigned his
position and will accept a position as
timekeeper with the O.-W. R. & N.
An extra good program of Tues
day's change. Four full reels of the
best pictures.
1. Her Last Shot." Vitagraph. A
convincing, truthful and dramatic
protrayal of pioneer life in northern
Minnesota, featuring Maurice Costel
lo as the trapper.
2. "His Daughter." Edison. A
father who leaves home on the ac
count of his nagging wife, secures a
position as head waiter in a restau
rant. His daughter follows suit a few
years later and Is taken there to dine
by a theatrical star. She is recogniz
ed by her father In time to prevent
a false marriage and a happy family
reunion follows:
3. "The Coquette." Sellg. Hugh
and Ida, a pretty crippler girl, are
In love. Mabel, called "The Coquette,"
is rescued from a shipwreck by Ida's
brother. She is taken Into Ida's
home and Bob falls In love with her.
She favors Hugh and he soon forgets
about Ida. This rouses a certain
Jealousy in Bob and also a strong re
sentment against Hugh's treatment of
his sister. A fight follows between
the angered men. Mabel Is turned
out of the Darrow home and goes to
live with the parson.
4. "Farming In Tunis." Pathe.
This film shows the antiquated meth
ods of the Turniscian farmers.
5. "How Plants Are Born, Live and
Die " . Pathe. This film shows the
germination of the eed In the soil,
how the roots sprout, how the stalk
forms and the leaves and buds ap
pear. 6. "Mr. Bughouse la Cured." Pa
the. How Mr. Bughouse Is saved
from going crazy. How the doctor
bored . little hole in his head and ex
tracted a wierd rfoise that had been
keeping Mr. Bughouse awake at
Musical program---
1 II'Trovatore Waltz Verdi.
2 Toreador's Song, from Geo.
3 Faust Waltz. Gounod.
4 Stephanie Gavotte. Czibulka.
5 Soldier's Chorus from Faust.
Two Great Specials
45-inch Embroidery Flouncing
Worth up to $1.50, on sale Friday
only, Your Choice for
55 c
(this season's) in Navy Blue, Cream
Serge and Mixtures, size (CP
16 to 40, on sale Friday P &
Wohlenberg Oop'f. Store
Accused Murderer Asks Aid of White
Woman From "Down Home."
New York. Judge Swan assigned
as counsel to ueroy oinaexter, a
negro, charged witn murder in we
first degree, Miss Lucille Pugh, a
young white woman lawyer. Miss
Pugh, saying she was willing to
waive the state fee of $500, told the
court that Polndexter comes from the
same part of North Carolina that she
does and that he appealed to her for
aid. Polndexter Is under indictment
fqr shooting Thomas Brown, a white
man during a fight.
This is a tame affair with us Ea
Every member will have to answer
to his name, unless sick In bed.
A ten-minute contest ,very good.
Railcy vs. Fec
Phelps and Van Vactor.
Jig Dance.
Major Moorhouse and William
Roesch. -
Debate on Good Roads.
Frank Sallng vs. J. F. Wallan.
Of course these members may not
want to come but the Round-Up man
agers say you bet they will be there.
Look out for the fireworks.
The Pastime.
The home of good pictures. ' Fri
day's change of program includes a
coming feature:
"The Bell of Penance." Kalem. A
dramatic incident from early Califor
nia History. The full strength of the
Kalem company, headed by Miss Alice
Joyce and Mr. Carlyle Blackwell, has
been brought out in, this Intensely dra
matic subject, based upon an actual
occurrence In the history of early
"Betty and the Doctor." Lubin.
Dr. Jordan, who has just bought a
practice in a small town, secures
board and lodging with Mrs. Snow
den and her daughter. Ths doctor
falls in love with the daughter. - An
old friend of Betty's makes a call and
takes her for an auto ride which ends
in an accident. The doctor becomes
Jealous but in the end saves Betty's
life and satisfies himself he is the
favored one.
"Positive Proof." Essanay. A
powerful gripping drama of an un
just accusation that is fathomed out
In time to prevent a tragedy.
"The Masked Huntsman." Kosmik.
A high class drama, extremely inter
esting and well produced.
. "Opening Flowers." An interest
Inf flower study.
Musical program:
No. I Oh, You Candy Kid from
the Candy Shop." Two-step.
No. 2 Bachelor Button. Rag In
termezzo. W. C. Powell.
No 3 Hardwood. Raw. Jack
No. 4 Glad Smiles. Intermezzo.
Two-step. Ed Kiihn.
No. 5 Ohv You. Rag. J. Becker.
"Mrs. Cranston's Jewels." Solax.
The husband being i in great need "of
money, plansed to- steal his wue
jewels. Then occurs a general mixup
v.hlch detectives finally clear up.
"Apples and Destiny." Powers.
Comedy of some hoboes, apple pies,
an angry farmer and Sls's beau. The
bums got the pies arid the beau got
"The Progressive Bookageni.
Powers. The crafty way In which an
agent got rid of his wares.
Coming Sarah Bernhardt
"Camille", Three reels.
At the Grand.
Opening tonight:
1. Sam Dalton and Lillian Tra
vette. The English comedy couple.
