EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OHEGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1912. PAGE TITREE AT THE PICTURE SHOWS WITH THE CANDIDATES m 'MM DMUGHCD BTY i ffiiV? ZfL KCIUM. MAYES II 1 V CO. A fi Cbicaoo A !y.. Sim J? i , ' Be as Critical of your Boy's Clothes as you are of your own YOUU boy undoubtedly gets less clothes during the year than you do and at less expense, therefore it is import ant that you concentrate exceptional care in selection of the clothes that you do buy him. Furthermore he is harder on his clothes than you are and necessarily demands more wear resisting quality, both in fabric and needlework. As long as the opportunity awaits you to insure these essentials and at such reasonable prices, why not bo particular altout getting your clothes hero where we ore very particular that you get nothing but the lost your money can bu.f. Priced from $3.00 to $10.00 Alexander Dgp'f . Store We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps . You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the QUELLE Particular cooka Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakea Good coffee Every day We Invite your . patronage and aim to please you. A clean kitchen Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fontaine La Tuntalne Block, Main Street Automobile Gabs TOV1UXU c.u ixm coux- TltV TRIPS. TAXlCAIl SKKVICK IX CITY. Day'andlNight 25c to tiny part of city. Stand at Hotel St. George. rilOXK MAIN' 12. Gurdane!&Folsom, Props To continue afternoons and evenings for 10 crowds. Sale commences each afternoon 2:30 My entire stock to be sold to the highest bidder without WILLIAM Sugar-Coffee Magnate Die. New Work, March 27. John Ar buckle, the sugar and coffee magnate, died suddenly at his home here to day. A cold, contracted Saturday suddenly grew worse and physicians were unable to revive him. Prj.ES, CURED 1M a TO 14 DATS. Tour druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of Itching Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles In to 14 days. 50c. DOUBT CAXXOT EXIST. Investigation Will Onry Strengthen tbo Proof We Give In Pendleton. How can doubt exist In the face of such evidence? Read here the en dorsement of a representative citizen of Pendleton. Mrs. William McGregor, 711 Lllieth street, Pendleton, Oregon," says: "I was troubled from childhood by kid ney complaint. My handa and feet swelled, In fact my wnole body bloat ed and I had a great deal of trouble from the kidney secretions. There was a dull pain In my back and aides and often after stooping, I found It difficult to straighten. Ditzy spells and headaches were frequent and my nerves were 'all unstrung. I rested poorly, and on arising In the morn ing was tired and devoid of ambition. Aa time passed, my condition be came worse and it would be hard to fully describe the misery I endured. I spent many dollars for doctor's treatment and I also tried various remedies but to no avail until I pro cured Doan's Kidney Pills. This preparation restored me to. good health. I do not hesitate to tell of my experience and I trust that my statement will be the means of help ing other kidney sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United State. Remember the name Doan's and take 3 0 other. Orplieum. An extra good program' of Tues day's change. Four full reels of the best pictures. 1. Her Last Shot." Vltagraph. A convincing, truthful and . dramatic protrayal of pioneer life In northern MlnneHota, featuring Maurice Costel to as the trapper. 2. -"His Daughter." Edison. A father who leaves home on .the ac count of his nagging wife, secures a position as heud waiter In a restau rant.' His daughter follows suit-a few years later and is taken there to dine by a theatrical star. She Is recogniz ed by her father in time to prevent a fa'se marriage and a happy family reunion follows: . 3. "The Coquette." Selig. Hugh and Ida, a pretty crippler girl, are In love. Mabel, called "The Coquette," is rescued from a shipwreck' by Ida's brother. She is taken Into Idu's home and Bob falls In love with her. She favors Hugh and he soon forgets about Ida. This rouses a certain jealousy In nob and also a strong re sentment against Hugh's treatment of his sister. A fight follows between the angered men. Mabel is turned out of the Darrow home and goes to live with the parson. 4. "Farming In Tunis." Pathe. This film shows the antiquated meth ods of the Turnisclan farmers. 