'"" "" i-niniiinl .wtoBIwiiiira in iwnm in iiiiim ...i.i. .in.n.i, I , - - ....i,n n i i n 11 11 in. iiiiTan nil I TEn!pAGES v DAILY EAST OHEGONIAN. PmroTRTOtf. Ottrnnrc u-thvpcnjv AT.r.rr - I L. --,r . .. j . ii njjinmiyat, rjrz. . . . 1AUK oi!VJ!ia m ill 1 1 I III II I I " -r"--ia in i-enaieum oionaay. 11 II I 1 11 li I 1 , Mr.. J E. Kinhinirer a. former Wo. - III WflLLH liflLLfl (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., April S. Mr. Rich ura ueroeraing- or , this city u taken to Walla Walla Monday mor ning and it Is reported that she Is In a critical condition with leakage or ine neart, . Mrs. Grandma Richmond who has Dcen in walla Walla for the past two weeks receiving medical treatment Is mm in a serious condition. Mr. Frank Graham is now am ployed as clerk In Jarman's depart ment store. Mrs. tiugn worthington and son fcmery of Athena were in Weston Monday. Mrs. George Snider is viHlting in Weston, cnroute from Hot Lake Sanitarium where she was under medical treatment, to her home in Starbuck, Washington. Mrs. Lillian. Miller who has been conducting a milUnerv shon In w. ton for several years, has moved her shop to Union, Oregon. - The MisHes Laura and Belle Mc Intyre of Athena, were In Weston Inst week. Mr. Louis CarglU of Reed and Hawley mountain was in the city Monday. Mr. Fred Dupuis of this place has accepted a position in a garage in Pendleton. Mr. Joe Hoglnson, one of Weston's successful farmers. Is having his home north of town painted and remodel ed. Mr .and Mrs. Henrv Plnkerton of weston were In Pendleton Monday. , Mr.i.J. E. Kinhinirer a former Wea. ton druggist has returned to this city arter several months in California. Mrs. Anna O'Hifrra was a recent visitor in Waila Walla.. ' ' Mr. W. Carter of Weston was in Pendleton this week. Miss v"ernice Gregory was in luhe na during the week. The . Messrs Albert anA Will OnnM of Weston mountain were In the city Aionuay. . , Thomas Lieuallen of Adams was in Weston the first of the .week. Mrs. Tim McBride and Mixa Faro! McBrldo of Weston were Athpnn. via. ltors Tuesday. , ' Mr. William McKenzIe Is in Pen dleton this week on the Jury. Mr. O. M. Richmond of Walla Wal. la, was In Weston Tuesday. Mr. Will Comriton wan n. vlultnr In Pendleton Tuesday. ' Mrs. B. Durr was In Pendleton thin week. .. llllullu.ua lllfhrlr MontCialr, N. J. Josenh and Anirelo Plcola. two VOUnir men whn fnr thp past six yeara have shinea ehoesat me rauroaa siaiion here, have begun the erection of a 125,000 business block on Pine street. The building will be paid for out of savings from meir Dusiness. PRISON TERM FOR 0-17. R. & II. CLERK TWO TO TWENTY YKAJIS SENTENCE IMPOSED A valuable dress Ine- for fleah wounds, burns. Bcaltfs. , chafed skin. Is RAT.r.inn'fl cvrvw LINIMENT, it Is both healing and an tiseptic. Price 25c. BOc and Jl.ou v bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Br,d. IMPORTED STALLIONS and MARIES We have our barns full of Per cheron Shire and Belpiim Stallions, the choicest lot on hand in our 35 nets. . They run in ages from 2 to 5 years, and froni 1800 to oortn 1k "mu i j j -i n- ms. xdarau, uuyo uuu reB huu ciiesiiiuis. uur Jiorses are all imported and inspected by the U. S. government at Washington, D. O. Come to the barns and get your choice from a bunch and save the stallion peddler's expense and profit Trices from $1000 up. Time given if desired at C per cent, ono year insurance and a reliable guarantee with every horse we sell. Write ua. Visit us. We will pay the expenses of any buyer who visits our barns and is disappointed at our horses and 'prices. ' . . BROWN MOOD MOSCOW, IDAHO WHIN IN Portland, Oregon TOP AT THK HOTEL MULTNOMAH rortUnd't Largest Northwest'! Grandest Hostelry" Absolutely Fireproof 725 looms 300 Rooms With Bath 100 Sample Rooms OacnplM aa Mtira bleck in tie heart tmsineM and flmncUl dlttricti. The matt macnifl wntLobbT, BMUnrast, Burm, Baaqoet Hall tad Public Raomi in tht West.- The utmost la comfort n4 conriiutaot. Beadqaartera B.P.O.B. Oiand Lodge Convention, Portland, 1912 U10PBAK PLAK-BATSS Si. 54 TO tS.M PER DAT Butte Hoot Brerr Train and Steamer B. C. BOWERS, Manager 1 J. M. BKOWKBLL, Awit tant Manacer The Cat's Out of the Bag It is impossible to keep the facts from the people. ' They are bound to know and have proven by experi ence, that The Secret of Suc cessful Chick Rais ing, is in the Feed- : ing That is why our business is increasing by leaps and bounds. We have studied the needs of ' growing chicks THEIR NECESSARY TONICS, REMEDIES AND FOOD- and carry these necessities in stock. Every patron has remained a patron, EVERY MAT THEWS CHICK FOOD USER HAS INCREASED THE RETURNS .FROM IJIS CHICKENS. . You can do likewise by using our DIAMOND AND nOLLY CniCK FOOD, FINE CniCK GRIT, GERMAZONE AND CIIICK 'GROWER. 