East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 30, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Another Express Shipment
Suits. 0
For Easter Wear
Suits .... $20.00 and $25.00
Coats . . . . 9.50 to 22.50
Dresses 7.45 to 25.00
All Sizes
F. E. Livengood & Company
"The Ladies and Children's Store"
An exceptionally good program for
Sunday' change. Four full reels of
Uie best pictures:
1. "Carr's Regeneration." Vita
graph. How an ungovernable temper
was brought under control.
j 2. - "The 'Lemon.' " Essanay. A
comedy gem, featuring Whitney Ray
mond In a splendid feminine imper
sonation. A vaudeville artist v is an
nounced by a grouchy manager, to be
! a "lemon." The young man plans a
I novel revenge upon the manager.
3. "The Alcalde's Conspiracy." kh
lem. Basillo and Melltte are sweet
hearts. The Alcalde la much attract
ed by Melitte'a charms. The Alcalde
sends a note to Melltte asking her to
come to his house, as his sister Is
nick. ' When she arrives there sha
finds she has been tricked and makes
her escape.
4. "What Fate Ordained." Lu-
hln. Tom Scott and Ida Brown are,
lovers. He tells her- he can not mar
ry her because he has lost his for
tune. This angers Ida. She accepts
the attentions of a rich man mucn
older than herself..
Musical program
1 Chantlc'.eer Rag. Albert Grum
ble. 2 Play Dat Rag.
3 Thut Italian Rag.
4. Thut Hypnotising Rag.
Bicycles! 727 Johnson street.
. Main 178 for coal and wood.
For Rent Front office In Judd
building. F. E. Judd.
L C. Snyder will spray your trees.
Spray dope for sale by gallon.
Phone Koplttko ft Qlllanders, (or
dry wood and Rock Spring coal.
Everybody toes to the Orpheum ti
see the best and the clearest pictures.
AM kinds of good dry wood, also
clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Koplttke A Qlllanders.
'Wanted Woman to call at private
heme and do family washing each
week. Inquire "I" this office.
Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Bara, 620 Aura street. Phone Main It.
For good cedar posts, go to the
Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber
Large stock of telephone poles at
the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lum
ber Yard.
For Rent House, modern conven
iences. North Side, inquire 223 Per
kttia avenue. ,
House for rent, three locks from
Mala street, furniture for sale. Every
thing complete. A bargain. Inquire
Mrs. Lee Teutsch.
Lost rSorrel horse, weighing about
& pounds, marked S C on left stifle.
Any Information regarding same, ad
drees T. J. this office.
For transfer work, hauling bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos, and all kinds of Job work,
phone Main 461. B. A. Morton.
For Rent to a lady, a large, well
furnished room, with sewing machine,
very close In. Cheap. Inquire 719
Save yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly.
.Ben L, Burroughs, phone Main 6.
We have on hand several cigar
show cases and counter show cases
that wo will sell very reasonable If
taken at once. Pendleton Planing
Mill and Lumber Yard.
For sale Big white eggs. full
blood S. C. Black Mlnorcas, the kind
that lay big eggs and lota of them. $1
per 15. J. Q. Mllier, 704 E. Court
The State Hotel, corner Webb and
Cottonwood streets, under new man
agement Furnished rooms by day,
week or month. Phone Main 603.
For rent Suite of unfurnished
housekeeping rooms In East Oregon
Ian Building. Steam heated, also gas
range In rooms. Apply at this office.
Work Horses for Sale.
For sale, twelve head good work
horses. For further particulars ad
dress James Hill, Helix, Oregon, or
call at my ranch, four and one half
miles west of Helix. ,
Alfalfa, Fruit and Garden Truck.
I have a few diversified farms left
for sale on Birch and McKay creeks.
The best bargains in the county la in
that vicinity. E. T. Wade.
Notice to Stockmen.
For Rent 240 acres good pacture.
Plenty of water, at Meacham, Oregon.
Inquire of Koplttke & Co., Pendleton,
Oregon. .
Vp to Date Noodle Parlors,
The Con Dung Low Chop Suey and
Noodle Parlors will open Tuesday
evening at seven o'clock, closing at
two o'clock. We solicit your patron
age. Under State " Hotel, corner
Webb and Cottonwood streets. Phone
Main 667- Tray orders a specialty.
Un Company, props.
Land for gale.
1150 acres, 350 beaver dam land,
3 sets of buildings. 4 orchards, ISO
acres hay meadow, western Oregon,
creeks and sprtngn, 7 miles from
railroad. Tou will buy this If you
have the price. Will make 4 good
stock ranches. Price 125 an acre,
half cash. Beaver dam land Is worth
more than is asked for all. 120 acres
good timber. W. D. Mixter, Albany,
Tablets. Druggists refund money If It
falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S slgna
cure Is ou each box. lit.