5. "How Plants Are Born, Live and Die " Pathe. This film shows the germination of the eed In the soli, how the roots sprout, how the stalk forms and the leaves and buds ap pear. 6. "Mr. Bughouse la Cured." Pa the.. How Mr. Bughouse is saved from going crazy. How the doctor bored a little hole in his head and ex tracted a wlerd noise that had been keeping Mr. Bughouse awake at night. Musical program j H'Trovatore V'altz Verdi. 2 Toreadors Song, from Geo. Bizet. 3 Faust Waltz. Gounod. 4 Stephanie Gavotte. Czibulka. 5 Soldier's Chorus from Faust. Gounod. Tlio Pastime.' The home of good pictures. Tues day's change of program: "The Physician's Honor," Lulrin. Dr. Henry Cole Is engaged to Emily Ives, a rich society girl. He is about to take his fiancee to a ball when a hasty call is made for him to attend the sick child of a -poor family. Re alizing his duty he tells the young lady they must give up the function to which she strenuously objects. The doctor, however, does his duty and the young lady finally admits she was wrong. "There's Many a Slip," Essany. There's many a hearty laugh con cealed In the footage of this comedy. Dan Cupid a pair of lovers and stern mammas will start your giggles. "The Peril of the Plains," Kalem. Nancy and Bob, settlers children, are captured by Indians, but escape in a basket. This Is only one of several sensational incidents in this picture, which shows the indomitable spirit of the early settlers. "The Commuter's Wife," Edison. A comedy of complex situations, cleverly played. Musical selections: No. l. Indian Girl Patrol F. Low- enstlne. No. 2. Oh That Navajo Rag E. Val. Alstyne. No. 3. My Hula-Hula Love Indian Two Steyp. No. 4. Big Pow Pow Intermezzo F. M. Pearce. No. 5. Valley Flowers-Intermezzo Two Step K. Mills. Cosy. Monday and Tuesday see the real istic fire Bcene in the thrilling story: "The Gentleman Fireman." Itala. The fireman's wife met a former lov er in it private dining room and a ra ging fire broke out, cutting off their escape. Her husband came with the engines and attempts a rescue. Her companion's quick wit saves her from discovery and her husband is unaware that he is saving his wife. , "The Doc-tor's Duty." American Eclair. The doctor's blind sister was robbed while leaving her burning home and the doctor found the loot on a wounded Italian. His sense of duty compelled him to save the man's life, who was really innocent so all ends well. "By Decree of Fte." Champion. The girl married the doctor's rival, and later they all met In the west, where the big hearted' doctor's kind ness to the girl during her husband's fatal illness, caused her. to turn to her old love. "A Japanese Love Story." Lux. Comedy drama, telling in a quaintly delightful manner the difficulties which beset the love story of a Jap anese girl and an army officer. HM3 BY THE THOUSANDS FORT GEORGE COUNTRY IX CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM BIA THE GOAL OF HOMES EEKERS. Owing to Ever Increasing Demand for This Fertile Farm Land, Prices v Are Expected to Soon Soar. ' Buying lands In the fertile valleys of Central British Columbia, near Fort George, is not speculation. The Grand Trunk Pacific, Canada's great transcontinental railway, has just built into this territory and opened to settlement what is termed by all who have thoroughly famil iarized themselves with the- mild cli mate, rich soil and beautiful scen ery, as "The Paradise of the Pa cific." British Columbia is an undevelop ed region affording great opportun ities to those who get in on the "ground floor." As evidence of his great confidence in the British Columbia country, the Duke of Sutherland bought 10,000 acres of these lands in London dur ing the year 1910. Later, he came out with a party of titled gentlemen and purchased 15,000 additional acres This entire acreage is being cut up into 40 acre farms and will be colonized by the Duke of Sutherland, working in conjunction with the North Coast Land Co. The farms will be cleared, fenced, barn erected and first crop put in. The North Coast Land Co. will lo cate about 5,000 Scotchmen this spring on these lands which arej about -20 miles S. E. of Fort George, on the Frazer river at a place called White's Landing. This company has also established a large German set tlement about 5 miles S. E. of Fort George, many sections of land hav ing been sold to the latter. Where the North Coast Land Co. can sell six or more sections to any one colony wishing to locate In the Fort George country, they will as sure the building of needed roads through the Provincial government; will deed enough land for school house, church and cemetery; will pay for one half of construction school house and church and help the set tlers In every way possible. Two years ago there were only 200 people In Fort George; at present there are over 2,000 and at the end of this year we can reasonably ex pect a population of over 10,000. Work is plentiful here. Land of all kinds has doubled in price in the last two years. What will it do In two more years when the railroads are all completed, when the land Is well forward in development and homeseekers who will be arriving by the thousands from tnts on commence to reap their returns. 