1 W keep all the necessities required for healthy and better lay ing chickens and It costs nothing; to consult us. We're In business for your , chickens good 'health. A. T. Matthews Co. Phone Main 134 "The Chicken Doctor." 129 E. Alts St. Application for Parole of Young- Era hairier. In Denied by Judge Morrow WHO hays Sucl Men Imperil In vterenM of ijuhuichh. Portland. Ore.. Anrll 9 T.mr,l Alexander, the young O.-W. lC 4; N. company clerk who pleaded g-ullty to forjrlne company vouchers vpstrln.v vas given an Indeterminate sentence ranging from two to 20 years in the state prison. Judee Morrow of the circuit court denied the nlea for a parole. In denying the parole Judge Mor row paid: "I do not see how an offense of the magnitude, ana so lonr contlnue'd as this one can be put to one side and there be any resnect whatever main talned for the statutes of the. state of Oregon. I do not see how it can be done. I appreciate all that has been said on behalf of the young man, but here Is a case where there Is no In centive to honesty, no fear of punish ment in tne heart of any man, young or old, who occupies a position where hi- had an opportunity to obtain Thon ey unlawfully in all the utate pf Ore gon, ir triis young man Is to eo with out any actual physical punishment. Matter of .Intrtlcr "I do not see how I can narole this man. .There Is no safety for anv hul ess If Temple Alexander Is entitled to' be paroled under the law. But there is more Involved than mereJv the question of whether this individ ual person is likely to commit again is particular offense. "I do not see how. under mv senso of duty, in spite of all that has been eloquently said, and In spite of the ery sad results, I can parole Mr. Al exander. I don't see how I can do It The exercise of the discretion vested In me under mv oath of office will not permit me to overlook this offense. I have no particular consideration for the railroad company. ' Their feeling the matter is not of anv snnt-ial importance, but Justice in some sense to those who have suffered from this young man's conduct,- and Justice to those who have been honest, who iave remained honest throueh what ever temptation they have been ex posed to and attended to their work, year In. and year out, and did not take, their employers' monev. re quires that thete should be something more than a mere notine of some. thing on a piece of paper and dis missing the defendant, to go his way. it cannot be that the thousands of honest and honorable men who have stood ud to their work with nil Ita hardships and all its deprivations nre no better off In any sense than this eung man who took 118,000 in four ears, from his employer. It don't make anv differon u-hn hta em. ployer is. I donls see that I can do anything else." tl ADAMS TEAM LOSES AND WINS A GAME (Special Correspondence). Adams, Ore., April 3. The Adams school byeball team played Weston, losing to the latter by a score of 8 to 9. The locals also played Athena Sunday. The score was 13 to 4 in favor of Adams. Mr. Urown of Krecwater has bought the Adams livery stable from Culter brotlfers. r T. C. Rled of the Commercial hotel was a Pendleton visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Buttler were Wnlla Walla visitors Sunday. Baby Lin McSollum Is able to be out on the streets after being sick with stomach trouble for the past two weeks; 1 Mrs. J. Winn was a Pendleton vis itor Saturday. Mrs. E. O. Marquis was a Pendle ton visitor Monday. John Whitley has returned to his home in Adams after spending the winter months in the mountains. Mrs. T. A. Lieuallen,-J. T. Lieuallen and L. Lieuallen were Walla Walla visitors Monday. Miss Flossie Jackson of Walla Wal- la visited friends and relatives In Ad ams for a few days this week. L. L. Roger and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sarze of Walla Walla Sunday. Mrs. Molton was an Athena visitor Monday. Emit Darr of uurr brothers, saw mill at Meacham, is an Adams visitor this week. Dr. McKenny of Helix was called to Adams to see Tleta Barker who has appendicitis. Joe Cantrell's saloon building hlis bien given a new coat of paint. Mrs. -Claud Wallan returned to her home ity, Adams after spending the past Mo weeks in Pendleton. St L,n'cBy (rB) Me,ody By sJ l: PlETRO ! Published In Next Saturday's Daily East Oregonian HEALTH 'TEST STOPS WEDDING IX I,YXN Chicago Girl Who Journeys JM to ltecomo a untie Is .Frustrated by Propaganda Started by Dean Sum ner. . Boston, Mass. Miss Violet Wade, a talented soprano of Chlcajto, aod John Charles Thompson