PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGONIAy. PENDLETON, OREGON", SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1912. TEN PAGES WEST URGES CONTROL PUBLIC UTILITIES fiOVKUXOIt AIMMIOVFS OF HY MILAliKEY 1 VMIowiin; SlorjuT of IH)rr Conauies CJownior ioint. Out Novelty of Kimi-tintf l.s That Will I'ntie llaiiiU vf lVk Sai.m, iro., March SO Declaring that tlu mYrgf-r of the Portland Kail way. Upht & I'owtT Company and the Mount Hwo, Tower comiany's inter ests has loft the people with their hands Jieil. G.t-rnor West stated that thrri? is bi file thing left for the cilizi-ns to ilo aiul that is to exercise regulation ov r the public utilities of the slate anil he believes that the Malarkcy public utilities bill is the so lution of he question. "I v;;s not in the least surprised when I heard of the merser." stated Governor West upon his return from eastern Oregon. "It was to be expected a si there were no obstacles in the way of it and it was pood business from the standpoint of the Portland Kailway, Lisht & Power company. "Thero Is no use wasting our breath now in railing at the company. We should rather congratulate it up on its luck in finding uch 'easy pickings' out here In Oregon. "The all-wiso Creator planned for a model city when he molded the site of Portland and the surrounding country. Just think of its unusual natural advantages. On top of it all he placed near at hand, and where it could be harnessed at a minimum cost, an abundance of water power la order that the Inhabitants of this beautiful and wonderful city might be supplied with an unlimited amount of cheap light, heat and power. "How have we cared for this birth right? We didn't even succeed in trading it for a mess of pottage. We gave it away, but gave a bonus along with it. as was done when the locks were built at Oregon City. "After, we had seen the falls of the Willamette slip from our fingers one would have thought that we should have turned our attention to the Clackamas and Sandy rivers, but we did not. We simply turned over in bed and went to sleep. In the mean time the power trust has stepped in and taken it all. Being absolutely up against it there is nothing left for us to cto but to make the best of it and turn our thoughts to regulation. IVople tTrn lXwuinil rower IJatos. "The people are entitled to and can demand reasonable rates and adequate service and these no doubt can be secured through the JIalarkey public utilities bill." Woman's Power Over Man Woman's most glorious endowment it the power to awaken and hold the pure and honest love of a worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on, aw one in the wide world can know the heart agony she endures. The woman who suffers from weak mass and derangement of her special womanly or ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of a man. Her general health suffers and she lose her food looks, her attractiveness, her amiability aad her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., with the assistance of his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many thousands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for woman's ail ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regu lates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No ktnest dealer will advise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. IT MAKES WEAK "WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. Dr. Pteiw'j Pfeasiot Pellets regulmtm mad ttnagtbta Stomach, Lhvr mod BonU. "I believe that It will develop that It is a good bill. If It proves to have weak points they can be strengthened from time to' time as was done with the railroad commission bill." Governor West declared that the city of Portland lust its golden oppor- unity in the past by not aecurmg the waters for power purposes. "Had laws been passed enabling Portland to file on the water, even if it did not feel t that time ns though It could enter into the power and light busi ness extensively, it would keep the water for future use," he stated, sug gesting at tho same time he believi the main volution of similar problem! Is In public ownership of this class of utilities. STANTIELD MAY A BIT t itizkxs won.n UK.IW ix CITY'S COlilDlt.YTK LIMITS SNvliil Illcvtion May Ilo Hold to Uo tnni Orchard Tracts in City to Ult ra! lltru-t Suffrage .Move started. (Special Correspondence.) Stanfield, March 30. Wednesday evening a meeting