EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON IAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1912. PAGE THREE ii FGMAY 3 CHOOSER Y CUT OUT THIS COUPON Bring this Coupon to our store it is good for udiampsiu EXTRA on a 50c purchase or over. Good for Friday only, April 5. ALEXANDER'S DEP'T. STORE S A L E Alexander's Dop't. Store You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the QUELLE Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast ' Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakee Good coffee Every day W Invite your patronage and aim to please you. v A clean kitchen Regular Meals 25c Qus. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Vain Street COMES QUICKLY. Don't Have to Walt for Weeks. A Pendleton Illustration. Waiting is discouraging. Prompt action pleases everybody. A burden on the back Is a heavy weight. Hard to bear day after day. Lifting weight, removing the bur den, Brings appreciative responses. Pendleton pepole tell of It, Tell of relief that's quick and sure. Here la a case of It. L. Oreenawald, 414 Lincoln street, Pendleton, Oregon, says: "I had se vere attacks of backache and there was soreness across my kidneys. I was also annoyed by a burning sen sation when voiding the kidney se cretions and the passages were too frequent. Being advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills, I did so and the con tents of one box cured me. I have had no cause for complaint since." For sale by all dealers. Price BO cents.' Foster-MUburn Co, Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the United 8tates. Remember the name take no other. -Doan'i ind DAYTON. PASCO FOR BLUE MT. LEAGUE (Special Correspondence ) Athena, Ore., April 4. E. H. Koontz and R. T. Brown left Monday for Dayton and Pasco, where they will endeavor to secure those two teams to fiil the places of Pendleton and Walla Walla In the organization of the Blue Mountain league. W. E. LIndley,. who has been em ployed by the Tum-a-lum Lumber company for some time, has return ed to hia home In Walla Walia. Judge Maloney of Pendleton, was In Athena Tuesday. Miss Edna Ross was In Weston this week. Revella Lieuallen of Adams, was In Athena Tuesday. F. B. Boyd transacted business In Pendleton Tuesday. Mrs. Norton of Adams, was in Athe na this week. Mrs. Wm. Tompkins Is visiting A, R. Coppock. G. B. Morrison of Adams was in Athena Tuesday. C. L. Willaby made a business trip to Pendleton Tuesday. Mrs. J. S. Ross was a Weston visit or Tuesday. Frank Greer of Weston, was In Athena Tuesday. Mrs. V. C. Burke Is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Stroble In Pen dleton. Mrs. H. H. Alexander Is visiting friends in Chemawa. L. Van Winkle of Weston, was an Athena visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Snyder of Starbuck was in Athena the first of the week. Ferril McBrlde of Weston was art Athena visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. V. Bell of Weston were in Athena Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Doc O'Harra of. Wes ton were in Athena Wednesday. Mrs. J. A. Kirk returned from Hot Lake Wednesday and reports Mr. Kirk very much Improved. WHOLE DOG MADE ISKFCL. I'oiiiKlnuiHtcr to Vtillas Every By Product of His Trade. Orovllle, Cal John Rich, who has been chosen poundmaster to succeed the negro wonder Allen Cannon, has mapped out a plan 'or making much money. First, he gets BO cents a dog from the city, next he intends to skin the animals and sell the hides for leather. The meat he will crush and the oil extracted he will anil. He declares that this has been found a genuine cure for consumption and that there is a big demand for it. The flesh is to be used to feed his chickens and the bones will be crush ed for fertilizer. Thus every bit of the mongrel has a value. BRAIN" WORK XOT HARM FIX, o A o i i fV ii l r i if 11 intuit I r II II II II II II II V ... ot all neatly and promptly done Phone Main 1 Professor Says Worry of New Century Not Causing Insanity. Kansas City. Brain fag from over work Is not making nervous wrecks of Americans as some "alarmists" in sist, and the stress uid worry of the new century is not driving Americans Insane, according to Dr. Charles K. Mills, professor of neurology in' the GAS IN STOMACH AND BOWELS Produce! all sort! of annoying symptoms, which my oftcs become alarming Excessive nerrousneasand heart pressure, difficult and oppressed breathing, sighing, sterol at if patient cannot take i deep breath. Lump in the throat and chest, with pressure, pain and anxious feeling around the heart region. Empty, gnawing and gone feel ing at the pit of your stomach, relieved by eating. Small quantity of food makes you fed aa if a heavy meal had been taken. Excessive rumbling in alxiomen and stomach with belching. Sleepy feeling after eating. Starting during sleep with a tort of a fear and apprehension. Fingers, hands or limbs fed numb and go to sleep. especially on right aide. Fain in back and top of head and constipation. That's all from s nervous stomach full of Gas, and all permanently done away with by BAALMANK'S OAS-TABLETS. These peculiar tablets are sold for SOc by every druggist, or send direct to Hahnemann Pharmacy, 336 Sutter St, San Francisco. Automobile