TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGOX. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1912, PAGE FIVE Press Sale The balance of this week Your choice of 65 strict ly up-to-date Dresses in all sizes-colors and ma terials that sell for from $15.00 to $20.00 No Charges for Alterations F. E. Liven good& Co. The Ladies' and Children's Store PERSONAL ' MENTION LOCALS niTixmiic STREETS MOST BEAUTIFUL Bicycles! 72.7 Johnson street. Main 178 for coal and wood. I.' C. Snyder will spray your trees. Spray dope (or sale by gallon. Phone Koplttks Qillandera. for dry wood and Rock Spring coal. Wanted A small furnished house. Inquire C. C. Hill, phone Main -84. Women wanted ' work on ranch. Phone Black 2012. For Bent Furnished housekeeping room, SO 2 Water street. For good cedar post, go to the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Large stock of telephone poles at tke Pendleton Planing Mill and Lum ber Tard. All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Koplttke Qillandera. Special rates to horse boarded by the week or month at ths Commercial Barn, 120 Aura street Phone Main II For transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos, and all kinds of job work, phone Main 461. B. A. Morton. For Rent to a lady, a large, well furnished room, with sewing machine, very close In. Cheap. Inquire 719 Llllcth. Save yourself fuel troubles by us Ing our famous Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main S. For sale Big white eggs, full blood S. C. Black Minorca, tho kind that Iny big egga and lots of them. 11 ner 15. J. G. Miller. 704 E. Court street. For rent Suite or unfurnished housekeeping rooms in East Oregon lan Building. Steam heated, also gas range In rooms. Apply at this office, $35 per acre, 960 acres only five and ene-half miles northwest of town 460 acres In wheat, good house, fine well with water enough to supply I 10, acre farm. Livermore St Blck ere. The Capital City of Oregon Is fa mous for having the most beautU'ul streets of any city in the United States. They are 100 feet wide, pav ed with the finest pavements In the world, Warren Brothers Bitullthic waterproof pavement, and have at tracted the admiring attention of townbullders from all over the union Mayor Ross, of Mllwaugee, -Wis., af ter inspecting Salem's 76 blocks of bitullthic said "There Is no better pavement than bitullthic and no more beautiful streets than at Salem, Ore." Warren Brothers Bitullthic pave ment stands all tests that can be ap plied to a street pavement. That laid In Salem four years ago shows no signs of wear, and has never been re paired. Salem Journal. Dray Service to Asylum. Our dray will mako regular trips on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 o'clock. Penland Bros. Transfer Co Main S39. rn to Date Noodlo Tarlors. The Con Dung Low strictly first- class Chop Suey and Noodle Parlors ure now open In Pcndloton. vve so licit your patronage. Under- State Hotel, corner Webb and Cottonwood stroets. Phono Main 667. Tray or ders a specialty. Un Company, props. Carl Engdahl returued to Helix this morning. George W. Averi:i of Portland is regltered at the St. George. H. E. Turner of Weston, was a guest of the Pendleton last night. Mrs. Fred Earl went to Echo on the local this morning to visit relatives. Mrs. Pete Sheridan of Echo was vis? King In Pendleton yesterday. H. B. Glese of Hermlston, was am ong the visitors in the city yesterday. Ira M. Kemp, well known Weston business men, spent last night In the city. Fay S. LeGrow, well known Athe nan, left this morning on No.. 1 for Condon. C. J. Girts was among the Hermls ton residents spending the night In the city. Mac Smith, the Vansycle rancher, came In on the Northern Pacific train this morning. J. P. Winter, local attorney, went to tho west end of the county this morning. Mrs. George Perlnger and daughter, Muriel, have returned from a visit in Portland. C. C. Hopper of Helix, was num bered among the out of town visitors in Pendleton yesterday.. Charles