TAOE TEN. DAILY EAST OREQOyiAN, PENDLET02COREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1912. TEN PAGES The Seeds to Sow, are the Seeds that Grow It's Time to Plant and hero is the place to get jour seeds. We have a fine lot of tie following SEED POTATOES EARLY ROSE, EARLY B URBANE", EARLY 6 WEEKS, EARLY OHIO, LATE OHIO. . lx'sides, anything von want in garden and flower seeds. All tlie early vegetables that are now on the market are to be found here. Phone orders carefully attended. Standard Grocery Company, Inc. Where AU Are Pleased Frank O'Gara, President. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treas. -I. Newsy Notes of Pendleton PERSONAL MENTION J. W. Wi'.leoxson of Walla Walla, was over from his home last evening. Robert K. Dennis of Helix, was among the visitors in Pendleton yes terday. D. M. Rice was numbered among the visitors from Walla Walla yester day. A. H. Westgate, well known Pilot Rocker, was in from his home yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Royce of Juni per, came in from their home this morning. O. G. Allen, the photographer, took his camera to the west end of the county this morning to get some views. Miss Elsie McRaynolds, popular high school student, left this morn ing for Pilot Rock to spend the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Schiffler re turned home last evening from south ern California where they had been sojourning during the winter month?. They expect to remain here for two months or longer. Joseph Scott, well known young Athena wheat raiser, has been In the city today. Joe Scott was down from Athena to day. Charles Gerking of Adams is a Pen dleton visitor today. Mrs. Jack Young of Echo was a Pendleton visitor today. Prof. O. A. Cannon returned to his home at Echo after having spent the day at the county seat. Billie Dorran returned to his home at Vansyclo today after transacting business at , Pendleton. Judge B. B. Richards was a Pendle ton business visitor today from Athe na. Harvey McDonald, formerly a Uma tilla county rancher, is over from his present home, in Wa!la Walla today. FELT BAD ALL THE TIME Shellhorn Lady Suffered a Greal Deal, But Is All Right Now. BheHhora, Ala. In a letter from this place, Mrs. Carrie May sari: "A short time ago, I commenced to bare weak pells and headaches. I felt bad all the time, and soon grew so bad I couldn't stay up. I thought I would die. At last my husband got me a bottle 'Of Card u I, and it helped me; no he got ome more. After I had taken the 'second bottle, I was entirely welL I wish every lady, suffering from ' womanly trouble, would try CarduL It is the best medicine I know of. It did me more good than anything I ever used." Cardul Is a woman's tonic - strengthening medicine for women, - made from Ingredients that act spe cifically on the womanly organs, and - thus help to build up the womanly con. vtltution to glowing good health, As a remedy for woman's Ills, It has successful record of over 60 years. Tour druggist sells it Please try It "It. t. Write to: Ladl' Advisory Dept.. Chatta ' maoca Mtdidna Co.. Chattanooca. Tenn., for Special instructions, and 64-page book, "Horn Treatnaal tor Women." taat is plain rapper, oa request. First Itaptist Church. Corner Johnson and East Alta. Rev. Herbert T. Cash, pastor. Preaching at U and 7:30. . President Penrose of Whitman College will preach morning and evening. Sunday school at 10; intermediates at 4:?0; B. Y. P. U. 6:30. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered next Wednesday, April 3. Church of the Redeemer. Tomorrow being Palm Sunday, the Right Rev. Bishop Robert L. Pad dock, D. D., will, conduct service and preach at 11 a..m. and 7:30 p. m. He will celebrate the Holy Communion and administer the rite of confirma tion at the 11 a ni. service. The an them will be "Go Forward, Christian Soldier." Mr. W. E. Rose will be the soloist The offertory solo will be by Mr. C. W. Meighan. Palms in the shape of a small cross will be dis tributed to the Sunday school and congregation All are cordially In vited. Charles 'Qulnhey, rector. Sweden to lianluli Mormons. Stockholm, March 30. The Mor mon propaganda Is about to receive a death blow. Both chambers of parliament have aereed to nas a hill expelling Mormon .missionaries from Sweedish territory and preventing the lanamg of any others in the future. lhe bill will affect one hundred Mormon agents In Sweden who have been here proselyting three years. lhe Pendleton Drug Co. la In business for Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN TOO HAVE PllESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURB MEDICXVE8 Onorator Returns Attn Illness. P., Schwitienberg, day operator at the 0.