Early Showing of New Sprun Men (SSfor 77 Copyright Hart, Sdufiner k Mare F you're particular about hav ing your clothes in good style and you ought to beyou'd better be particular where you go to buy them. That doesn't mean that you wont find stylish clothes for sale in a good many places; but it means that if you don't get anything bzt style, you9 d better not buy. The object in being particular about style is to have clothes that look stylish; and you want them to keep on looking stylish and clothes don't do that unless they're made to do it; and "made-to-do-it" means all-wool fabrics. And that's the only way to get style that stays; and that's why HART SCHAFFNER & MARX name in a garment means so much to the man who buys the clothes to wear. You see for yourself what the style is; when you see that name you know it's style that's going to stay stylish. How about it? We've got the clothes here; and you've got the money; we both need each other. Suits $20 and up. Overcoats $18 and up Other All- Wool Clothes $10.00 to $20.00 YOUR MOXEY WILL BUY MORE REAL QUALITY HERE THAN IN ANY OTHER STOJtE IN EASTERN OREGON. In our men's department QUALITY ia our slogan. Wo handle the . Lest quality line, in America. Hart, Scbaffner & Marx clothes, Jno. R Stetson hats, Manhattan shirts, Lcwia Underwear, Oarhartt Overalls, Blocks Gloves- Waterhouse Neckwear, Evenvear Sox. You can buy here with absolute confidence. Everything we handle is the best of it kind and costs vou no more than the "take-a-chanco" kind you are offered in many stores. TIig Peoples Uareliouse Where It Pays to Trade-Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps PRLMlUM COUPON 18 COUPOW The Home of HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX Clothes OF RQTHROGK AT REST (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., March 30. The fu neral services of Mrs. Lucretla Roth rock were held In the Methodist church on Tuesday morning. Rev. Meldrum, pastor of the Christian church of Athena, conducting the services. Mr. Al Xordean of Weston, was in Athena during the week. Mrs. X. A. Miller of Athena was in this city recently. Mr. and Mrs. O. X. Tork of Wes ton were In Athena Tuesday. Mr. John Banister, wheat farmer, near here, was a Pendleton visitor thU week. Mr. Venard Re 11 of Reed and Haw- mountain wan in this City this Mr. Ernest Blomgren of Weston wa In Athena Tuesday. Mr. Jack Githens of Athena was a Weston visitor this week. Mrs. O. M. Richmond of Walla Walla was in this city visiting. Mr. Albert Gould of Weston mountain visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Gould. Mr. and Mrs. John King of this city were in Athena Monday. Mrs. Clara Price of Weston was in Walla Walla this week visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Leach of Weston were in Athena this week transact ing business. Mr. Earl Dudley or Weston was in Athena Tuesday. Mr. John MacRae of this city made a business trip to Pendleton Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Taylor of Athe na were In this city Tuesday to at tend the funeral of the late Mrs. WHIN IN Portland, Oregon STOP AT TBI HOTEL ULTNOPAH "rortUnd's Largest northwest's Grandest Hostelry" Absolutely Fireproof 725 loom 300 Rooms With BUi 100 Staple Koosu - wi i. m fcrt ml bnitmwt ana SnucUl aiitrictt. The ort msiS- SZffCSkV ES-uS, SlrSTluW Hell aa Public SwuiltM W-t n. .tmort BTOOTBAI PUI-RATSS Sl.M TO tS.M FBK DAT Bhmm Meet Bmy Trsia aaa Steamer W. C. B0VB8S, kUMer J- BMWTUX, AMiiUat lUnacer Tlothrork. Mr. Fred Pinkerton of Athena was l:i this city Tuesday. Mrs. John MacRae and Mrs. Chance Turner of this city were In Pendleton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Herndon who reside near the State line were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Compton dur ing the week. Mr. William Beathe of Basket Mountain was in this city this week. Mrs. Luther Shellenberger of Wes ton was a Pendleton business visitor this week Mrs. Mabel Gillette of this city was l.i Walla Walla this week Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor of this city made a business trip to Athena Thursday. Mr Louis Carelll of . Reed and Tfawlpv mountain was in this city Thursday. Mr Wulir Pnvno. nastor of the United Brethren church was in Pen dleton this week. Mr. Fred Pitman and Mr. Guy- Michael of Reed and Hawley moun tain wp in this city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lieuallen of Ailams were In this city visiting his mother Mrs. Margaret Lieuallen this week. Mrs. O. M. Richmond who has been visiting friends and relatives during the past week has returned to ner home at Walla Walla. THIS WILL INTKUKST MOTHERS Mother Gray's Sweet Powders ror Children, a certain relief for feverlsn headache, bad stomach, teeth lng disorders, move and regulate the bowels and destroy worms. They hmau nn rnlds In 24 hours. They are so