To loan $10,000 on good farm land
security. For sale, 480 acre wheat
farm at a snap. Also have two lots
in SDOkano and two lots in Milton
which will sell or trade for residence.
In Pendleton. J. G. FINNEY.
1 nniv Service to Asylum.
Our dray will make regular trips
Monday Wednesday and Friday at 2
o'clock. Penland Bros.' Transfer Co.
Main 339.
Special This
We save you money; our stock
to complete and your prescrip
tions dispensed as the Dr. pre
scribes, by old reliable drug
gist at a very low price.
Just received a fresh atock of
the popular red toand candy at
2o per pound.
F. J. Donaldson
Reliable Druggist.
'. We give) Peoples Warehouse
Trading Stamps.
'The fotlowlng story under a Berke
ley, California, date line, tells of the
death In Arizona of a niece of Mrs.
H. E. Bickers of this city. The young
iadu was well known to many here.
Berkeley, March 16. News has
been received from Prescott, Arizona,
of the death of Miss Susie Hiestand,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Hie
stand, 2640 Detroit way.
Miss Hiestand had been In Pres
cott for a year and a half for her
health. She was formerly a resident
of East Oukland and a student of the
Oukland high school and University
of California.
Deceased wns 2 7 years old and is
survived by her father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. N. W Hiestand, one
sister, Miss Alice, and two brothers,
Charles and Herbert Hiestand.
Tho remains will be brought home
for interment.
The rantlrrie.
Tho hnmo of eood pictures. Sun- (
day's change of program.
"A Prisoner of Mexico." Kalem.
A Btirring military drama based on
the late Mexican revolution. This
picture contains a romantic love story
and abounds with thrilling military
'Tmbre'lns to Mend." Vitagraph
To please his wife he takes a bunch
of umbrellas to the. repair shop.
There's a laugh in every move and
every move's a funny picture. Bunny
Is at his funniest in this comedy.
"Tricked Into Happiness." Lubin.
Dick Walton by an accident la de
prived of his eyesight. His sweet
heart decides she cannot marry a blind
man and elopes with Will Emmet,
who has been Dick's rival. Later
Mildred's sister marries Dick, his eye
sight is restored and he is made
happy. Mildred returns home, having
found her husband was unworthy.
"Brothers." American Pathe. In
this story the brothers go through a
series of exciting adventures, which
makes this one of the best westen
films released In some time.
Musical program:
No. 1 Perjura. Spanish Dance. M.
L. de Tejart.
No. 2 Quand 1' Amour Refleurit.
Waltz. Cremleux.
No. 3 Zacatecaa. March. G.
4 National Air of Mexico. Medley.
M. R. Toledano.
. Cosy.
Friday and Saturday, every one of
these are full of snap, vim and stir
ring action.
"God Disposes." Solax. , Sensation
al story convincingly told. After be
ing disowned for marrying an act
ress, the rich man's son in despera
tion robs his father's office and Is
saved from killing him by his little
son, who softens grandpa's heart and
brings forgiveness.
"From the '400' to the Herd." Am
erican. Charming tale of western life,
containing a pretty little romance
pictured among the beauties Of Cal-
Monday Evening, April 1st, '12
mmm, i&mA
mi . v.i
1ft,,. i M
20 notifies
A fine evening's entertain
ment has been arranged by the
committee in charge.
Auspices of
Athletic Club
lfornla. A . story of indescribable
"A Passing Cloud." Lux. Pret
tily told story in which the cloud of
doubt dissolves into the sunshine of
trust and happiness.
"Taming Mrs. Shrew." Rex.
Comedy of country life. Poor Ptubbs
is driven from home by a nagging
wife. A year later, disguised as the
minister he comes to eee his daugh
ter Louise. A carefuly worded letter
to her is found and the whole town
is at the meeting place. Surprises
come thick and fast and the laugh
comen also.
"Bill & Bertie's Wedding Dal."
Lux. Two wedding parties furnish
some amusement when they meet in a
grove and disagree.
At the Grand.
Another Orpheum feature act,
Bisbee & Connelly, the great western
mimical act of culture and refine
ment. This is the best and only act
of its kind that ever visited Pendle
ton; it combines the features of a
vaqucro with the refinement of the
accomplished musician. Mr. Bisbee
in swinging llio rope and playing at
the same time-puts our cowboys In the
shadow. Another change for our
cowboys to learn a new trick for our
next Round-Up. These people are
booked for the eastern time and this
is the last chance to see them.
