6 EIGHT PAGES PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGOyiAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TIIUItSDAV, MARSH 28, 1912. Friday Surprise Sale Our 1164th Surprise Sale offers conservative shop' pers an exceptional opportunity to save on needed articles. New merchandise of dependable quality will be offered at very greatly reduced prices. Sale begins at 8:30 Friday morning and continues throughout the entire day. 50c MARQUESETTE 33 Silk finili Marqucsetto, 3S inches wide, fine sIhht texture, jvrmanent finish, for .lr,.! nf tln mvttv kind. Koiiular 50?. SurirNt ?ale price 33 75 KIMOXA SILKS 64 ." Pieces of Kiinona Silk of best quality, in blue, eoponhiijen, ml, etc., 34 inches wide. Rcjrnlar 75C silk. Surprise sale price Glf $1.00 DAMASK S3 4 pieces of Satin Damask in beautiful floral design, of gixxl heavy linen, full wi.lth. Surprie sale price. S3 $1.50 INDIES' MUSLIN GOWNS SI. 13 Made of hot quality Xainook, trimmed with laee anl embroidery, all sizes, made right. Surprise sale price 1.13 40e PIQUE 31 French Pique in white only, fine quality, 28 inches wide. Ilegular 40. Surprise sale price .- - - 31 ?3.0S LADIES' SILK S1IIUTS $3.19 Silk shirts for women are one of the latest novelties of the season you'll like thenv Come and have a look at them whether you wish to buy or not. Surprise sale pr. 3.19 AT THE PICTURE SHOWS 65- CHILDREN'S GOWNS 42 Plain muslin gowns in all sizes, good full cut, of superior make. Surprise sale pr. 42c $1.50 BLACK LAWN WAISTS 99 Fine quality lawn, made in plain and fancy models, full range of sizes. Surprise sale price 99 75c GINGHAM PETTICOATS 59- Good quality material, blue and white, of superior make. Surprise sale price 59 25- DUTCH COLLARS 12 One lot of embroidered Dutch collars. Our regular 25C number. Surprise sale price . 12 75 CHENILLE AND BALL FRINGE 35 Any of our chenille fringes or colored ball fringes. . Surprise sale price 35 35 UNDERWEAR 21? Summer weight, long sleeve vests and umbrella pants. Surprise sale price. 21 15? HANDKERCHIEFS 7? Fifty dozen handkerchiefs, sheer mercer ized batiste, dainty design, embroidered in corner. Surprise sale price 7? 23? KNITTING SILK 18? A very choice collection of colors, best grade silks. Surprise sale price 18? $1.50 LACE CURTAINS 79? This lot includes ecru and white curtains of extra quality. A large number of colors from which to choose. Surprise sale price ... 79? 35? HOSE '15? Women's 35? fancy hose in colors and black, and 25? black hose with white feet. Surprise sale price 15? The Peoples Uarehous Where It Pays to Trade-Save YourT. P. W. Trading Stamps SB COUPON I Orpheum. An exceptional good program for Friday's change. One of the best programs ever shown In Pendleton. 1, "Her Boy." Vitagraph. Llfo and existence of mountaineers who live In defiance of the law. A thrill ing story of a mountaineer mother's love and pride In fanllly honor. The mother would rather see her boy dead than dishonored by the law. The strange stoicism and ethlms of the ex lied mountaineers. !. "The Mender of Nets." Blo- graph. The little mender is betroth ed to Tom. rejecting the suits of all others. Tom finds that his old In fatuation for Grace still haunts him Grace has sacrificed all her love for Tom and when she sees him court ing the little mender reminds him of his duty towards her. The little mender sacrifices her own love 90 Tom may go back to Grace. 3. "A Ginger Bread Cupid." Lu bin. Ed Yale and Arthur Bishop are both courting the same girl. She fa vors Arthur. One day while baking gingerbread Arthur's ring she Is wearing slips off her finger and la mixed in the d.ough On the morrow Mabel has a birthday and she tells the boys the one that brings her the lost present shall get her promise. Yale hides Bishop's present. "When he cannot find his present he decides to take the gingerbread man with the ring In It. He wins Mabel and all the rest of the girls each win sweetf hearts of their choice. 4. "The Hanger s Strategem." Ka lem. A romance of the western hills. The story of a white girl who, w hen a little girl was stolen by the Indians. Twelve years later she was rescued by a ranger, who as a reward won her for his wife. Musical program: 1 Itoyal March of Italy. Gabetti. 2 Garibaldi March. Jangora. 3 selection from Carmen." Bi.ert. 4 Santa Lucia. Gordigiani. 5 L'Asddio a Xapo'.i. Cottrau. GAS IH YOUR STOMACH, BLOAT AND PRESSURE AROUND YOUR HEART Cured, Cured to Stay Cured With Baalmann's Gas Tablets. n Tiilfva fiAR-TABLETS an mid ipwially for the cure Stomach Gaa. Gaaintheatomach and unwell u not always ubiciw. 