1 -If you want to learn the truth about this great country, ask us.. XORTH COAST LAXD CO., LTD., W. A. Scale, Pacific Coast Mgr. St. George Hotel, Pendleton. Flattery is a key that has opened many a silly woman's heart. OSIER RIFHT: YOUTH SUCCEEDS AGE Osier isn't the only man who turns down old age. In the business world the "young man" is always the one who picks the plums. It is an age of "new thought," "new talent," etc., and the old man is passed by in the face. One of the first signs of coming age is the appearance of gray hairs. When you see them, act promptly. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy will correct this sign, which so often de ceives people into thinking that age Is really upon them. It Is a. well known fact that Sage and Sulphur combines these old-time remedies with other agents, which remove dan druff and promote the growth of the hair. The manufacturers of this remedy authorize the druggists to sell It un der guarantee that the money will be refunded if it fails to do exactly as represented. Don't look old before your time. Get a bottle of Wyeth's Page and Sul phur today and see what an improve ment it will make in the appearance of your hai This preparation' I? offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle, and Is recommended and sold by special ugent, Pendleton Drug Co. (Paid Advertisements.) ' I- ', JERRY RUSK Progressive Republican Candidate for Nomination For Congressman . Eastern Oregon District. "For Roosevelt and Progressive Pol icies Against Taft and Stand patlsm." S. D. PETERSON Of Milton. Republican Candidate for Itcnomina tlon for Representative. A man who works for legislation in the interests of the people, who re fuses to take dictation from the ma chine politicians. At the last session the machine politicians attempted to dominate him both in the speakership fight and in legislation; but they failed in every instance. Investigate his record and see where he stood with the machine or with the people. ! . T. D. TAYLOR Democratic Candidate for Nomination at the Primary Election For Sheriff Present incumbent. FRANK SALING Republican Candidate for Nomina tion at the Primary Election For County Clerk Present incumbent. Horace Walker Republican Candidate for Nomination for County Commissioner Present incumbent. My platform: "Good Roads and Per manent Improvements." I. E. YOUNG Candidate for the Republican nomi nation for County Superintendent t record of 19 years successful teaching. We Sell Sulphurro Koeppen's The drug store that strve you best. days Join with the and evenings at 7:30. reserve and without limit , ' . ' V- . ' t GEO. T. COCHRAN Progressive Republican Candidate for nomination Representative in Congress Second District. JAMES P. NEAL Candidate for Republican Nomination for District Attorney H. A. Waterman ' Of Hermlston. Oregon, Republican Candidate for Nomina tion for COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner, sub ject to the approval of the people at the Republican Primaries. 1 I stand for an economical admin istration of county affairs as a busi ness basis, and for permanent Im provement of our public roada J. F. WALLAN Of Adams ' Candidate for County Clerk Subject to wishes of the voters In Republican primaries. "Let The Good Things Go Round." If elected I will give accurate and straight-forward servic to all the people. A native-born Umatilla county man I ask you to give me your support and Influence. Candidate for the Republican Nomi nation for County School Superintendent. FRANK K. WELLES The Cliildrcn's Friend" "For the past twenty years Mr. Welles has given his entire time and energy to public school work In Uma tilla county. He is devoting his life to the education and welfare of our boys and girls." B. S. Burroughs Republican Candidate for Nomina tion at coming primary election For County Recorder of Conveyances Present Incumbent. - - - Pendleton's Lead ing Jeweler