Another act a little out of the ordf- -nary
run of sketches is Rogers St
Kuhnle in "Seminary Girl." This is
a little comedy full of original jokes
and comedy.
' The motion pictures are extra good
for this change. Special mention 1
need be made to the Gaumont fea- -ture,
"The Maid of Argos." This i.i
a hand-painted, clear and steady
picture and worth alone the price 01. '
Don't fail to see this show, as it i
sure. to please everybody.
Entire change next Monday when
another feature act wi:i be on the
laurel" flanges are
I Largt
omamtntal cAe draft.
Springfield, Ills., March 30. By
unanimous vote, the lower house of
the state legislature passed the son
ata presidential primary law, giving
Illinois a vote on presidential pref
erences at the state primary April 9.
The bill promises that a vote will be
taken with the congressional districts
as units.
The bill provides that a place on
the ballot shall require a petition
with 1500 signatures and also the vote
on delegates at largo will be state
wide. The vote on other delegates
will be a congressional vote and be
advisory but not mandatory.
slon to tht length of fin bo
i pmuiata or txira ions''
W arming oven.- Extra largt
and heavy, richly ornamen
ted with nickel. Lift-up
roller door.-
Pouch feed door for tool. -
low equal dlttrlMlon effm I
fun imnim oj prm ww.
Combination end draft full
length of fire bo. Convenient
for etirrlng up fire with poker.
I Duplet crate for wood or coal.
eoii'w removta.
T. R. Address Small Crowh.
Milwaukee, March 30. En route to
Chicago, Colonel Roosevelt spoke to
a small crowd at tb railroad station
Drop feed door, particularly
convenient when, burning
Oven Boor eteol lined thut
preventing the mlchel fro
turning dark from heat.
There Is more Catarrh In this section of
the country ttisn all other diseases put
together, and until the last few years was
supposed to be incurable. For a great 1
many years doctors pronounced It a local
disease and prescribed local remedies, and
by constantly railing to cur with local
treatment, announced It Incurable. Bclcnce
has proven catarrh, to M a constitutional
disease and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney Co., To
ledo, Ohio, la the only constitutional cure
on the market. It Is taken Internally -In
doaes from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It
acta directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the syatem. They offer one hun
dred dollar for any cue it falls to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials.
Address : T. 1. COENKY 4 Co., Toledo,
Bold by Promrlsrs, 75c.
Take Hall's Family rills for consti
pation. .
laurel covert heat
quickly and are
Itrongly braced In
epoke-rlb fashion.
aerfeetlu level
trttem.Stnvilg noep-bramel
' Miliar ii i7.v.-yfcr rminwf.Mi.N,. I roller Hoar- I S I
iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimnmii!iii5t x x
jp ' 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i u i ij 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it t o oi7j rcj ih linn ,
1 Sj IwmiHIIIIIIHINilKIIIIIIIHIiniMiinHnmnnrirr TCga
OM I mtbeeWkeb tffl t1 -Bk 1
DMston atrip, making tmo
fluts. In this itvay M firm it
circulated tinder the xco
otrt before entering amok
pipe. This U one of the Lau
ret special and patented features.
The overt too is orotected bit
a heavy cast from grate which
19 pitta witn pre proof ce
ment that protects the steel
and wilt mot wearauatf Hka '
sheet asbestos.
Direct draft dam per conven
iently located in front of
All copper reservoir. Does rtov
sweat, rust or corrode and
will last for years I
Showing fiues under reser .
oolr. Another exclusive Lau
rel feature patented. Bu
means of this fluecircutatiott
an equal Quantity of water
wilt heat almost as quickly '
this reservoir as In a teaket
tie and as can be seen will be
easily kept hot with damper
closed by the contact heat
with end flues of the range.
When this damper is turnrd
down the full strength of
the fire Is circulated beneath
the entire bottom of fer
tfofr tank.
Oven dtwr balanced by spring
neatly ca ped coer and away
rom heat which might m ea
rn It.
QpWSUe this pvint the clean
out door Is lorared and gives
access to both fiues under o
oen as u-e'l as bark flues of
ratge. Care is taken to make,
this door air tight on every
I White alummurd ouen shelf I
anJvtm gonr lining. i
Bottom of ooen flue strongly I
bract d and protected with I
thick asbestos board. ' I
Division strip under oven,
smkino two fiues. Insures mm
mgmaldistribmttmmof heat umm
dr entire mmim mottom.
mthes msdumium LaureJ ferny
Second Hand Stoves Taken in Exchange for New. Household Goods Eojghtand Sold,
Empire block, corner
Webb and Garden Sts.
'Complete Line of House Furnishings Always Carried in Stock
Empire Furniture Store,
('HAS. KOCH, Prop.
ri.oue 3201