7v- .uc touuwm or rather (mm ormiui, irritable stomach. BAALMANNS GAd-TAHLKTS th only remedy a America made especially and liirtinrtly to calm a aerrout, irritable iaJormin atomarh. Oaf amply cannot form a7t alewdayi' uS ol BAALMANN S fcAS-TABLEni because your ttomach will be quiet calm and in normal Remember BAAUf ANN'S CA8-TAIU.ETS are n , dinerent from anything in existence, contain no pepiui no aoda, no charcoal, no peppermint, no digntive 01 any kind; they are made for stomach gaa only and cure you where everything else hai (ailed. There peculiar tablets are nlil (or 50c by erery druggist, or send direct to Hahnemann Phartwy, 336 Sutter St San Francisco, "Broncho Bill's Love Affair." Bi son. A western funny film filled full of laugh producing stunts, lively events and comical happenings. "The Jewe'.s of Allah." Thanhaus er. The Jewels were stolen from a mosoue In KevDt. Then followed a world-wide pursuit by the fanatical keeper of the mosque and the dra matic recovery of the gems. the more woman s Young Tlio Grand Theater. Opening tonight, vaudeville: Doronto, the Chinese Impersonator. 2. Harry Linton, the original Hoosier Boy. Photoplays, consisting of all fea tures: 1. "The Heart of Nichette," an Edison feature; 2 "A Reformed Santa Claus. Another Vitagraphlc fea ture: - Too Much Realism. A Ka lem comedy. Doronto has worked the Orpheum circuit and comes highly recommend ed as the best In his line. The Home of HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX Clothes DIVORCE COi nT HIS TERROR So Iowtm Contractcl Trial Marriage and Is Arrested. Des Moines. A trial marriage, en tered into to make It possible to shun divorce courts, resulted In the arrest of W". H. Moon. 30 years old, and Josephine Me'.lenberg, 19. The couple has been living togeth er for six weeks. Moon told the police, and expected to continue to do so about eix weeks longer, at the end of which time, if everything had gone well, they were to be married. M"on ha such a horror of divorce courts that he decided to take a chance on a trial marriage, he explained. The police officials tried to persuade Moon to marry the girl but he refus ed to do so until his trial marriage scheme had been worked out. The young woman is detained In the ma tron's ward and Moon is out on bond. A POLITEXESS CAR" OS 'L." Chicago Straphangers Wedged Be tween I'osih to Save Jostling. Chicago. A "politeness car" is the newest innovation on the North west ern elevated railway. The car first appeared and startled many patrons between the town town district and 1vanu.ton. Along the aisle on either hide is a line of enameled posts, from floor to iling. Each passenger 19 wedged in between two of th!"e uprights. This leaves no chance for a passenger to be Jostled against his neighbor, whether standing or sitting. official of the road say the new ar rangement will entourage politeness among pa-o-engers. The uprights are a'so expected to be a relief to the trap-hanging patron. "The car at first appears like a traveling hospital or gymnasium, but it looks good," was the remark of one of the passengers. The car has been introduced as an experiment. PRISON LIFE MAKES GREAT CHANGE IS WOMAN Three Time In Shadow of Gallows, S!k Return to Her Family With trior! Education and Bright Pros- tsnri. New York. From the shadow of the gallows, Mrs. Antoinette Tolla rime to New York to rear her chil dren Into a life she never knew exist ed until ahe murdered Joseph Eonta- rea In Hacksnsack six years ago. Three times the gallows was erect ed in the Hackensack Jail yard to kill her. but petitions from thou sands of persons throughout the mid dle west, saved her life- She was freed today from the New Jersey state prison. It was shown at her first trial that she killed Sontarea because he had tried to force her to leave her husband and to drive her Into a life of shame for his profit. Her husband, Giovanni Tolla, and her two children-were waiting for her when she stepped from a train in the Pennsylvania depot. , Their meeting was pathetic. The woman, six years ago a pretty type of the Italian peasant, entered the prison illiterate and half a savage. Mrs. Tolla Is a changed woman. Her six years in prison schools had taught her English, of which she has a good command. Artistic embroid ery will enable her to earn more mon ey than her day laboring husband, she says. The contrast between the pair as they met was strange Her husband had not gone forward during the years. The woman as she emerged from the train, drew her children to her and clasped them in her arms. Then, turning to her husband and speaking In her native tongue, she bade him take advantage of American institu tions and Improve himself. "Giovanni," she said, "you must go to night school. You must learn to read and write English. It is easy, and I will help you., "After I became used to prison 1 promised God that for sparing my life I would do something to make it a better one. All my spare time I studied. I have also learned stenog raphy and typewriting." Mrs. Tolla waa presented as she left the depot with a check for $712 the balance of a fund raised for the benefit of her children at a time when It appeared certain she would be hanged. John W. Slckelsmlt! Greensboro, Pa., has three children, and lika most children they frequently take cold. "We have tried several kinds of cough medicine," he says, "but have never found any yet that did them s much good as Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy." For sale by. all