Nelson, young Butter creek rancher, returned to his ranch on the local this morning. J. G. Hoffner came in from hl3 home at Pilot Rock yesterday and spent the night here. Dave Lavender, ex-county road- master, came down on the local this morning from his home at Weston. Attorney Joe T. Hinkle, candidate for the republican nomination for representative, came up from Hermls ton yesterday. Dr. Harry Pinkerton, head of the federal bureau of animal industry In the northwest, left today on No. 17 for Portland. George W. Proebstel, well known Weston pioneer, was an incoming pas senger on the local from Walla Walla this morning. County Commissioner H. M. Cock- burn came down from Milton this morning to attend the monthly meet ing of the county court. John L. Thompson, proprietor of the Hermlston hotel, returned to his home on the local this morning after spending the night In the city. James P. Neal, Freewater's candi date for the republican nomination for district attorney, left for Pilot Rock this morning to meet with the city council there tonight, he having been retained to make changes in the charter neeessary for the voting of bond Issue for a water system. TWO GREAT SPECIALS FOR. mi Friday Notice B. P. O. Elks. At a regular meeting of Pendleton lodge No. 288, B. P. O. Elks, to be held April 4, 1912, there will be in stallatlon of officers and a smoker and refreshments given by the house committee. All members are urged to be present. By order of the exalted ruler. THOS. FITZ GERALD, Sec. $12,000, 360 acres, 80 acres In al falfa, 80 acres more can be put In al falfa. Above price Includes machin es gasoline power engine and hay cutter, only 4 1-2 miles from Pendle' ton Livermore & Bickers. 45-inch Embroidery Flouncing Worth up to $ i ."jo, on sale Thurs day and Friday Only Your Choice for . . Blue, $12.50 WOOL (this season's) in Navy Serge and Mixtures, Size 1 6 to 40, on sale Thursday and Fri. See Window Display RESSES Cream rJohDeDutoiBirg Dept. Stop Better Goods for Less Money v I fa We have on hand several cigar show cases and counter show cases that we will sell very reasonable if taken at once. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. 3000 acres, stock farm, about six hundred acres plow land, only $6.00 per acre, the best snap in eastern Ore gon. Livermore & Bickers. GOVERNOR MARSHALL- AND Willi REFUSED ROOM Special This - Week Prescriptions We save you money; our stock la complete and your preacrip-Me-ns dispensed as the Dr. pre scribes, by old reliable drug gist at a very low price. Just received a fresh stock of the popular red band candy at 2lo per pound. F. J. Donaldson Reliable Druggist. W give Peoples Warehouse Trading Stamtpe. Chicago, III. Governor John Mar shall of Indiana innocently ran afoul of Chicago's new strict police regula tions against the registration of cou ples without baggage at hotels. The governor and his wife, who are making a tour of the west, stop ped In Chicago. They arrived in the morning and went at once to the Great Northern. The governor registered. Scanning his dapper appearance, the clerk asked: "Where Is your baggage?" "Why, it's at the station. We are only going to be In town a few hours and didn't have it sent to the hotel," was the governor's reply. "Can't accommodate you," was the terse reply. "Why not? We've got to have a place to wash up." "Cnn't accommodate you, came the the answer. "Well, if you haven't a suite one room will do." Thn flprlc'a (nnn hppame lev.