-W. R. & N. office. Is able to be at his desk araln after a. month's illness In a Portland hospital. , prises will the night and day vigil be released. Every precaution will be taken at all times to prevent any attempt at mutilation, substitution or dating theft. It has been estimated, that more than $5000,000 of the Huntington for tune is represented in the Los Robles ranch, Oak Knoll and its rich con tents. The master of the estate is reaching out for still more art rarities. riirvlmse Car; tio AfUf It. Mr. and Mrs. William Kupers have just purchased a new Everett auto and left last night for Spokane where they will secure it und return over land in it. Indian Is Arrested. - There was no session of plJWce court this morning, due to a lack of of fenders but this morning Simon Whit man, un Indian, was arrested for be ing drunk. Last lVtitlons Aro Filed. The petition of J. V. Dyke for con liable of Milton, and of George V. Done of Pilot Rock and George A. Windier for precinct committeemen, were filed yesterday, the last day on which they could legally be filed. Suhiociiaed Reforo Grand Jury. No sooner had J. G. Kilpack, rep resentative of the Boys and Girls Aid Society returned to Portland than he received a summons to appear before the local grand jury to testify in a case under Investigation. He arrived last night and has been spending the day at the court house. Young riles Ills Petition. I. E. Toung, superintendent of the Milton schools and candidate for the republican nomination for county school superintendent, came down from his home last night and filed his signed petition with the county clerk. This morning he left for Pilot Rock on a campaign trip. " He states that he is very much encouraged by the outlook. Young Girl Is an Artist. - Miss Catharine Kennedy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kennedy, for merly of this city, now living In Wa pato, Washington, is gaining consid erable distinction as an artist among her instructors and fellow students at St. Anthony's academy where she is attending school. Recently she completed two copies of Harrison Fisher pictures which are quite as good as the original. Anyone doubt ing this statement may be convinced by inspecting Miss Kennedy's work at the Frazler Book Store where the pictures were placed yesterday. T. It Han Maine Majority. Portland Maine, March 30. Colon el Roosevelt is the choice of a ma jority of the delegates so far elected in this state to attend the republican conference April 10. Figures show 178 delegates are instructed for Roosevelt and 105 for President Taft. One hundred and fifteen are unin- structed. Sis Babies Born Friday. Frenchtown, N. J. A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Zebulum Bartle- man of Tinicum is their sixth child to be born on Friday. Both of the parents were, also born on Friday. New Aeroplane Speed Record. Sacramento, March 30. Charles K. Hamilton established a world's avia tion speed record for 60 miles. He traveled in an aeroplane from Stock ton to Sacramento, a distance of 57.7 miles in 23 minutes. Dancing would be awfully hard work if it wasn't for the fun of the thing. Auk mobile Gabs TOl'ItING CAR FOR COUN TRY TRIPS. TAXICAB SERVICE IX CITY. Day'andlNight 25c to any part of city. Stand at Hotel St George. PIIOXK MAIN 12. Gurdane!&FoIsom, Props Fishing Season Opens Monday. Today local deciples of Isaac Wal ton are overhauling their fishing par aphernalia for on Monday the angling season opens and these ardent lovers of the river sport will vie with each other to be the first to whip the fa vored streams. This year the hunting and angling licenses are made out on the same form and It is difficult to get exact figures on how many fisher men have applied for the necessary slips of paper. County Clerk Saling has issued 339 individual licenses the majority of which are for angling, 56 combination hunters' and anglers' li censes, and 27 anglers licenses to non-residents. I,ast Landmark of Agency Burned. According to a telephone message this afternoon from Major Swartz- lander, agent on the reservation, a fire this morning destroyed the last landmark of the old agency. The building which was formerly used as a blacksmith shop and which was sold to Sam Bitner a year ago when all of the old buildings were put up for sale, was discovered In a blaze this morning and was soon reduced to ashes. It is presumed that hoboes started the flames. Inasmuch as all of the other buildings had been torn down, there is nothing now to mark the site of the old agency. A Conflict of Jurisdiction. The federal court and the circuit court yesterday clashed when Dep. uty Sheriff Joe Blakely went to Athe na to attach the Kidder paint store. B. B. Richards, trustee for the cred itors, had already received an order from the federal court by which ho was given authoity to sell the stock and fixtures at auction and yesterday afternoon was the time set for such sale. Several days ago George Kid der, executor of the state of B. C. Kidder, instituted a suit to secure possession of the store, claiming that it belonged to the deceased, and it was this suit which occasioned the action of the deputy sheriff. The prospective bidders, learning of the complications, refused to bid yester day and there was no saje. Now Ho mer I. Watts, attorney for the trustee, i3 petitioning the federal court for relief. MISS MOISANT NEAR DEATH. HACKED 0 VEflL For Next Week Highest Gash Prico Paid CENTRAL MEAT MARKET - WE GIVE "S. & II" GREEN STAMPS. Sister of Itomous Blrdman Almost Meets His Fate in Landing Mono plane. Shreveport, La. Miss Mathilda Moisant, sister of the late John B, Molsant, narrowly escaped her broth er's fate when her monoplane struck the ground at too sharp an anble, bounding into the air and turning tur tie. Miss Moisant jumped a few feet Just as te body of the machine. She was helped from the wreckage un hurt. HEAVY GUARD TO WATCH - $200,000 PICTURE Huntington Will Not Risk Theft wniie miming is mi vay to West. Los Angeles. To save it from pos sible Mona Lisa fate, a special