This act is booked from the eastern
time and guaranteed to make good.
a. The Landry. A novelty acro
batic act, featuring upside down
loop celling walking one of the best
of its kind. This act comes highly
recommended and is a winner.
Photo plays of the usual high class
quality. "The Fires of Duffwood," is
tin extra good hand painted film ot
well photograped and staged subject.
This Is a very classy program and
shou'd please everybody. Don't fail
to see- it.
Owner of Animal Tied to professor's
Desk Won't Take Her Back.
Newark, Del. Unforeseen compll
catlons(confront the students in Dela
ware college who led a cow up the
stairs and tied her to the desk In one
of the lecture rooms at night.
The college authorities not only
threaten punishment, but the owner
(,1 the cpw refuses to take tho animal
When the janitor of the administra
tion building reported for duty next
morning he found the ' second floor
of the structure to be Inhabited by
sheep, chickens and other small ani
mals and the cow was tied to a pro
fesstor's desk.
Train Kills 3 on Trolley.
Chicago, April l.-Two women and
a baby were killed and fifteen per
sons Injured when a freight train on
the Chicago and Alton railroad struck
a trolley car at 30th and Kenzle
ptreets today.
Tablets. Druggists refund money If It
falls to curs. E. W. GROVE'S stgna
ure Is on each box. ilz.
Wednesday and Thursday see the
boxing match in the lively whip-snap
military picture.
"Field Day Sports at Fort Riley."
Champion. This lively picture shows
a large sham battle in extended order,
artillery drills and also field sports.
races, hammer throwing, boxing ana
Jumping. Taken at Fort Riley, Kan
"The Angel of Paradise Ranch."
American. The ranchman's daughter
found the cowboy misbranding her
father's cattle and arrested him, but
on finding he was doing it to aid a
sick mother she was sympathetic
and helped the mother get well. The
grateful cowboy was able to repay her
In an unexpected manner. Good, live
western. IliifcllZal
Musical comedy.
With the cast and chorus complete
the big musical comedy which will
be staged by Sandberg and Battle un
der the auspices of the Royal Order
of Moose, to be given Monday and
Tuesday nights, April 8 and 9, is
gradually taking form and promises
to be equal or better than any piusi
cal comedy presented here In some
time. Regular rehearsals are being
called and when the play is produc
ed at the Oregon theater tjie local
talent will present work that would
be creditable to professionals. The
play is novel and full of humorous
situations. There is plenty of good
catchy musical numbers and solos.
Great pains have been taken by the
the producers in the selections of cos
tumes all practically oriental in de
sign and those will present a pretty
stage picture.
The stage settings are new and or
iginal, being made especially for the
show. There. will be great electrical
effects, including five large electric
swings and other features.
There is an aeroplane act that Is
bound to catch the public fancy in
connection with the scenery repre
senting a tropical island. There are
a number of new faces among those
participating and the producers are
promising a treat to all theater-goers.
Some new talent has been unearthed
and the principals and chorus are
getting down to hard work that will
produce the best results.
Notice. B. P. O. Elks.
' At a regular meeting of Pendleton,
lodge No. 288, B. P. O. Elks, to be.
held April 4, 1912, there will be in
stallation of officers and a smoker
and refreshments given by the house
committee. All members are urged-,
to be present.
By order of the exalted ruler.
Bronchial Troches
Nothing exoelf this simple remedy for Throat
Troubles, HoarseneM and Coughs. Also gWea
relief in Bronchial, Asthmatic and Lang affeo
ttoni. Free from opiates. Sixty years' reputa
tion. Sold only in boxes. Sample mailed free.
JOHN I. BROWN A SON, Boston, Mass.
For Easter Eating
we have a most succulent supply
of fresh meats and poultry, com
prising everything enjoyable in
beef, mutton, veal, lamb, pork and
poultry. We have everything in
the choicest tidbits for the dainty
Spring appetite in Spring lamb and
I We Give "S&I-r
Green Stamps
Three Sailors on Destroyer Paul Jones
Pralser by Meyer.
Washington. Three members of
the crew of the United States torpedo
destroyer Paul Jones have been offi
cially commended by Secretary Mey
er for bravery in a recent explosion
on that vessel. Two of these men,
GU8 Smerick and John J. Eberlln, en
tered the fireroom Immediately after
the explosion and groping their way
through the hot stem, "speeded up"
the blowers. The third, S. A. Goodson
descended Mnto the fireroom! turned
on the blower and crawling around a
boiler, rescued a shipmate who was
on the floor.
Many a man wouldn't care to go to
heaven If some of the things describ
ed by women as "heavenly" were to
bo found there.
EDdDort SoodDcB Add (Sasllfes
See my many beautiful de
signs for Basements, House
Foundations, Walls, Fences,
Curbing, Building Trim
mings and Cemetery Fences.
They grow stronger with age.
Vihen You Build it of Concrete, You need lo Build b;t once
Concrete Blocks and re-iD-forced
concrete are cheaper
and far more satisfactory,
Make prettier work when
finished and give the great
est comfort in either hot or
cold weather.
Estimates Furnished on Application
Phone Black 3786.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Contractor and Builder of all kinds of Concrete Work.