Cabs TOURING CAR FOR COUN TRY TRIPS. TAXICAB SERVICE IN CITY. Day andlNight 25c to any part of city. Stand at Hotel St. George. PHONE MAIN 12. Gurdane'&Folsom, Props V Y" 'a '4 fx 4 rrr The LuiidryR at the Grande. University of Pennsylvania, who ad dressed the annual reunion of Penn sylvanla alumni here. "Mere brain work does not hurt," Dr. Mills said. "Where the mind is equipped and capable men may be at work all day and half the night. Em barrassment, worry and dissipation cause nervous breakdowns. No thought every harmed a man who was worthy of it." USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. The antiseptic powders to be shak en into the shoes If you want rest and comfort for tired, tender, aching, swollen, sweating feet, use Allen's Foot-Ease. Relieves corns and bun- Ions of all pain and prevents blisters, sore and callous spots. Just the thin for dancing parties, patent leather shoes and for breaking in new shoes. It is the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Try it today. Sold every where, 25c. Don't accept any sub stitute. For FREE trial package ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. RARE THItl'STS STICK IN HUE; IS BURNER TO DEATH Cottage Grove, Ore. The year and a half o'.d son of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo PerinI met death in a peculiarly ter rible manner. The child had Just gotten out of bed and was playing around the kitchen when the mother went to a neighbor's for a few mo ments. During her absence the child got hold of a pitchy stick of wood and poked it into the fire, the pitch drop ping off onto his nightdress, which was burned entirely off him. inflict ing burns from which he died within two hours, suffering excrutiating ag ony. The only other person In the house at the time of the accident "was the child's 3-year-old brother. The mother was not gone over five min utes. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Proposals will be received by reg istered mall, by the County Court for Umatilla County, State of Oregon, up to 2 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, April 17. 1912. for furnishing Umatilla County with steel for the erection of seven small bridges. Proposals will also be received for furnishing the said county with all materials and the erection of 'said bridges complete, according to plans and specifications on file In the office of Engineer C. H. Martin, Court House, Pendleton, Oregon. All bids must be directed to Frank Saling, County Clerk, and must be accompanied by a certified check for S per cent of the amount of the bid. The Court reserves the right t re ject any or all bids. Dated March 2Sth, 1912. FRANK SALING, County Clerk. NOTICE OF PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER. Notice is hereby given that bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder In Pendleton, Oregon, up until April 11th, 1912, at 5 o'clock p. m. for furnishing to the City of Pendleton of one carload of red fir lumber of the following dimensions, viz: 2000 feet 2x12 inches 20 feet long, and the balance of the carload to be 4x12 Inches 20 feet in length, the lumber to be delivered F. O. B. Pendleton, all bids to be sealed and to be accompanied by a certified check In the sum of 5 per cent of the am ount of bid, payable to the order of the mayor of Pendleton. The Com mon Council reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. This notice is published by order of the Common Council made March 27th, 1912. Dated this 29th day of March, 1912. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. We Sell Sulphurro Koeppen's The drug store (hat serves you best. L TRACKI (Special Correspondence.) Gibbon, Ore, April 3. S. W. Pur dy has been here the last week with his hounds hunting cougar. On last Tuesday his dogs struck a fresh cou gar track, a quarter of a mile up Rhine creek from the house of John Thompson and tracked it for three days. Mr. Purdy being on foot and unable to keep up with his dogs, had to wait their return. There has been several other large tracks seen by Mr. Purdy but the tracks are too old to follow. It is believed within a few days the cougars will return, going back to their range In Bobsled can yon and Mr. Purdy expects to return to Pend'eton with a cougar or two. John Thompson and son Dolfay went to Pendleton Thursday. The Misses Johnson and Cargill of Reed and Hawley mountain, spent Sunday on the river Fred Pittman and family have return ed from a two weeks visit with Mrs. PJttman's parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mitcher of Weston. George Brace returned Saturday from Athena and will pasture his horses this summer, having secured Grouse mountain, near Wenaha stock. When a medicine must be given to young children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is made from loaf sugar and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor similar- to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has no superior for colds, croup and whoop ing cough. For salo by all dealers. NINE OUT OF TEN SKIRTS IN "HUB" HIDE BOW LEGS Cambridge, Mass Nine out of every ten women of Boston are bow legged or knockkneed. says Mrs. Lilla Viles Wyman, a teacher of fancy dancing. Fashionable