of Stanfield citizens was held for the purpose of discuss ing the question of reducing the size of the corporate limits, it being the opinion that a considerable acreage of orchard tracts now in the city limits should again be consigned to the ru ral district. A special election is being talked of In order that the mat ter may be determined by ballot. Mrs. Sarah Bardfield Erhgott, or ganizer of the state central committee of the Oregon Equal Suffrage League was In Stanfield Wednesday after noon and evening and gave two very interesting addresses on the subject of equal suffrage. The afternoon meeting was held at the home of Mrs. E. N. Wheeler and was attended by a number of women who are much interested in the subject. The even ing address was delivered by Mrs. Erhgott to a large number of men who had assembled at the old school house, the address helne- given at the close of a meeting held by the men.1 Mrs. Erhgott made a very favorable impression on her hearers at both meeting and many "votes for women" will result. RELIABLE DEFENDERS OF OUR COUNTRY, THE SOLDIER Hi' 9 It N 3 9 Gtuu-mntwd unttor tb. Food anil Druiu t tr Jun. lutu, 1Dj4. burial No. Lr H. K. BuokU-u Co. VYI. 14-1 ru I J TO ALCOHOL 4 Ft CtT. H!M1US fUlTD CflLOROrOKM re rn3iDoocr MdWIMUtlU UMIMItt 31 BSS&r Jr CHICAGO. ILL. f C9tMt 5Ltwai. QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS DBS , KOLW NEW DISCOVERY JUST AS QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS OF COUGHSandCOLDS And all Diseases of ' THROAT AND LUNGS QUICKEST AND SUREST WHOOPING COUGH AND p' M ana ana ana, ka SkX" onuntniAL r b lil b L Y Price 50c and $1.00 T- SOLO AND GUARANTEED BY 1 i n i i as KOEPPEN'S The Ladies Aid society of Hope Presbyterian church was entertained Thursday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Chas. Hoggard. The society subscribed $100 to the fund for build ing a new church, work on which will be commenced shortly. Delicious re freshments were served by the hos tess. Attorney A. W. Gray has commenc ed the erection of a residence on his orchard tract east of town. li. E. Oliver of Portland, was tran sacting business here Thursday. Mrs. A. E. Hessler went to Port land Wednesday for a visit of a few days. n Contractor H. E. Allen returned from Portland Thursday where he spent several days on business.' Dr. O. E. Watts arrived from Port land Thursday afternoon and has been looking after his business interests here. Dr. Turley of Hermiston wa9 a bus iness caller here Thursday morning. Mayor James M. Kyle went to Pen dleton Wednesday and other points in the eastern part f 'he county. n. W. Fietcner, circulation mana ger of the East Oregonlan, was tran sacting business Tiere Thursday. J. T. Hlnkle of Hermiston, candi date for representative, waa a Stan field v'sitor Thursday. M. It. Ling was attending to busi ness at Pendleton Thursday. v If you have trouble In getting rid of your cold you may know that you are not treating; It properly. There Is no reason why a. cold should hang on for weeks and it will not If you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by all dealers. Evory Woman U Interested and should know hout th wonderful a- MARVEL Whirling Stray ni sew vaginal syringe. eat omt convenient. It cicaaies luuntlr. Ask jrout druggist for If be cannot euDolv th MARVEL, accent do otbeiN kot (end Ramp for llluitreted took tealed. It Elver full pertlcu- lan ind direction! Invaluable to ladiea. Mitm CO- 44 tail 21a 4rttae Tark FT7n vUl IN (r V u u The Sale Will Continue Afternoon and Eve nings for 10 Days-Join With the Crowds. MM In raw I am not going to retire, but take this means of raising ready cash, and reducing my large stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Gut Glass, Hand-Painted China, Umbrellas, Etc. Is liming 1 (7$i n n nn n lay, ovum at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. and continuing for 10 Days Everything will be sold to the highest bidder, without reserve or limit. Take advantage of this golden oppor tunity to purchase high-grade goods at your own price. You are invited to call and look the goods over, make your selection and start them at your own valuation. , I have secured the services of Mr. E. H. DeSelms, of San Jose, California, America's well-known jewelry auc tioneer and entertainer. He will sell the goods and please you all. . (Gum EsiDijS (Sgdudd Lsi-S (Sam ADD ft T3inni8 WSLUAM Pendleton's Lead ing Jeweler