of T.vnn ann of wealthy parents ran afoul of the uettiin marriage- propaganda begun by Dean Sumner of -Chicago. The couple were refused a license to wed- Thompson's Parents nrnteatAii tha Issuance of the license on the ground that their son, who is SO years old. Is In poor health, owing to an injury to his head received six months ago. He wears a metallic piece to replace a portion of his skull which was remov ed. , Says She Is Actress. Miss Wade is 26 years old and is an ttractive young woman. In the pre liminary petition for the marriage II- sense she gives her occupation as "so prano soloist and actress." She gives her parents' names as Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wada of Chicago. The young woman came to Lynn a week ago., Knowing the provisions of the five day clauseWn the marriage laws of Massachusetts, she and Mr, Thompson applied to J. J. Doherty, clerk of the Lynn court, for the pre liminary certificate. . Groom Is Indignant. Mr. Thompson went before Judge Fummus, who told them both to come nto court next day. They did so to day, and after talking with Assistant Clerk William Kelley they were In formed that Chief of Police Burckes had asked that the license be held up owing to' a protest by the young man's parents. Mr. Thompson was indignant when finally refused a li cense by City Clerk Joseph T. Attwlll. AIDS DIVORCED HUSBAND. Woman, With Second State's Consent Keeps Him I-Yoni Infirmary. Youngstown, Ohio. With the con sent of her second husband, Mrs." W. Edward Crider, cared for her former husband, Albert 'E. Dawson, for three weeks, until he passed away. Her former husband became ill with tuberculosis and was about to be ta ken to the infirmary, when the for mer wife heard of his plight, she haU him taken to the Crider home Instead. Dawson was" formerly a prosperous real estate dealer in Springfield, Ohio, and came here about six years ago. LOSES FORTUNE IX GOLD. ..Son of Gypsy King Thinks Servant Took .Hoarded Wealth. Providence, R. I. Six thousand dol lars In $20 gold pieces, representing the fortune of the late gypsy "king." was stolen from his son, William Stan ley, a horse trader. The police all over Xew England and In' New York have been wired descriptions of a German known only as "Oscar," whose disappearance I is alleged was simultaneous with that of the gold. Stanley told the police that prior to the money being missed he sent Oscar, who had been employed by him for -several months. Into the cel lar, where, it was stored In a large canvas bag. i Autcrr.oblfo C:bs TOURING CAR FOR COUN TRY TRIPS. TAXICAB SERVICE IX CITY. Day'andlNight 25c to any part. of city. Stand at Hotel St, George. PHONE MAIX 12. Gurdane!&Folson, Props On Wages or Pirofift health, sooner or later, shows its value. No man can expect to go very far or very fast toward success no woman either who suffers from the headaches, the sour 6tomach and poor digestion, the unpleasant breath and the good-for-nothing feelings which , result from constipation and biliousness. . But just learn, for yourself what a difference will be made by a few dosei of Tested through three generations favorably known the world over this perfect vegetable and always efficient family remedy is univers ally accepted as the best preventive or corrective of disorders of the organs of digestion. Beechani's Pills regulate the bowels, stirtheliver to natural activity enable you to get all the nourishment and blood makin equalities from your food . As sure as you try them you will know that in your looks and in your increased vigot Beecham's Pills Pay Big Dividends - Th directions with cray bos an very valiuMo MpecUuy to woman. Sold OTMTwhoro. In boxca 10c 25c LET US SUGGEST That You Plan Your VjACATION TRIP To or Through the Glorious CANADIAN ROCKIES All Eastern KounJ-Trip Tickets Are Gool Via This lioute Without Additional Cost. SooSpokane Rout Sw-Spokane Route Leaving Pendleton Daily 7 :00 I M. -A Solid Vestibuled, Electric Lighted Train; Compartment-Observation, Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Through Dining Car Service. Beginning May 2, Reduced Round-Trip Rates to All Eastern Points. Liberal Stop-overs, Di verse Routes, Final Return Lim it. October 31. S60 St Paul, Minneapolis and Return Apr 25-26-27 Will Re Pleased to Give You Further Particulars on Applica tion. Drop Us a Postal, or Call on T. F. O'RRIEX, Agent O.-W. R. & X. Rv. M. E. MA LONE, TJIOS. J. WALL- Spokane, Wah. . Gen's Act. Trav. Tass. Agt. LEGAL BLANKS Of every description, for County Court, Circuit Court, Justice Court, Real Estate, Etc.. for sale at East Ore' gonian office. Call, write or phone fur catalogue. 'iX-fc 'MM..-'. .