East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 03, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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rnblUhed Pftlly and Semi-Weekly at Pen
dletcn, OregOB, by the
Entered at the nostofflo at Pendleton,
Oregon, at oond-clas mall matter.
dally, one year, by malt 5 00
tIIj, tlx months, by mall 2.50
tmttj, three months, by mall 1-25
Ially, one month, by mall 50
Dally, one year, by carrier 7.50
Dally, aix months, by carrier 1.75
Pally, 'ttree montlA by carrier 1.95
Dally, one month, by carrier .65
Beml-Weekly. one year, by mall 150
teml-Weekly, fix months, by mall 75
Demi-Weekly, four months, by mall... .60
The Dally East yregonlan la kept on sale
at the Oregon News Co., 329 Morrison
Street, Portland. Oregon.
Northwest Sews Co., Portland, Oregon.
Chicago Bureau, 009 Security Building.
Washington, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four
taenia direct, N. W.
Member United lresa Association.
sTtlepbone Main I
Official City and Coonu liner.
It doesn't cost money, as many
To have a good time on the
The best of its pleasures are
free unto those
Who know how to value their
The sweetest of music the birds
to us sinjr,
The loveliest flowers grow
The finest of dr'nks gushes out
of the spring
All free, to man, woman and
No money can purchase, no ar
tist can paint
Such pictures as Nature sup
plies Forever, all over, to sinner and
Who use to advantage their
Kind words and glad looks and
smiles cheery and brave
Cost nothing no, nothing at
And yet all the wealth Monte
Carlo could save
Can make no such pleasures
To bask in the sunshine, to
breathe the pure air,
Honest toil, the enjoyment of
Sweet slumber, refreshing
these pleasures we share
Without any portion of
Communion with friends that
are tried, true and
To love and be loved for love's
In fact, all that makes a life
happy and long
Is free to whoever will take.
Absolutely Pure
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine Puddings
Flaky Crusts
The only Baking Pcwder made
Ironi Royal Grape Cretin cl Tails?
Kill owners at Hoqujam, Aberdeen
nd other points in western Wash
ington, now announce they want no
more foreign labor and that hence
forth only Americans need apply.
They are willing to pay higher wages
In order to secure native born work
The announcement means that great
employers of labor have reaped un
expected results from the Importation
oi cheap labor from the downtrodden
parts of Europe. For years the
masters of Industry have engaged in
the importation of cheap labor while at
the same time urging the continu
ance of a high tariff policy on the
hypocritical pretense of protecting
American workingmen.
Hut while cheap at first imported
labor is now proving expensive. The
mill owners have found their work
ers are not as submissive as they
MemeiJ. Having been here a short
time they show the same resentment
towards our government they mani
fested towarJs the despotic govern
ments from which they recently es
caped. And when they strike, the
foreigners are more unreasonable
than native workers. They lack tho
Weals of the American born, the sell
restraint and the feeling of being
part of the government so character
istic of citizenship in a republic. They
listen eagerly to the I. W. W. orator
and are ready to trample the stars
and stripes in the dust and follow
the red flag of anarchy.
It is a deplorable state of affairs
that now besets many coast towns
and industrial centers almost every--where
in the country. It is hard to
fcrsee just what the thing will lead
tn. But it could all have been avoid
ed had the masters of capital them
selves followed out in sincerity the
Full Dinner Pail" arguments which
they preached during the last three
or four presidential campaigns. They
deceived the country by telling It the
protective policy was for the benefit
of the workingman. With the pro
tective system established they pro
ceeded to pocket the tolls themselves
while supplanting the native worker
with cheap European labor. , It was
a deceptive game and one destined to
bring forth bitter results In time.
The worst trouble is that the present
burdens do not fall so much upon
those directly responsible .for them as
upon society at large. The people
as a whole got a miserably small
share of the fruits of protection but
they must now deal with the pests
brought forth by the tree.
Sea! Facts In Regard To F. R.
Huffman's Illness. Relief 0b ,
tained By Curing His
Stomach Ailments.
' Waynesville.N.C Mr. F.R. Huffman,
of this city, says : "I suffered dreadfully
with what I thought was heart trouble,
and tried various medicines in vain.