dealers. Wlien Pride I Justified. Far too many mortals are vain and self satisfied because of some tem porary mercenary advantage, and in their eagerness to display that ad vantage at every opportunity often destroy their greatest blessing, the physical counterpart of sunshine, wnicn is their own health. Neglect ed colds, irregular meals, overloaded stomachs and night revelry result in snattereil nerves, depressed vigo and fatigue, all of which invite decline and disease. Each person stands sentinel at the portals of his own health and he who guards, protects, strengthens and builds up a rugged constitution Is Jus tified in pride and finds therein his own recompense the capacity to en joy the fullness of life. The strain of modern commercial and social living taxes strength and energy and in maintaining the highest self-efficiency we should not only cultivate deep breathing, out of door exercise, regularity and temperance in all things, but study the greatest of ail physical power-creators which Is body nourishment. In this, alcoholic preparations should be carefully shun ned and such pre-digested nourish ment as Scott's Emulsion which en riches the blood and creates vitality by building, healing and strengthen ing, should be selected. Scott's Emulsion Is scientifically prepared and is good for teething ba bies, nursing mothers, growing chil dren, the aged and Infirm. It con tains no wine or stimulant, but is wholesome and pure and has helped millions to regain health and sustain It. Worthless substitutes are some times offered, but Scott's Emulsion is the genuine pure food-medicine. The Pastime. The home of good pictures. . Friday's change of program. "The Transformation of Mike." Bl ograph. What a pure woman's love can do. When Mike first met the little girl of the tenement he ex claimed. "There's a real girl." At a dapce given in the neighborhood, he looks her up and despite the effort of her friends to ppose it she prom ises to be his J)est girl. Mike gang leader, was saved from wrng doing by this, goou persuasion. "The Imnoster." Lubin Lord Crowley Is on a liner bound for America to marry his cousin. Bose Conway, who has never seen him. He falls in with an udventurer. On ar rival they stop at the same hotel. In the night this man tries to rob the nobleman, and Crowley Is struck on the head and for a time loses his rea son. Lord. Crowley's health is re stored in time to prevent the advent urer from marrying Rose, as he claimed to be the young lord. "John Oakhurst. Gambler." Selig An earlv western drama depicting in tru.. il..t:iii ii nicturesuue type of man. i.ssio Has) Three Aunts." Cines. A very clever comedy. "Jenkins Stops Everything." Cines. What follows is. most amusing but Jeuklns fails to stop any thing but his career. Musical program: No. 1 Kiss Me, My Honey, Kiss Me " Twostep. Ted Snyder, No. 2 Emmalina Lee. tische. Albert Gamble. No. 3 A Little Bit of Lovin' Goes a Long. Long Way." Schottische. No. 4 Open Your Eyes. Schot tische. . No. 0 Let Me Live and Stay in Dixieland, from the Slim Princess. Schottische. Do you know tnat of all the minor ailments colds are by far the most dangerous? It Is not the cold Itself that you need fear, but the serious diseases that It often leads to. Most of them are known as germ diseases. Tneumonia and consumption are among them. Why not take Cham berlaln's Cough Remedy and cure your cold while you can. or sale by all dealers. PENDLETON-SPOPU-LAR PICTURE SHOW THE COSY Where the entire family can en joy high-class motion picture show with comfort. Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Evening-; Changes Sunday, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. Next Door to St. George Hotel. Admission 5c and 10c A pain In the side or back that catches you when you straighten up cnlls for a rubbing application of BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It relaxes tho contracted- muscles and permits ordit.nry bodily motion with out Buffering or Inconvelnence. Price 25c, 60c and SI, per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. BY THE THOUSANDS TORT GEORGE COUNTRY IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM BIA THE GOAL OF HOMESEEKERS. Schot- GIRL PUZZLES SURGEON'S. Hea,i I8 Crushed With Hatchet, Yet Her Heart Brats Normally. Milwaukee, Wis. The remarkable case of Miss Annie Mijler is puzzling local physicians. Last Wednesday night the girl waa attacked by a man with a hatchet, and her head was badly hacked, in spite of which she still lives. "I've never heard of anything like it in all my experience as a physi cian," said Dr. E. L. Baum at the Emergency hospital. "It is more of a miracle than any thing else. She received five distinct compound fractures of the skull, the right side of her brain is completely paralyzed, the entire left side of her body is also paralyzed, and at least six ounces of brain oozed out during the night. Still her heart is beating normally." , Cosy. Wednesday and Thursday, wonder ful feature unsurpassed for massive grandeur nnd regal splendor. "The