- "We can't accommodate you,I tell you. This hotel desn't accept cou pies without baggage. "Young man, I'll have you under stand that T am the governor of In dlana and that this Is my wife!" the governor fairly shouted, as he grasp ed Mrs. Marshall by the arm and rushed out of the building, leaving the astonished clerk before he could make a reply. Later In the day at the Congress hotel, the governor laughed oyer the Incident, but admitted he was "pretty sore" foe a time. The management of the Great Northern denied the refusal of a room was made on the grounds stated by Governor Marshall, declaring all their rooms were occupied a. the time. COMMITTEES NAMED FOR CLEAN UP DAY The Civic Association has select ed ladies to assist in- the work of "clean-up day" on Friday and Sat urday. All vacant lots, unoccupied prop erty or any place that can not be reached by these committees are to be reported to the city health com mittee of which Dr. I. U. Temple Is the head. The garbage is to be disposed of by burning, and the remainder placed In sacks and ther receptacles in the streets until such time as the city teams will be able to collect and cart It away. The following are the committees: Center and business section: Mes- dames, G. H. Clark. Lee Moorhouse, R. Raymond, A. J. McAllister. R. E. Rlngo, T. M. Henderson, .S. A. Low ell. T FitzGerald. R. Forstor, T. Thompson, J. Ell, Wilcox. West side Mesdnmcs Terpennlng, Morgan, Penland, Sharon, Sawtelle, Dean Tatom, W. Matlock, R. Bond, D. Swearenger, II. Maussu, G. I. La-Dow. South Hill Mesdames G. M. Rice, I. IT. Temple, J. Perry, C. P. Strain, Elder, E. L. Smith, A. J. Owen, T. Boylen, T. Vaughan, N. Bergeloy. East End Mesdames E. Averill, John Baker, D. Turner, A. J. Black, ChaB. Brownfield. S. A. Newberry, S. A. Hampton, J. Dyer. Locust, Hill and R. R. St. Mes dames Klrkpatrlck, J. A. Best, Wal ter Jones, R. Slater, A. Cooley, J. Parkes. North Side Mesdames J. 8. Lan ders, Chas. Greullch, N. Ankeney, Laura Nash, J. Halley. J. P. Winter, Wm. McKinney, E. T. Wade, Sloan, E. J. Murphy, G. Hartman, Chad, Bonney, James Johns, F. E. Liven good, J. F. Robinson. gen shipped from New South Wales on the barkentlne Arizona, bound for San Francisco. When within two days sail of the latter port he became in sane. Under the immigration laws he could not be received in this country, and the steamship company which brought him 4iere was ordered to take him back to his starting place. But New South Wales refused to accept him. Galea was born In Rus. ma and that government has been appealed to, but in vain. Efforts were made by the Immigra tion authorities in this country to lo cate some of the relatives of Gajen, but without success. The Evans and Mullen bout was lively affair while It lasted, but it had nothing to do with the round-up for membership in the Fraternal Order of Eagles next Friday night, some thing will be doing all time that night, Look but for the fireworks. PILES CURED IN TO 14 DATS. Your druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of Itching Blind. Bleeding or Protrudlnr Piles In to 14 days. SOo. ZlK Hi thai at Lull ToSUCCESS Builders of Homes. Our '"PROFIT-SHARING Investment Certificates areREAL MoneyMakers Send for Booklet 604 5 GrbettBId Portland Ore Sor Rheumatism You need not suffer. Write today for illustrated booklet descriptive of Hot Lake Sanatorium. Na ture's great cure place. A natural boiling: spring of curative mineral wa ter. Thousands have been cured here after suffer ing years from RHEUMATISM, STOMACH, SKIN, BLOOD AND KIDNEY DISORDERS. Directly on main line of O.-W. R. & N. Railway. " Ask for special excursion ticket. net Lake Waller LI. Pierce Oregon Pres. & Mgr. pflgra-M Mai For This Week Highest Gash Price Paid CENTRAL MEAT MARKET AVE GIVE "S. & II." GREEN STAMIS. "WITHOUT A COUNTRY" HE MUST MOVE ON United State Refuses to Harbor Man Who Becomes a Lunatic on nigh Sons. Washington. Martin Oajen, "man without a country," Tias been ordered deported from the United States. Ga- Don't Fool Voll CELEBRATED C STOMACH O1 BITTERS this Spring? Take tho Hitters. It prevents Spring Few, Stoniaah Ills and Malaria. Pem(Lflfltoro?s (Spegiiesifc Veen1 is J&sst S4 art ing will in Thousands of dollars be spent here this year buildings and improvements. If jrou are included among the many, to build, we ask that you remember There's a Difierence in Lumber as Well as in Price Get our estimates and see our stock before Buying Your Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mill Work Crab- Creek Lumber Co. OSCAR. MAHLER, Manager 4' Phone Main 92