After other remedies had failed, Thtd
ford's Black-Draught restored me to
health. I would not feel safe without
Black-Draught in the house. I coniidei
it worth its weight in gold.
' It cured my indigestion, and by this
means I was restored to health. I can
oot express my gratitude for its benefits,
Good health depends on the condition
of your digestion. Poor digestion and
good health do not go together.
Thedford's Black-Draught will
thoroughly cleanse and set in order yout
digestive system.
It has done this for others, during the
past 70 years, and is today the most
popular vegetable liver remedy on the
market Try it
Insist on Thedford's. Price 25c
want to see a monstrosity in the way
of landscape gardening look at the
court house grounds. The county is
spoiling the lawn effect to raise
forest. At the city hall it seems ap
parent there is fear the lawn will get
away so it has been fenced in with
a chicken pen.
German papers are roasting Col.
Goethals because he was entertained
by the kaiser. They seem to have a
peculiar idea of how to treat a guest.
The speed with which the fund for
the tri-state league baseball team
was raised shows there is good base
ball spirit here when good baseball
is in sight.
One thousand qualified voters in
Umatilla county have not yet regis
tered for the primary election and
there are but six days left for regis
tering. Furthermore the contest on
the 19th of this month will in many
respects be the most important elec
tion Oregon has had in years. It Is
presidential year and unusually im
portant issues are at stake. The
fight is in reality being fought out
at this time. The fight for nomina
tions will be the real 'batle for the
presidency this year. If you have po
litical convictions register now and
get ready to vote at the primary.
Don't throw your citizenship away at
a time like this.
In Wisconsin yesterday the people
voted strongly for La Follette and
Woodrow Wilson as the respective
candidates for president and the so
cialist mayor of Milwaukee was de
feated for re-election. It appears
from the results that the people of
Wisconsin are progressive but not Im
practical. They want political con
ditions that will bring about an
equitable distribution of the fruits of
industry but they do not want to
pick the fruit while It is green
pioduceg stomach ache.
Why do local home owners having
small lawns persist in covering their
lawns with trees and shrubs? Good
landscape gardening calls for keeping
lawns free from obstructions so that
the lawn will look more expansive.
Trees properly belong In the park
ing along the sidewalk and if shrub
bery is desired It should be located so
as not to mar the appearance of the
lawn. Have you noticed the differ
ence in appearance between lawns
that are covered with trees or bushes
and lawns where such shrubbery is
massed around the edges? If you
They should hurry on with that
Mexican revolution. We will have a
presidential campaign of our own
underway very Bhortly.
The terrible winter having broken
the middle states are npw bothered
with floods.
Ironing May Be Made Easier.
If two small horses are kept for the
ironing board to rest on. Just high
enough for one's knees to fit under
when seated. In this way all the
small pieces in the wash may be iron
ed while one is sitting, saving much
latigue to the back and feet. Kansas
Cleaning Spiral- BeifcpringH.
Has always been a trial for the
housekeeper. It may, however, be
canny uccompusnea lr she uses a
dish-mop and keeps one Just for that
purpose. Get the dust out of the
springs first with the dry mop, then
dampen the mop and go over the met
ai a second time. M. S. B.
. Swd Apron.
. . in De useful to the woman who
works in a garden. Seed packets are
liable to bo mislaid or overturned, but
an apron designed especially for them
will keep them safe. Make it of strong
gingham, adding little pockets In
rows. Leave a margin of eight inches
all around. Pennsylvania.
A X'onvcnlpnce for a Kirk Person.
Is- a good sized shoebag, with am
ple pockets, that may be fastened
with large safety pins to the mattress,
on whichever side of the bed it is
needed. In the pockets may be stored
books, papers, fancy work, handker
chiefs, and various articles that are
constantly being lost in the bed. This
idea is suggested for one who Is con
fined to a bed for some time, yet Is
able to read, write and amuse one's
self. D. J. A.
Here Is an Idea for Farmers.
Sent in by a farmer's wife who likes
to see everything about her table look
neat. She furnishes clean crash or
linen coats for "the help" to slip on
before coming to the table. These
coats cover soiled shirts, and If they
are used only at mealtime they do nut
add much to the washing. O. B. M.