pleasant to the taste children like them. Over 10.000 testimonials Used bv mothers for 23 years. They never fail KnM hv all druggists 26c. Sam Die mailed FREE. Address, Allen 8 Olmsted, Le Roy, N. T. The "Child's Welfare" movement v. .kaii.nni) th attention of thnucVitrui uponlfl eVerywhere. Moth- r- r - era are natural supporters, anu win find in Foley's Honey ana iar com pound a most valuable aio. cou8" and colds that unchecked lead to croup, bronchitis and pneumonia yield nniniiiv tn the neaiing ana qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. For sale py an ueaiei. Tin vnii Vnow that of all the minor ailments colds are by far the most dangerous? It is not the cold Itself that you need rear, out me oeriuu diseases that it often leads to. Most of them are known as germ diseases. Pneumonia and consumption are among them. Why not take Cham berlain's CoutTh Remedy and cure your cold while you can. For sale by all dealers. v m-w-M.'a me llftlM? AN1 $.20,000 iwej aor.l D..1. Deserting a hrlde of less than a week and giving up a for . Jnm!.t0,i at more than $20,000, IUIIB l''11' - ,.t .. rinh farmer of Concord has eloped with a former sweetneart. One week ago tne youm u . ..urminn n-lrl of that town the ceremony being performed by the Rev. W W. Sharp. Aiier honeymoon In Philadelphia they went - ...nv. th irlrl's narents. Every- thing was a garden of roses until tn bridegroom lrove to laurel and tnere . .k m love. The two, so It Is charged by the deserted wife, left on the afternoon train for parts unknown By the death of a -relative the young huaband recently came into the possession of several thousand dol lars. After his marriage his father, after congratulating him. presented him with the deeds to three large farms. The young girl accused of eloping and it is said was to have been mar ls a Sussex county school teacher, and It ifl said was to have been married to the mlsBing man on the 12th of next montl PRICES FIXED FOR PEN JUTE SACKS Walla, Walla, Wash., March 80. Commenclne April 1 the price of Jute sacks manufactured at the state Denltentlary will be 8 cents, accord- In to a statement just Issued by Warden C. S. Reed. This price, which Is about half a cent under the present market price, is subject to n change by the board of control when ever a fluctuation in the outside mar- 4 titter. Of the 2.000.000 sacks apportioned tn the different counties by the board if control, nearly 80 per cent nave been sold. The remainder are still subject to the order of the counties to which they are apportioned, until April 1, when all that are left will oll Indiscriminately at the new prices 8 cents. Until that date tne fn,,r. in thiwi counties In which tim nnnortinnment has not been ex haused may procure them lor 7 cents. When you have rheumatism in your foot or instep apply unamDenain a r.inimni and vou will get quick re lef. It costs but a quarter. Why Fft-? vnr sal a tiv all dealers. tnhn w Sickelsmlt!.. Greensboro Pa., has three chlldien, and like most children they frequently take cold. "We have tried several kinds of cough moriir-in h Mvs. "but have nevei found any yet that did them as much good as Chamborlaln's Cough Rem edy." For sale by all dealers. The most common cause or insom nia Is disorders of the stomach. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets correct these disorders and enable you to sleep. For sale by -all dealers. - Bettor a strong prejudice than a weak conviction. CASCARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP Salts, Calomel and Catliurtic Villa are- Violent aiioy Act on Iluweu a Popju-r Acts In Nostrils. TnkA n PnaoarAt tnnlirht ami thor oughly cleanse your liver, stomach and bowels, and vou will Rurnlv ftl great by morning You men and wo men who have headache, coated tongue, can't sleep, are bilious, ner vous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have backache nnd icel all worn out. ArA vou Itpprtlntr rloan tnalfln u,IHi Cascarcts or merely forcing a pass ageway every rew nays wun salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? This is important. Cascaret; immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove tho sour undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off tho decom posed waste matter and poison from the Intestines and bowels. . Remember, a Caacaret tonight will straighten you out by morning. A 10-cent box from your druggist means a clear head and -cheerfulness for months. . Don't forget the Children. . STARTS BUTTKRMILK CLUB. St. Jooph to Have a Branch Means to Kill Disease. St. Joseph, Mo. A ' St. Josoph hrannVi nf thA TtitttAfirilllr PlnK had been formed by H. C. Herby, a rail road clerk ana already tnere are a large number of members. With the warm weather the list off members Is expected to increase rap idly and arrangements are being made for the output of one of the- local dairies. HUB Cb