Delhi Durbur." Gaumont Magnificent picture showing the scenes of oriental splendor at the cor onation of King George as emperor of India. Never since the days of ancient Home has such a gorgeous spectacle beejj seen as that attend Ing this extraordinary event, as no where else in the world can be found such a love for lavish display as among the princes of India. A tre mendous feature. "The Power of Conscience." Imp, The man, deeply In debt, was tempt ed to commit theft In order to keep 'from 'ruin, but he was saved by the voice of conscience. NOTICE OP BIDS. For rent Suite or unfurnished housekeeping rooms in East Oregon Ian Building. Steam heated, also gas range In rooms. Apply at thla office. For Water System and Pine Tjlne for Round-Up Park. Notice is hereby given that the common council of The Citv of Pendle ton will receive bids at the office of the City Recorder up to Mar. 27. 1912, at 7:S0 o'clock n m.. for the construc tion of a water system and pipe line in connection with Round-Up Fark. according to p'ans and specifications for said water system prepared by Geary Klmbrell, City Surveyor, and now on file In the office of City Re corder, said bids to be opened by the common council at Its regular meeting to be held on March 27th, 1912, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., said bids to speci fy as follows: For all pipe delivered per foot $ For laying pipe, Including excavating. back filling . trench and all labor and material necessary, per foot t For manholes, each S For catch basins, each ... $ For entire pipe line com plete (total bid) I Each bid must be accompanied by a certified chack In the sum of 6 per cent of amount bid made payable to the order of the mayor of The City of Pendleton, and the Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated March 16th, 1912. THOS FITZ GERALD, Cltj Recorder. Owing to Ever Increasing- Demand for Tlds Fertile Farm Land, Prices Are Expected to Soon Soar. BBPHiUr,. Theatre Buying lands In the fertile valleys of Central British Columbia, near Fort George, Is not speculation. The Grand Trunk Pacific, Canada's great transcontinental railway, has Just built into this territory and opened to settlement what Is termed by all who have thoroughly famil iarized themselves with the mild cli mate, rich soil and beautiful scen ery, as "The Taradlse of the Pa clflc." British Columbia is an undevelop ed region affording great opportune (ties to those who get In on the "ground floor." As evidence of his great confidence in the British Columbia country, the Duke of Sutherland bought 10,000 acres of these lands in' London dur ing the year 1910. Later, he came out with a party of titled gentlemen and purchased 15,000 additional acres. This entire acreage Is being cut up Into 40 acre farms and will be colonized by the Duke of Sutherland, working In conjunction with the North Coast Land Co. The farms will be cleared, fenced, barn erected and first crop put in. The North Coast Land Co. will lo cate about 6,000 Scotchmen . this soring on these lands which are about 20 miles S. E. of Fort George, on the Frazer river at a place called White's Landing. This company has also established a large German set tlement about 5 miles S. E. of Fort George, many sections of land hav Ing been sold to the latter. Where the North Coast Land Co can sell six or more sections to any one colony wishing to locate In the Fort George country, they will as sure the building of needed roads through the Provincial government; will deed enough land for .school house, church and cemetery; will pay for one half of construction of school house and church and help the set tiers in every way possible. Two years ago there were only 200 people In Fort George; at present there are over 2,000 and at the end of this year we can reasonably ex pect a population'of over 10,000. Work Is plentiful here. Land of all kinds has doubled In price In the last two years. What will It do in two more years when the railroads are all completed, when the land Is well forward In development and homeseekers who will be arriving by the thousands from tnls on commence to reap their returns. If you' want to learn the truth about this great country, ask us.. FASTI 1 THEATRE CASS MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest'Pictures and illustrated sons in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and enter taining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and see the next change. Adult3 10c. Children under .10 years, 5c. J. P. MADERNACn, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures For Men, Women and Children Programchanges Snnday's, Tuesday's and Friday's See Program in Today's Paper NORTH COAST LAND CO., LTD., W. A. Seale, Pacific Coast Mgr. St. George Hotel, Pendleton. Vaudouillo TONIGHT ( p a DA dl THEATRE re-opened under the former management . that made the show-house so popular and gave to Pendleton the best acta in vaudeville and latest motion pictures. We Recommend Tonight's Program Doors Open at 7. rusal Prices.