1'nos of tlio Lemon.
Lemons contain 89.3 per cent of
water. The chief acid is citric. They
contain also potash and other salts.
It hardly seems fair that a fruit so
useful as the lemon should be the ob
ject of such frequent gibes. Many
girls find the addition of a little lem
on Juice to certain foods, such as
ku 7 ...- a r ,
TWO Big Lots Will be Placed on Sale Friday
Which Are Great Values
This lot has been selected
from our stock and is a
wonderful bargain, values
8c, 1 Oc and 1 5c
av 4c
This lot is displayed in our
window and you can see
val. 25c, 30c 40c and 50c
Bring this Coupon to our store it is
good for
io Stamps io m
on a 50c purchase or over.
Good for Friday only, April 5.
Alexander's Dep't. Store
broiled fish, a great aid to digestion.
The Juice of half a lemon in a glass
ful of water before breakfast Is often
of use when one is subject to "bilious
attacks." Lemon Juice in water
makes an excellent gargle. A thin
slice of the fruit is excellent for re
moving the disagreeable taste from a
coated tongue and for cleansing the
mouth. This fruit has a definite place
on the toilet table, for It quickly re
moves stains from the nails, and rub
bed on the hands its effect Is to whit
en and soften the skin. And these
are only some of its uses.
Women have the intelligence, the
perseverance and the honesty of pur
pose to assist In the uplifting of the
Mate. They have a strength whicli
should not be cast aside In the strug
gle for beticr things. They are the
complement nf men and in the pur
est sense their co-workers.
The reasons why women should vote
are the name ns the reasons why men
should vote, the same as the reasons
for having a republic rather than a
monarchy. To vote is simply to ex
press one's opinion. A ballot is the
instrument used. Speaking generally,
the only real qualification, governing
its use is intelligence, for without in
telligence one's opinion on any sub
Ject is worthless. Equal suffrage
would increase the proportion of ed
ucated voters. The high schools of
every state In the union are graduat
Ing more girls than boys often twice
or three times as many.
There are thousands of teachers, of
whom 85 per cent are women. The
teaching of civics Is obligatory. It Is
fair to expect a woman, without that
last sign of civic responsibility, the
ballot, to possess such comprehending
and practical knowledge of public, af
fairs and machinery as would make
her an inspiring teacher of civics for
boys who already feel their Import
ance as future voters and offlcchold
ers? Is she in a dignified position
to do so? How can she teach the
great truths of democracy that it de
rives its authority from the eternal
rights of nature; that a nation Includes
all Its social elements and forces;
that a true national representation.
therefore, must Include all these; that
If one of these force is neglected, the
desire of this neglected force to be
Ttioro la Only One
"Bromo Quinine"
That la
Laxative Bromo Quinine
Alwsyt remember the full name. Look
nc thU signature en erery box. 25o.
represented will Invltabiy lead to the
necessity for a radical change; that
the very purpose of the existence of
the nation Is the progressive develop
ment, happiness and activity of all its
social elements and forces how can
she teach these truths and explain the
non-representation of women to clear
sighted boys and girls?
Women are conscientfous, and It
would create a large reserve vote for
civic righteousness. Those elements
of the community who are least con
trolled by the dictates of conscience
are always found among the oppo
nents of equal suffrage. She is in
terested directly in good government;
bad laws, and the non-enforcement of
good laws, directly affect her in all
of her relations, as home-keeper, wage
earner, and man's co-worker. Prop
erty rights should be represented on
the same basis for men and women.
It Is fair and right that those who
must pay taxes should have a voice as
to the size of the tax and the way it
shall be spent.
The inalienable rights of person as
they are affected by legislation must
be preserved to women, and no on
can fully represent her In framing
laws, which deal with them. Repre
sentative democracy without equal
suffrage Is Impossible because It is
only through this form of government
that people who are subject to law
may have a voice In making them.
Restriction of the franchise tends to
encourage aristocracy, while equal
suffrage will encourage democracy.
that gives you the ener
gy necessary to meet
the daily grind. Give
us your order for
Everything to
and as a result you'll
have plenty of .
Health and Strength
We Giiarantoo to Ploaso You .
Pcndloton (Bash .larkot