guard Is being prepared to accompany the Gainsborough painting, "The Duch ess of Cumberland," from the New York art gallery, where it was pur chased by Henry E. Huntington, to the Huntington mansion. Oak Knoll. Not until the $200,000 canvas is safely hung among the other rare art Italians Invading Ieuos. Constantinople, March 30. Advices received here today by the Turkish government ar eto the effect that an Italian fleet is at station off Ieous, In the Grecian archipelago, preparing to disembark troops. ExploshHivKllU Many. Tusa, Okla., March 30. This city was shaken by an explosion at the nitroglycerine factory. Several per sons are reported killed and a heavy property loss. Sugar Trust Jury Charged. New York, March 30. Judge Hand this afternoon delivered his charge to the Jury in the sugar trust case on trial on an illegal combine charge. A verdict is expected tonight. ROYAL ROW OVER BOXING. Kaiser's Sister Will Attend Fights in Spite of WiUtelm'a Displeasure. Berlin. Despite the fact that Em peror William frowns on boxing. Princess Charlotte of Saxe Melningen, his eldest sister, continues her efforts to mnke attendance at prize fights fashionable. It was reported that the princess plans to import several prize fighters from London or Paris to give private exhibitions. Bouts cannot be too bloody or furious when the prin cess is looking on. Emperor William has ordered the suppression of boxing in the German capital. Man's favorite brand of love Is usu ally the latest. CHICHESTER S PUIS hU'lBtkr1! IMamond Tri,dA I'llle la Kr4 end li.14 mrttiiiAX Num. sealed with Blue Rltiboa. V Take us alhrr. Hn af roar V Driivrlot. Akfnrllf.4'iri:.TZae, 111 lilt t Ik uina i. - tA . yem kr own M But Safest. Always Rellal SimY WUOGISTS EVEBRMSF BRING IN YOUR PONY VOTES In order to avoid confusion as to standing o contestants In our big Pony Contest, we would like to have all votes cast as soon as possible. Standings of each boy and girl In the contest, are now dis played at our store. Tallman Co. It's a Dog-Gone Shame I a I II U jl. I r m hup I r DYEING SP0T5& STAINS that a puppy should be too affection ate in the street in muddy weather, but both ladles and gentlemen have good redress when we get their gar ments to clean. They are made to look like new again. And no matter how delicate the fabric may be, we never injure it in the cleaning oper ation. Pendleton Dye Works Phone Main 189. 106 tt E. Alta. SMOKE UP! That's the way our southern eotonsls do, Sad, balleva us, they know something about th art Go and do likewise, but GET YOUR CIGARS FROM US. 7. J. Ccr.ncr & Co. guocessor to HARRY ODSXL. Cigars, Candles, and Pool Room. Hi Main Street: Phone M. 4. Easter Fixin's For Men tho correct apparel to lie worn on Easter Sunday by particu lar dressers' sold to you here at a savin?. EASTER NFaCKWEAll EASTER SHIRTS EASTER HATS EASTER HOSIERY EASTER CLOTHING EASTER SHOES Sc largo corner window display of Xew Spring Suits. Vorkingmen's Clothing Company . Corner Main and Webb Sts. X. W. W. Wants Dynamite. San Diego, Calif, March 30. Jack Whyte, an I. W. W., suspected of making arrangements with A. E. Haw ley, a Santa Ana gun store proprietor, to purchase dynamite, and Hawley, himself, both deny there wns any such arrangement. The I. W. W. Is now making a big fight In San Di ego to get explosives. Roumanian Princess ItetrotlkHl. Budapest, March 30. Rumors of the betrothal of Princess Elizabeth of Roumania, to Prince Borus of Bul garia, are positively circulated. It is expected the betrothal will be foi ls expected the betrothal will be fol lowed by a closer alliance between the two countries, which view with recent changes of policy of Russia toward the Balkans. Official confir mation of the engagement 1b lacking. ltoowvclt Passes Through Chicago. Chicago, Marcb 30. Colonel Roosevelt arrived here at noon and took luncheon with the National Roosevelt committee at the Congress hotel. He left over the Michigan Central at 1:40 p. m. Drop in After Supper TONIGHT And compare our regular prices with so-called "Saturday Night Specials' of other stores. A Surprise Awaits You! Golden Rule Store "WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW" "Clark's, Grocery" We have on the way a ship ment of Apples. They will go at $1.00 per box. The S&H Stamps go with them. CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 612 Main Street"! rtailaaNfcaaaajapaaaaaaa,,. I FIFTEEN IFOR FIFTEEN A fifteen jewel watch for $15.00 a watch that will surely solve the timekeeping problem, for men and women who must really measure their time., SPECIFICATIONS Four, three for men and ono for women. Open face, Filled gold, Assorted patterns. Plain white enamel or decorated. Important note These watches have easily read dials just tho thing for middle-aged people own one and you won't have to hunt for your glasses to see tho time when the light is dim. Every watch is timed in two positions in the factory dial up and stem down. -They aro fitted with cut expansion balances which automatically adjust the watches to changes of temperature; patent recoiling clicks which prevent overstraining of the mainspring and consequent breakage. The woman's watches have double""toller escape ments making them safest and most prac tical small watches known. SIZES CASES DIALS TESTS- EQUIPMENT- J PRICES $15.00 each for all sizes and styles. Royal M. Sawtelle, The Jeweler