il .- r .,... i. n, , r. I mi iilliir in Mi ir-)r ii.m, r 1 1 -mil ll " miiiimm I H r - -- - ill Mt Mi 11 mum ill i i I i i . TEN PAGES DAILY EAST QREQONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1912. PAGE THREE Pcrcalo 27 inch . - 6'Ac i 36 inch . . 8V3C Prints American, best made; yd. . 5c Amosk'g apron gingham . 6Ac Rival gingham yard ...... 5c Witch Hazel, Sweetheart, Cuticle Soaps 5c bar Red Seal Dress Ginghams all colors lOcyard HOPE MUSLIN 7V2C regular Talcum Powder Royal Italian 5? Mrs. Winslow 10? Mcnnens , 15? Colgate 18? Paris Garters 18c nn n n jyuiairieiJusJuuLoj FdDIP '-.LOSS KJdDDflffly Straw Hats 10c Car ef illy : Read Every Item-It' Will Pay Yon Playing Cards Steamboat .,. Bicycle 10? 15? Alarm Clock American Tatoo 69? . $1.49 Underhills Rib . Overalls 83c Silk Throad 1 00-yard spool 8c Women's Rust Proof Corsets $1.50 value Regular 98c J. B. Stotson Hats No. 1 quality $3.45 A. B. KIRSCIIBAUM & CO. Men's Suits $25.00 value, regular $15.00 Hen's Leather Gauntlet Gloves 25c Pair Dress goods 50c Yard wide mixtures 25? 75c Plain colors and mixtures 49? $1.00 All wool plain and fancys..... 69? $1.50 42-inch all wool 98? Uash Fabrics 8 l-3c Summer lawns 5?. 10c Marigold lawns 8 1-3? 12 l-2c and 15c Primrose lawns 10? 25c Flaxon 15? 40c Poplins, all shades 25? 20c 3C-inch Wdered ehambrays 15? 25c Canton Silks 19? en's Clothing We handle well known makes such as Michaels Stern, A. B. Kirschbaum Co., pood, snappy styles at big savings." Good staple suit $4.98 $10.00 value . $7.90 $1250, $15.00 all worsted suits $9.90 $18.00 values worsted and serges 812.50 $25.00 values worsted suits $15.00 Shirts and Underwear -Men's work shirts 25? Men's 50c work shirts 39? Men's C5c work shirts ..s. 45? Men's 75c dress shirts 49? Men's $1.50 dress shirts 98? Men's 65c heavy ribbed underwear 45? Men's $1.50 heavy ribbed union s'ts 9S? Summer underwear in all grades and prices from 25? to SlS' Soys' Clothing Economical mothers will certaily ap preciate our low prices on high grade suits at $1.49, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98. Largo lino of Children's Hats- just the thing for spring wcnr,at the saving prices. lh)(D)S For Lien, Women and Children Children's Shoes 49?, 69?, 79?, 89?, 98?. Misses' Shoes 69? . 89?, 98?, $1.39, $1.69. Boys' Shoes 98?, $1.25. $1.39 $1.49 $1.69. Women's Shoes $1.49, $1.98, $2.49. $2.98, $3.49. Women's Oxfords 98?, $1.25, $1.49, $1.69, $1.98. Men's Shoes, dress $1.49- $1.98, $2.49 $2.98. Men's Shoes, work $1.98, S2.49, $2.98 $3.50. We ask you to come in and take a look at the shoes at the above prices and com pare with what yon have been paying elsewhere. Miscellaneous 50c Lace curtains 39? Children's handkerchiefs 1? Children's dresses .. 98? Women's gauze vests 5? Couch covers 69? All over lace 25? Lace coat collars 25? Men's four-in-hand ties 15? Xcedles 4? Cornation Hooks and Eyes 4? Bleached table damask 25? Black sateen shirts 49? Heavy Ticking 10? Safety pins . 1? Boston garters 18? Hair nets 5? Men's handkerchiefs 3? Pearl buttons, dozen 1? (lilt edge shoe dressing 18? Men's 50c work shirts 39? Women's Gloves Black jersey 2-Clasp lisle 10?, 15? . 25? L. L. Muslin Heavy 5c Yard 75c Double tip silk 49? 50c Long 12-button , 25? 75c Long IG-button 49? $1.00 Long 10-button silk 69? $1.50 Paris point, IG-button 98? $1.50 2-clasp kid gloves 98? Embroideries Wo want every woman in the country to see our elaborate display of embroid eries. Big lot swiss and nainsook in various widths 1? and up 12-in. wide, good pattern 15? 18-in. flouncings, 25c value 15? 18-in. flouncings, 35c value 25? 45-in. flouncings, 75c value 49? 45-in. flouncings, $1.50 value. 98? Bugs and Art Squares 30x72 Smyrna 98? 18x36 Axminister 98? 27x54 Velvets $1.49 27x54 Axministers .. $1.9S 3Gx72 Smith Axministers..- $3.45 9x12 Ingrain $4.98 0x12 Tap. Brussels $12.50 9x12 Smith's Axminister. $19.50 usDim) uJmideirrjeair Children's Muslin drawers 10? Misses' muslin drawers 25? Women's niuslin drawers 25? and 49? Corset covers 10?, 19?, 25?. 49? Gowns 25?, 49?, 69?, 9S? Chemise 49? Skirts ... 49?, 69?, 9S?, $1.49, $1.98 Canvas Gloves Knit wrist 5? Gauntlet 3 25? Leather faced 19? LonsdaleBleach ed Muslin Bio Yard Boss of Road Bib Overalls 69c Hen's work Sox 3 pair I Oc J. P. Coates Thread 4c Nazareth Bleached Waist 20c Boys' Bib Overalls 25c Underhills 49c Bed Sheets Full Size 39c Pendleton "We Lead, Others Follow" Ath ena Men's Golf Shirts 75c values 49c HEAVY TUBULAR MEN'S WORK MEN'S ITEAVT E. & W. MEN'S BOYS' BASEBALL TURK1SI1 WOMEN'S BLK BYS' " SHOELACES SHIRTS WORK SHOES. DRESS SHIRTS QWVES TOWELS UNDERSKIRTS KNICKERBOCKER 10D- $2-50 Val... $1.98 08? 51 .