Boston is shocked and to cap the climax. Miss Anna Benson Rees, a society belle of Kentucky, who is visiting in the Hub, says that when It comes to big feet Chicago has nothing on some of the Boston belles and debutantes for possessing large pedal extremities. Mrs. Wyman says: "Nine-tenths of the women of Boston are bowleg ged or knockkneed. The average knockkneed girl is but slightly affect ed, her knees bulging Inwardly Just the least bit. There are others, how ever, whose condition is worse. Their knees bulge Inwardly until they al most touch. Such a pair might be called spavined legs. Such defects spoil what otherwise would be well formed legs. They lack symmetry, and such is the fate of a majority of the girls and women. "Fewer girls wear tights on the stage today than five or six years back. This Is due to the change in fashions and it may be attributable to so many of them being knockkneed. "In my opinion perfect shaped legs are those that turn outward from the hips and are symmetrical with small ankles and calves that expand grace fully. The knees should be straight and the thighs well rounded. Such legs may be fat or lean, but above all they must have straight knees to be considered weir formed. AFTER LONG ' SUFFERING These Two Women' Health Restored by LydiaE. Pink , ham's Vegetable Com pound Read Their Own Statements. Cheneyville, La. " Some time ago when in poor health, suffering from fem inine ills, I began to take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills. I soon felt better and gained in strength and flesh. A gradual improve ment continued as I took the Compound, and from 120 pounds I now weigh 155, and feel that my life baa been prolonged. "I deeply regret that I did not know of your medicine long before I did. Friends often speak of the wonderful change in my health, and I tell them that your medicine did it." Mrs. J.W.Stan ley, Cheneyville, La. Distressing Case of Mrs. M.Gary. Chicago, 111. "I have used LydiaE. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound for backache and it has certainly made a new woman of me. After my first baby was born I was left a perfect wreck. I was so weak I could hardly do my household duties and suffered with an awful back ache. But since I have used your Com pound the pains in my back have left me and I am strong again. "My mother used it also through Change of Life and speaks very highly of it. You can use this letter any way you wish. I think it is only fair for one who has suffered as much as I, to let others know of your great remedy." Mrs. M. Gary, 2958 N. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago, 111. "Few women possess such a perfect nair or lees. I dare sav that if twen- tv-flve of our socletv women were to give a calisthenic exhibition it would be discovered that probably but one) or two would have perfect legs." Temple Suffering Eczema All Over Baby's Body. "Whin my baby was four months old his face broke out with eczema, and at sixteen months of age; his face, hands and arms were in a dreadful state. The eczema spread all over his body. We had to put a mask or cloth over his face and tie up his hands. Finally we gave him Hood's Sarsapa rilla and In a few months he was en tirely cured. Today he Is a healthy boy." Mrs. Inez Lewis. Baring, Maine. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures blood dis eases and builds up the system. Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets callel Sarsatabs. NEEDLE IN A BABY'S FLESH. Parent Didn't Know How Long Four-Year-Old Had Curried It lit Body. Buchana, Ga. A medium si7.od sewing needle was extracted from the left side of Bernlce Williams, the fourJ-ycar-oId daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, by doctors af' ter an operation had been performed on the little child. How long the needle' had been imbedded In the flesh Is not known. If you cough all night you get no rest, nor does anyone else In the house. Keep within reach a bottle of BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SY RUP. It is then easy to stop the tickling which causes the cough, when ever It appears. Price 25c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koep- pen & Bros. " The State Hotel, corner Webb and Cottonwood streets, under new man agement. Furnished rooms by day, MICHELEM TIRE PRICES Reduced. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 19th, 1911 As last year, MICHEUN was first "As Usaal " to give tire users the benefit of reduced prices. COMPARISONS SHOWING SAVING SIZE ENVELOPES INNER TUBES 32x3 34x4 36x4 37x5 FORMER PRICES $25.85 39.10 52.90 66.10 NEW PRICES $24.50 35.75 47.25 58.75 FORMER PRICES NEW PRICES $ 6.25 $ 5.75 8.60 8.00 12.20 11.00 12.20 11.00 THE SUPERIORITY OF MICHEUN TIRES IS RECOGNIZED ALL OVER THE WORLD IN STOCK BY PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY SI 2 Johnson Street. THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. PENDLETON. ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE Phone Main 299 711 Main Street MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real estate for sale and houses to rent MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City ana 117 E. Court Street County Realty. week or month. Phone Main 603.